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Teacher's Pet - The Complete Series: Books 1-4

Page 21

by Avery Phillips

  “It was the right foot, dear, I assure you, and it’s the only foot that matters. I’m still trying to figure out how you squirmed your way into my home.”


  “I invited them,” Cornelius boomed, coming out of his office, Dane in tow, all in black and definitely out of place.

  Caroline’s eyes became saucers. “What is he doing here, Cornelius?” Her face contorted with anger. She peeked over her shoulder to see if any of her guests were standing in the hall to witness the drama that was unfolding.

  “I thought it was time, Caroline,” Cornelius responded. “I wanted to talk to you about it, but I knew how you’d react, so I thought if I invited them to the party you would be less likely to make a scene. Not in front of all your guests. And I knew if I did it in private you’d just walk out.”

  “Well, you were right.” Caroline turned to walk away. The tall Amazon girl didn’t know which way to turn. She looked at Simon, stepped to follow Caroline and then seemed to change her mind at the last minute.

  “Simon, what is going on?” Amazon said.

  “Katelyn Turner, I’d like you to meet my new brother Dane, and his date, who happens to be my ex, Lynora Minnelli. Lynn, this is my girlfriend Katelyn Turner.”

  Girlfriend? What?

  Lesson # 13

  You can never escape the truth

  “I could definitely see his resemblance to my father in his face.” -Simon Foster


  We waited until everyone left. Guests piled out the doors in groups of threes and more, with the richest being the last ones to leave. I was sitting on the tan leather couch in the reading room down the end of the main hall. Katelyn was sitting next to me, glaring at Lynn, and Lynn was glaring at her; I thought I heard a hiss from Katelyn's lips.

  I had little to no motivation to party, so instead I drank whatever I could. I was pouring my second straight Macallan on the rocks when I realized Dane was leaning in the doorway watching me, with that sideways grin I’d come to hate.

  His arms were folded across his chest, with his hands tucked deep in the corners. He looked like he was posing for a magazine photo: calm looking, sleek and darkly profiled. This wasn't helping matters as far as I was concerned. Dane was good looking, heavily favoring my father. I kept getting flashes of him having sex with Lynn, on top of her with that stupid sly grin, fucking her and making her cream on his dick, screaming in the throes of desire, her clawing his back and lifting her hips to deepen the penetration. The more I thought about it, the faster I drank. The more out of my mind I wanted to get.

  Lynn was standing in the doorway near Dane, with an expression on her face that looked similar to pity. Neither Dane nor her dared to enter the reading room fully. They just skirted around the edges of the wall like insects trying to avoid the web of a spider. I assumed it was because I looked like I would snap, and I was not the type of man to disappoint. “You’ve got two seconds to get the hell out of here, Dane, before I smash this bottle of scotch across your face.”

  “You know, Dad described you as a more serene and level-headed type, so I’m willing to bet a large wad of money you wouldn’t do it. And if you did happen to get the balls, I’d be forced to defend myself, and that could turn out to be messy. Trust me, you don’t want that. So let’s be civilized, shall we? Anything else would be uncouth.” He grinned.

  I jumped straight up with the bottle in my hand, held by the neck like a bat. Dane shifted his stance and feet. He was ready. Before I could reach him, Lynn got in between us. Katelyn started pulling on my coat.

  “Look, you guys,” Lynn said, with her arms between Dane and I spread out like she was stopping traffic. “This is a very awkward situation. We all are very aware of that. A lot of this is my fault. I know that, but at the end of the day you two are brothers. Now, you may not have had a lifetime of bonding like most brothers do, but this is your opportunity, right?” She took a deep breath. “You can start right here. Dane, when you talked to me about Simon, you seemed to hold some admiration for him. Although you tried to hide it with your snarky remarks, I could tell that you did from your tone. And Simon, as much of a loner as you are, you have a strong sense of responsibility to your family. And like it or not, Dane is your family. You two have got to find a way to get along.”

