Caught Kissing the Cowboy: A Return to Snow Valley Romance

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Caught Kissing the Cowboy: A Return to Snow Valley Romance Page 15

by Cindy Roland Anderson

  “Ah, thank you,” Tomi said. “It’s good to see you again, Zach.”

  “Me too…uh, you too,” the kid stammered as he continued to stare at her in awe.

  Ivy put a hand over her rounded belly and smiled at Ian. “Can you blame him?” she asked with a wink.

  “No,” Ian grumbled as he reached down and picked up his medical bag. “But does your house have a basement?”

  More giggles followed as the two women linked arms and headed for the barn. Zach was still standing there with his jaw open. Ian really couldn’t blame the kid, but he was going to send him home if he started drooling.

  “You coming in to help or what?” Ian said, snapping Zach out of his trance.

  “Yeah,” Zach said, his face coloring slightly. “And I promise not to stare anymore…much.”

  Ian chuckled and started for the barn. “Me too.”

  Ivy was on the phone with her husband when Ian entered the barn. As soon as she saw him, she said, “Honey, Ian’s here. I’ll let you talk to him.” She handed over her cell. “Sorry, he’s super stressed.”

  “No problem.” Ian took the phone. “Hey, there.”

  “Thanks for coming so quickly,” Kellen said. “It’s killing me not to be there.”

  “How far out are you?” Ian asked, walking closer to the stall to observe the laboring mare.

  “We’re stuck in construction traffic.” Kellen muttered a mild cussword. “At this rate, I doubt we’ll make it there until after midnight.”

  “I’m sorry, man, but I’ll be here until both the mare and her foal are safe.”

  Kellen thanked him and then asked to speak to his wife again. Ian transferred the phone back to Ivy and moved to stand next to Tomi. Zach was on her other side, talking to her about high school. He still acted a little star-struck, but at least he wasn’t staring at her legs—or anywhere else his eyes shouldn’t be.

  “Tomi, I’m going to wrap her tail,” Ian said when there was a lull in the conversation. “Do you want to work your magic again?”

  “Of course!” Tomi stepped back, making room for him to open the stall gate. “Monologue or singing?” she asked as she followed him inside.

  “You’re good at both, but I’d love to hear you sing again.” He watched as Tomi approached the mare like he’d taught her. She looked far too distracting, and Ian couldn’t take his eyes off her. He hoped Zach didn’t call him out for his gaze lingering on those long legs of hers.

  “Broadway or Disney?” she asked with a smirk when Ian snapped his eyes up to look at her.

  “Babe, I have no idea what that even means,” he said, crouching down to open his medical bag. “But I’m good with whatever you decide.”

  “Let’s go with Disney.” She slowly moved her hand up to stroke Marigold on the shoulder. “That okay with you, Miss Marigold?”

  It didn’t surprise Ian when Zach whipped out his phone to record Tomi. He made a mental note to ask the kid for all the footage he had on her. Long-distance dating was going to suck. The videos would help tie him over in between FaceTime chats and visits.

  Ian managed to complete his task, even though he wanted to do nothing but watch Tomi sing. She was beautiful, funny and kind, and he loved her. A sense of well-being settled over him as he fully acknowledged his feelings. He was in love with her. Probably had been from the moment he met her. He wished they were somewhere romantic like sitting in front of a fire or in the back of his truck to watch a sunset so he could tell her.

  Marigold whinnied and stamped her back feet to let Ian know she was done. Telling Tomi how he felt would have to wait until later.

  “All done,” Ian said to Ivy.

  “Thank you.” Her face pinched as she massaged her lower back with her hand. “I wanted to have her tail all wrapped, but I just didn’t have the energy to do it.”

  “No worries,” Ian said, wondering if she’d listen to him if he insisted she go rest until the mare was ready to foal.

  Tomi must have been thinking along those same lines. “You shouldn’t be on your feet so much,” she said with concern. “We can bring a chair in here for you to sit on.”

  “That sounds good.” Ivy winced again. “But first I need to make a bathroom run.”

  The luxurious barn had two bathrooms, so Ivy didn’t have to go far. By the time she returned, Ian was finishing up his external examination on Marigold, making sure the foal was in a good position.

  “Is she doing okay?” Ivy asked, taking a seat on the chair Zach had moved inside the stall for her.

