Storm Boys

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Storm Boys Page 20

by Davis Lavender

  “You’re forgetting one thing.”

  “What?” Devin called back.

  “The first time I saved you, I didn’t have any soul at all.”

  And then he was gone, bounding over the low ridge and out of sight.

  Chapter 31


  Devin didn’t stir as Airech lifted the furs and slid in beside him. He loved the feel of Devin’s freckled skin, with the curve of his arse nestled against the silky hair of Airech’s crotch. He traced the scattering of freckles on his back, and then kissed them, one by one.

  Reluctantly he rolled onto his back. This wouldn’t do at all. He had to concentrate. Fintan may be the wise one, but this was a problem for the Dark Bringer. That was the real reason Bren had approached him and not Fintan. He knew Airech would understand and do whatever was necessary to keep Devin safe.

  The cave was deathly quiet. Fintan and Cap were out, sweeping the area in their shifter forms. There was a chance some soul takers would decide to take up position early, ready to surprise them with an ambush. Soul taker incursions into the mortal realm before the window opened weren’t allowed, but Airech didn’t expect the Sluagh to follow any rules. Especially not after hearing Bren’s story. He was relieved Fintan was gone. They’d wasted too much time arguing already. Time they didn’t have.

  Fintan had proposed they barricade themselves in the cavern while the window to Devin’s soul was open. There they could keep his weakening body artificially alive with magic until they could find a more permanent solution. It wasn’t like Fintan to let emotion cloud his abilities. But his wish to lock Devin away in the cave and defend it flew in the face of all reason if you understood how death worked.

  But then, Fintan had never died. The gods had transformed him into various animal forms to outwit death, making him immortal even after he’d been changed back into his human form. He’d never experienced the relentless assault of a soul taker once a window had opened.

  Sometimes the sight of them gathering was enough to tumble someone hovering on the brink into the final pit of death. It wasn’t in their nature to stand back politely and wait patiently for someone to expire. And they didn’t have to wait this time—Devin was already dead. If Fintan had witnessed this day in, day out, as Airech had, he’d understand. Staying in the cave meant being trapped like animals.

  No. He had to bring Devin to Tech Duinn as soon as the window opened. Then he could tie his soul to his body, and hopefully, even without the missing piece, it would make him permanently immortal. Frankly, it couldn’t come soon enough. Airech was looking forward to not having to worry about something happening to him.

  Airech had almost forgotten why he’d spent centuries avoiding getting emotionally entangled with fragile mortals in the first place. Well, this was why. He was getting acquainted with emotions he’d never had much time for before. Fear was the worst one. As of today, helplessness was coming a close second.

  There was a problem trying to get Devin to Tech Duinn. They had no safe way of travelling to the Otherworld. All known points of entry would be swarming with Sluagh, and Zaz, unfortunately, knew them all. Airech gazed up at the ceiling, willing himself to make everything alright. Something made him turn to see Devin’s open, studying him, his grey eyes serious.

  “You look so gorgeous when you’re thinking,” he said. “Your eyes go extra dark and your forehead creases up.”

  “Don’t get used to it. I like leaving the thinking to Fintan, as a rule.” Airech reached out and took one of Devin’s hands in his. “You’re supposed to be resting. You’ll need all your strength for tonight.”

  “I don’t think being dead takes all that much energy.”

  “You’re not going to die.” Airech lifted his other hand and ran a tender finger along Devin’s cheek.

  “I think you’re a bit late for that.” Devin captured Airech’s hand and kissed it.

  “If you keep talking about death, I’m going to have to kiss you to shut you up. And I can’t, because I’m too busy thinking. So be good.”

  “At our school, we had a nun who would ask you how you were, and if you said you were good, she’d say, “But you can’t be good, can you? Only God is good. What you mean is you’re well.’”

  “You know the only god I listen to is me,” Airech said. “And I’m telling you to be good. So stop talking about death.”

  Devin smiled faintly. “Says the former purveyor of death.”

  “You mortals love to shoot the messenger, don’t you? You can’t take a soul unless its window is open. It’s called destiny.”

