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Teacher's Pet - The Complete Series: Books 1-4

Page 34

by Avery Phillips

  “He doesn’t have any feelings. Trust me when I tell you that Dane is really only taken with the idea of you. He’ll grow bored. He’ll lose interest. And then what?”

  Her lips turned down at the corners, and I wanted to kiss away the frown. I had to be brutally honest with her, because I couldn’t see her running off to New York with my brother only to have her hopes dashed. He couldn’t possibly love this woman like I loved her.

  My lips brushed Lynn’s, and she kissed me back. Her mouth was a tender balm that alleviated any residual pain. I embraced her tightly and deepened the kiss. I felt her move against me restlessly, and I knew, like always, whenever we touched, flames ignited.

  “I’ll hurt you. Stop.”

  She pulled away. My lips tingled where hers had touched. She was right, I regrettably conceded. Besides, I had to go to the bathroom. I gently pushed her body away from mine and struggled to sit up.

  “Wait! Do you need any help?”

  “Let’s see here.” I stood up laboriously, but I managed to stand straight and tall, and I wasn’t as unsteady on my feet. I took a shuffling step, and all my ligaments and joints seemed to work properly. I stiffly made my way to the downstairs bathroom under her watchful gaze. I sighed with relief behind the closed door. I was happy I could finally get around on my own. The last thing I wanted her to see was me falling flat on my face.

  Lesson # 22

  A mother protecting her young is vicious

  “My mother and Caroline squared off, staring each other down.” -Lynora Minnelli


  Tension leaked from my shoulders, and I relaxed when Simon finally made it safely to the bathroom. He was improving quickly, and that made me feel better about whisking him away from the hospital. Though Simon had made it clear he didn’t want to spend another minute in that place, I had been concerned that he needed more medical attention—but he seemed to be doing fine.

  I sat down on the couch and absently rubbed the blanket we had shared, the covers still warm and touched with the scent of Simon. I couldn’t resist smiling, thinking how different it felt to wake up in his arms. With Dane, I had risen with lust and a desire to please, but with Simon my morning had begun with contentment and love. There was no way of denying and no further confusion. I couldn’t leave. I couldn’t go with Dane, no matter what I owed him. My heart was in California. It was with Simon.

  A pounding knock on the front door startled me out of my thoughts. I glanced nervously at the bathroom, hoping Simon had heard and would come out and answer, but he didn’t. I tiptoed over and peeped through the peephole, but whoever it was had the hole plugged. Growling softly, intuition telling me trouble was on the horizon, I reluctantly opened the door. It was Caroline, and she was beyond pissed.

  “Where the fuck is my son, you piece of trailer park trash!” She barged into the room, pushing me aside without so much as a hello. I stumbled back.

  Dane poured into the door behind her with a scowl twisting his face. “Where the hell have you been and where’s Simon?” He didn’t even bother to correct Caroline for calling me trailer park trash, and I have to admit, that stung. I tried to stammer a reply, but my parents were right behind Dane.

  “Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?”

  My mother fiercely confronted Caroline. “I don’t know who you think you are, but you will not talk to my child like that!”

  “You tell you miserable witch of a daughter to manifest my son this instant, or so help me, I will—”

  “Everybody, calm down this instant!” Cornelius’ voice rang through the room like the roar of a lion, and was followed by tense descending silence.

  My mother and Caroline squared off, staring each other down. I tried to slide in between the two women. As much as Caroline was a monster, my mother was a protector, and I had no doubt blood would be shed if I didn’t intervene. But Dane grabbed me by the arm and spun me around. “Where is he?”

  I jerked my arm away, pissed to be handled that way by him. “He’s in the bathroom.”

  “You let him go by himself?” Caroline let out a cry of distress and rushed across the room to the bathroom just as Simon opened the door and stepped out. Her hands flew to his face, checking his bandages, and she made cooing, babyish sounds as she hovered over him like a swarm of locusts. “Oh, my poor, poor baby. How could that terrible bitch take you away from the hospital? I can’t believe no one heard you crying out for help. I left you; it was my fault. I thought you would be safe, but I’ll never leave you again!” She rained kisses across his face as Simon protested.

