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Stolen Feelings (Island Romances)

Page 16

by Margaret Mayo

  ‘Told me what, for heaven’s sake?’ Cameron barked.

  Roger took a seat beside them. ‘She didn’t two-time me, as I thought. She wasn’t having an affair with someone else behind my back. I got the whole story wrong.’

  Cameron’s eyes narrowed as he looked from Roger to Julie. ‘Is this the truth?’

  She nodded, but wished Roger had kept his mouth shut. What good would all this do?

  ‘Julie is a most loyal and wonderful person,’ went on Roger staunchly. ‘Look what she did for Ian. And you, my friend, had better apologise to her for your abominable behaviour. I’ve wanted to say something to you for days but Julie wouldn’t let me. You’re hurting her, man. I’m amazed she still wants to stay and type your book.’

  Julie put her hand on Roger’s and shook her head. ‘Please, you’re embarrassing me.’

  He shrugged. ‘OK, I’ve said enough; I’ll leave you two to talk. I think I might go and have a chat with Alex. I’ve taken rather a fancy to that young lady. Would I be stepping on your toes, Cameron, if I gave her my address so that I can see her when she travels on to England?’

  Julie had had no idea that Roger was interested in Alex. This was a surprise. Was it the real reason he had come back? Not because of herself? It was an intriguing thought, and if that was the case he must have been deeply disappointed when he saw Alex making a play for Cameron.

  And to her even more profound bewilderment Cameron smiled, a warm, pleased smile. ‘Not at all, Roger. Feel free.’

  ‘I thought you fancied Alex?’ she questioned once Roger had sauntered away, and before she could stop herself.

  Brows lifted. ‘Did I give that impression?’

  ‘Most definitely.’

  ‘Did it bother you, Julie?’

  Was this the time for honesty? She decided it wasn’t; it could only lead to her own humiliation. She lifted her shoulders. ‘Not in the least. What you do is your own affair.’

  A muscle pulsed in his jaw, and a shadow of anger darkened his eyes. ‘You really don’t have a very high opinion of me, do you?’

  ‘The same as you never had one of me,’ she returned forcibly.

  He growled. ‘Why the devil did you let me believe that you and Roger had got back together?’

  ‘Self-preservation, I guess,’ she answered with a shrug.

  A puzzled frown drew his black brows together. ‘I don’t understand.’

  How could she tell him that it was because she loved him? How could she confess such a thing to a man who had no feelings for her except lust?

  ‘Julie, answer me,’ he said urgently, softly. ‘Why still further deception?’

  She winced at his choice of word. ‘Because—because I thought it would—keep you away from me,’ she whispered painfully.

  ‘Is that you want?’ He had stilled, everything about him was motionless—except for the muscle jerking in his jaw.

  What could she say? She wanted to be honest, she wanted to tell him the truth, she wanted to bare her heart—but at what cost and for what good? She swallowed with difficulty. ‘Not really.’

  ‘But—you would prefer I didn’t touch you or kiss you ever again?’

  She closed her eyes, squirming uncomfortably in her seat. ‘Not that either.’

  Then what, Julie?’ His voice, much louder now, made her eyes snap open.

  ‘I just don’t like being abused. I wish that—’

  ‘Abused?’ he interjected harshly. ‘Is that how you saw my kisses, as abuse?’

  Almost imperceptibly, Julie nodded.

  His fist crashed down on the table so violently and unexpectedly that she jumped, and her heart leapt in fear. It was a much more uncontrolled action than the last time he had done it.

  ‘Let us get matters straight, right here and now,’ he thundered. ‘I never forced myself on you. You were always a willing participant. More than willing, in fact. I actually—foolishly, it would appear—got the impression that you enjoyed kissing me.’

  I did. I do, she answered silently. ‘You once said that it was lust,’ she whispered, pain so sharp in her heart that it was almost physical.

  ‘I said that?’ he queried fiercely. ‘I don’t remember. If I did it was a figure of speech; it meant nothing, certainly not that my interest in you was purely sexual. Lord, Julie, surely you know me better than that?’

  ‘I don’t think I know you at all,’ she answered miserably.

  ‘Then perhaps I should tell you how I feel.’

  Her heart drummed a tattoo. Julie was not sure she was ready for this. It could sound the death-knell for any hopes.

