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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, Vol. 6

Page 22

by Tappei Nagatsuki

  Rem lowered her gaze as she ruefully invoked the name of a former coworker at the mansion. Subaru patted her shoulder in consolation as he mentally filled the gaps in his own understanding.

  There was no point speaking any further of the mansion’s available combat strength. Therefore, the next issue was the main one.


  Subaru sat up straight and stared at Rem. Then, as Rem, detecting that the atmosphere had changed, lifted her face and looked at him, he said, “Please tell me what Roswaal ordered you to stay in the royal capital to do.”


  Subaru thought her expression was dubious, or perhaps surprised that he had gone for an unguarded opening.

  However, Rem’s reaction thoroughly defied Subaru’s expectations.

  “—Yes. As you wish, Subaru.”

  Rem nodded to Subaru as a small smile came over her, as if she was happy from the bottom of her heart. A single tear rolled down from the corner of her eye.


  “An alliance…you say.”

  He was now in the reception room at the Crusch residence.

  Crusch murmured with all eyes falling upon Subaru as he answered her question concerning the goal of the meeting.

  She lowered her head, falling into thought briefly before shifting her gaze from Subaru to Rem. Rem quietly deduced the meaning of her probing gaze and slowly shook her head.

  “In accordance with Master Roswaal’s instructions, I have proposed nothing—this is something Subaru arrived at by himself.”

  “I do not doubt your loyalty. However…I see…”

  The face Crusch made seemed to indicate that she understood, even if she did not exactly accept it.

  “Then should I take this to mean the right to engage in these negotiations has…shifted from Rem to you, Subaru Natsuki?”

  “Yeah, that’s what it amounts to. Roswaal was a real jerk with how roundabout he set this up, though.”

  With an exaggerated sigh, Subaru expressed his personal thoughts as his clown-faced employer floated into the back of his mind.

  Secret orders concerning the royal capital had been kept from Subaru, handed down to Rem alone. Roswaal had strictly instructed Rem not to reveal the details to Subaru so long as he did not realize that fact for himself.

  “It’s not like it wasn’t bothering me a little from the start. In the first place, it’s plain as day that our side is short on manpower. So he’d leave Rem in the capital without a set plan? Rem, the one from the mansion who’d be most missed? There’s no way. I really should’ve realized that earlier.”

  Of course, the cover story was that Roswaal couldn’t take responsibility for healing and repaying the man who’d saved his own domain from crisis without at least a single person to look after him.

  “But I don’t think that eccentric would let go of Rem for a humanitarian reason like that. When you think, ‘There’s gotta be something else going on’…”

  Crusch recrossed her legs, picking up where Subaru left off to state her conclusion.

  “So he naturally settled on her as the one who had the best opportunity for an audience with my house…”

  “Besides, I heard that Rem and Crusch were having secret meetings every night. I hate myself for being an idiot and not considering what the discussions were about, though.”

  He couldn’t even manage a laugh for how he’d been unable to see beyond himself that whole time. After all, even though Rem had actually dropped plenty of hints to convey Roswaal’s secret intentions, it had taken him until the fourth time to look back and realize it.

  “So every night you’ve been meeting about forming an alliance. I heard from Rem all about what my side’s offering for the terms of the deal.”

  “The deal chiefly concerns magic crystals in the Great Elior Forest and the mining rights thereof.”

  Just like that, Crusch exposed what Subaru’s words had only hinted at, seeing that there was nothing to hide. The instant the words reached the ears of the lone merchant present, his eyes glimmered.

  “My, my, that is quite a fascinating tale.”

  Russel, who had maintained his silence to that point, positively glowed. He sounded pleased now that the details finally concerned him in some way.

  “When one considers how magical stone craftsmanship has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, magic crystal mining rights hold ever-increasing value. That goes all the more for virgin territory.”

  Subaru could not conceal his surprise that the merchant had bit on the hook harder than expected. When he’d first heard about the mining rights from Rem, the fact that Crusch had held out so far convinced Subaru that it wasn’t all that attractive an offer.

  “Does it really have enough value to put you in such a good mood, Russel?”

  “But of course. Magical stone craftsmanship thrives in the markets of Kararagi, and magic crystal craftsmen of my own nation have polished their talents over many years. Recently, their products can be seen here and there, even gracing the hands of the general public. These days, the more magic crystals the better. Until now, we have relied upon trade with Gusteko to the north for most of our supply, so I am overjoyed to learn of the existence of a rich local vein.”

  Russel held up a finger and spoke with a buoyant tone as he answered.

  “A magic crystal is composed of mana; it is pure crystallized magic. Their attributes are greatly influenced by the land of their origin and the skill of the craftsman who wrought them. In turn, the hand of a skilled craftsman can be applied to a variety of magic crystal crafts. If not mishandled, their intensity is excellent, lasting reliably for a period of several years. Surely it goes without saying that they make for very attractive merchandise.”

  In contrast to Russel, listing all the good points adding to the value of magic crystals, Crusch went on to coolly enumerate the parts that diminished their value.

