Caught Kissing the Cowboy: A Return to Snow Valley Romance

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Caught Kissing the Cowboy: A Return to Snow Valley Romance Page 14

by Cindy Roland Anderson

  If only Ian could take Jake’s place for all the kissing scenes. The first one was scripted this afternoon. Tomi dreaded the upcoming scene and wished Ian could stand in as a double just like Chris Hemsworth’s wife had done at the end of the second Thor movie when the actor and Natalie Portman’s character had shared a very passionate kiss. No one had known it had been Chris’s wife instead of Natalie until much later, which only made the Australian actor more popular.

  At least kissing was all she would have to do for this movie. Unlike some of the movies she’d auditioned for that contained way too much sex or bad language, Whisper Falls was a sweet romance marketed for the Hallmark channel’s audience.

  After completing her tasks, Tomi stepped out of the trailer and made her way back to the barn. A local news station out of Billings was parked outside of the temporary fencing. The reporter was interviewing the second assistant director assigned to oversee the cast of background extras.

  Tomi had enjoyed talking with some of the locals cast as extras this morning. They were excited about being in a movie and didn’t seem to mind their limited roles, nor the long wait until they were needed again. Tomorrow’s group would be even bigger. A few of Piper’s students were scheduled for the shoot as part of the rodeo audience. Her sister was also one of the extras, along with Shane and Lindsey. The kids were excited to be part of the film for different reasons. Lindsey loved horses and took any opportunity to be near them. Shane was happy he’d get to miss school. Plus, he liked bragging about his aunt being a famous actress.

  Tomi wasn’t famous by Hollywood standards, but the residents of Snow Valley treated her like she was royalty.

  As she made her way back toward the barn, she passed by the wardrobe tent. Tempted to check in on Ian, she slowed her steps and scanned her surroundings. Everyone was too busy to notice her, so she ducked behind one of the trailers and circled around it, entering the wardrobe tent from the other side.

  Stopping behind a loaded wardrobe rack, Tomi peeked around and spied Ian right away. He stood in front of the full-length mirror, wearing the same clothing Jake had on. He didn’t look very happy about his new job as Vickie, the wardrobe supervisor, took off his cowboy hat and replaced it with a new one exactly like Jakes.

  “Perfect!” Vickie said, stepping back to admire her work…or maybe she was admiring Ian. Probably both. “Now, about your beard.”

  “What about my beard?” Ian said with a scowl. “Mr. Edwards said all the shots would be from behind.”

  “All right.” Vickie pulled a phone from her pocket. “But let me confirm that before I send you on your way.”

  Vickie walked away from Ian to make the call, giving Tomi an opportunity to make her presence known. She moved in behind Ian until she was visible in the mirror and waved. Spotting her immediately, he spun around and stalked toward her as she moved back out of sight from Vickie.

  “You don’t look very happy to see me,” she whispered as he joined her behind the clothing rack.

  “Sorry, I’m not mad at you.” The hard lines on his face softened. “But could you please tell me what just went down? I was here for the horse, and now I’m a double for Jake Kelley.” He shot her a disgruntled look. “The guy’s a tool, by the way.”

  “Yeah, he is.” Tomi narrowed her gaze. “And you could’ve said no.”

  “True.” A slow smile curved his mouth as his eyes roamed over, starting from the fitted shirt down to the cute pair of burgundy half-boots with the spiked heels. “Kind of hard to say no, though. You are by far the hottest veterinarian I’ve ever met.”

  “Really?” She bit her bottom lip and inched closer to him. “I was thinking the same thing about you.”

  Electricity zipped between them as a gravitational pull drew them closer. Tomi knew being together was risky. Still, her eyes fluttered closed as Ian leaned down and captured her lips in a sizzling kiss that made her head feel fuzzy. She melted against him, letting her hands drift over the hard muscles of his chest.

  “Mr. Davies?” Vickie called out. “Are you still here?”

  Panicked, Tomi tore her mouth away from his. “You need to go,” she whispered as she flattened her palms against the front of his shirt and pushed him away. “Now.”