  “Sounds more like a crime of opportunity.”

  Devin released Airech and rolled over on to his back, soaking in the stars. It was Airech’s turn to watch him, admiring the curve of his jaw, remembering the first time he’d traced it with his fingers. How it felt ten times better than he’d imagined it, as they stood weighing each other up on the beach.

  “I can’t stop thinking about Bren. Or Rael, I suppose. All those years he spent just waiting for me to die.”

  Airech sighed. Here came those pesky emotions. Hopelessness this time, with some sadness stirred in.

  “He and I are the same, Devin. If you’re going to hate him, you have to hate me too.”

  “I could never hate either one of you.”

  “In my case, give it some time,” Airech said with a crooked grin. “I’m sure Cap has fantasies about what he’d like to do to me. And not of the sexual kind.”

  He hesitated, reluctant to say what he knew he had to. “You know you can still go with him. Bren, I mean. What he said wasn’t wrong. He has the heavenly host, and we only have each other.” Being with Devin had definitely changed him. The old Airech would never have made that admission.

  “I don’t understand that,” Devin said. “Why have your tribes all abandoned you? What about the prophecy. Don’t they all believe in that?”

  “If someone declared tomorrow here on Earth, that they were the second coming, or that the Apocalypse was about to happen, do you think they’d be believed? That’s a prophecy too.”

  “No. But people don’t believe those kind of things are possible. Your tribes all know they are.”

  Airech shrugged. “They don’t buy into Fintan’s theory. Even though it makes perfect sense to me. It’s always been a complicated relationship between our tribes. We weren’t always fighting each other. There was a fair bit of fucking going on too. We’re already entangled in each other’s fate.”

  “And my fate is wrapped up in yours. You all tell me you need me, and I’m not going to let you down. If I survive the night, that is.”

  Reaching over, Airech took both of Devin’s hands in his, stroking them, feeling the leathery smoothness of one and the softness of the other. He traced the fingers of Devin’s left hand, fascinated by the feeling.

  “That’s my fiddling hand,” Devin said.

  “That’s my favourite hand. That’s what brought us to you.” Airech held it to his cheek.

  Suddenly the hopelessness was sucked away in the undertow of Airech’s rising excitement. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of it before. Here he was, lying next to an immortal, if only a temporary one, who was so unique, so powerful, he’d been able to use nothing more than a fiddle to create a portal and summon them from the Otherworld.

  He leaned over and kissed Devin fiercely.

  “I hope you’re in the mood for music,” he said, grinning.

  “So, we’re agreed?” Airech looked from Fintan to Cap. “The Sluagh won’t be able to guard a portal that doesn’t exist yet. Devin will summon the wave, and hopefully, we’ll all be through it before they even realise what’s happening.”

  “I’m afraid I’m not convinced.” Fintan’s face was grave. “His music will attract them. It has before.”

  “Not always. Only in the Otherworld, so far,” Airech argued. “They mightn’t be able to sense it in this realm. And even if they can, we’ll still have a head start.”<
br />
  Time ticked on, punctuated with the steady drip of water as they stood, silently considering each other. Finally, Fintan spoke again. “Very well. If you’re sure it’s our best hope. Capall Donnrua, I’d appreciate your thoughts.”

  Looking at Airech with his fierce eyes, Cap gave the smallest of nods.

  Fintan sighed. “That’s settled then. All we can do now is wait until it’s time.”

  On the sleeping platform, Devin threw off his cover of furs, his naked body catching the sparkles of starlight. “I can think of much better things to do than lying here waiting to die.”

  “You need to rest—”

  “No more resting,” Devin said. “This may be our last time together, and I want us to spend it together. As in, together, together. I want all of you to join me, preferably naked, which most of you are already, anyway. And I don’t want to hear any more talk about not being able to be with each other.”

  Airech glanced at his fellow gods before his eyes darted back to Devin and his look of helpless need. Before he could question himself, he strode over to the alcove and stripped off his jeans. He felt a solid presence behind him. It could only be Cap, so large he was blocking off the heat from the fire. He reached from behind to hug Airech, and he could feel that Cap had already made his clothes disappear. He wrapped Airech in his muscled hairy arms and put his hands on his stomach, stroking it. Kisses rained down on Airech’s head and warmth shot through his stomach.