  ‘Julie.’ He took her hand across the table, holding it in both of his. ‘Look at me, Julie.’

  With difficulty, she obeyed.

  ‘Do you know why I was so angry when I finally forced you to admit that you weren’t married to Ian?’

  ‘Because you—hated the deceit?’ she suggested.

  ‘No—yes, but it wasn’t that.’ He shook his head firmly. ‘It was because of my pent-up feelings, because, my dear girl, I’d fallen madly in love with you and was compelled to keep it bottled up. I was so damned frustrated it was destroying me, totally and utterly. I willed you to tell me the truth. I tried everything within my power to make you admit it, apart from asking you outright. God, Julie, I wanted to strangle you.’

  He loved her! He loved her! Julie felt her heart singing; the words kept playing in her mind. It was sweet, sweet music. Cameron loved her. He loved her—he loved her.

  ‘Answer me, dammit. Say something, Julie, even if it’s only to laugh in my face.’

  She looked at him then, wonderingly, seeing the hurt and the uncertainty, the fear still pounding in his brain. ‘If you love me,’ she said huskily, ‘why didn’t you say anything when the whole unfortunate story came out?’

  ‘Because, God help me, I wanted to punish you,’ he growled. ‘I wanted to hurt you as I had been hurt. Besides, you said you were back with Roger, and when he turned up again it seemed to prove it. I’d lost you before I’d even had you. Damn, Julie. You’ve no idea how much I’ve suffered.’

  And he was still suffering. There were still lines of pain furrowing his brow, behind his eyes, tightening his mouth; the whole of him was as tense as a bow-string.

  ‘I never expected to meet someone like you,’ he said, more quietly now, ‘someone who loves the islands like I do, someone who has fitted in so well that when you depart it will leave a great void in my life.’

  ‘I don’t have to go,’ she whispered. ‘Ever.’

  His head jerked, and his eyes pierced hers. ‘What are you saying? That you’d be prepared to stay and do my typing on a permanent basis? Hell, Julie, I couldn’t stand that, not feeling as I—’

  ‘More than just your typing,’ she interrupted softly.

  He frowned. ‘Make yourself clear.’

  She swallowed painfully, and licked suddenly dry lips. ‘I’m saying, Cameron, that—I love you too.’

  He let go her hand and sat back in his chair, as though he needed the space to think clearly. ‘Did you just say what I thought you said?’ It was his turn to speak quietly and hoarsely.

  ‘Yes.’ Every pulse raced, every part of her was sensitised, and all she wanted was to hear him say again that he loved her. It was her prayer answered, a dream beyond all expectations.

  ‘Is it the truth, Julie?’

  She closed her eyes and nodded, and when she looked at him again there was an agony of longing in his eyes.

  ‘How can it be, when I’ve been such a bastard to you?’

  She gave a twisted smile. ‘How can it be when you’ve always sworn never to fall in love? When I swore there would never be anyone else after Roger? These things seem to happen whether we want them to or not.’

  ‘Do you really love me?’

  ‘Yes, Cameron,’ she answered simply, ‘with all my heart.’

  He got up then, and Julie rose too, and locked in each other’s arms they kissed, their fir
st kiss given in true love. Julie felt herself soaring into space, felt her whole body being uplifted. She felt exhilarated, and crushed also by the intenseness of her love for this man. Could it really be true?

  When he lifted his head, she looked at him and said, ‘Tell me I’m not dreaming.’

  ‘If you are, then so am I,’ he said gruffly. ‘God, you feel good.’ Another hungry kiss took up several more minutes.

  ‘Was there really nothing between you and Alex?’ she asked when he gave her breathing space. ‘I saw her coming from your tent one night and—’

  He groaned. ‘Dammit, I admit I flirted with her—I wanted to make you jealous—but she’s only a kid. She was experimenting, I think. I let her down gently. Nothing happened, I assure you, and she certainly wasn’t serious about me.’

  ‘You did make me jealous,’ she admitted. ‘I felt quite ill with it at times.’

  ‘Lord, I was blind,’ he growled. ‘Roger had painted such a black picture of you, before I even met you, so when you turned up I refused to see anything other than the fact that you responded to me in a sexual manner. I didn’t think it went any deeper—I thought you had no morals; I even thought you were after Jake.’ He grimaced painfully. ‘I am guilty of abusing you, Julie, and I’m deeply ashamed. I wouldn’t blame you if you never forgave me.’