  Grinning, he gave her one last heated look. “Yes, ma’am.” Then he tapped the brim of his cowboy hat with two fingers, turned, and walked away just as Vickie called out for him again. “I’m still here,” he said, sounding completely normal.

  Shaking and breathless from the rush of hormones and adrenalin pouring into her bloodstream, Tomi snuck out of the tent and hurried back the way she’d come. Rounding the back of the trailer, she made a beeline for the barn, feeling as if she’d just committed some major crime and was about to be caught.

  It was silly to feel that way. While the PR department had hinted that an off-screen romance between the two lead characters always resonated with the audience, it wasn’t written in any contract. Technically, she was free to date Ian Davies.

  She slipped inside the barn and froze when she saw Jake talking to his personal assistant with an intensity that reminded her once more of the power he held over her. If he had her replaced, she believed her career would never amount to anything beyond commercials. So perhaps now wasn’t the best time to disclose her relationship with Ian.

  Jake turned and looked at her, his jaw tight and lips pressed into a disapproving frown. Tomi squirmed under his watchful gaze, frustrated with herself for allowing him to rule over her like this. Although she would never stoop low enough to sleep her way to the top, pretending to be into Jake wasn’t much better.

  Her stomach twisted into a thousand knots as she debated about what to do next. Telling Jake off right now wouldn’t accomplish much other than getting her fired. But she needed to stop pandering to his vanity. She was a professional and needed to act like a professional. Her new resolve unraveled some of the knots in her gut as she offered Jake a confident smile.

  Then Mr. Edwards and Ian walked in. “Places everyone,” the director called out.

  One of the assistant directors showed Ian where to stand. Tomi could barely take her eyes off him. Her cowboy looked so good and easily outshined the actor he was supposed to double for. How was she supposed to act like she was in love with Jake’s character when Ian was standing in for him while simultaneously act like she didn’t like him?

  In an instant, the knots were back, twisting tighter and tighter as Tomi realized she was about to take on her most challenging role.

  Chapter 16

  Ian stood back in the shadows, watching the romantic scene play out before him as Jake moved in to kiss Tomi. It didn’t matter that she was supposedly thinking about him or that the two of them were surrounded by lights, cameras, and a crew of people. She was still kissing another man with him watching on. And he couldn’t do a thing about it.

  Bracing himself for the impact, Ian clenched his jaw tight. He might not like the idea of hiding his feelings for Tomi, but Ian understood her fears. Jake was volatile and wouldn’t hesitate to replace her if she crossed him. Still, did she really have to be so convincing? Anyone watching would believe she was totally in love with her costar.

  Jake dipped his head and sparks flew, but it wasn’t from the kiss. The overhead lights flickered and then went out as a burnt-wire smell filled the barn.

  “Cut!” Mr. Edwards hollered out as he jumped up from his seat and moved across the floor. “What happened now?” he asked, sounding both irritated and tired. The man was more patient than Ian would’ve been, especially with the lead actor and his phobia for horses. The movie was about a horse whisperer. Jake Kelley was no whisperer. He was good at cursing, though; and pulling tantrums that rivaled any three-year-old in a toy store.

  As the lighting guys scrambled to find out the cause of the power outage, Ian circumvented the group of frantic people, tempted to seek out Tomi. She’d done a fantastic job today, impressing him with her ability to transform into her character
on demand. Her acting skills were good, so good that he wanted to ask her if she’d changed her mind about him.

  He watched her from a safe distance, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hide how pleased he was with this turn of events. The kiss between her and Jake would happen, but not today. The gaffer, the guy Ian learned oversaw lighting, had just informed Mr. Edwards the lights were fried and they’d need the set electrician to look at things before he dared bring in new equipment. The director looked spent when the cameraman announced his camera was toast too. Rubbing a hand across his neck, Mr. Edwards consulted with the producer and the first assistant director who had been helping Ian with his scenes.

  “That’s a wrap for today, folks,” the assistant director called out a moment later.

