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Lost and Found

Page 9

by Breanna Hayse

  “Ok, right now, don’t think about it. We’ll let things happen and see where they go. I’m just afraid that you may have had some damage that I didn’t detect after you were hit on the head.”

  “I didn’t get hit on the head. I fell down.”

  “Fell down? You told me you fell after the men yelled at you and you were shot.”

  “Yes, Daddy. But I fell down before and hit my head on something hard ‘cuz I didn’t know how to walk. I woke up and saw the yellow sign.”

  She didn’t know how to eat either. Curiouser and curiouser, Todd’s words echoed in his head. Further, most of her motor skills and communication she seemed to learn by watching and listening. It was as though she arrived at the hospital a blank slate, with the ability to acquire and integrate information at an inconceivable rate. Maybe Todd was right. Maybe she was an alien.

  Oh God, what was he thinking? Way too many movies. This was too much to take in right now.

  “Ok, I need to get this to the lab. You are to stay in your room until I get home and then you’ll go down to say you’re sorry to Kathy. I want you to think about why you were punished while I’m gone.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Noelle said sadly, looking down and fidgeting uncomfortably in her place on the bed.

  “I’ll be back soon. Behave yourself,” he said with a kiss on the head.

  Noelle watched the door close behind him. How could she make him believe that, until she saw him, her life did not exist? She turned on the bed to her tummy, holding Bunny close.

  She wanted to try to make the pain go away but knew, instinctively, that Daddy would not be happy with her. She cried quietly, wishing she had the words to tell him what her mind showed her, but they were not there.

  Lance met his sister in the foyer as he slipped on his jacket.

  “Going somewhere?” she asked with concern.

  “To the lab to drop this off. I’ll be right back. Are you ok? You’ve been crying.”

  “I just felt bad for her. I know how that hand feels when you’re upset. Is she ok?”

  “We had a little breakthrough. I’ll tell you about it when I get back. Need anything?” Lance asked, kissing her cheek.

  “No. Be careful. I love you, big brother,” Kathy said, watching him leave. She sat on the couch and buried her face in her hands. She didn’t know why she felt so miserable, but she couldn’t stop. Her heart hurt for the woman-child, for her brother, for Todd, and for herself. She felt like she had failed all of them.

  “Aunt Kathy? Why are you crying?”

  “Noelle, honey, Daddy told you to stay in your room until he gets home,” Kathy said quickly, wiping her face.

  “I know, but I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  “I forgive you, baby. Come hug me, I need one right now,” Kathy requested, wrapping her long arms around the girls shoulders.

  “You really want a baby, don’t you?” Noelle asked quietly, putting Bunny down on the coffee table, freeing both her arms to embrace the sad woman.

  “More than anything. Todd did too, and I can’t give him one. It’s all because I was stupid and didn’t listen to Alan about staying off that damn motorcycle.”

  “What happened?”

  “It was a week after I got married. Uncle Alan and I were arguing about something stupid, probably my overspending, and I got mad at him and took off for a ride. I wasn't paying attention when a car ran a red light. By the time I saw it, it was too late. Alan has never forgiven himself for it. He blames himself for making me mad. That’s why he spoils me so badly.”

  “But, it wasn't his fault. You got mad and ran away.”

  “Yes, I did. And now look at what happened.”

  “But the car hit you. If you were watching, could you have stopped it?”

  “No… probably not. But it’s still my fault. Sometimes we make stupid choices that end up hurting us and others. Todd wanted children as badly as I did. He would have been a wonderful father.”

  “Aunt Kathy? If you could be fixed to have a baby, would you?”

  “Sweetheart, I’d give anything to have that, but it won’t even happen. My uterus is too scarred up. What are you doing?” Kathy asked as the girl placed her hand on the woman’s stomach. Very old, very violet eyes looked into hers.

  “I’m fixing you.”

  Kathy stared back at the girl, and then slowly lifted her little hand to kiss it gently.

  “Thank you. I know you want to and I appreciate it. There’s no such thing as magic, honey, and I need to learn to get on with my life. Now come help me with dinner. I’m making beef stroganoff.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” Noelle smiled her secret smile, picking up Bunny once again and following Kathy into the kitchen.