  The bottle soared through the air. I didn’t remember releasing it or throwing with intent; it just seemed to have left my hand with a thought and an action it took upon itself. Part of it was seeing Lynn in that tight white dress that I was sure cost more than she could afford.

  It was strapless, hugged her form, cupped perfectly under her ass, and she looked as good as I’d ever seen her. I’m sure Dane bought it for her, happily dressed her up like a doll, like he had done the same night that everything changed for her and I.

  So the bottle flew; a subconsciously guided missile ready to take the target out with extreme prejudice. It flew over Lynn’s head, Dane sidestepped and the bottle hit the far wall, exploding into jagged pieces.

  “Now who’s going to clean that up?” shouted my mother as she and my father walked in with Selene tagging along looking frantic, eyes wide and head darting around, ducking like she was under fire in a war-torn country.

  Dane relaxed his stance and I finally let Katelyn pull me back to the couch. I didn’t believe I’d ever been so angry. I had a hard time controlling myself and I needed some answers. I was going to get them even if it took all night. “So, in what way is this asshole my brother? Why wasn’t I ever told?” I was raising my voice, something I didn’t have a lot of practice with. It was startling me how I was losing it in front of anyone, let alone in front of my parents.

  It was my mom that spoke first. “Dane is your father’s child. I didn’t think it was my place to tell you. I’ve only just recently found out myself.” She cut a sour look at my father, but from the way she talked about it, it was like old news to her. She was calm, and delivered her speech in a matter-of-fact tone. Although I suspected the version my father had told her was far from the absolute truth.

  He chimed in after clearing his throat, like he always did when he addressed his employees during business. “Dane’s been working with me for quite some time now. I didn’t know how to tell you, son. It was wrong of me, but it’s that simple. As far as anything else that has happened between you two, I’m sure it was just a case of brotherly competition, nothing more. Dane went looking for you without my knowledge or consent. I wasn’t aware until you mentioned something to your mother and she came to discuss it with me. I thought it was about time that you all met, anyway, so the timing wasn’t the worst.”

  I watched the reactions of my mother as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other and closed off herself with her body language. Her hands were clasped into one another, and when not there, they were folded across her chest.

  “Well, who is his mother?” Selene asked, looking bright cherry red and angry in the face.

  “It was a woman he met at one of our events a long time ago,” my mother said. “She’s long gone now; not involved with us at all.” Dane clenched his hands into a fist. “Your father paid support, and she kept her distance. That was the deal, and that’s all you need to know about her. Now, honey”—she turned to my father and laid her hand on his chest—“why don’t we let the children… and the other one talk? Your father and I will be in our room down the hall if you need us. I’d advise you all to stay over, as you’ve all been drinking, I’m sure. And boys, please don’t fight I’m not looking forward to having to call an ambulance tonight, so you two behave. Madelyn will come and clean up this mess.”

  I found it odd that my parents were able to walk away without arguing, but they’d always been good at displaying a united front. My father reached for my mother’s hand. It was a subtle bit of rejection, but she avoided being touched by bringing her hands up to her prized diamond necklace and unclasping it.

  Selene chewed the inside of her cheek, pondering. “We have
very odd parents.” She shook her head, and so did Dane, Katelyn and Lynn. Selene got up from her seat. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but I’m going to take the high road on this one. Welcome to the family, Dane. Now I have another big brother to watch over me so I don’t fall into seedy traps as a young, naïve beauty trying to find her way through life.” After she gave Dane a hug and kissed him on the cheek, she sashayed out the room. “Good night. A girl needs her beauty rest.”

  When I made eye contact with Dane, I needed him to know what I felt. I needed him to know I was a threat, no matter what judo, boxing or jiu-jitsu training he’d had in the past. I was out to do him harm, and I meant it. So what if he was my brother.

  I didn’t feel any connection to him at all. I could definitely see his resemblance to my father in his face, around the jaw line and the dark, wavy hair, whereas Selene and I were blonde, like our mother. I also looked like my father in regards to my features; therefore Dane and I shared some similarities: the strong, square jaw line and our height, plus we had similar builds, Dane being the heftier.