  “Perfect.” Ian felt the horse contract again. They were coming closer and closer together. He suspected she’d foal within the hour. “I don’t think it’ll be a long wait.”

  “I wish Kellen were here,” Ivy said. “He and Jace didn’t think she’d deliver before they got home.”

  “Zach can video the birth,” Tomi said, turning to look at the young man. “Unless you have to go home?”

  “No…yes.” Zach pushed his hat back and started over. “No, I don’t have to go home. Yes, I can stay and video the birth.” He held up his phone. “I can even live-stream it if Kellen has service.”

  “That would be amazing.” Ivy shifted on the seat. Ian felt sorry for her. She looked so uncomfortable, but he knew she’d never go lie down until Marigold foaled. “Since my husband is driving,” Ivy said, tapping the screen on her phone, “I’ll text Jace the plans.”

  While Ivy composed the message, Ian motioned for Tomi to come beside him. “I think it’s going to go fast,” he said in a low voice. “You up for helping me if I need it or do you want me to ask your star-struck admirer?”

  Her blue eyes sparkled with laughter. “He’s just a kid, so no need to be jealous.”

  At eighteen, Zach was more man than kid, but that was beside the point. Ian let his eyes travel slowly over Tomi before meeting her gaze again. “You really won’t be wearing that outfit on set?”

  A slow smile curved her luscious mouth. “Nope, my wardrobe is pretty tame.”

  The soft scent of her fruity scented shampoo wafted around him as he considered her lips. They were too tempting not to taste.

  Ian quickly glanced at Ivy and Zach. They were both busy texting on their phones. Slowly, he lowered his mouth to Tomi’s, kissing her much softer than he had before. She responded, making it nearly impossible for him to end it. The lingering kiss came to an end when Marigold nickered loudly. As their lips parted, Ian caught Zach in his peripheral vision taking a picture of them with his phone. He’d have to ask the kid for the pictures of them kissing when he asked for the other footage.

  Zach only grinned when Ian stared him down. “What?” he said with a laugh. “I was just getting pics of the mare.”

  “Right,” Ian said, cracking a smile. “I’d like to see those pictures.”

  “I’ll send them to you.” He nodded toward Marigold. “After I capture the birth.”

  Things progressed rapidly and it wasn’t long before Marigold delivered a beautiful chestnut colored colt without any assistance. Zach captured the whole thing with his phone, including Tomi’s song she’d adapted to the tune of Just Keep Swimming from the movie Finding Nemo. Only, she’d replaced the word swimming with pushing. Ian was proud of his pretty sidekick. She hadn’t gagged or turned green once during the entire delivery. She still couldn’t stomach watching Marigold lick the colt clean, but it was progress.

  Unfortunately, Kellen and Jace didn’t have any service at the time of delivery. Kellen had called back for an update just as the colt got to his feet for the first time. “He’s beautiful,” Ivy said into the phone. “I can’t wait for you all to see him.”

  While Ian cleaned up the stall, Tomi went to the bathroom to wash up. Ivy finished the conversation with Kellen and winced, rubbing the small of her back. Ian wanted to send her inside to go to bed. The girl looked exhausted. As soon as Tomi came back, he’d ask her if they could stick around for a little bit so Ivy could lie down.

  Ivy su
ddenly stood up, letting out a stifled cry of pain as she placed a hand over her belly. “Thank you for getting the video,” she said to Zach. “I really—” Her words were cut off by a sharp intake of breath. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, standing as still as a fence post.

  Worry niggled at Ian as he watched her abdomen. Was she having contractions? “Ivy, are you okay?”

  Her shoulders relaxed, and she opened her eyes. “Yeah, but I think I better go lie down.”

  Even though he was going to suggest the same thing, coming from her made Ian’s worry increase.

  “Hey, I think I’m gonna head home,” Zach said, glancing down the hall. He was obviously waiting for Tomi to return before he left. “I’ll go home and look over the video and then email it to you guys.”

  “Sounds good,” Ian said, hoping the young man knew what he was doing.

  Zach’s eyes glazed over as Tomi appeared down the hallway. Ian stared too, appreciating the gentle sway of her hips moving in time with the long, dark braid hanging over one shoulder. She’d ditched the hat a while ago, but she still looked like the sexiest cowgirl he’d ever laid eyes on.