  “You alright, big guy?” he said softly. Cap rubbed the side of Airech’s head with his nose. Picking him up under one arm, he carried him to bed, placing him next to Devin.

  “Joining us, Fintan?” Airech called.

  “I don’t know if that is an intelligent—”

  Before he could finish his sentence, Cap took Fintan around the waist and threw him onto the furs on the other side of Devin. Cap squeezed in next to Aerich, nestling against him, his tongue darting out to flick his ear. Turning to Devin, the huge god shifted further down the furs. With his massive tongue, he caressed Devin’s already semi-hard cock, making him sigh.

  Airech kissed Devin, slowly, tenderly, savouring each mouthful of his sweetness. He kissed him as if they had all the time in the world, refusing to be hurried by fate. Lifting his head, he looked at Cap fondly as he worshipped Devin’s body with his tongue. He slid his mouth over Devin’s cock as Airech’s fingers and tongue explored his chest, flicking his dark pink nipples.

  Glancing up, Airech saw Fintan lying away from them, looking up at the ceiling, his face conflicted. He thought of trying to talk to him, but decided to let him be. He wished there was some way he could ease his worry, to help him let go. Right now, his mind was probably running through every nightmare scenario. And that was the problem. Fintan knew them all. But knowing them didn’t stop them from happening. That’s why it was important to embrace every moment like this one. Just in case.

  “He seems to know what he’s doing,” Airech said to Devin, nodding towards Cap.

  Devin grinned. “He had a very good teacher.”

  “Is that so? Any chance of seeing the master at work?”

  His grin widening, Devin pulled Airech towards him, settling the god so he was straddling his chest, his knees either side. Devin nodded at him, his eyes stormy, and Airech’s cock stiffened in response. Careful not to put any weight on his fragile mortal, Airech eased his long cock into Devin’s waiting mouth. The delicious feeling of warmth made his arms tremble as they held him up. He felt the vibrations of Devin moaning against his cock as he thrust gently, careful not to go too far. Devin’s firm hands were all over him, caressing his balls and stroking his thighs. He wanted it to last forever, but he made himself slide out to give Devin a rest.

  “You have no idea how that felt,” Airech said shakily.

  “I think I do.” Devin smiled. “I don’t know if it’s because of what’s about to happen, but I’ve never felt closer to you than I do right now.”

  Airech’s heart flipped. “Really? Do you mean that?”

  “Of course. Why else would I say it?”

  “Because I’m not using any magic. No party tricks. This is only me and you.”

  The loving look on Devin’s face nearly made Airech come undone. But this was no time to fall apart.

  “I can’t believe you’re totally naked. No enchantments. And all for me,” Devin said softly. Taking Airech’s cock, he plunged it back into his mouth, the god’s loud groan echoing in the cavern. He lost himself in the warmth of Devin and the teasing of his tongue. The thought that Cap was doing the same to Devin drove him even wilder, and he had to restrain himself from losing control. When Devin tapped him lightly on his thigh, he pulled out hastily.

  “Airech, there’s something else I need you to do for me.”

  “Anything.” He meant it.

  Devin looked in Cap’s direction. “He’s never been with anyone, and I need you to help him be with me. It might be my last time, so it would mean a lot to me if it was his first.”

  “That sounds like a kamikaze mission to me,” Airech said, trying to keep his voice light. “Have you seen the size of him?”

  He tried to ignore the finality of Devin’s words, and focus on the task at hand. And it was true, Cap deserved some happiness. It might improve his temper, if nothing else.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to get him ready.”

  “And who’s going to get you ready?”

  “Fintan is,” Devin said firmly, turning towards him. “Aren’t you, Fintan? I want you. And then you’re both going to help me and Cap.”

  Airech looked at Fintan, curious to see his reaction. But the other god’s soft face was calm and resigned as he gazed at Devin.