  Dr. William Hoffner sat patiently in the coffee shop. He lifted his head as he was approached. “Do you have the information?” he asked as the other man sat across from him.

  “Everything you need. You’ll be able to bust this jerk for kidnapping, right?”

  “I need to approach this situation delicately, Dr. Hart. This is a matter of national security.”

  “Whatever you need to do, do it. I just want to see Sir Lancelot of Callahan lose his license and go straight to jail,” Stuart Hart announced, his eyes filled with hatred.

  Dr. Hoffner frowned. He needed to be careful and knew that this man was not one to be trusted. Noelle needed to be found and returned unharmed. He just hoped it wasn't too late and that she hadn’t started to evolve without proper direction. If she did, the results could be disastrous. There were already too many bodies left in her wake.




  Todd arrived home to find both women in the kitchen, happily making dinner. He leaned against the wall, unnoticed, seeing his wife show Noelle how to whisk meringue for her key lime pie. They also had Bunny sitting on a bar stool to watch. Kathy looked up and broke into a wide smile.

  “Look what I found on the driveway,” Todd said, handing her a bouquet of roses before kissing her deeply.

  “They’re beautiful. Thank you. What’s the occasion?” she inhaled the fragrance of the flowers.

  “You had a tough day, so I wanted to show you I appreciate you. Noelle? No hugs for Uncle Todd?”

  Noelle grabbed her bunny and raced to hug him tightly. “I’m sorry I was so bad for Aunt Kathy.”

  “I’m sure Daddy will take care of that, honey. I just don’t like seeing my wife get hurt.”

  “I already got a really hard spanking,” she said ruefully, looking at the floor. “I’ll be nicer. I promise.”

  “Todd, honey, it’s all over and done with. We don’t need to talk about it anymore.

  Noelle, would you put these in a vase for me, please?”

  Noelle nodded, putting her toy down and picking up the bouquet. She sniffed the flowers as she arranged them one by one in a pretty crystal vase. They were too pretty to die, she thought, touching their petals. She yelped as a thorn caught her finger. She glared at the rose.

  Except you. You can die for all I care, her thoughts raged. Stupid flower.

  Lance walked in the door just as she stuck her finger in her mouth. He handed her the bunny as tears threatened to spill, then pulled her finger out of her mouth. He looked at it, then kissed the tip. “There you go, all better. Why are you out of your room?”

  “I came down to tell Aunt Kathy I was sorry and to fix her tummy.”

  “Fix her tummy?”

  “So she could have babies. She let me help in the kitchen, too. Uncle Todd brought her flowers, but that one bit me,” she pointed to the rose.

  “As much as we would all love Aunt Kathy to have babies, I’m afraid it’s impossible.

  You were sweet for thinking of it, though. How’s your bottom?”

  “I didn’t make the hurt go away.”

  What did she mean by that? Lance chose to go with it, “Good, because when you’re pun
ished you need to feel it for a while to remember your lesson. Hey, Todd, how was your day?” he asked, sitting down and holding Noelle snugly between his knees as he wrapped his long arms around her.

  “Better than yours. Did Alan call you?”

  “I haven’t checked my voice mail. What’s up?”

  “We got the hearing moved up to Thursday, thanks to your friend, Lou. He called to tell me about the, uh, individual seeking information.”

  “Noelle, would you please help Aunt Kathy? Uncle Todd and I need to talk about some things in my office.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Lance took Todd into the room and closed the door behind them. Sitting down, he shared the events of the day and Noelle’s response. “I told you she was an alien and this guy must be part of the MIB,” Todd said solemnly.

  “Cut it out and be serious. I get the feeling that her memory was wiped clean and given the chance to be refilled. Do you think she’s some sort of guinea pig for the government?”

  “Anything’s possible. But why would they let her escape?”

  “Maybe she didn’t escape. Maybe someone was trying to get her out of there. The girl said she didn’t know how to walk! Has she been carried her entire life? Or maybe she was in a wheelchair?”