  The barn emptied as the actors and staff dispersed to their various trailers. Ian stepped out, welcoming the slight breeze and fresh air. Tomi exited the barn a moment later, meeting Ian’s gaze. Her lips tipped up into a slight smile before she turned and walked off with one of the production staff members. In that brief exchange, Ian knew nothing had changed between them.

  Feeling better, Ian walked toward the wardrobe tent to change out of his borrowed clothes. He spotted Mack by a horse trailer and stopped to talk to him. “Guess we’re done for the day.”

  “Guess so.” Mack’s mustache twitched. “You didn’t have anything to do with this, did you?”

  “Not unless I have super powers I’m not aware of.” Ian took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair. “Why do you ask?”

  Mack snorted a laugh. “Son, you and Miss Tomi created more electricity than a Vegas substation. I’m surprised y’all didn’t short circuit the equipment hours ago.”

  Ian put his hat back on and shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said with a smirk.

  “I ain’t talkin’,” Mack said with a chuckle, making his mustache dance. “But you better watch your back. Mr. Fancy Pants doesn’t like you much.”

  “You noticed that, huh?”

  “Me and everyone else.” The older man leaned in close. “I’m serious about watching your back. Jake’s vindictive and entitled. I heard he fired the gal who does his makeup because she used the wrong concealer.”

  “There are so many things wrong with that sentence,” Ian said.

  “Tell me about it.” Mack looked like he wanted to say more, but Thunder nudged his owner in the back and whinnied. “I’ve got to get this guy trailered. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “See you,” Ian said with a wave. By the time he’d changed into his own clothes and made it to his truck, there was a line of cars leaving the set. While he waited for an opening in the line, he texted Tomi.

  Want to grab an early dinner at my place?

  Three scrolling dots appeared followed by her exuberant answer. Yes! I’m starving.

  I’ve got a couple of steaks ready to grill if that’s okay with you?

  Can we eat outside? It’s too nice of a day to be inside.

  Good thing we got out early then. Ian paused, not sure how honest he should be with her. He didn’t want to come across as the insecure boyfriend, but he was still human. Not gonna lie…I’m glad I didn’t have to watch you two kiss.

  Her reply was immediate. Yeah, about that…you didn’t have anything to do with the power surge, right? She added a thinking emoji.

  Nope. Mack asked me the same thing.

  Instead of messaging him back, Tomi called him. Ian used the hands-free setting to answer the phone as he pulled out of his parking spot to get in line behind a truck.

  “He really did?” she asked, sounding alarmed. “Did you tell him about us?”

  “Didn’t need to.” Ian tapped on his breaks when the vehicle in front of him stopped at the temporary gate. “Mack’s just more observant than everyone else.”

  “Ah, man,” Tomi said with a sigh. “And here I thought I was going to win an Oscar for my performance.”

  “If it’s any conciliation,” Ian said as he inched toward the gate. “I was convinced you’d changed your mind about me.”

  There was a long beat of silence. “I haven’t changed my mind…have you?”

  “Let me answer that when we’re all alone,” he said in a gruff voice. “My actions will speak louder than any words.”

  “Um, can we skip dinner then?”

  Her comment pulled a laugh out of him as he finally passed through the gate. “Pretty sure I can give you both options.”

  “Hmm, but I get to decide on which one I want first, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, turning down a gravel road that was a shortcut to his house. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Some of the locals had also taken the gravel road, leaving a cloud of dust behind that coated his black truck. Since he and Tomi might go somewhere later, Ian used the hose to wash his truck off before getting cleaned up.

  Once inside the house, he stripped out of his clothes and got into the shower. Anxious to see Tomi, he didn’t linger under the warm water. A few minutes later he was on his way to the Wesson’s house. He’d almost made it there when he got a call from Ivy Thomas.

  “Ian, Marigold is foaling, and Kellen and Jace are in Idaho Falls. They won’t be back for hours, and I know I can’t help her if something goes wrong.” Ivy didn’t get rattled by much, so Ian knew she was stressed out by how fast she was talking. “You can come, right?” she added.

  “Sure can. Let me pick up Tomi, and we’ll be right out.” He made the turn to Gabe and Piper’s house and sped down the road. “Is George around?”