  “Mother…Mom…Mom! I asked her to take me away. You have no right to be angry with her.”

  Caroline turned back on me, and my mother stepped In between us as Caroline advanced. “You twit! You let him convince you to take him from the safety of the hospital. What if he had gotten hurt? This more than proves you don’t love him. You’re nothing but a slut! Running around causing a rift between two brothers, causing family turmoil, like a common whore!”

  “Call her that one more time,” my mother challenged.

  “Elizabeth,” my father said uncertainly. He knew as well as I did that my normally genteel, sweet mother wasn’t above dropping her social graces and doling out a good ass-whipping. “Mrs. Foster, I think it’s best if we all approach this situation with care. Now, I might not agree with my daughter’s behavior, but I’m certainly not going to let you degrade her. Both of these fellas are grown men, and that’s between them—”

  “You’re calling me a whore when I know about you and Grayson?”

  Caroline recoiled as if I’d suddenly slapped her face.

  I fired back the one thing I knew would shut her up for good. I couldn’t help it. I was so incredibly tired of Caroline’s shit that I couldn’t think straight and didn’t give a fuck about the word I’d given Dane.

  “We saw you, Dane and me.” I looked back to Dane for his approval. That devilish grin was stretched across his face, but his eyes were still narrowed, looking through me. “That night in the maze, we saw what you and Grayson were doing, holding each other, kissing, Grayson between your legs. We were hidden behind the hedges watching him pull your dress up above your head.”

  All eyes shifted in Caroline’s direction, necks turned, mouths agape. Selene and Simon looked shocked most of all, watching their mother turning the darkest shade of red I’ve ever seen, so deep her cheeks looked like they were bleeding.

  “All right! Enough of this shit!” Cornelius cut in with authority that brooked no further argument from any of us. “Caroline Foster, you will control yourself right now! I will not have this sort of low-class squabbling in my family. Simon, Dane, I think it’s clear that the girl has made her decision and anyone who has anything to say about that can say it to me directly. Until then, this family will accept whatever comes of this. Caroline, I will not have you coddling Simon like he’s a boy any longer. He’s a man who knows what he wants, and you’re not going to stand in the way of that. Do you understand?”

  Caroline subtly inclined her head, not about to challenge her husband, not now, not when she was currently under scrutiny. I glanced over at Dane, who looked like a man mortally wounded. His brow was furrowed, and his eyes were slits; his piercing gaze was pinned in Simon’s direction. Simon didn’t seem the least bothered.

  Simon moved closer to me and dropped his arm around my shoulder. As his weight shifted to me, I realized he was actually leaning on me because he had to. Despite his calm face, the taxing conversation was taking its toll. I quietly moved with him to the couch as Cornelius continued laying down the law.

  “Now that this awful nonsense is taken care of, we can finally focus on what’s really important. Business. It’s not the best time, but I’ve got you both here, boys. I want to tell you both something I’ve decided. Dane, I want you taking care of the East Coast division of corporate real estate, as you know, but Simon, I haven’t forgotten about you. I think it’s time you took up your posit
ion at FVC as well. I know how you feel about the company and money, but son, you have the family name to uphold now—it’s on your shoulders. So I would like to ask you once again. Will you to handle our West Coast division? Will you become, with your brother, my successor? What do you say?”

  Simon looked at his father then turned to look at me. I nodded and smiled, but there was uncertainty still in his eyes. It was coupled with a pride that was hard to ignore. I was shocked it looked like he would accept. “I’d be honored to do it, Father.” He reached to shake Cornelius’ hand. “Besides, I don’t think I could bring myself to go back to teaching without my favorite assistant.” Gratitude was shining in his eyes.

  It was a treat to see Simon happy and accepting the challenge of working with the family business, and I was proud of him. He was the right man for it. I regretted that Dane would have to go to New York on his own, but my heart was made up. I was Simon’s and he was mine, and no one would come between us ever again.

