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Warrior's Vow: Alien Warrior Science Fiction Romance (Yadeshi Brides Book 2)

Page 8

by Emma Alisyn

  Ithann strode up, eyes fixed on Jaron. “Don’t touch-”

  Jaron’s head jerked up and he shot Ithann a hot, irritated glance. “I’m a doctor.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Jaron rose and backed away. “Fine. Bring her to the infirmary when you have some sense.”

  “I’m good,” Gayle groaned. “I’m missing out on all my childhood whoopings anyway.”

  Mila bit her lip, twisting her arms behind her back. “G? We good?”

  “Yeah, girl, go get a drink or something, I’m alright.”

  Jaron approached, eyes hard as he examined Mila. She returned his glare with one of her own.

  “You aren’t worried about me?” she asked.

  “You were never in any danger.” He took her arm, pulling her with him. “You will have to be trained. Soon. You’re stronger than you should be at this stage.”

  “Well, dandy. Train me then. But you’ve been avoiding me for-”

  “I haven’t been avoiding you.” He stopped just inside the complex, pushing her against a wall, caging Mila with both arms as he stared down at her. “I’ve been giving you time to heal.”

  “Well, I’m healed! I think you just have second thoughts and you won’t man up and tell me. You’re flaky.”

  His eyes widened in outrage. “Your accusations are irrational. Furthermore-”


  Mila recognized the warm, feminine voice. She looked over Jaron’s shoulder as he straightened- though he didn’t release Mila.


  Yanikha came forward. “I heard about the incident. I’m pleased.”

  Mila blinked. “Pleased?”

  The woman looked around Jaron, smiling. “Yes. It is good you have so strong a bond that it has cultivated a very valuable latent ability. And the bond not every fully consummated.”

  She felt her cheeks heat. Mila knew what consummated meant. How the hell did these people know Jaron still hadn’t slept with her? She didn’t like that shit. Made her look like she wasn’t… desirable.

  Okay. So she was skinnier than she should be, and a bit mouthy. Clumsy…

  “Mila.” He was looking at her, the slant of his shoulders agitated. “Stop that.”


  “I can feel what you’re thinking and I don’t like it. Stop it.”

  “I think you two have things to discuss,” Yanikha said. “Jaron, you are correct. Both of you report in two days and we will determine the extra instruction required. And Mila, there is no longer any question regarding your fitness to be here.”

  Mila snorted as the woman walked away. Of course there wasn’t. She’d almost rescued herself, beat up Gayle, did a new mind thingy that turned her into super ninja… of course they would want to keep her around now.

  “I think it’s time for our talk,” Jaron said.

  Mila looked at him. He said the word ‘talk’… not like the word talk. She licked her lips. “Talk talk? Or talk?”

  He shifted, hips pressing against her, erection obvious. “You may be right. If you are strong enough to defeat Gayle… perhaps I am being overprotective. And I have waited long enough.”

  “We. We’ve waited. All the ‘I’ stuff gives the wrong impression.”

  He stepped back, held out his hand. She clasped it without hesitation and followed him to their quarters.



  He led her through the hallways silently, hand wrapped firmly around her own. Mila almost asked him to slow down, but could sense he was focused on one thing.

  Inside the apartment, Mila tugged away. He whirled, backing her against the wall with a speed that took her breath. His eyes were hot, expression almost, but not quite, cruel.

  “Have you changed your mind?” he asked.

  “No.” She stared up at him, heart beating fast. “But… you aren’t going to go all berserk or anything are you?”

  His arm slid around her waist, the other hand burrowing in the hair at her nape. He tugged her head back and captured her lips. Lengthened incisors drew a drop of blood and he suckled the liquid, hold tightening almost painfully.

  “Are you strong enough to take all of me?” he asked, voice hoarse.

  His desire flooded her system, mingling and amplifying her own. And she went from uncomfortably horny and understandably eager to madly, insatiably desiring him. Mila cried out, arching her pelvis against his and he laughed, low and dark.

  “This is what I feel every waking moment.”

  It took her two tries to speak. “You’ve been shielding it from me.”

  “Yes.” The word was a sibilant hiss. “No more.”

  She reached up, wrapping her hands around his neck. “No more. I want you. Now.”

  He dragged her into his room, holding her up when her feet would have tangled with his own and tripped her. Mila didn’t care. She wanted to be ravished- she wanted to do the ravishing. Jaron lifted her and tossed her on the bed, stomach first, his body pressing full length against hers. She turned her head, bracing her arms to hold his weight.

  There were no niceties- he tore the leggings from her body, taking her underwear with them and his teeth, his hands were on her ass. Biting, massaging. Nudging her thighs apart, he licked his way to her crevice before pulling back just enough.

  “Get on your knees,” he said, moving off her so she could comply.

  Instead she rolled off the bed, taking her shirt and tugging it over her head. She turned and stood before him, naked. His eyes flashed a brilliant, star fueled blue, drinking in her nudity. She stretched for him, thrusting her breasts and spreading her legs. She’d gained weight in the last several days, her ribs filling out and the gap between her thighs almost gone. Soon she would even have the gentle roundness of her tummy back.

