Whitehall Baby: A Surprise Pregnancy, Fake Relationship Romantic Comedy Perfect for Chick Lit Fans

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Whitehall Baby: A Surprise Pregnancy, Fake Relationship Romantic Comedy Perfect for Chick Lit Fans Page 18

by Laura Barnard

  He walks out, no doubt to retrieve his precious phone.

  I look around at the parts of wood. Where’s the sweet day I had planned where we’d lovingly put our babies’ room together? The cold hard truth is that he just doesn’t care enough. I look down at my bump, a tear falling down my cheek. We’re not enough for him.

  I pull myself together and decide I need some fresh air. I grab my crutches and walk out into the living room where he’s already deep in work on his laptop, grab my coat and slam the door childishly behind me. I call Eloise as soon as I’m on the street.

  ‘He just doesn’t care,’ I wail down the line to her, crying so hard I create snot bubbles. Real attractive, Charlotte.

  ‘Okay babe, but can I be real here?’ she asks.

  ‘Of course.’

  She sighs. ‘Babe this is flat pack furniture. No man likes putting it together. No man likes going to Ikea. You, by some miracle found Josh who loved it as much as you, but that’s why I always thought he was gay.’

  I roll my eyes even though she can’t see me. He wore a pink shirt once and she basically booked his ticket for gay pride.

  ‘I just… I guess I don’t feel like a priority.’

  ‘Babe it’s obvious to me that Arthur is head over heels in love with you. You’re just over-reacting because of the baby hormones, which frankly are turning you into a complete weirdo.’

  ‘I mean, you’re right there.’ We both laugh. I need the break it brings.

  ‘Don’t you remember the day me and Stuart broke up? It was the day we were putting our flat pack together. It’s a breaking point for a lot of couples. And Arthur said he’ll pay for someone to put it together, so what’s the big deal?’

  I know she’s right. I’m just feeling strange and insecure. Which I shouldn’t be. Arthur has told me he’s falling in love with me. He hasn’t voiced any other doubts.

  ‘Thanks, El, you have made me feel better. There’s still no way I can convince you to come to Arthur’s mum’s Christmas Eve party?’

  She snorts a laugh. ‘No chance in hell. But have fun!’


  Thursday 24th December

  Charlotte - 36 Weeks Pregnant

  ‘Thank you again for coming,’ Arthur says to me as we rock slowly from side to side on the moodily lit black and white dance floor.

  His mum has hired an entire hotel in Knightsbridge and still gone to town decorating as if it’s a blank canvas. The hotel itself is so grand, all high ceilings and gold but she’s added red and white balloons complete with candy canes. There are snowy garlands, a hot chocolate bar off to the side with sweets labelled as ‘Santa’s cookies’, ‘elf treats’ and ‘reindeer noses’, plus fairy lights on every surface. I have to give it to her, its magical. I think our future child will love these parties.

  We’re all in matching red and white too, as per her request. Well, except I had to be a bit rebellious. My empire line dress is silver. It’s the only shape that makes me look slightly less huge and the silver made me feel pretty. Anything that makes me feel less of a swollen pregnant woman right now has to be allowed. My ankles are now puffy too. I’ve also sprayed painted my crutches silver so I feel a bit more chic.

  Apparently all money raised is going to a children’s cancer charity. I suppose she must have some goodness in her to do that. Either that or she just wants everyone to think she’s charitable

  His mum taps me on the shoulder as we do our strange stationary dance. I turn, eyes wide to face her. God, what does she want with me? Just when I was enjoying myself.

  ‘Charlotte, can I please have a word?’ she wrings her hands in front of her. Is she feeling awkward?

  It’s the first time I’ve seen any real emotion come from her. I look back to Arthur who smiles. I have to try, for him.

  ‘Okay. Sure.’

  She helps me with my crutches and guides me in between waiters serving canapes, over to a quieter corner where she directs me towards a chair.

  She swallows. ‘Charlotte, I want to apologise for what I said at your baby shower.’

  I fold my arms defensively across my chest. I want more of an apology than that. The woman was bad mouthing me at my own shower.

