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Angel Of Mercy (Cambions #3)

Page 30

by Dermott, Shannon

  What I couldn’t tell her was that was going to be the best part. Walking in with Luke and getting our picture taken.

  “They’re here,” my mom called from downstairs. Because my house was much smaller than Flynn’s, it took no time to make it to the front door.

  Flynn looked incredible. It would be hard not to notice. Brent was there too looking dapper. Flynn stared at me opened mouthed and I looked down to make sure my chest was covered. He looked as though I might have flashed him. His blue eyes were icy clear. When I made it to him, he said, “You look smoking hot.”

  “Pictures,” my mom declared. She promised to take a ton for Maggie’s parents. They hadn’t been excited about not being able to witness Maggie all dressed up but conceded since this technically wasn’t her prom.

  It was good things changed. No longer under the strife spell Sara had left at David’s house, Mom wasn’t angry anymore. I’d told her all about my latest dreamwalk with her father and my conversation with Sebastian after. It felt good to share things with her again, knowing she wasn’t against me so much as she was trying to protect me.

  She’d warned again, “Mercy trust me when I say that no matter what he offers to you, it won’t be worth the price you’d pay.” I’d made the right choice. And he’d yet to slip into any more of my dreams.

  Coming out of my thoughts, Flynn put his arm around me in a possessive way and gave his chagrin as the flash went off several more times.

  We were all headed out the door when my mom stopped Flynn and me. “Wait,” she called out. Maggie and Brent were already outside when my mom said, “Just a minute Mercy.”

  Flynn closed the door when Brent agreed to give us a minute while heading for the limo at the curb. When Mom went upstairs, he turned to me. “You look incredible Mercy. Luke is one lucky son of bitch.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “You look great yourself. That tee shirt looks amazing with your suit.”

  Grinning, he opened his suit jacket to reveal a black tee with an S and D in a cursive flourish, with a “my” in lowercase script letters in between. Before I could even ask what that meant, Flynn whispered, “Forgive me.” And he swept me in his arms before his mouth covered mine in a kiss that made me forget my question until my mom cleared her voice loudly behind us.

  Flynn pulled away and I realized my hands were clenched. Releasing them, I felt the pressure points where my nails had dug in my palms.

  Mom came back empty handed. Perplexed I watched as she clasped her hand together in front of her. “I wanted you guys alone because I need to say something to you, Flynn.”

  He stiffened by my side, and I moved closer taking his hand in mine as a show of support. Mom hadn’t been very nice to him or anyone recently. Although she’d been good to me lately, I feared her words. “Flynn, I’ve said some things I regret. You are a fine young man. And any mother should be happy that you were with their daughter.”

  Flynn’s face was shocked. “David did well with you and as he should, he is very proud of you. I want you to know that I’m so happy that Mercy has chosen you. I’ve told her all along you were the best choice.”

  Then she walked over and took Flynn in a surprise hug. “Thanks Mrs. M,” he uttered, glancing over me like he was trying to figure me out. “We should go.”

  “You two have fun. Don’t worry about curfew,” she said. I’d never had a curfew so that comment put a stutter in my step.

  Mortified at my mother’s words, I didn’t look at Flynn as we left the house with my mom waving goodbye at us from behind.

  “I’m mother approved,” Flynn chuckled. It was instinct to glance over at him when he spoke.

  “She’s right. You are a good guy,” I said, because he didn’t think he was.

  “You’re both wrong there,” he said, keeping his voice low.

  It was a short walk from my house to the street. We were almost to the limo, when I stopped and asked, “Why would you say that?”

  His answer was quick. “Because if I was, I wouldn’t be in love with my best friend’s girl,” he answered with his voice barely above a whisper.

  On some level I knew this to be true. The bond was evidence enough. But it was still hard to swallow that Flynn was in love with me. Two steps later, he opened the limo door.

  If I thought that my night would be easy to get through, when I got in the limo, I was reminded why it wouldn’t be. It was hard to see Luke in person for the first time in weeks and unable to touch him. Added to that was horrible times a thousand with him next to Nina who wore a black dress. Averting my eyes, with Flynn and I last to get in, I ended up in the hot seat that lined the back. Luke and Nina faced Brent and Maggie who sat across from them.