  “You taking off, Zach?” Tomi asked him. When Zach nodded his head, she gave him a soft smile. “Got a hot date?’

  “I wish,” Zach said.

  Ian felt sorry for the kid, knowing Tomi was part of his wish.

  The smile on Tomi’s face vanished, a look of concern flashing in her eyes. “Ivy, are you okay?”

  Ian turned to see Ivy clutching her lower abdomen. “Zach,” Ivy hissed out. “You can’t leave…I need you to get video for Kellen.”

  “Whhaatt kind of video?” Zach asked, taking a couple of steps backward.

  The only answer they all got was another cry of pain from her. Then, a gush of water soaked through Ivy’s jeans.

  Chapter 17

  Someone call 911,” Tomi said, rushing toward her friend. “Or should we call her doctor or take her to the hospital?”

  “Just call for an ambulance,” Ivy panted as she took Tomi’s hand, gripping so hard it would probably leave a bruise. “Cole and Lucy are still out of town, finalizing the adoption. And there isn’t time to take me to the hospital. The baby’s coming right now.”

  “Are you serious?” Zach squeaked. “You can’t do that…I’m too young to witness you giving birth.”

  “Calm down, kid,” Ian said, walking briskly toward Ivy and Tomi. “I need you to call 911. Then I need you to find clean blankets. If there aren’t any out here, you’ll have to go into the house.”

  Tomi appreciated the efficient way Ian spoke. He didn’t sound nearly as frightened as she was.

  “There’s clean bedding in the small bedroom next to the kitchenette,” Ivy said, easing her grip, but not letting go of Tomi’s hand. “But hurry.” Ivy’s grip tightened again. “I feel like I need to push.”

  The last sentence made Tomi’s breath catch. “Push?” she said, knowing she sounded as frantic as Zach. “What do you mean push?”

  Ivy’s lips pressed together as if holding back a scream. She squeezed the life out of Tomi’s hand for several long seconds. Tomi sucked in a breath and looked to Ian for help. “She needs to push,” she mouthed.

  Ian nodded his head as Zach came stumbling back in with a load of linens. “The ambulance is on the way.”

  “Good.” Ian took a twin-sized comforter and spread it out behind Ivy. “Do you want to lie down or stay sitting up?” he asked, gently touching Ivy’s shoulder.

  “Ian,” Ivy said, completely ignoring his question. “You have to deliver the baby.” She looked at him with a determined expression. “I can’t do this on my own.”

  Tomi saw a flash of panic cross Ian’s features before he nodded his head again. “I’ll do what I need to do.” He helped Ivy ease back on the blanket. “Just hang on as long as possible.”

  Ivy laughed, looking at Ian with compassion. “I wish I could, but I’m serious when I say I need to push.” She squeezed Tomi’s hand. “But first I need Tomi to help me undress.”

  Tomi felt the blood drain from her face. Zach made a girly noise that sounded like he was about to faint.

  Ian was a superhero. He just nodded his head again and stood up. “I’ll give you some privacy while I see what I have in my medical bag.”

  Another contraction hit as Ivy’s grip tightened. Tomi breathed through the pain for herself and vicariously for her friend. How could Ivy do this without screaming or swearing? Tomi had seen plenty of movies where the women completely lost it.

  Just then, Tomi heard the most beautiful sound. A vehicle had arrived. “I think the ambulance is here.” She couldn’t believe how relieved she felt. Snow Valley’s rescue response time was incredibly fast.

  “That’s impressive,” Zach said with a sigh.

  “Ivy? Are you still in here?” came a soft feminine voice. Tomi felt her hopes drop so fast it made her dizzy when she recognized Caytie’s voice. “Georgia threw my phone in the fountain and fried it. I had to go get a new one.”

  “Where’s the ambulance?” Zach shrieked at the same time Caytie spotted Ivy on the ground.

  “What happened?” Caytie ran across the floor, kneeling next to Ivy. “Are you hurt?”

  Ivy was still in the middle of a contraction, so Tomi answered for her. “She’s in labor.” Tomi pointed to Ivy’s pants. “Her water broke, and she needs to push.” Her voice came out sounding robotic, tinged with a touch of hysteria.

  The contraction ended, and Ivy’s attitude shifted from mild-mannered to commanding as she barked out orders like a drill sergeant. In a matter of seconds, Caytie and Tomi had undressed the impending mother from the waist down, covering her with one of the sheets.

