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Shadow of My Heart (Shadow-Walker Tribe Series)

Page 5

by Moya Block, Caryn

  Raven felt the Shadow symbol sink deep into his flesh, causing a burning pain, as their life forces merged. Bright flashes of light surrounded them. Never again would either of them be alone.

  “Mine . . .” Raven said in satisfaction. Finally, it was done. Cara was his.

  Cara awoke several hours later to find Raven wrapped around her. Never before had she enjoyed such a passionate response to making love. Raven blew her socks off. She wasn’t sure she could move, let alone walk. She moved experimentally. Nothing hurt. Raven’s arm tightened around her and drew her back closer to his chest.

  “Let me hold you,” he whispered in her hair.

  Cara relaxed against him. She liked how he held her tight. It felt so good to be wanted. She had dreamed of this man, wanted him for the four months she had dated him. Snuggling back against him, she felt the proof of his arousal against her behind. A giddy sense of power came over her. He wanted her again.

  “I believe it will always be this way between us, Cara,” Raven murmured as he licked her ear.

  Drat that mind-link thing. Keeping her thoughts to herself seemed impossible now.

  Raven chuckled as his lips skimmed the nape of her neck, causing her to shiver. “Not impossible, just a little harder to do,” he said, moving his lips to her neck and shoulders where he licked and kissed.

  “Shut up and love me,” Cara demanded.

  Raven chuckled again, then nipped her shoulder in reprimand. Cara shuddered, feeling herself go damp. Damn, she wanted this man.

  You are so responsive, Cara. I love how you react to my every touch. The thought slid into her mind, bringing warmth and affection with it. This was her secret fantasy, a man who would know her, see her, and crave her. How could she resist him?

  There is no need to resist, my love. Just enjoy the pleasure I bring you.


  Raven could still taste Cara’s sweet lips as he entered his office at Isanti, Inc., on Monday morning. The weekend had been perfect. Leaving Cara at her apartment was one of the hardest things he had ever done. He wanted her here with him where he could touch her at any time.

  Sitting at his desk, his mind was full of her. How she smiled, how soft her skin was, her sweet taste. Raven groaned as his body responded to his memories. He shifted and squirmed in his chair. He was never going to get anything done this way. Knowing she was in California while he sat in New Mexico only added to his frustration. At least, he could walk through Shadow and get to her almost instantly.

  Needing to touch her, he reached for her thoughts. She was teaching multiplication tables to her class. She felt him brush her mind.

  Miss me already? Her amusement was easily read through the mind link.


  I’m a little busy now. Come back later.

  Raven sent a wave of affection and desire flooding into her mind and felt Cara’s instant response.

  Not fair, I have work to do. Go away.

  Raven smiled at her gruff tone, knowing it hid a wealth of emotion behind it. His heart warmed. Cara meant everything to him. How was he going to get anything done today?

  The intercom beeped, and he gratefully flipped the switch.


  “Mr. Darkwood, Mr. Running Bear and your brother are here to see you. May I send them in?”

  “Please do, Mrs. Sloane,” he answered.

  Raven looked at the door expectantly. What was up now that required a meeting? The door opened, and they walked in. Derek rubbed his hand through his dark hair and looked pensive. Raven recognized the nervous gesture. He quirked his eyebrow in question, as he looked from his brother to his best friend.

  “Don’t freak out on us,” Derek began. “But, Cara is in danger.”

  Chapter Five

  “Explain to me how a terrorist cell has information on Cara,” Raven said, looking at Joe and Derek, sitting across from his desk. Derek sat, his head down, fiddling with the large silver hawk ring he always wore on his right index finger, while Joe looked worriedly at Derek, then at Raven.

  Raven couldn’t lose Cara now. They were bonded. The Shadow Dimension had accepted her as his true mate.