  It sickened me to think about it. I had a secret sibling, and just how long had my father been working with him and grooming him for a position in his company? What position was he grooming him for, and would he one day inherit and run the company like I was supposed to do? There were so many questions, so many pieces to this puzzle, most of them missing, to my frustration.

  I could see the grin forming across Dane’s face again. “Okay, brother, I know what this animosity is really all about, and I’m sure we can work through it and put this behind us. I mean, you aren’t even seeing Lynn anymore, right? So she isn’t worth it for you to put her above blood. We are brothers, after all. No one should get between that.”

  I scoffed. “What kind of brother stalks another brother, steals his brother’s girlfriend and doesn’t even tell him he exists?”

  “Excuse me.” Lynn waved her hand in the air. “Can you guys not talk about me like I’m not here? It’s rude.”

  “Whoa, whoa, buddy.” Dane continued glancing at Lynn but not stopping to hear her out. “You’re taking all this way too personally. First of all, your mom and our dad didn’t want you to know about me, and I wasn’t about to disobey him. I mean, no one does, and you know that. I wanted to get to know you. It’s just that… Lynn got me sidetracked, and I’ll admit it was wrong. But you know how she is, right? You of all people should understand how irresistible she can be.”

  He winked at her. “I couldn’t help myself. It became a game I had to win. I’m competitive like that. It had nothing to do with harming you or hurting your feelings. I thought she’d be better off anyway. I mean, look at me. I’m the better-looking brother, and unlike you I love to spoil women, shower them with gifts and whatnot.” Dane stuck out his chest, his arms spread wide like he owned the place.

  It disgusted me.

  He may have been my half-brother and he may have worked with my father, but as far as I was concerned he was my enemy. How could Lynn have betrayed me for him? He was an asshole and would never give her what she truly needed. She’d find that out soon enough.

  I felt a tingle at first, and before I knew it a surprisingly wide smile revealed itself from a cold, dark place and took a spot right below my nose. I started laughing, loud and uncontrollably. This guy was a joke, but he was right about one thing. It was over between Lynn and I for sure. Why be upset about something that made no sense and happened months ago? I should be over it by now.

  I stood up with Katelyn beside me, although she wasn’t the happiest with me. I walked up to Dane and held my hand out, still fighting to stop myself from laughing. He looked unsure and a little confused, but he held out his hand and I shook it. Then I held on to his hand so he couldn’t pull it back, and my smile quickly faded into a sneer. “I just wanted you to know before you get confused. If you push me, I’ll show you why you shouldn’t. I am my father’s son, after all.” I turned to look at Lynn. “And you.” My eyes were narrowed and steeled as I caught her sheepishly looking away. “I never want to talk to you or see you again.” I walked out the room without looking back. I heard Lynn calling my name, but she no longer mattered to me. I just wanted to get on my bike and go. Katelyn could follow me home.

  Lesson # 14

  Choices work both ways

  “This was the wrong time to be left alone with Dane.” -Lynora Minnelli


  It was the way he looked at me that caused the pain in my heart. The cold, uncaring stare that seemed to melt away from him when he’d looked at me not too long ago in class. Simon was back to his old form. His way of not giving a damn who he hurt or how he did it was rearing its ugly head. It didn't help that Katelyn was with him.

  As they both walked away, she turned to drive a nail in my coffin. “Thanks for keeping Simon warm for me after all this time. He’s ripe and ready now, nice and delicious.” She licked her fingertips. “Mmm, and he tastes so damn good!” She walked out with long, measured strides. That bitch! Who in the hell did she think she was?

  I glanced at Dane out the corner of my eye as he stood looking stunned and somewhat amused. Did anything shake this guy? If it did, he hid it well, like he hid most other things—which let me know there was a chance I could trust him with secrets, but not much else.

  “You know?” Dane leaned against the entryway wall, watching Simon as he walked away. “I think he really meant what he said.”