  ‘And for how I’ve generally treated you since you’ve come into my life. I must admit I’ve found it hard to accept you and the baby. It was all so sudden. Such a shock to me. Truth be told, I was always expecting him to marry James.’

  I roll my eyes. I think everyone expected that.

  ‘It still doesn’t excuse your rudeness,’ I say calmly. I want to get my point across without bursting into tears.

  She nods, pressing her lips together. ‘I know. I’m repulsed by my actions and I hope we can start again. Arthur said you’re having real success in the fashion world. I want to be in yours and my grandchild’s life and to help support you in any way I can.’

  I nod. Arthur has obviously scared her into submission. The truth is that I’d like her to be in the baby’s life. God knows with Arthur’s job I’m going to need all the help I can get.

  ‘I have no problem with that. All I ask is that you treat us both with kindness and not talk about us behind our back.’

  She nods sincerely. ‘I promise, Charlotte. It’s my New Year’s resolution and unlike other people I always keep mine.’

  I shrug. ‘Then fine. You’re forgiven.’

  She smiles and I realise it’s the first real one I’ve had from her. It fully reaches her eyes and her crow’s feet wrinkle. ‘Arthur was right. You are a lovely person. Thank you so much for accepting my apology.’

  ‘You’re welcome. Now I’m going to go and find Arthur.’

  I look around but he’s no longer on the dance floor. He’s not at the bar either. I can’t see him anywhere. That’s weird.


  Charlotte’s barely gone off with Mum when James appears wearing a dress that shows off far too much cleavage.

  She smiles devilishly. ‘Arthur, can I have a private word please?’

  I frown but follow her, seen as she’s already started walking. She walks out of the room, down a corridor and into a small office by the toilets. I’m sure we’re not allowed to be in here.

  ‘What’s up?’ I ask, hands in my pockets

  The more time I spend with Charlotte the less I want to spend with James. How did I never realise how self-indulged and judgemental she is?

  ‘I want to… I want to…’ she stops again, wavering.

  I roll my eyes, quickly losing patience with her. ‘Jesus, James, spit it out.’

  She clears her throat. ‘I want you to know that there are more options for you.’

  I frown back at her. What the hell is she going on about?

  ‘What do you mean? Options?’

  She swallows. ‘What I mean is, don’t feel you have to marry Charlotte just because you got her pregnant. I know you’re worried about your reputation, but there are plenty of blended families in the world now. It’s not as terrible as it once was.’

  I shake my head in disbelief. Where the hell is this coming from?

  ‘Sorry, are you telling me I shouldn’t be marrying Charlotte?’

  She sighs, leaning on a chair. ‘I just don’t think she’s right for you, Artie.’

  Like she fucking knows. ‘Charlotte is everything I need. She’s sweet, loving; loyal.’

  She scoffs and mutters. ‘Loyal,’ under her breath.

  ‘Sorry? What the hell do you mean by that?’

  She’s seriously pissing me off.

  She takes out her phone and scrolls through, handing it over to me. On it are pictures of Charlotte out with a man. Having dinner with him all dressed up. Having what looks like a coffee date with him. I look back at her expecting an explanation.

  ‘I know you’ll be mad.’ She pauses to bite her lip. ‘But for your own protection I had her followed.’

  ‘You hired a fucking private investigator?’

  Of course she did; James trusts no one.

  ‘I did,’ she nods. ‘And aren’t you glad I did. That man in the photos is her ex-boyfriend Joshua Moore. Tell me, Artie, did she share this bit of information with you?’

  My stomach drops. I mean she’s right, she hasn’t told me. Why the hell hasn’t she? Especially if its innocent, which I assume it would be. Charlotte’s not like that.

  ‘She’s been leading you on, while all the time keeping a backup option viable. Joshua and her only broke up because she didn’t want to settle down. And now that she’s ready she’s eyeing up her opportunity to get him back.’

  ‘No,’ I say out loud, shaking my head. I can’t believe this. I refuse to believe this.

  She locks eyes with mine. ‘Pictures don’t lie, Artie. I wanted so desperately for you to have found your happiness, but I don’t want you to rush into something that isn’t right.’