  “Well, from what I have been able to piece together so far, the cell bought the information from David Lear,” Joe began. “He is a nasty fellow who would sell his own grandmother. David Lear got it from Amanda Patterson. She works in accounting, the woman with the platinum hair. She occasionally stays late to sleep with Derek. I gave Derek the file on Cara's apartment to check the security for her building, like you requested. Amanda must have helped herself to the information while visiting with Derek.

  Fred Black, you remember him from night security? Anyway, he thought Amanda was acting strangely and followed her into Santa Fe to a bar. He saw her sell Cara’s picture to David Lear. Fred came and told me, which got the ball rolling. Thank goodness he followed his instincts and trailed Amanda.”

  “Why would she do this? Wasn't she screened before she was hired?” Raven asked.

  “I just had a conversation with her,” Joe explained. “I used telepathy to read her mind. She believes she’s in love with Derek and that he was going to dump her for Cara. She sold the name to get back at him and remove the competition. That agent in Iran, turned traitor, had our brochure in his briefcase. He must know the company is somehow connected to the shutting down of the uranium flow. Faheed Adar is looking for revenge. Derek is the one in the media. His picture is flashed all the time. That’s probably how they picked him out. Cara was linked to Derek in the tabloids at the annual awards banquet.”

  “Put Amanda and David Lear under surveillance. Put a security detail on Cara. Immediately,” Raven said, running his hand through his hair. This was too much. Cara was finally ready to accept his proposal and now this. She was leery of the spying his team did. She had mentioned that she didn’t want to constantly be worrying about whether he was out endangering his life. He promised her he would not become involved in spying again. Now, she was the one in danger. He understood how she felt if her fear was as deep as his.

  “I'll do it. It's the least I can do, since Amanda is my fault,” Derek said, rising from his chair.

  “I've already set up the teams for Amanda and Lear,” Joe said. “I thought you might want to speak with Cara, Raven. Bring her to New Mexico. We can better protect her here.”

  “Her class gets out for summer this coming Friday,” Raven said. “I can't ask Cara to leave before then. I planned to fly out to California Friday night. I was going to propose before I asked her to leave everything and move in with me.” Could he tear Cara away from her students? She wouldn’t want to leave this close to the end of the year. He couldn’t ask that of her. “Derek keep her under surveillance until I get there Friday. Then, you can be back up for me. Joe, if you would be available when Derek needs to sleep, it would make me feel better. Keep her safe for me.”

  “Don't worry, Bro. We'll keep an eye on her,” Derek said.

  “Go now, Derek. I want her guarded at all times,” Raven said.

  Derek walked into the shadows in the corner of Raven's office and disappeared.

  “I gave Derek the file. This is my fault as well,” Joe pointed out.

  “If Derek hadn't been fooling around with Miss Patterson, none of this would have happened,” Raven said. “Why can't he wait for his mate like the rest of us?”

  “He is waiting. These women mean nothing to him. He is just having fun.”

  “Fun that is endangering my woman,” Raven said. “You know the prophecy. Without her, our tribe is as good as extinct.”

  “Don’t let this come between you and Derek. Miss Patterson is the traitor, not your brother. He watches your back as much as I do.”

  “How can you say that? Every time I turn around he has a new woman on his arm.”

  “Raven, sometimes you are so blind,” Joe said, shaking his head. “Get your head out of your ass and think. Being a playboy means no one takes you seriously. That is Derek�
�s cover. He is still doing jobs for General Holland. He walks through Shadow more than any of us.”

  “But he had women hanging all over him before he joined the team.”

  “Yup, women who thought they could get to you,” Joe pointed out. “Derek has been protecting you from having to deal with every money-hungry bitch that decides dating the heir to Isanti, Inc., is her ticket to glory. Amanda Patterson is the latest. I’m surprised you haven’t caught on to it. But every time you see a new woman on Derek’s arm, you let your anger cloud your judgment.”

  “Well, hell.” Is that what Derek did? He did seem to show up whenever Raven was being accosted by an unknown female. Was his brother trying to protect him? There had been that woman from the press, and the woman from the caterers. Raven thought back and remembered how many times his brother ran interference for him, and he hadn’t even noticed. “I guess I owe Derek an apology.”