  “I want a baby from you,” she said.

  He inhaled abruptly. “I’ll give you one. Come here.”

  Mila closed the distance between them and his hands slid around her waist, down to cup her buttocks.

  “But first,” he said. “You need to gain weight.”

  “First we need to fuck.”

  He laughed, and when he bent his head as if to kiss her again she shook her head, dropping to her knees.

  “I want to hear you scream,” she said, and took the waistband of his loose trousers, tugging the pants down- more gently than he with her- and exposed him. “Take off the shirt, blue man.”

  He discarded the vest, stripping for her slowly, making a show of revealing the sculpted chest, hard abs. His skin was deep azure all over, but his hairless groin area shimmered, as if the cock was magical. Mila grinned. She was certain he’d like to think so, anyway.

  Mila grasped the base of his cock, eyeing it with delight and trepidation. She knew her pussy was designed to push out something at least as big as a baby- but would it work the other way around?

  Her hand just barely fit around the width, so she began with leaning forward to taste the glistening bead of pre cum on the tip. His rounded mushroom head was smooth, the taste honey sweet. It jerked in her hold and she almost snatched her hand back as the heat radiating from the cock escalated, nearly searing her.

  “Fuck,” she swore. “I’ll have a furnace inside me.”

  And he was hot inside her mouth, almost like too hot tea. She slowly fitted her lips around him, mostly using her tongue to lick and caress his hard shaft. If anything, he swelled more, liquid seeping into her mouth. She moved back and forth on the first inch of him unable to open her jaws any wider.

  He groaned, hands tangling in her hair. “My heat will increase until we come,” he said. “I won’t waste my seed in your mouth. Not this time.”

  Jaron pulled her to her feet, roughly so her chest smashed against his torso. He pressed against her stomach, both promise and warning. Lifting her by the waist, Jaron walked backwards, Mila’s legs wrapping around him, opening for him.

  They tumbled onto the bed, Jaron careful to land most of
his weight on his arms on either side of her head. She reached between their bodies and grabbed him again, running her hand up and down the silky jewel toned skin.

  Holding her eyes while she guided his cock towards her entrance, Jaron pressed inside a small space at a time. Mila bit her lip against the urge to impale herself, reining in impatience to allow her body to adjust to the huge invasion.

  Slowly, stretching her body even with the aid of her moist arousal, he sank inside her.

  He kissed her. “Are you well?”

  One breath, two. “Yes.”

  Mila wrapped her hands around his biceps and arched her hips, forcing him the rest of the way inside her. Their mingled hisses of pleasure, the heat of him inside her. He slid out, pushed back in, each time easier than the next until a steady rhythm built. Mila’s hips pumped; she wanted him harder, deeper. Under her fingers his markings flared, much like during a healing but brighter. Rapidly the tattoos began to split, slithering around and down his arms, the duplicates slithering over her hands and up to rest, lock, around her upper arms.

  Triumph in Jaron’s face, eyes a brilliant blue even as Mila’s orgasm crested, her body stiffening from the intense, shocking completion. A moment later he followed, hot seed flooding her womb. She felt him inside her, the bond strengthened, a mental snap into place and for a moment his mind was hers; hers his.

  And she felt… love. Not a comfortable love, but the fierce, focused, intense desire to cherish, protect- take and possess.

  Her legs slithered to the bed, body spent. Jaron’s head rested next to hers as his heat slowly faded. He still didn’t remove himself from inside her and as the aftershocks of pleasure began to wane, Mila winced.

  He lifted his head immediately. “Are you hurt?”

  She smiled, wry. “I won’t be the first woman who’s a little sore after a good fucking.”

  Jaron’s narrowed eyes studied her face, then he raised a hand to caress her cheek. “You accepted the bond. You know what that means.”

  Her eyes rolled. “Yeah, yeah. I’m yours.”

  “It means I love you,” he said quietly.

  Mila froze. She knew it, of course. But to hear the words, so freely spoken… “I love you, too. You’re my best friend. Well, my best guy friend. I mean, Gayle is like-”

  He smiled, sardonic. “I understand.” Lightning fast, he cupped her mound. “As long as you both understand this is all for me.”

  Mila’s eyes widened. “Oh, yeah. I understand.”


  And as he began to harden again inside her, Mila swallowed. “Again?”

  A small, malicious smile curved his lips in reaction to the squeak in her voice. “Of course again. And again, and again.”

  All night long.

  Epilogue... Kind of

  Mila felt strong. She stretched, twisting in the locker room mirror to admire the sleek lines of her toned arms and shoulders, the full curvature of breast and hip and thigh. And ass. Yegads... the ass.

  “Isn’t preening wonderful?” Gayle asked, binding her long braids into a bun at the nape of her neck. She dropped into a crouch, performed a series of quick punches.