  I mean, could she just be looking out for my best interest? Is it possible?

  ‘Maybe you’re right,’ I muse aloud. Could I have been living a fantasy the last couple of months, ignoring any warning signs?

  She nods with a sad smile. ‘You know I am. It’s definitely not as simple as you’re making out. Pretending to play families with this absolute stranger of a woman. I still can’t believe you moved her in so quickly.’

  Ugh, she sounds just like my mother. I want to get away from her poisonous words.

  ‘What choice did I have?’ I snap back. ‘Let her leave and move to Devon? Never see my baby again?’

  She scoffs. ‘That’s if the baby’s even yours.’

  She’s on thin fucking ice right now. I can’t even talk I’m so mad.

  ‘I do think you should have a paternity test once the baby is born.’

  She won’t believe anything good in Charlotte. The quickest way to escape is to have her think I believe her. That way I can get back to Charlotte and ask her about the Joshua thing. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.

  ‘Hmm. Maybe I should,’ I say.

  ‘I think it’s the right thing to do,’ she nods in agreement. ‘But obviously don’t spook Charlotte now. Keep up appearances until the baby is born and then we can secretly get the test done.’

  I nod, feeling like the life has been kicked out of me. How can she believe Charlotte would be so vindictive? How have I been so blind to this behaviour before now?


  She smiles sadly at me. ‘Oh, Artie. Come here.’

  She presses herself against me. It doesn’t feel right. Not without Charlotte’s bump. Not without Charlotte’s sweet scent of flowers.

  ‘Well at least you have some sense,’ she adds.

  People seem a lot happier when I agree to a DNA test. My mum has been insisting on one since the beginning. But I know Charlotte and I know she wouldn’t lie to me. She’s not impressed by fancy expensive things. She just wants a simple life. Definitely not the type to trap a person with a baby. There must be a reason why she was with her ex-boyfriend.

  She leans back, looking up at me.

  ‘You have more options, Arthur,’ she whispers.

  She edges towards me. Shit, is she trying to kiss me? I jump back in revulsion, pushing her away. Her eyes widen in vulnerability.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I ask, unable to hide the shock.

  ‘I’m an option, Arthur,’ she purrs, looking at my lips.

  ‘You?’ I repeat in disbelief. Is she fucking serious? How deluded can you get?

  ‘I think I’ve waited for you long enough. You always said you didn’t want children, so I waited for you. Now you’ve changed your mind and that’s okay. It might be too late for us to have them, but we can share this baby with Charlotte. We can be together.’ She steps forward and strokes my cheek.

  ‘No, James,’ I whisper, taking her hand and removing it. ‘I had no idea you felt like this. Why didn’t you tell me?’

  She pushes my hand off. ‘Because I felt we had time. I was happy for you to put your career first. I still am. But I think you know that we’re better suited.’

  I stand back. ‘Maybe on paper, James. But I love Charlotte.’

  And shit, I do. Forget this falling bullshit. I’m in love with Charlotte. I’ve been lying to myself about it for weeks.

  She shakes my head. ‘You don’t. You just think that because of the baby.’

  I shake my head. I need to be clear here. Let her know there’s no chance for us.

  ‘James, even if Charlotte and the baby didn’t exist. Me and you would never work. I’m sorry but I just don’t feel like that about you.’

  Her face falls. ‘Oh. Oh dear.’

  She suddenly looks smaller, her shoulders hunched, her eyes filled with tears. I feel sorry for her. Especially if she feels I’ve been leading her on.

  I take her hand in mine. ‘I’ll always love you as a friend, James. But we’ll never be anything more.’

  She nods, a tear falling down her cheek.

  ‘I’m sorry, but I’m going to find Charlotte.’


  I can’t see him anywhere so decide to escape to the bathroom. Of course I need another wee. I can waste some time in there, maybe even give Eloise a call and see how her evening is going. I’d far rather be at Lauren’s house party in Watford.

  I walk down the long corridor to the toilets that I’ve already visited several times tonight, but stop when I hear Arthur’s voice.

  I creep quietly towards the door and listen in.