  “Your brother loves you, Raven. He’ll keep Cara safe for you,” Joe assured him.

  Raven hoped Joe was right. Cara was the key. She would direct the other team members to their future wives. Because of her, the tribe would continue.


  The last week of school was bittersweet to Cara. She was saying goodbye to her students as they moved up to a new grade. She hoped they’d received what they needed from her teaching. She’d already begun the grading process, and after today’s test, she would have all the information she needed to start filling out the report cards.

  She looked out at her class, all working diligently on their papers. It had been a good year. She was almost sorry to see the school year end. She picked up a pencil from her desk and started doodling on a scrap of paper. Mrs. Cara Darkwood, she wrote in flowing script. Or maybe she should keep her maiden name with a hyphen. Mrs. Cara Hamilton-Darkwood. No, too long. She’d never fit all that onto a check signature line. A cold breeze blew across her skin, and Cara looked up expectantly. Was Raven here? She didn’t see him. But she’d had that same sensation when he’d walked through Shadow and appeared near her. Was she imagining things?

  “Miss Hamilton, I’m finished, and I have to go to the bathroom,” the little girl in the front row said as she walked up and placed her test on Cara’s desk.

  “All right, Diane. But no dilly-dallying. Go straight to the bathroom and come straight back.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the girl replied.

  Cara gave the girl a smile of encouragement and watched her leave the room. The shadows near the door seemed to waver and move. Cara felt her skin prickle, and the hair rose on her arms. Something wasn’t right.

  Raven? Cara sent across space and time to find his mind.

  Are you all right? What is wrong? Raven’s voice came into her head almost immediately. She could tell he was still in New Mexico.

  I’m not sure. I feel like someone is near me, someone in the Shadow Dimension.

  You are amazing, Cara. I’m not sure even our warriors would know someone is watching them from Shadow.

  So someone is watching me? Cara asked indignantly.

  Just to keep you safe, baby. Something has happened, but I would rather tell you in person. Are you free for lunch?

  Yes, but, I don’t like this, Cara sent to Raven’s thoughts along with her feelings of frustration. What was going on that she needed to be watched?

  I’ll explain at lunch. I promise, Raven was quick to reply.


  A few hours later, Raven paced in front of the school. What should he tell Cara? Should he scare her and tell her she was in danger? Were he and Joe even sure Adar would come after her? If he didn’t tell her, would she be angry? Could he take the chance she might be caught unaware? No, if he warned her, she would have to accept his measures to keep her safe. He needed to tell her everything.

  Making his decision, Raven turned to go into the school. He looked through the glass on the doors and saw Tyler Davidson duck back. So the principal was planning to spy on him? He would love to have it out with the man, but talking to Cara came first. Pasting a smile on his face, he opened the door and walked into the office to register. Davidson walked out of his office with a smirk on his face. Raven felt the hairs on his arms rise, he shivered with awareness of danger. There was something about the principal that seemed off. Davidson was gloating. What did he know that Raven didn’t?

  “Mr. Darkwood? Here to escort Miss Hamilton to lunch, I see. Make sure she gets back in time. It would be a pity if she were late. Too many marks on her record, and her contract could be dissolved.”

  “Miss Hamilton won’t be late. But if she did lose her job here, I am sure Isanti, Inc., could find her a new one,” Raven replied.

  As Davidson turned and walked out of his office and down the hall, his eyes shot daggers at Raven.

  The feeling of danger persisted. Something wasn’t right. Raven reached across time and space and touched the mind of Joe Running Bear.

  Joe, run a check on Principal Davidson’s financials. See if anything fishy is going on.

  I thought I took care of any problems when I visited him last week.

  Something is not right. I feel danger, and it’s coming from Davidson, Raven sent.

  Roger, that. I’ll get right on it.

  Thanks, Joe.

  What was Davidson up to? Why did Raven’s sixth sense scream danger around the man?

