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Page 7

by Kait Gamble

  Jason had said something that was uproariously hilarious by the way they were laughing as he closed the door behind them, bidding them a good night.

  Cara gingerly lifted the covers of the trays one by one and gave them a critical onceover before carefully covering them again. “They really like you, don’t they?”

  “They’re supposed to be friendly. That’s their job.”

  “Is it there job to fawn over handsome guests too?”

  “You’re jealous.”

  Cara crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not.”

  He grinned and snaked his arms around her rigid form. “You are and I kinda like it.”

  “Stop being an ass.” The problem was that she was the one who felt like an ass. She was jealous—and of what? Two girls who had batted their lashes at Jason? What was wrong with her? It wasn’t as though he’d flirted back.

  “Tell you what.” Jason pecked her on the lips. “I’ll keep a shirt on around them, okay? Whatever you like.”

  Cara knew that what she was feeling was utterly ridiculous. Jason had never given her any reason to worry. She just didn’t like the way they had been looking at him like he was a piece of meat. “Thanks.”

  The smirk was going to be permanently plastered to his face if this kept up. “Come on,” he urged. “You must be hungry.”

  She was but not for food. Cara walked over and wound an arm around his neck, sliding a hand into his hair while unbuttoning his jeans with the other. “Starved.”

  * * * *

  The day ended far too soon for her liking, not that she complained about the spectacular sunset that arched vibrant ribbons of pink, red and purple over the tranquil ocean. Cara sat at the edge of the little balcony with her feet dangling just above the surface. She couldn’t think of a better way of spending an evening—until Jason swam up to her and burst out of the water at her feet.

  “Get in here. It feels fantastic.”

  It was all the invitation she needed. Cara slipped into the crystalline depths and for the moment, it seemed like they were the only two people in the world. And it wasn’t a bad feeling. In fact, Cara loved it.

  They swam among the schools of fish and the fingers of coral around the villa until it was nearly too dark to see him in front of her.

  He hefted her onto the deck before climbing up behind her. Entwining her arm through his, Cara felt totally in tune with him as they padded around the deck into the villa just enjoying the quiet moment together.

  It didn’t last long. They walked in to find his phone buzzing its way dangerously close to the edge of the end table. He deftly caught it just as it tumbled over. Jason took one look at the display and shrugged apologetically. “I have to take this.”

  “No problem. I’ve got calls to make too.” Cara knew that he wouldn’t have taken it if it wasn’t important. And she needed to check in with Chelsea anyway. She pulled out her phone and hit the button for her friend’s number.

  “What’s the matter?”

  Cara chuckled. “Does something have to be going wrong for me to call you?”

  “It does when you’re off gallivanting somewhere with Jason and you take time out to call me.”

  “I’m just checking in. It’s what I do. So how are things going?”

  “Smoothly. What about over there?”

  “Wonderfully.” She caught Jason’s eye, and he winked as he continued his conversation. Whatever it was he was discussing looked like good news. “I’ll fill you in when I get back.”

  “You’d better.”

  Cara heard something on Chelsea’s side that sounded like a male voice. “Are you with someone?”

  “I wish. It’s the TV.” Chelsea’s breathy laugh, the one she used to deflect, made Cara cringe inwardly.

  Feeling like she was lording her love life over her friend’s head, Cara sighed. “I guess I’ll let you get back to the TV. I’ll check in again soon, all right?”

  “Any idea when you’ll be back?”

  “Maybe another day or so. You know I can’t bear to be away from the restaurant too long.” Cara didn’t like to leave Chelsea alone, not since Richard. She knew her friend wouldn’t do anything drastic or try to get back together with him. She just didn’t want her to feel lonely.

  “You’ve got to learn to relax. I’m fine. The restaurant is fine. You realize I know that you use the restaurant as a smoke screen, right?”

  Cara knew she looked sheepish as heat inched up in her cheeks. “I had no doubt. I just worry about you.”

  “I’m fine. Honestly. Now go enjoy yourself.”

  Cara could imagine the exasperation on her friend’s face as she said it. “Okay, I’ll see you soon.”

  “Bye.” And just like that, Chelsea was gone.

  With a satisfied grin, Jason wrapped up his call not too long afterward.

  “What has you looking so proud of yourself? Work going well?”

  “Very.” He wound his arms around her from behind. “Would you be against leaving tomorrow afternoon sometime? I know you’d like to get back to the restaurant and there’s something I need to see to.”

  She couldn’t say she wasn’t disappointed to leave this place but she really couldn’t neglect the restaurant for her own pleasure. It wasn’t like they’d never come back. It just felt like he was rushing them out of there. But for what? Cara wondered if work truly was the reason.

  She shook off the suspicion. Where had that even come from? He never gave her any reason not to trust him. And even if he had someone else, it wasn’t any of her business since she’d never laid any claim to him. Wasn’t she the one who balked at his suggestion that they take things further?

  Cara forced her lips to curve upward. “No problem. We both have to work some time.”