  “However, the craftsmen able to work magic stones are few in number. Once a magic stone has been wrought, it is unprofitable to redo the work. At present, many mines have been placed under the kingdom’s management, with the majority of magic crystals being distributed for public works. Though you say some reach the general public, it represents only a fraction.”

  Undaunted, Russel carried on.

  “There are no untouched mining sites that are not immediately snapped up the moment they are found. There is a rich history of succeeding generations of the marquis of Mathers tapping undiscovered veins to build a fortune. And we have the knight of Lady Emilia, a candidate in the royal selection, to vouch for it. It is a trustworthy bet.”

  Russel spoke in a fervent tone, slyly glancing at Subaru all the while. He had quite a rotten personality to know of Subaru’s humiliation at the royal palace and still declare his word to be proof of anything. Nor did Subaru forget that dressing up the issue of mining rights in such a frivolous manner was meant to hold him in check. Russel was driving home for Subaru that this could not be unheard.

  Not that Subaru had the slightest intention of backing out to begin with.

  “Yeah, I don’t mind if you trust that. I don’t think we’re villains enough to bluff at the first people we team up with over the course of a long royal selection.”

  Subaru could rest easy because Roswaal had been the one to propose selling the mining rights.

  Russel seemed to recoil deliberately in response to Subaru’s answer.

  “I see. You would appear to have truly embraced the role of negotiator. I apologize for my rudeness in speaking as if I was testing you.”

  “Nah, it’s fine. After all, I plan on using all the stuff you just said for all it’s worth over the rest of the conversation.”

  Subaru hadn’t expected Russel to rate him highly to begin with. He’d correctly surmised that his ability would come into question and his measure would be taken then and there. He’d prepared a topic offering an easy avenue of attack, avoiding an assault on a far more pernicious front before broaching
the main issue. He could not conceal his relief that the bait had been taken as intended.

  He put on meaninglessly grandiose airs of amiability to conceal the tension in his cheeks.

  “Having said that, since he’s apologized, I expect you to overlook one or two rude things I might say.”

  “So you seated Russel Fellow at the same table in hopes of this? You are an unexpectedly crafty man yourself.”

  As Subaru flippantly commented, Crusch smiled slightly and voiced her appraisal to end the exchange. The fact that she hadn’t ended the discussion seemed to indicate she hadn’t given him a failing grade.

  Even as he felt a cold sweat at having climbed over the first gate, Subaru maintained his friendly smile as he looked at Crusch.

  “Well, I also wanted an adviser, since this is talking about profits, but…calling Russel here has to do with the main topic coming next.”

  “Really now? The main topic?”

  Subaru continued, and the atmosphere inside the room grew tense once more.

  Crusch, who had merely been humoring the conversation to that point, rectified her seating and quietly closed her eyes for a time. After that, she slowly opened her amber eyes; their gaze pierced Subaru like an arrow.

  Before its power, sufficient to bring to mind a cold, blowing wind, Subaru did not falter. The tightening of his mind served only to make him straighten his back and put his feelings in order as he faced her.

  “Subaru Natsuki, I formally acknowledge you as the proxy of Marquis Roswaal, and also as an envoy from Emilia, and whatever details you and I negotiate will also hold true between Emilia and me.”

  All it took for her to overwhelm people was for her to face them head-on.

  Crusch was not intentionally attempting to bowl Subaru over at that moment. All she’d done was switch mental gears from Crusch, the private individual, to Crusch Karsten, the public persona. Such was the power and presence of the current duke of Karsten.

  —This was what the valiant woman closest to the Kingdom of Lugunica’s throne really looked like.

  Subaru felt goose bumps rise as exclamation points danced inside his head. As he quietly shuddered, Crusch extended a hand to him, firing the opening salvo to announce the start of the negotiations.

  “I believe you have already heard, but I shall state it regardless. Rem and I were negotiating the sale of mining rights, but I have not accepted the offer. Though I imagine you already knew this?”


  On the one hand was Rem, visibly lamenting her own insufficient strength; on the other hand was Subaru, pathetically unable to look past himself to even notice what had caused her such anguish. Subaru would take those two laments and regrets and put them to good use to avoid future distress—and so that all his previous failures would not be in vain.

  “I wanna make sure of something myself. So the offer just isn’t good enough as it stands? Each camp lays off the other, mining rights for the Great Elior Forest are sold to you, and you work out the fine details of what to do with the magic crystals themselves later?”

  “The draft proposal came from Rem’s side. I suppose I should say, as to be expected of Marquis Roswaal. On top of securing profit for his own camp, he offers just enough advantage so that my house might accept it. Normally, it is an offer one would never refuse. Such a proposal makes me want to have a written agreement prepared immediately, but…”

  Subaru couldn’t speak in any informed manner about the arithmetic behind the deal. If he did clumsily say something, it could wind up being taken as, Okay, take all the mining rights, then!

  “In this case, what would follow such negotiations is the problem. Do you understand?”

  “It’s not simply that…you don’t trust Roswaal?”

  Subaru was of the opinion that if Roswaal’s conduct was being questioned, he could rectify that by behaving with absolute propriety henceforth, but that wasn’t Crusch’s problem with it.