  Mila rolled her eyes. “Let’s get this over with.”

  They’d waited a full three months before deciding to tie up Ayita’s loose end. She’d tagged Gayle to accompany her instead of Jaron because she didn’t really want anyone to die. Besides, they didn’t need the big blue men to come with them and if Jaron came, then Ithann would want to come as well.

  “What are you doing here?” Samson asked with a scowl, bleary eyed, when they banged on his door.

  Mila strolled past him into his house, Gayle on her heels looking around with bright eyed interest. “You should really try and get to bed at a decent time, Sam. You don’t look hot.”

  He slammed the door. Mila turned, adjusting her stance, ever so slightly.

  “Slamming doors is rude,” Gayle said.

  “Who the fuck is you?” He squinted. “Hey, aren’t you-”

  “No. I get that all the time. Must be the hair.”

  He tugged up the waistband of his drooping pants. His white tank didn’t look entirely clean, but then it must have been his maid’s day off.

  “What do you want, Mila? You here to pay the tab?”

  Mila crossed her arms, balancing on the balls of her feet. “I’m here to make you an offer you can’t refuse.” He laughed, but she ignored him. “Ayita is broke. I’m broke-”

  “That’s a lie. I heard you was messin’ around with them aliens, girl. They got money.”

  “They have muscle,” Gayle corrected.

  “Yeah? Where is it? Not here.” Samson pulled a communicator out of his pocket and tapped a few buttons.

  Mila snapped her fingers in his face. “Don’t get sidetracked. What I’m going to do is make six monthly payments in an amount that will equal one fourth of what Ayita owes you. In return, I won’t rat your ass out for being an unlicensed dealer.”

  He stilled. “You wanna watch your mouth. Your Mama will be back here sooner or later and I’ll take your disrespect out on her.”

  The threat didn’t faze her. “My mother will never be back here- and she’s somewhere you won’t be able to touch her.”

  She didn’t have to tell him Ayita was in the beginning stages of her own Happily Ever After. Mila hoped it worked out for her. It was about time, after all.

  “You can get out of my house,” Samson said. “I’ll take full payment in cash, or ass. One or the other and you have a week.” He stopped. “You know what, forget that shit. Give me my money now.”

  Mila heard the back door open and bang shut and the sound of feet on the creaking wood floors. A moment later the hallway was cramped by four of his enforcers. Mila shifted so her back was to the wall but she could keep an eye on Samson and his goons. Gayle did likewise, insouciant grin even brighter.

  “Oooh- I love parties,” her friend said.

  “Looks like,” Samson said. “So what’s it gonna be? Cash or ass? Same deal I give your Mama. It’s only fair.”

  Mila smiled without amusement. Poor man.

  He’d just pissed her off.

  Author Note:

  Hey, Fearless Reader, I hoped you enjoyed Yadeshi Brides #2. I enjoy writing these short novellas as a fun romp in between my full length books. If you could leave a review and in the review maybe mention which story I should write next- Ayita’s or Gayle’s- I would be ecstatic. (The conclusion to this fight scene would happen in Gayle’s story, fyi. I hope you forgive the tiny cliffhanger, but the main story is all wrapped up, right?)

  If you missed Yadeshi Brides #1, swipe forward

  In a galaxy far, far away...

  Nah. The aliens came to Omaha.

  Curvy single mom in trouble + elite alien warrior = a chance at the forever kind of love.

  Three strikes and he's out. Zoriah's rebellious teenage son is in trouble again- this time, on purpose. She'll do anything to prevent her family breaking up, even allow her children to train for the alien Yadeshi army.

  Why raise your sword if you have no mate or family? Elite alien warrior Benyon spends his time on Earth training humans in martial arts. He's come to love the three human children with warrior-spirits, and will do anything to prevent their unhappiness- even if it means going toe-to-toe with their mother- a woman who entices him with her fierce temper, lush beauty and strength of will to raise her children alone.

  But she doesn't have to be alone- he won't allow it, not when he's made up his mind she should be his. All he has to do is convince her that alien warriors do it bigger, harder and badder. And when their family is threatened by a spurned would-be lover, Benyon seizes the opportunity to prove his worth. After all, there's more to him than just his big, blue... tattoo.


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  Secrets. Desire. Surprise pregnancy.



  (Betcha can’t read just one.)


  Liam’s Bride

  Alphonso’s Baby

  Norelle’s Bear

  A Mate for the Bear

  What A Bear Wants


  Fae Spark

  Fae Wolf


  Bear Prince

  Bear Princess

  Bear Queen


  Warrior’s Bond


  Mated to the Enemy Alpha

  Taken by the Werewolf


  The Bride's Contract

  Coming for the Cowboys


  Emma Alisyn writes paranormal romance because teaching high school biology wasn’t like how it is on television. Her lions, tigers, and bears will most interest readers who like their alphas strong, protective and smokin’ hot; their heroines feisty, brainy and bootilicious; and their stories with lots of chemistry, tension and plenty of tender moments.


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