  “Congratulations to both of you,” said my dad. He had grown quite close to Dane over the course of his stay, and I knew that me choosing Simon would be a hard pill to swallow for some time. But he was pleased with Dane’s success, regardless.

  I flashed my dad a smile, willing him to know that I had made the right decision. A glance at my mother told me she wasn’t happy with me, but she wouldn’t interfere. She had raised me to be a lady, and though I had lost my way for a moment, I intended to regain her approval. I would show her and Caroline that I could be every inch the lady that they’d expect.

  “That’s settled, then. Dane, I take it you have a flight to prepare for?” Cornelius looked at Dane expectantly.

  Dane looked as if staying another moment would lead to a battle with death. His father sort of gave him an out from this mess. A chance to escape the fray with his dignity still intact. I noticed Selene lingering just outside the door, and she followed behind him as he swiftly made his exit, slamming the door.

  I squeezed Simon’s hand to show my loyalty to him. I felt bad for Dane, I couldn’t help it, but now there was no more running between brothers, and that was a relief. Dane could take care of himself, he always had. I was sure that soon he’d figure out he didn’t need me at all.

  “Well, I guess we should go, too. We followed Dane over, but I see everything is settled,” said my dad. My mother and father looked at each other uncertainly. I could tell Mom didn’t want to leave me. I could also tell by the way she shot a glare at Caroline that she wasn’t done threatening death if she touched her child.

  Caroline looked sickly and pale. Perhaps she was tired or, for once, at a loss for words. Maybe it was the way Cornelius wouldn’t stand anywhere near her. “Go wait in the car,” he said. “We have a lot to talk about…with our family lawyer.” She did as he asked, subdued and defeated, and for once I actually felt sympathy for her.

  Finally, there was no one else in the room but us three, and Cornelius settled on a seat near the couch next to us. “Now, I want to talk to you specifically, Lynora.” I swallowed. “This has been an upsetting experience for everyone involved. I’m sure it has not been easy for you. Are you absolutely certain this is what you want to do?”

  I knew the answer to that question. “Yes. I want to be with Simon. I’m in love with him.”

  “And I love her. Father, this is right for us. It feels like I’ve been in love with this woman forever.”

  Cornelius dipped his head in a nod. “In that case, it is as it should be, and rightfully so. When two people are in love, no one should be able to tear them apart. Lynora, about Dane—he’ll come around eventually. Caroline, too. She’s stubborn and set in her ways. Your personalities are similar that way. Maybe that’s why you kept bumping heads.

  “Finally, son, I’d like to talk to you about this ‘leaving the hospital’ business. Do you know how close to having a heart attack I was this morning?” He laughed. I had never seen him laugh. He had dimples I hadn’t noticed before. Both his sons favored him immensely.

  “I had to get away,” Simon confessed.

  “Be that as it may, I’d feel more comfortable if you at least had an examination, so I’m sending over my personal physician to check you out. Oh, and I’ll hire a private nurse to assist with your care. You’re young and you probably think you’re invincible, but you’re not, Simon. I want you in tip-top shape when it’s time for you to take over the business, and that means taking care of yourself from now on.”

  “I’d like to think that’s my job, Mr. Foster. You don’t have to worry there.” I smiled reassuringly. He could send over a thousand nurses if he chose, but nobody was going to be giving any sponge baths but me! Simon kissed my forehead and pulled me into his arms.

  “Good, good. I’ll be seeing you both.”

  Cornelius rose and left. I turned to Simon, realizing the magnitude of my choices and everything that just had taken place. In one fell blow, I had turned down Dane’s offer, broken off my relationship with him, and chosen Simon in front of everyone. Now how about that for a lesson in life? Grab the bull by the horns, as Bobbi would say.

  Lesson # 23

  Aspire to find the happiness through your pain

  “If there were ever a better feeling on earth, I couldn’t fathom that it existed.” -Simon Foster


  She looked at me with a devilish smile on her lips, like the cat that ate the canary, and I couldn’t help but smile back. Everything had happened so quickly, but now she was mine. I felt better than I had before, not an ache or pain, and I wanted to celebrate, but it would take some convincing.