  Raven reached Cara’s classroom as the lunch bell rang. Children came pouring out of the room. Cara was inside, admonishing her students to walk to the lunchroom. When the last child ran by, Raven peeked around the door.

  “Hey, beautiful. Can I buy you lunch?”

  “Since you asked me out, I guess you should pay,” Cara said, her eyes twinkling.


  “What do you mean? Why would a group of terrorists be interested in me?” Cara asked.

  How was this possible? The special lunch waiting in the back of the limo had been such a romantic gesture. Driving down Highway One to a turn-off by the ocean only added to the ambiance. Then, the champagne and brie, her favorite, with strawberries. She could get used to living this way. When Raven started to talk about spies and Iranian terrorists, it was too much.

  “I’m sorry, honey. We never meant for this to happen.”

  Wasn’t this her worst fear coming to life? When Raven had explained about the men in his tribe and their work for the government, she had understood it could be dangerous. But not dangerous to her.

  “I think you need to take me back to the school, Raven. I have a class to finish.”

  “Cara, don’t be unreasonable. I’m trying to explain why you need to be careful.”

  “Oh, my god! Are my students in danger? Will they come after me at the school? We need to call the cops or Homeland Security.”

  “Calm down. I’m not going to let anything happen to you or your students. The proper authorities are looking into this. I want you to be aware of the danger.”

  “Take me back. Now, Raven.”

  Raven signaled the driver to turn around. How had a simple explanation turned into this? Cara was being as cold as an icicle. Nothing he said made anything better.

  He reached for her hand and touched her mind with his. She stiffened but didn’t pull away.

  Cara, you are everything to me. Please, tehila- love, I promise you I will keep you safe. There is no need to fear.

  I’m not afraid. I’m furious. Get out of my head.

  Raven withdrew from Cara’s mind. How was he going to make this right?

  The limo pulled into the school parking lot, and Cara was out of the car before it was completely stopped.

  “Cara . . .” Raven called after her as he climbed out of the vehicle.

  He frowned when she didn’t even look back.

  Derek, are you back in place?

  Just now arrived.

  Keep an eye on her. She’s pretty ticked off right now.

  She’ll get over it, Derek sent.

  You better hope she does. Keep her

  Don’t worry, I will.

  Raven signaled to the limo driver that he could go. Then, seeing a group of trees shading the sidewalk, he walked over and into Shadow.


  The afternoon went by quickly for Cara and her students. Now, she needed to get the last of the test papers graded and their scores recorded. She was on the last paper when Principal Davidson walked in her door. Sighing, Cara looked up.

  “Working late, Miss Hamilton?”

  “I was finishing up the last of these tests. Is there something you needed?”

  “Do I need a specific reason to visit with one of my employees?”

  “Of course not,” Cara said, feeling a shiver of fear going down her back. What was Davidson up to? He didn’t normally come and check on her. “I guess I’ll be going now,” she said, rising from her metal desk and putting the papers into her school bag.

  “Are you doing anything this evening, Cara? Meeting with Mr. Darkwood perhaps?”

  “No. I have to finish getting the student’s grades entered into the computer. Why do you ask?”

  “Oh, no reason. Just making polite conversation.”

  “Well, I really need to go now. Goodnight, Principal Davidson.”

  “Goodnight, Miss Hamilton.”

  Cara hurried out of her classroom and out to her car. Davidson was acting downright weird, and it was scary. She climbed into her little car and headed for home. After fighting with Raven and then this, she felt exhausted. A hot bath and a glass of wine were definitely in order. Then, she would try and figure out how to respond to Raven’s news.

  She didn’t mean to get so angry. After thinking about it, she figured she overreacted big time. But what really worried her was: Could she live like this? Raven’s tribe worked for the government and came into contact with the dregs of humanity. This might not be the last time she was put under surveillance.

  Cara felt the cold of Shadow blow over her skin.

  “When we get to my condo,” Cara said, knowing Raven’s men could hear from Shadow what was said on Earth, “you stay outside.”


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