  ‘I already have,’ she whispered, her love for this handsome man shining in her eyes.

  ‘You never forgave Roger.’

  She frowned. ‘What makes you say that?’

  ‘Because you wouldn’t take him back, even after he’d admitted that he was wrong.’

  A rueful smile twisted her lips. ‘I guess that means I never truly loved him.’

  He seemed satisfied with her answer. ‘How much do you love me, Julie?’

  ‘Enough for all time,’ she answered, content now in the knowledge that Cameron loved her also.

  Another kiss, another journey into space, and then he said, ‘I don’t even care now if my book doesn’t get finished. It’s you I care about, dearest Julie. You I love, you I want to marry. Could you really live out here?’

  ‘Wherever you are I want to be,’ she answered sincerely.

  ‘You won’t hanker after England, and a house and babies?’

  ‘Not until you’re ready,’ she told him.

  He pulled a surprised face—surprise at himself, not her. ‘I guess I might be ready sooner than I ever thought. Was it fate that sent you to me, my sweet Julie?’

  She grinned. ‘I guess it was my ambitious brother. I’m sorry for the pretence, I really am. I hated it. It went against every principle I hold, and I was always so scared of you finding out.’

  ‘You had no idea that I already knew?’

  ‘Oh, yes,’ she admitted, ‘I was pretty sure; you dropped enough hints, but I couldn’t let Ian down. I had to carry on with it for his sake.’

  He looked at her long and hard. ‘I have to admit it was a very admirable thing to do. Not many sisters would.’

  ‘I love him,’ she answered simply.

  ‘And I love you,’ he muttered darkly. ‘It’s been hell, waiting for you to confess, and I think you should know that was the reason I put you in separate tents.’

  ‘I’m glad you did,’ she said huskily.

  ‘It’s been the most frustrating time of my life,’ he growled. ‘I was attracted to you the first moment, the first second I set eyes on you, and you were so delightfully, righteously angry at times. “I have every intention of tying my hair back just as soon as I’ve had a shower,” you said, so uptightly. God, you were beautiful.’

  ‘I felt something for you too,’ she admitted. ‘I suppose our only consolation is that if I hadn’t masqueraded as Ian’s wife I would never have come out here and we would never have met.’ It was something she had thought of often.

  ‘I guess, in a way, he did us both a favour,’ Cameron agreed. ‘And of course he’ll stay on now, for as long as he likes. He’s proving to be a very valuable member of our research team. What do you think he’ll say to our news?’

  ‘He already knows I love you,’ she confessed.

  Cameron looked surprised. ‘He does?’


  ‘And Roger? Does he know too? Was that why he just attacked me? Am I the last to know?’ But he didn’t look angry.

  Julie shook her head. ‘No, Roger doesn’t know. He still thinks you’re a sworn bachelor.’

  ‘All it took was a black-haired beauty in high heels—a hazel-eyed witch. You cast your spell on me, Julie. I want us to get married without delay.’

  ‘I’ll get married right here on this island, if that’s what you want,’ she said, gazing adoringly into his eyes. ‘Or we could go back to England and have a big white wedding with our—’

  ‘No!’ he stated emphatically. ‘Here, tomorrow—or at least as soon as it can be arranged. I’m not waiting. I’m not prepared to take the risk that someone else might snatch you from beneath my nose.’

  ‘That won’t happen, my handsome Cameron,’ she said with a confident smile. ‘You’re my once in a lifetime man. It’s you or no one, but I’ll only marry you if you assure me it will last forever.’

  He looked sad for a moment. ‘I guess that’s what our parents thought, what most people think when they get married. But if it’s within my power to make you happy for the rest of your life, then that’s what I shall do. I’ve waited too long to make a mistake. I love you, Julie, and I always will, and that is a promise.’

  It was her promise to Cameron too, and as they walked hand in hand on the white coral shore of what had to be the most beautiful island in the world, her heart was singing.

  eISBN 978-14592-6262-1


  First North American Publication 1998.

  Copyright © 1997 by Margaret Mayo.

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  Table of Contents

  Cover Page


  About the Author

  Books by Margaret Mayo

  Title Page

















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