  “No, he went with them to get the specially trained horses for the horse therapy program. We finally got the funding to go through, and Kellen wanted to pick up the horses before our baby comes.”

  “Okay, don’t stress. Marigold will probably do just fine on her own.”

  “I know…it’s just that...” Ivy paused so long Ian thought the call had dropped. “Never mind. Everything is fine. I’m fine.”

  She didn’t sound fine. “Is anyone there with you?” Caytie wasn’t the first go-to person he could think of when it came to horses, but she could at least offer moral support until he arrived.

  “No…I mean, yes.” She blew out a breath. “Caytie and Ilene took Georgia to the zoo in Billings. I don’t want to ruin their day when there isn’t much they can do for the horse.” He heard her take in another breath. “But Kellen arranged for Zach Middleton to come help with the chores. He’s still here and said he’d stick around until you got here.”

  Ian reassured her he’d be there within fifteen minutes and ended the call. He hoped Tomi was ready to go. If not, he’d head over to the GH, and she could drive over when she was ready.

  He pulled into the driveway and was about to call her when she came out the front door. Ian’s mouth went dry as he sat frozen in his seat, watching her walk toward him. She’d looked sexy in her movie wardrobe today while still maintaining her Hollywood persona, but that image was shattered.

  The girl had transformed into all cowgirl, complete with a curve-hugging red tee, cut-off shorts, boots, and a straw cowboy hat. She was almost to the truck when his brain kicked in. Opening his door, he jumped out of his seat and met her at the passenger door.

  “Hey.” She hooked her thumbs in the front pockets of her shorts and smiled. “Vickie let me borrow some stuff from wardrobe. Do you like it?”

  Ian couldn’t adequately express how much he liked it, so he decided to show her instead. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her to him and kissed her hard and fast.

  “I take it that means you like it?” she said with a small laugh.

  “Yes, I like it…and we’ll discuss you wearing that on set, especially during one of the kissing scenes, later.” He opened the door for her. “Right now, we have an emergency to get to.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked, all amusement gone from her voice.

  Ian waited until he was behind the wheel before he filled her in. “
Ivy’s not usually so frazzled. She grew up with four older brothers and worked just as hard on their cattle ranch as they did.” He pushed the speed limit as much as he dared. “I’m assuming it’s her pregnancy hormones talking right now.”

  “Poor girl,” Tomi said. “When is she due again? Like two weeks or something?”

  “I think that’s what she said.” He scrunched his forehead, recalling their conversation. She hadn’t mentioned anything about her pregnancy or anything about being in labor. He would’ve remembered something like that.

  He was relieved when Ivy met them outside the barn. She walked quickly without any trace of the pregnancy waddle he’d observed in other women so close to their due date. “I’m so happy to see you.” She hugged Ian and then moved to Tomi. “If I didn’t like you so much, I’d hate you right now for looking so good,” she said, giving Tomi a quick hug. “Did you go shopping at the hot-cowgirl store or what?”

  Tomi laughed. “Nope, I got this from the set.” She shot Ian a sassy smile. “It’s not something my character would wear, but the girl over wardrobe likes me. She heard me complaining about not having any clean clothes at home and let me borrow everything as long as I bring it back tomorrow.”

  “So, you won’t ever wear that on set?” Ian asked, feeling ridiculously relieved.

  Ivy arched an eyebrow. “Feeling a little overprotective?”

  “A little?” Tomi chuckled and leaned in close to Ivy. “You should’ve seen the look on his face when I told him it came from wardrobe. He was ready to lock me in the basement.”

  “I was not.” Ian crossed his arms over his chest. “Okay, maybe I was considering it.”

  That made both girls laugh. Before Ian could say he was kidding—sort of—Zach Middleton stuck his head out of the barn. “Hey, Ivy, I think—” The kid stopped talking as his eyes locked on Tomi. “Whoa, you look hot!” He swallowed hard as his eyes darted over to Ian and then back to Tomi. “I mean, great…you look really great.”


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