  “I’m certain he meant it.” My heart sank at the realization. Once you’ve really cared about someone, whether you were on speaking terms or not, in the back of your mind you’ll always wish it worked out. It’s a natural thing, and I felt it in my soul. As deep as it could possibly be.

  “Would you think less of me if I said the look that he gave me made me a little nervous?”

  “Nope, not at all.” I shifted my weight. “It made me a little nervous too.”

  Dane snatched me by the hand. He didn’t ask me any questions or tell me where we were going. He just pulled. I lurched forward maybe harder than he expected, because I had a hard time catching my footing. He spun around just as I was falling and caught me in his arms as I sank to his chest. I’m clumsy, I know it, so sue me.

  “I’ve got you.” I was feeling embarrassed, but more grateful than anything. Face-planting never looked cute. “I’m always going to have you.”

  Heat prickled in my cheeks. “Thank you.” My chest heaved from excitement married to a small bit of fear. Where was he taking me and would we get in trouble? I found myself looking around for Caroline.

  “You’re welcome. Now come on, I want to show you something.”

  We walked to the back of the house, double-timing our steps. I felt like Dane forgot I had heels on; he was pulling me much too fast. He was excited, I could tell. Like a cute little boy on Christmas morning anxious to open his presents.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Shh, it’s a secret… well, not a secret exactly, but you’ll see.”

  He pushed through double doors in the back of the house. They were white, with glass panes small like paperback books, and old-fashioned fixtures for door handles. The doors swung out into the back yard. It was a gloriously green, small-scaled park of botanical amazement and wonder. Dane looked back over his shoulder and smiled. Yes, I was impressed and I confirmed it by smiling back. I’d never seen anything like it before.

  They had a Greek water fountain, and a nude goddess statue with a vase in her hand pouring water in the base. It was the size of a large Jacuzzi and filled with colorful koi eating mosquitoes on the surface.

  Dane touched my chin with his fingertips and gently steered my head toward the left. There was a hedge maze before us, straight out of Alice in Wonderland. It was round instead of square like most, and meticulously manicured, with high hedge walls growing as tall as Dane stood. We could probably get lost behind it, without even trying, which was exactly what Dane had in mind.
r />   When he pulled me into the entrance, we went left and then right. We made other turns, but I’d lost count a short way back. Deeper into the maze we went. The further we explored, the colder it seemed to get. Perhaps it was my nerves, as my body began to shudder and my nipples crested hard and ridged, brushing against my dress.

  The material was too thin to hide it. I crossed my arm over my chest and rubbed the material with my fingers. The touch alone sent a flutter to my loins, slight and ever so delightful.

  This was the wrong time to be left alone with Dane, freshly dumped by Simon, horny and desperate, nothing left to lose except my sanity. Dane stopped in what had to be the center of the maze. There were two marble benches shaped in a curve and facing each other, in perfect uniform with the hedges. It was a lovely place to gaze, like a garden within a forest. Where the winged little fairies would play and sprinkle their dust on the flowers to bloom.

  There were several long stems of white baby’s-breath planted closer to the hedges, with light blue forget-me-nots, other bright red flowers with spots I couldn’t begin to name and beautiful tiger lilies I wanted to pick and bring home.

  Dane crept up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I let him because, well, it was cold and I needed the warmth. Plus he smelled delicious. The closer he got, the more I inhaled. The cologne he wore was intoxicating.

  He pointed toward the sky, and as my eyes felt the need to follow, I marveled at the clear night sky, the sparkle of the infinite number of stars, the sight of an opaque half-moon and the small wisp of clouds floating by it. For the first time tonight I felt relaxed. In the embrace of Dane’s arms I found comfort and security, and felt the powerful thump of his heart on my back.

  “I know I haven’t handled things with you very well,” Dane whispered in my ear as he held me from behind. “Talking to you behind my brother’s back, deceiving you, tricking you into showing up at places under the disguise of something else. The truth is I’ve never felt this strongly for a woman before, so in a way my brother and I have that in common. The only difference is I’m willing to do something about it. The difference… the difference is… I think I might be falling in love with you, Lynn.”


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