  “Why, though? She’s physically capable of walking now. And what about her only being able to drink from a bottle? Did these people keep her in an infant-like state so that they could control her?” Todd questioned. He looked up as Alan walked in, unannounced.

  “Good, you two are here. I talked to Judge Marquez. Here, Lance. You are the proud father of a 22 year old baby girl by the name of Noelle Simone Callahan.”

  “What the hell are you taking about?” Lance asked, snatching the paper from him.

  “I told Judge Marquez about the situation and your concerns about abuse. He’s got four girls of his own and really put himself out. He assigned you full conservatorship and issued an ID file for her. We had to assume her age. I hope you don’t mind me giving her a middle name.

  It’s Mom’s, you know.”

  “You’re… unbelievable. Thank you, brother. Thank you so much,” Lance said, hugging Alan tightly, “I guess that makes you her godfather, huh?”

  “Guess so. Todd’s also a legal guardian. I have some papers for you to sign to make it official. I wanted to do that as well, but I knew that Maggie wouldn’t go for it. Sorry. I’m her executor, though, so she’s got legal protection.”

  “You are too much. After today, I needed some good news.” Lance proceeded to update his brother about everything, with Todd throwing in his ideas at the same time. Alan listened carefully. Suddenly, they heard a scream from the kitchen. Running in, they skidded to a stop.

  Kathy was staring at the floor with blood dripping down her leg.

  “Oh my God! What happened?” Todd rushed to her.

  “I don’t know. I was cooking and got a cramp. I just started bleeding,” Kathy started to cry.

  Lance checked her pulse, looking into her eyes. “Let’s get you to the hospital. Noelle?

  Come on, honey, we need to get Aunt Kathy looked at.”

  “Don’t worry, Daddy. I fixed her.” Noelle said quietly, taking his hand. Lance looked at her oddly. As they left, his eye caught sight of the rose that had pricked her. It was dead.

  Chapter Seven

  Alan sat quietly next to Noelle as they waited in the emergency room. Lance and Todd were in with Kathy, leaving the two to fend for themselves while waiting for news.

  “Are you hungry, honey?”

  “No, Uncle Alan. How is your back?”

  “Much better, I must say. I’m going to let you rub it anytime it starts to hurt.”

  “It won’t hurt you anymore,” she said bluntly.

  “That would be nice. Come sit down next to me.”

  “I can’t. It hurts.”

  “What hurts?”

  “My bottom. Daddy spanked me today for having a fit and hurting Aunt Kathy’s feelings,” the girl confessed quietly.

  “I see. Guess you won’t be doing that again anytime soon, will you?”

  “No, Sir. I don’t like making Daddy upset.”

  “That’s a good idea. Do you want to take a walk?”

  “No. Uncle Alan? What’s wrong with that man?”

  “I don’t know. It looks like he has a tummy ache.”

  “No, he’s broken. I need to fix him,” Noelle announced, quickly walking over to the stranger. Her violet eyes met his. She reached to touch him.

  “Shit! Nurse!” Alan yelled as the old man collapsed on the floor, holding his left shoulder. Noelle knelt beside him, rubbing her small hand over his in comfort, as Alan brought a nurse back with a gurney. He gently pulled Noelle away as the team loaded him onto it and took him into the back. She stood there watching, clutching his hand and in tears.

  “Why are you crying, Noelle? Did that scare you?”

  “No. I couldn’t fix him. There was too much wrong and I was too late,” she whispered.

  Alan hugged her tightly, wiping her face gently with his palm, “There are some things none of us can fix, my girl. Even Lance, who’s a doctor, has limits. It hurts him too when he can’t make things right for people. Oh, you poor thing. Where’s Bunny?” he asked, noticing she didn’t have her toy.

  “There. I put him down to watch,” she sniffed, hugging her toy close as Alan handed it back to her. He rubbed the top of her head and sighed.

  “Mr. Callahan? Your sister wants to see you,” a nurse called out. Alan led Noelle with him into the small room. Todd was sitting next to Kathy on the bed while Lance reread her chart.

  “Why so serious, biggest brother? I’m ok.”