  He lowered his head to caress the sensitive curve of her neck with his mouth. “You know, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than with you.”

  How could she not smile at that? “So what should we do in the meantime?”

  Jason hummed thoughtfully against her skin. “I have quite a few ideas, actually. But exploring the island should probably wait until morning, so you can see it properly.”

  “So this evening is conveniently left open.” Cara spun in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck. “Whatever can we do all night?”

  With a laugh, Jason took her by the hands and led her into the bedroom.

  * * * *

  A riot of activity consumed the next day. Jason was surprisingly adept with a moped and, with her clinging to his back, they zoomed all over the island. The locals welcomed them and even when there were no people around, the surroundings charmed her. Cara loved seeing all the flora and fauna and didn’t mind the punishing glare of the sun to experience island life.

  They definitely needed to come back as often as they could manage it—whenever they could get their schedules to coincide, if possible.

  Exhausted from the past couple of days, Cara slept through most of the flight back and part of the ride to her apartment. She didn’t even remember Jason tucking her into bed. It was like a wonderful dream. But the golden glow of her skin told her it had truly happened.

  * * * *

  When she woke, she walked into the living room to find Jason hanging up on another call but from the grin on his face, it was all good news. “What’s up?” she asked.

  “Hey. Just got some welcomed news.”

  “Care to share?”

  “Later.” He walked over to her and swept her into his arms. It was great to see him so carefree over the past couple of days, especially since he’d been so pensive lately.

  “So many secrets.”

  “A guy can’t have secrets? Women are the only ones who are allowed to be mysterious?” He waggled his eyebrows. “Up for a little surprise?”

  Cara gave him an exaggerated sigh but softened it with a smile. “I suppose.” He knew she loved surprises, as long as they were good ones.

  Minutes later, back in his car wi
th Jason competently navigating the traffic, Cara kept herself from asking any more questions about where they were going. But she didn’t have to. They were headed toward the beach.

  And she was right. He pulled up to the boardwalk and cut the engine. It wasn’t what she was expecting but she trusted Jason. They were here for a reason.

  Her heart faltered when she caught the look on his face. He looked determined. And a touch worried too. One glance at the grim set of his mouth and Cara sensed something big was about to happen. She just didn’t know if it was good or bad.

  “Jason?” Had he brought her to the place of their first meeting to end their relationship? It had symmetry. She had to give him that. “What’s this about?”

  He swallowed visibly. “There’s been something I’ve been wanting to—”

  “Jason, wait. I think I know where this is going. I don’t want you to change who you are or what you believe just to make me happy, because it wouldn’t. Just like I can’t change me into what you want.” Cara clenched her hand clenched on the door handle. Her heart broke even as she said the words. “Why don’t we just part ways now as friends and that’ll be that?”

  “Can you just let me finish before you go jumping to conclusions?” He raked his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. “I brought you here to show you something.”

  “Oh.” Feeling like an idiot, she followed him out of the car. Cara made up her mind to let him lead without another word.

  He took her hand and led her toward the string of shops and cafés lining the beachfront then stopped in front of one that was vacant. Cara knew that it was an old restaurant. She’d had her eye on it since it had gone on the market but she just couldn’t make the numbers work. It didn’t stop her from visualizing what she would do with the place if she did own it, though. Jason turned to her with hopeful eyes.

  “Okay… What’s this?”

  He smiled and pulled out a set of keys. He unlocked the door with a flourish and pushed the doors open. Inside was her exact vision. Every detail was perfect, from the polished stone floors to the firework light fixtures that burst high above the tables. Cara walked in and ran her hand over the glossy granite of the bar as she gazed across the room at the floor-to-ceiling windows that would provide diners with a view of the ocean. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Of course it is. You designed and decorated it.”

  “But how? When did you do this?” she asked, blown away as realization dawned on her. That’s what all his recent visits were about. Of course he would do this. It was perfect. She still couldn’t believe it. “You bought this place and thought you’d just give it to me? Just like that?”

  His smile disappeared. “Actually, I bought half and thought we could be partners in this. It would help with your chef problem. Chelsea has proven she can handle a place on her own. And with me putting up half, you have enough to hire staff for this place and spread your brand.”

  Cara didn’t know what to say. It was just like him to be so thoughtful. “I’m speechless.”

  “Good. Follow me.” Jason led the way upstairs.

  Cara sighed and followed.

  What she saw at the top nearly made her knees buckle. The elegant table setting had Chelsea’s handiwork written all over it, just like the food screamed Marco and Daniel, though she could see none of them actually lurking. She turned to Jason. How long had he been working on this?

  He pulled out a seat for her then poured the champagne and sat across from her. “So?”

  “Still speechless.”

  “Then have something to eat. I’m told Marco and Daniel are amazing if they can just work together long enough.”

  The meal passed by mostly in silence, at least as far as conversation went. Jason seemed to be enjoying his meal. She’d never heard him so vocal about food and she couldn’t help herself either. Marco and Daniel had outdone themselves.