  “Making a deal with Emilia would mean an agreement with a rival royal selection candidate… Furthermore, one slandered as a half-demon. If one considers the consequences, caution is inevitable.”

  Subaru was unexpectedly discouraged to hear Crusch quietly speak such words. The image he had of Crusch was of someone so steadfast, the words majestic and sincere suited her. She had been the living incarnation of those things when stating her convictions at the royal selection conference. It was precisely because he had heard her address that made her acting as if she cared about rumors seem so odd—

  “Don’t tell me this is merely a justification for saying no?”


  “Subawu? Ferri thinks that is really, really not the sort of thing you should say during an important negotiation?”

  Ferris had held his silence since the start of negotiations, but Subaru’s careless remark brought anger to his smile. A vein on his forehead was bulging as Subaru quickly covered his mouth and lowered his head.

  “Goodness, this puts me in a bit of a bind.”

  As he did so, Crusch, watching the exchange, loosened the corners of her lips very slightly.

  “It is I who is embarrassed to have my justification exposed so bluntly. I shall learn from this. The opportunity does not often arise.”

  With convoluted logic, she overlooked Subaru’s present rudeness. That said, being saved by the awkwardness of his opponent’s position put him in a precarious place.

  “So that is an excuse for… Then you don’t really think that forming an alliance with Emilia is a terrible thing in and of itself?”

  “Subaru Natsuki, I shall correct one misconception.”

  Crusch raised a finger, pointing it toward Subaru.

  “A person’s worth is decided by how her soul lives and how it shines. A person’s true nature is absolutely not determined by the circumstances of one’s birth and where someone was raised.”

  Of course, even Crusch understood that they had an indirect influence. She did not lack the power of imagination to deduce how the senseless cruelties inflicted by Emilia’s environment, simply because she was a half-elf, had strengthened her in the process.

  “Her words at the royal selection site were not false. It is because I am certain of her pride and resolve that I acknowledge Emilia as a rival.”

  “Well, that’s convoluted. In other words?”

  “Forgive me. I have a fondness for theatrics.”

  Crusch pursed her lips slightly, seemingly fully aware of just how grandiose her own statement was. A moment later, her expression tightened.

  “I am not refusing an alliance with Emilia because she is a half-elf. From my perspective, Emilia, who is in no way politically opposed to me, is not someone I need to go out of my way to antagonize. I would even be willing to ally with her.”

  “Meaning that…”

  “Do not be so hasty to reply, Subaru Natsuki. It is no exaggeration to say that what you utter, and how your words are interpreted, will determine the course of these events.”

  Crusch chided Subaru for assuming her reply was favorable as she threw the ball into his court once more. In other words, now that Subaru held the right to negotiate, she wanted to see what cards were in his hand.

  “Mining rights for the Great Elior Forest would be highly advantageous for my side. On the other hand, it is a fact that there is no need for me to rush to get ahead in the royal selection. The period of time is three years. Too much haste to stir things up would sow the seeds for troubles down the road.”

  “So you’re saying the advantages and disadvantages of forming an alliance with Emilia don’t match up?”

  “Not precisely. At present, the advantages and disadvantages cancel each other out. By my house’s thinking, we require convincing, a push for us to take that one final step.”

  Crusch seemed personally in favor of the idea of forming an alliance. On the other hand, a noble house was apparently too large to be swayed purely by Crusch’s private opinion on the matter.

nbsp; Hence, she sought “something” from Subaru—something that would silence the voices around her urging her not to stir things up.


  When Subaru tried to speak, he was a little surprised at how his own throat seemed to be blocked. The tension and anxiety welling up in his chest blocked his throat just as he was on the verge of stepping forward.

  From here on would be completely ad-libbed in a way he had never before experienced.

  He hadn’t checked it with anyone. It was possible he was reading this wrong.

  But Crusch would probably bite.

  —Yes. Subaru believed in his own idea.

  “To form an alliance, we’re offering mining rights…and information.”


  When she heard the word, Crusch stroked her own long hair as she prompted him to continue.

  She hadn’t decided yet. Now came the hard part.

  “Yeah, that’s right. I’m offering a certain piece of information with it.”

  “Then I would hear it. Will these words from your lips stir us to action?”

  Naturally, Subaru’s entire body trembled from anxiety and tension.

  But a slight warm sensation to his elbow drove all that away, for Rem’s fingers, touching Subaru’s arm, were the spark that lit the borrowed courage within him.

  Subaru inhaled. In a single breath, he said:

  “—The card I’m playing…is the time and place where the White Whale will show up.”


  Thank you very much! This is Volume 6. This is Tappei Nagatsuki. This is also Mouse-Colored Cat.

  This time around, let me say words of thanks before anything else. Namely, I am truly grateful that you have stuck with this work, Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, all this time.

  Arriving at the contents of this sixth volume of a work originally serialized on the web was one of the milestones I set when I started. When I reached this point during the web serialization, I had a sense of achievement then, too. I am purely grateful, and honored, to be able to relive that sense of achievement by getting it in print. Truly, thank you very much.


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