  “What happened?” Alan asked, sitting on her other side and watching Noelle lean against Lance lovingly.

  “The doctor thinks I just had a blockage that came undone. He said it’s nothing to worry about. We’re waiting for the ultrasound results.”

  “Are you sure? Lance?”

  “That’s what he said. Suggested we keep her off her feet for a couple of days and let her rest.”

  “I’ll take off work. Honey, prepare to be spoiled,” Todd announced.

  Noelle reached for Kathy’s hand. “Don’t worry, Aunt Kathy, you’re all better now. I fixed you.”

  “Sweetheart, I know you want to believe…”

  “No, it’s true. You’re better. Just like Uncle Alan’s back and Daddy’s face.”

  “I was tired. That’s what made my face look that way. And Alan’s back pain comes and goes. I know you want to help, but….”

  “Why don’t you believe me?” Noelle broke into tears. “I couldn’t fix that man, but I fixed all of you. Bunny saw me!”

  “Honey, I….”

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Makin?” a nurse interrupted, entering the room, “Dr. Stover wants you to do a follow-up with OB/Gyn next week. He wants you to get a pelvic ultrasound.”

  “She just had one tonight. What did he find?”

  “Um, that’s the problem, Dr. Callahan. He didn’t find anything. He’s convinced that the equipment is faulty.”

  “What do you mean, he didn’t find anything?”

  “What I mean, Dr. Callahan,” Dr. Stover entered the room, looking around, “is that the ultrasound displayed no evidence of scar tissue or damage from the crush injury. It appears to show a perfectly normal uterus.”

  Everyone turned to stare at Noelle. She just gave them her secret smile as she snuggled her purple rabbit and giggled, wiping her eyes with Bunny’s purple paw.




  Sitting in his car in the dark hospital parking lot, Dr. Hoffner watched the family as they loaded into the red SUV. One of the men was carrying the long-legged woman. Noelle followed, clutching the hands of two of the tallest men he had ever seen. He watched as the blond one kissed her on the top of the head and then lifted her into the vehicle.

  So that must be Dr. Callahan. He had do
ne some research on the man after getting his name from Dr. Hart. Interviews with the hospital staff led him to the discovery that the man was well-loved, caring and had a reputation of being even-tempered, decisive, and good-natured. Dr.

  Hoffner hoped that those characteristics would be enough to keep Noelle from losing her temper or trying to protect herself before he could be convinced to either release or neutralize her. If not, there was bound to be some problems for the good Doctor, and it had nothing to do with keeping his medical license.




  “Ok, maybe she really is an alien,” Lance said before Todd made a comment, glancing at the dead rose whose thorn had pricked the little girl. Kathy was asleep in her bed with Noelle curled up next to her, singing quietly and stroking Kathy’s hair with Bunny’s purple paw.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. This is completely coincidental,” Alan scolded, flipping open a coke.

  “Just keep an eye on her. I’m in surgery all day tomorrow so I won’t be able to come home. Will you be able to handle her?”

  “No problem. Don’t worry,” Todd reassured him. “You don’t really think Kathy was healed, do you? Like she’ll be able to have kids?”

  “Todd, as much as I want to believe this to be true, we do have to be reasonable. For Kathy’s sake. Please don’t get your hopes up. I’m suspecting the equipment is malfunctioning and pulling up a prior screening,” Lance said sadly.

  Alan grunted, “Sorry, but I don’t believe in magic either. I’m going to bring the twins over to keep Noelle company. There’s an admin day at their school so they’ll be home. If Maggie doesn’t like it, too bad. I need to worry about my baby sister right now.”

  “I’d love for the girls to be here. They never give me the same problems they give Lance. They LIKE me,” Todd informed him.

  “I don’t let them jump on my bed, that’s all. Or fight.”

  “Oh yes, I forgot! Alan? Take a look see.”

  “Todd! Don’t you dare! Damnit,” Lance growled as Alan stared at the video before releasing a loud laugh.

  “Oh, man, this is good. Wait until the twins see it.”

  “You’re the one who made jumping on the bed a carnal sin!” Lance argued, trying to snatch the phone.


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