  “You know, I was planning on bringing you here the last time we’d been on the beach. It wasn’t done yet but I was excited to show you.”

  “How long have you been working on this?”

  “Not too long. They just finished the redecoration yesterday.”

  She knew what it looked like before and what had needed done. “You must have had a small army in here.”

  She could see he fought a smile, but he managed to keep his expression neutral and kept eating.

  Cara stared at him. Jason must have known she was staring at him but he seemed completely indifferent as he ate. “Are we going to talk about this?”

  “About what?”

  “You buying this place for me.”

  “Half. And it’s for us.” He took a drink and carefully replaced the glass. “I’ve given up the traveling part of my job to Sebastian. He doesn’t mind flitting from place to place. I thought it was time to put down some roots.”

  That was a surprise—a big one. She knew he loved what he did. But he’d given it up. For her. It knocked her for a loop. “Jason, you can’t just go making choices for me. You can’t just drop everything for me. You have no idea if this will even work out.”

  “How have I made a choice for you? You chose this place. You decorated it. You staffed it. I’m just helping you do it.” He stared her straight in the eyes, the dare plain. “And as for not knowing if we’ll work out… Well, I guess I’m just willing to take that chance.”

  “Without telling me.”

  “Telling you would have ruined the point of all this.”

  “Now I feel like I owe you again.”

  He took a long, deliberate drink before leveling his cool blue gaze on her. “I’m going to say this one more time. You never have to feel like you owe me. If I didn’t want to do it, I wouldn’t have.”

  “And I appreciate it. I appreciate everything you do. But I want to make my own way.”

  “You have and I’m proud of you. Why can’t you just let me help and be a part of your life?” When Cara didn’t answer, his face changed. A slow realization spread over his handsome features. “Because it’s not my place. Right? You don’t see me as a part of your life.”

  A flutter of panic started to rise in her chest. “That’s not it at all!”

  “I think that’s exactly what it’s about.”

  She’d pissed him off. Cara put a placating hand on his arm. “Of course not. I would rather stand on my own two feet. You know that.”

  “I get it.” He pulled his arm out of reach, shoved the chair back and stood. “You want to be the one in charge. You want to control everything that goes on in your life. Not exactly how a person thinks when they’re part of a couple. A family. You can’t control everything, Cara. Learn to accept a gift gracefully.”

  “A building isn’t a gift.” But it was growing clear to her that Jason was. Why had it taken her so long to figure that out? He’d obviously taken the time to learn what she was doing in her life then turned this place into the restaurant of her dreams. He didn’t push her. He took care of her in every way a man could. And here she was fighting it like an idiot. And for what? Pride? What good was a little pride when she was pushing away something worth so much more?

  He was handsome, smart, generous and he understood her. And for some reason, he wanted her and all her insanity.

  “Jason.” She took his rigid hand in hers. “Look at me.” When he did, she could see the same love burning there behind the hurt and anger. Cara smiled. She hadn’t ruined everything.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  Taking a deep breath and hearing nothing but the blood pounding in her ears, Cara tightened her grip on his hand. “I’m sorry. I know I drive you crazy with how I am. I’ve told you what my parents were like. My mom might have been married to my dad but she was alone and helpless, at least in my eyes. I never wanted to end up like her. I realize now that I’m not her and you’re not my dad and that we could never become like them.”

  Jason opened his mouth but she pressed it closed with the fingers of her other hand
. “Neither of us is perfect but together we’re right. We make sense. I was just too hung up on being independent to see that leaning on you once in a while wouldn’t make me any less so.”


  She waved him off with an apologetic but determined smile. “Jason, I know marriage wasn’t on our minds when we started this but I think we both knew over the years that we were veering in this direction. I was just too stupid and stubborn to see it.” She took a fortifying breath, and Jason’s jaw dropped when she kept hold of his hand and lowered herself to one knee. “I love you. Marry me?”

  He smiled. “Before I answer, I’ve got to tell you that I know who you are and love everything about you. Just like you know I hate it when someone else beats me to the punch.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little box.

  Cara felt like she’d been knocked upside the head. When he flipped opened the box, the breath left her lungs altogether. And it wasn’t just about the glittering diamond in front of her.

  He raised his eyebrows at her questioningly when she stood frozen. “Are you going to let me put this on you or what?”

  Cara held out her hand and let him slide the ring on. She wiggled her finger a little to get used to the weight of the ring and gazed at the winking gem. Cara wrapped her arms around his shoulders so that she could stare at it a while longer when a thought occurred to her and she met his gaze. “You still haven’t said yes, you know.”

  “You got to give a guy a second to catch his breath, you know.”

  “And now that he’s had that second?”

  “I think he’s going to say yes.”

  “Going to? That implies that he isn’t going to accept yet.”

  He trailed his hands down her sides. “Maybe you have to convince him a little.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Warming up to the game, Cara let her hands rove under his shirt.

  With a grin, Jason nipped at her lower lip as he picked her up and pressed her against the wall. “Oh, yeah.”

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:


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