  “Well, nurse, I think I’m due for a bath. What say you?”

  She winked at me. “I say getting up those stairs to the master bathroom is probably out of the question, but I do give a good sponge bath, I must say, let me see what I can do.”

  She dashed from the room to retrieve what she needed, and I slowly got out of my clothes. When she returned, I was lying naked on the couch, and she knelt by my side with a tender look on her face. She stared down at me lovingly, and I couldn’t help feeling like I had won the lottery of life. If there were ever a better feeling on earth, I couldn’t fathom that it existed.

  Lynn had a choice, and she chose me. Now nothing and no one could stand between us. I would handle Katelyn as soon as possible. For now, I just wanted to feel Lynn’s hands on my skin. I wanted to feel everything she could give me.

  She soaped up a soft Egyptian cotton towel and let a rich lather form. Wordlessly, she started at my chest and worked in slow, soothing circles. She swiped from one side to the other. She spiraled around each of my nipples and down around under my arms. She eased the towel down my biceps and over my forearm to my hands. While she washed me, she massaged, squeezing my palm and sliding between my fingers. She did the same to the other side, and I groaned in pleasure as I closed my eyes and let her take care of me.

  Her touch was pleasant and arousing, coupled with the wild fantasies teasing behind my eyes. She soaped the towel and continued down my torso. When she was done, she carefully rinsed it away, taking care not to spill any water on my couch. Then she moved down to my lower half, where an appreciative erection began to rear its head. I squinted, my eyes shut tight in enjoyment.

  “I’ll be gentle,” she promised. Her voice sounded sexy, and I could hear desire in the way she spoke breathlessly. I felt her hands close around my cock, and there was little discomfort. She still touched me gingerly, stroking up and down my shaft so as not to hurt me. She washed me clean and slid the soapy towel down between my legs. I wanted her to linger, but she seemed to be holding her lust in check. I let her wash my legs and feet, as she had done my arms, massaging the tired muscles. Then I quietly took the towel and washed my tender private areas more thoroughly. What I had in mind for healing involved something sexual, and I wanted to be sure every inch of me was ready for her.

  She collected back the towel and rinsed me. “I think that covers everything.”
  “Not quite.”

  “What do you mean? Did I miss something?”

  “Now that I’m clean…and stronger…I was thinking…” Our eyes met, and I grinned at the expression on her face as realization dawned to what I was saying.

  “Oh, no, no.” She shook her head. “We can’t.”

  “We can and we will. I want to.” I pressed my finger against her lips. “Now do as Simon says and give me what I want.”

  Lesson # 24

  Love is an open wound tended by those you trust

  “The words zinged through me like bullets, and I bled sheer love for him in return.” -Lynora Minnelli


  Simon was taking control of my body. I could see it caused him pain, with him scrunching up his face, and every other movement he would wince. But I trusted him to know how far he could go and what he was doing. So I closed my eyes and accepted the moment. Further concerns didn’t matter.

  Simon reached out his hands. When his skin touched mine from his palm to my breasts, I felt a sudden surge of sexual energy move throughout my body. He cradled my breasts in his palms, and with the pads of his thumbs caressed the tautness of my nipples with skill and expertise, stoking the fires of my desire. A moan escaped my mouth, as I was growing increasingly aroused. I felt my silken wetness soaking my panties.

  He tried to remove my clothes, but I knew he couldn’t manage, so I shed them as seductively as I could and watched as each item fell to a pile on the floor. I then pulled at his sweats; his cock sprang up, pointing at the ceiling, as his pants fell from his waist, down to his ankles and around his feet.

  The look in Simon’s eyes was pure hunger, want, and desire for me. I swear that look alone made my juices drip down my inner thighs. I tried to get up, and he winced. So I put my hand on his chest to lean him back on the couch and the pillow, cocked my leg up, and straddled him before he could protest the action.


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