  “What took the two of you so long?” Nina crooned. “Mercy, you should fix your lipstick.”

  I automatically focused on Luke. When our eyes connected, his features were grim until Nina turned at looked at him. His frown turned right side up way too fast. She had to see that his smile wasn’t genuine.

  “Awkward,” Maggie jested. Meeting her eye, she shrugged at me, letting me know there was nothing she could do about the obvious.

  Brent said, “You girls all look good tonight.”

  “Why thank you Babe,” Maggie said, and planted a kiss on him.

  And when he spoke, he let me know he was indeed real. My heart released butterflies I didn’t know I had. “You girls all look beautiful.” Nina leaned her back into Luke’s chest. So it was easy for him to speak and look at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brent and Maggie looking between Luke and me.

  “You know, I almost didn’t believe the two of you were really together. I just knew that you two were putting on a show. I mean really who would have thought Flynn would chase any girl. But I see it. I see the way you two look at each other.”

  Flynn added to the show by lacing his fingers with mine. “Don’t get jealous Nina.”

  “Jealous,” Nina proffered. “Why would I be? Besides, I’m just curious about the ring. I mean, it’s on the finger that would suggest you two are getting married or something.”

  I sat to Flynn’s left since he let me get in the car first. With his right hand, he lifted my left and kissed my ring finger. Luke’s eyes burned into mine and I knew he was ready to pounce to get Flynn off of me. This was as hard for him to watch as it was for me.

  Although Nina was pressed against him, Luke had barely touched her. I felt so wrong for putting all of this in Luke’s face.

  “Besides Nina, I know you want me. I’ve seen it in your dreams.”

  Chapter Sixty Two

  That brought Nina sputtering and cursing at Flynn. Brent was laughing so hard he had to wipe at the corners of his eyes. Flynn just sat back and laughed. He was really good at pushing people’s buttons. I was able to pull my hands free from Flynn’s and smile at Luke while playing with the puffy heart at my neck. I hoped he got the message.

  Maggie had. She’d been watching me the entire time. Her eyes narrowed and I knew we would be talking later.

  Nina faintly glowed when Luke leaned down to her ear and spoke. She smiled and the light faded. I had to look away wondering just what he’d said.

  Unfortunately, there wasn’t much to look at besides black leather seats, tiny lights that outlined the ceiling and the bar that wasn’t stocked. Even the view outside the tinted windows moved so fast, there wasn’t anything to see. I looked up at Flynn who grinned.

  Leaning over, he whispered in my ear. “You want to know what my tee shirt says.” I’d forgotten all about it. “It’s an abbreviated version of suck my—”

  I jerked away shaking my head and said, “I don’t need to know.”

  “Know what?” Nina asked, getting herself in the middle of my conversation.

  I thought of saying to her: This is an A and B conversation, so why don’t you C your way out of it. But I held my tongue because that was childish. Flynn however didn’t. Opening his jacket, he said, “See. Take a hint.”

; And that started another war of the words between the two until the limo pulled to a stop in front of the gym entrance at our school. Maggie playfully slapped at Brent who was having the time of his life laughing at Flynn and Nina trade barbs.

  Once the limo driver opened the door, Flynn held his hand out. “Come on Angel girl, time for the show.”

  Nina looked back at Luke and muttered, “You owe me.” Then she kissed Luke whose eyes remained open and on me. Nina pulled away and I wondered if he’d kissed her back. It was quick but she looked satisfied and not the least suspicious. She grumbled. “Don’t you touch me dickwipe.” And even I chuckled a bit at watching them walk towards the entrance trading words.

  Maggie made sure she caught my eye before she tugged Brent out of the car. Then it was just Luke and me. “I missed you,” he said softly once everyone was far enough away except for the limo driver who just stood outside the door waiting.

  “I missed you too,” I said and he tugged me over on his lap. Our faces were milliseconds away from touching but he didn’t press his lips to mine.