  “If that’s what you want, fierce one. Of course I’ll make love to you.”

  Sitting up, Devin took Cap’s head and gently pulled him away, his cock springing out of the god’s mouth. Stopping to grab his bottle of lube, Airech moved over to him.

  “Okay, big guy. Here we go.” Squirting some lube on to his hand, he stroked Cap, twisting his fingers up and down and around, feeling his cock getting slicker. He noticed Cap’s eyes on Fintan and Devin.

  “You want to have a look? Good idea. I think we both should.”

  As his hand caressed Cap up and down, they watched Fintan using his lips and tongue to find every freckle and inflame every sweet spot that Devin had. Airech squeezed on Cap as Fintan bent Devin over the furs, relaxing him, getting him to open up with his gentle, skilled fingers.

  “Fintan, catch.” Airech threw him the lube, and his fellow god caught it in one smooth movement. After applying it liberally to Devin and his own hard cock, he pushed against Devin’s sweet arse, easing himself inside. Airech stopped pulling on Cap and he felt the giant god shudder, the sight of Fintan fucking Devin almost too much for both of them.

  “Hold that thought, big guy. Your turn next.”

  Heart pounding and body tingling, Airech teased Cap more slowly, as they watched Fintan’s thrusts become harder and more frantic. His own cock was aching with the need to be inside someone. Sweat sprang on his temples in sympathy with Fintan’s glistening face. With a quiet moan that was almost a sob, Fintan came in juddering bursts. He held on tightly to Devin, his hands lingering on his hips before he finally pulled away.

  Devin flipped over, thanking Fintan with soft silver eyes, before they sought out Cap.

  “You lay down on the bed, my little pony,” he said.

  The god threw himself down, almost collapsing the entire platform in his enthusiasm.

  “Now, Fintan and Airech, can you lower me down on top of him?”

  Devin straddled Cap’s legs, facing him. Airech moved to take his left arm as Fintan fell in to take his right.

  “Alright, big guy. Tóg go bog é,” Airech said.

  Devin positioned himself over Cap’s cock, and Fintan and Airech both took hold of it with their free hands. They moved it in circles against D
evin, inching the tip past any resistance as Devin took him carefully. Breath by breath, they slid Cap as far as they could inside Devin, as the god cried out, his great shout shaking the stalactites.

  “I think he likes it,” Airech said with a grin.

  “It’s okay. I’ve got it from here.” Devin began to move up and down, testing the depth of Cap’s cock, controlling it. Cap’s hair was dark with sweat, one shaking arm taking Devin lightly by his waist, as the other one wrapped around his cock. “You lads are free to do as you please.”

  Airech eyes raked Fintan, standing quietly beside him. “It would very much please me to be inside you,” he murmured. “But the choice is yours.”

  Fintan opened his mouth as if to answer, but his words failed him. Clasping Airech’s shoulders, he fell back onto the furs, pulling Airech on top of him with fierce urgency. Airech kneeled, his head spinning from the rush of Fintan wanting him. Flinging his arms wide, Fintan threw his legs over Airech’s and arched his back, pushing his arse towards Airech’s throbbing cock.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” With shaking fingers, Airech prepared Fintan and slicked his own cock with lube. For a hundred years he’d imagined this moment, wondered about it, fantasised about it. And sometimes, he’d dreaded it. Because after this, there was no going back.

  He heard Cap’s desperate cry of release, and Devin’s panting whimper as he came. But he didn’t turn to look. His eyes remained locked on Fintan’s. Airech could tell by the lack of soothing energy he wasn’t using any magic, either. Any feelings they had for each other at this moment were no illusion. They were real.

  Those feelings made him drive his cock deep into Fintan, the thrill curling in his stomach as he felt the god taking him, pulling him further in. He fucked Fintan without holding back until he felt his body quiver underneath him.

  “Am I hurting you?” Airech asked anxiously.

  “Never.” Fintan smiled, his gentle eyes shining, making Airech thrust even deeper, losing all control. His mind spun and his body quaked as he came inside Fintan, shouting his name to the twinkling stars.


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