  ‘Pictures don’t lie, Arthur,’ James says. ‘I wanted so desperately for you to have found your happiness, but I don’t want you to rush into something that isn’t right.’

  The absolute bitch. I knew she hated me.

  ‘Maybe you’re right,’ Arthur says.

  No, she’s not right, Arthur. She’s a massive bitch. Don’t listen to her.

  ‘You know I am. It’s definitely not as simple as you’re making out,’ she says. ‘Pretending to play families with this absolute stranger of a woman. I still can’t believe you moved her in so quickly.’

  ‘What choice did I have?’ He snaps back.

  My spine tingles at the change in his tone. I don’t know this Arthur.

  ‘Let her leave and move to Devon? Never see my baby again.’

  I feel sick. He doesn’t want me. Of course he doesn’t. He just wants the baby. It’s all been a lie.

  ‘That’s if the baby’s even yours.’

  I wait for him to stand up for me. To shout at her for the accusation of me being a slut.

  But there’s too much silence.

  ‘I do think you should get a paternity test once the baby is born.’

  My stomach bottoms out.

  ‘Hmm. Maybe I should.’

  Oh my god. He believes her. He thinks he needs a DNA test? I can’t breathe. It’s like all of the air has been sucked from my lungs.

  ‘I think it’s the right thing to do. But obviously don’t spook Charlotte now. Keep up appearances until the baby is born and then we can secretly get the test done.’

  I gasp, quickly covering my mouth with my hand.


  I can’t believe it. They’ve been colluding together from the start. It’s all been an act. I’ve been so unbelievably stupid.

  I turn and walk away, unable to hear any more without being violently sick. I head for the exit, a million thoughts racing through my mind.

  My world is falling apart around me. He wants a DNA test. How can he believe the baby might not be his, that he still has that seed of doubt? He doesn’t know me well, at all. I don’t know him well. We’re basically strangers thrust together by one night of passion.

  I might have fallen head over heels in love with him, but to him we’ll always just be a situation. Something to be handled. There’s no way he would have given me a second thought otherwise. He’s been pretending, telling me what I need to hear in order to keep me close. All the time planning a happily ever after with James.

  I leave, rushing back to the
flat. I pack my suitcase, tears running down my cheeks. I don’t care what I’m packing as I throw clothes haphazardly in along with my toiletries, I just need to get out of here.


  I head straight to the main hall as soon as I can get away from James. I can’t seem to find Charlotte in the crowd. After the shit show with James, I need to feel her in my arms. Need to be reminded that there are good people in the world.

  I spot Mum from across the room. I walk quickly over there.

  ‘Mum, how was your chat with Charlotte?’

  She smiles. ‘Good. She’s forgiven me. You were right. She really is a good woman. Hold onto her.’

  ‘I intend to. Did you see where she went off to?’

  ‘No, I think she was looking for you.’ She frowns back at me. ‘I assumed she’d found you.’

  ‘No.’ I’m already walking away. ‘Thanks,’ I shout back as an afterthought.

  I speak to one of the doormen and ask if he’s seen an eight-month pregnant woman on crutches leave. Kind of easy to spot.

  ‘Yeah, she left a little while ago. Seemed to be upset about something.’

  The thought of her miserable makes my own heart ache. Wait a minute. Mum said she was looking for me. Left upset. Shit, what if she found me and overheard me and James? Got the wrong end of the stick?

  I race towards the flat, not even stopping to call a cab. If she heard all that she’s going to think all manner of unreasonable awful things about me.

  I finally reach the door, sweaty and out of breath. I open it to an eerie silence. My stomach rolls, a chill spreading throughout my body, finding its place in my heart. She’s gone. I know it even before I run through the rooms, hands in my hair in desperation. Her suitcase is gone and most of her wardrobe is empty. My Grandma’s ring is on the breakfast bar.

  Shit. I lean against the wall, needing something to support my jellied legs. I take my phone out and slide to the floor, as I press call. It goes straight to answerphone. Double shit.

  ‘Charlotte, it’s me. I think you’ve got the wrong idea. Please call me back so I can explain.’


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