  “Is your aunt Tillie still on her cruise?” Caytie asked.

  Ivy nodded her head. “She gets home tomorrow. The baby was supposed to wait for her. And why is my husband not here!”

  Caytie’s eyes widened at the outburst. It seemed like Ivy had just entered the stage of I’m-done-being-patient-with-you-idiots. Not that Tomi blamed her.

  “Let me get Mama Ilene from the car,” Caytie said. “She’ll know what to do.”

  Tomi wanted to argue that she should be the one to get Mama Ilene. After all, Caytie was the only one in the barn, besides Marigold, that had any experience giving birth.

  Caytie sprinted out the door. Then Ivy moaned in agony, squeezing Tomi’s hand. “I have to push,” she yelled out. “NOW!”

  “Zach, stand at Ivy’s head,” Ian instructed as he knelt in front of Ivy’s drawn up knees. “Kellen is going to kill us both if we don’t get video of this.”

  “Yes, sir,” Zach said, scrambling past Tomi. He held up his phone. “Let’s do this,” he said as if videoing empowered him to get it together.

  Tomi needed to get it together.

  This was happening. Ivy was about to give birth. The thought sent another surge of anxiety swirling around in Tomi’s brain, her breaths coming faster and faster. She was hyperventilating. Ivy should be the one hyperventilating, not her.

  “Tomi, I need you to slow your breathing down,” Ivy said firmly. “I don’t want you to pass out because I need to hold your hand.”

  Ivy needs me. The request snapped Tomi out of panic mode. It also helped when Mama Ilene rushed in and got on Ivy’s other side. Kellen’s grandmother’s soft, encouraging voice calmed Tomi down, allowing her to get her breathing under control.

  Ian was amazing. He acted like he’d delivered a hundred babies. He probably had, just not human ones. He stayed calm and cool throughout the whole thing. Tomi’s eyes clouded with tears when the wail of a baby pierced the air. The little boy was covered in blood and some sticky white stuff, but he was the prettiest baby Tomi had ever seen. His thick, dark hair was matted down, but once he got cleaned up, he was going to be as beautiful as his parents.

  “Ivy, he’s perfect,” Ilene said as she stared at her great-grandson. “He looks just like his daddy.”

He does.” Ivy laughed as the tiny little boy screamed so loud he was turning red. “I have a feeling he’s going to be a handful too, just like his daddy.”

  Tears rolled down Tomi’s cheeks as Ian placed the infant on Ivy’s chest. Mama Ilene had a towel Caytie had brought out with her and used it to dry off the baby.

  Tomi blinked away the tears and looked at Ian. Time slowed as something beautiful and right swelled between them. She couldn’t hold her feelings back anymore. “I love you,” she said, knowing it was true. “You are the most amazing man, and I love you.”

  The lines around Ian’s eyes crinkled, his lips stretching into a megawatt smile. “I love you too.”

  Tomi returned the smile and leaned over to give him a quick kiss.

  “You can do better than that,” Ivy said. “You guys just said I love you. Kiss him again.”

  With a shrug, Tomi pressed her mouth to Ian’s, kissing him thoroughly. Or maybe he kissed her thoroughly. She really didn’t care.

  When the kiss ended, Zach gave them a thumbs up. “Got that one on video too.”

  The ambulance arrived, taking over the care of Ivy and the baby. Sometime during the delivery, Caytie had managed to make a video call to Kellen, so he was able to witness the birth. With her daughter on her hip, Caytie handed the phone over to Ilene to take to the hospital. Tomi could hear Kellen telling his wife she was a rock-star as the paramedics wheeled Ivy and the baby out and loaded them into the back of the ambulance.

  “That was so sick,” Zach said. “I can’t believe how cool that was. I want to be a doctor now.”

  “You were awesome,” Ian said. “You manned up and got the video.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I was kind of freaking out.” He looked at Tomi and grinned. “But at least I wasn’t hyperventilating. I thought for sure you were going to pass out.”

  “And you got that all on video, didn’t you?” Tomi said, wishing she could have a do-over. “Yay me for not passing out.”

  Georgia started to cry for her baby. “Oh boy,” Caytie said. “I have a feeling we’re going to have to get one of those sooner than later.” She kissed her daughter on the head. “Let’s go see your baby, sweetie.”


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