  “You’ve kissed him and she’s kissed me.” Opening my purse between him, I showed him the tiny travel sized bottle of Scope in my purse. Grinning, he said, “You came prepared.” I nodded. He added, “So I’ll meet you at your locker in fifteen minutes.”

  “I’m counting on it,” I said. And we got out of the car. There were other couples walking into the school from the line of cars and limos, but Maggie, Brent, Nina and Flynn were nowhere in sight. They must have already gone inside.

  Luke held my hand and we walked in. The gym had been transformed. As he spoke to the girl who manned the ticket table, I tried to place her. I thought she might be a junior in one of my classes. If memory served, she was on the student council.

  Averting my eyes, I took in the gym transformation. The theme was “A Walk in Central Park.” And there were live trees strung with white Christmas lights that lined a short path. At the end of the path, a photographer took pictures of the incoming couples. The path was lined, so it was obvious we were supposed to walk it. Beyond that, the sides of the gym had small circular tables that sat about four. They appeared to be black wrought iron. There was a stage set off in the corner where a live band played and several benches sat near other trees that were placed strategically in the open spaces. On the extreme right, the bleachers were pushed as flush to the wall as their folding capabilities allowed. They were covered with something black and strung with more Christmas lights. In front of them was the punch and food table.

  Luke had taken my hand again. “Fifteen minutes.” He led me down the path behind other couples. Ahead, I saw Nina waiting, looking peeved. Because it was Senior Prom, the girl at the front had made sure that the ticket holders were Seniors, which is why Nina had to walk in with Flynn, me with Luke.

  At the end at the end of the path, a professional photograph halted our steps. “Closer,” he said, which gave Luke the right to tug at my hip and pull me into his side. “Smile.” And memories were made. Nina couldn’t take that away from me.

  Then Nina took Luke’s hand and pulled him off in the direction of the Elite. Flynn grabbed my hand and we followed. “Ready for more of the show?” he said a moment before he positioned me in front of him as we stood around one of the tables.

  “Flynn you made it in,” said one of the other guys. Fist bumps were traded all around. But the fact that I was Luke’s ex-girlfriend and now with Luke’s best friend wasn’t lost on anyone. Everyone glanced nervously around.

  “What’s everyone’s problem?” Nina pouted now that she wasn’t the center of attention.

  When Amanda strolled up and immediately looked at Flynn, I was happy and sad at the same time. She’d taken the heat off of the Luke thing. Now people were looking at her, Flynn and me. And it didn’t end there. Amber walked over with a quiet guy who was in the Elite circle but he kept to himself. According to Maggie, he played on the basketball team. He was kind of cute and nerdy in a way too. Amber certainly had a type. Paul was already standing there with a girl I remembered. She had been at my mom’s wedding. He had been talking to that same girl then. Her short black hair was styled much like it had been that night. Their hands were clasped as if this wasn’t their first time doing so. I smiled at him. Paul deserved to be happy. His happiness gave me hope that one day we could be friends again without the complication of his wanting to be with me.

  “So who’s spiking the punch?” Amanda said pulling out a flask. That’s when everyone started talking and the awkwardness subsided.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Flynn asked, surprising me again. Why was he being a gentleman?

  “Sure, but I’m going to the bathroom first,” I said. I had plans with Luke in a few minutes.

  He nodded, letting me go. As I walked away, I had to shake off the good feeling he was giving me. No complications.

  Stepping past the row of doors that led into the school, I headed left down a hall and not to the right towards the restrooms. Turning down another hall, I saw Luke already waiting by my locker. Pulling out the bottle of mouthwash I gave him a smile as he led me to a different set of restrooms. I went inside, swished out my mouth and washed off my lip gloss reapplying it before exiting and handing him the bottle. When he came out of the guy’s side, he didn’t waste time. “Mrs. Bishop.”

  I was in his arms. “Mr. Bishop,” I managed to get out before he kissed me. Like every time before, his kiss was heaven. Stars burst from behind my eyes and I swore I felt the planets align. His hands reacquainted themselves with my hips and the small of my back and even the line of my spine. My temperature was at dangerous levels. “I want out of this dress,” I confessed.

  Giving me a wicked smile, he said “I want to see you out of that dress even though you look amazing in it. But we’ll have time for that later.”

  Voices shattered our privacy. “Where do you think he went?” a female voice I didn’t recognize asked.

  “He’s probably with her.” Luke and I traded glances. The voice belonged to Nina.

  “You can’t possibly believe that. Luke is not that kind of guy. He’s not going to take her back after she was with Flynn. His. Best. Friend.”

  “I don’t know,” Nina ruminated.

  “He has got to have heard about Flynn and her. The way those two have been all over each other. Any other guy, maybe. But not Luke.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Nina said. And her voice sounded farther away.

  My eyes were closed. I didn’t want to see Luke after he heard those things. But his soft lips pressed to mine before quickly retreating. “Save the first dance for me.”

  Then he was leading me back. “I’m going to the bathroom. You go in first.”

  I nodded, unable to speak. Though he looked at me with love, I felt like poo.

  When I stepped back into the gym, Flynn pulled me into a dark corner. “You two are going to get caught. Nina has been looking for you two. His body blotted out any of the little light that was cast in our direction. “Did you enjoy your little reunion?”

  “It’s none of your business. Thanks for the warning, but what else do you want?” I wasn’t in the mood for his games.

  “Like you care what I want,” he accused.

  “Flynn—” I pleaded. I just didn’t want to do this. Not right now.

  Someone must have tapped Flynn because he turned around. It was one of Nina’s friends. “Oh, Nina was looking for Luke.” The girl’s eyes went wide. Then she looked me over suspiciously. Had Nina told everyone she thought Luke was cheating on her with me?

  “So you thought I was standing in a corner with Luke,” Flynn answered sarcastically. “Leave little bird. Fly away.”

  Me personally, I would have been livid at his tone and words. The star struck girl however, nodded her head up and down and stepped away. I was sure she went in search of Nina. I just shook my head.

  Then the band started playing a cover of the latest Thirty Seconds to
Mars song, my favorite. It was an up tempo song. Flynn saw the delight in my eyes. “Let’s dance doll face.”

  At first I went along with him. I love to dance and it felt like it had been forever since I had. But then I remembered Luke had asked me to save him the first dance. By the time we got there though, people were jumping about and thrashing around like the dance floor was a mosh pit. I knew then I could just dance. It wasn’t like dancing with a partner. As the song continued, more people joined the crowd and we were swallowed up.

  Too quickly the song was over. The next song was a little slower. We were still dancing around like fools when that song morphed into a slower one still. I stopped and looked at Flynn. I made a promise. But there was also something in Flynn’s eyes pleading me to choose him. Did he know I’d promised the first dance?

  Hands from behind me grasped me by the waist. I turned around to face Luke. “Thanks man,” Luke said to Flynn who stood looking at me a second before he turned away.

  The band played a cover of Snow Patrol’s “In the End.” With the popularity of Dancing With the Stars, many of the guys were twirling the girls about. However when Luke mouthed ‘I’ve waited here for you forever,’ my heart leaped, forgetting about all the cool dance moves.

  That song gave away to an even slower song. With so many people around us and Luke’s arms around me, I laid my head on his shoulder. Lost in the music, I nearly ignored the tap on my shoulder. Luke’s hands fell away and I knew who was there. I breathed him in fearing this was going to be our last dance, and finally I pulled away. “Nina,” I said with a smile.

  “Have you seen Flynn? Luke offered to dance with me…” I knew my excuse sounded flimsy. Her eyes said it all. She hadn’t believed a word of it.

  Flynn materialized from nowhere. He pulled me in his arms and lifted me to his lips. He kissed me while he slid me down his body back to my feet. It was so hot, people stopped to watch. My face burned with embarrassment. “There you are. Thanks man,” Flynn said to Luke. Luke nodded and turned back to Nina taking her in his arms and twirling her away.


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