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Shadow of My Heart (Shadow-Walker Tribe Series)

Page 15

by Moya Block, Caryn

  “Here, let me,” Derek’s voice said from behind her. He tied the feather to some of the fringe on the headband. “You look beautiful, little sister,” he said, kissing her cheek. “You all look beautiful,” he said, looking at his foster sisters and Katherine as she came out of the bedroom in her dress.

  “We’re running a little behind schedule,” Cara confessed.

  “Not to worry. I know Raven isn’t going anywhere,” Derek said. “He has his hands full with the guests. But we do need to get a move on. I think the photographer wanted to take a couple of shots before the start of the ceremony.”

  “Is everyone ready,” Gwen asked. “Did you remember the garter?”

  “Yes, I have it,” Cara said, patting her thigh.

  “Well, let’s go then, ladies. We still have to pick up the horse,” Derek said.

  Cara had forgotten that part of the ceremony. She hurried over to the flower arrangements on the table and picked up the bouquet of flowers she was supposed to carry. Derek took her arm while the others picked up their bouquets.

  “Breathe, Cara. Everything is under control,” Derek said, leading her down to the elevators. Cara tried to calm her breathing, but she was so excited and nervous. She had been fussed over all morning. All she wanted to do was escape somewhere with Raven so they could be alone.

  As if reading her mind, Derek patted her arm. Maybe he was reading her mind, if he could get through the chaos. They came out of the elevator on the ground floor, but instead of heading toward the main entrance, Derek turned toward the back of the building.

  They exited through a small door near the back corner. Standing tied to a tree was a beautiful white horse with flowers and ribbons fastened in her mane and tail.

  “This is Moonbeam. Raven bought her for you. Here, let me help you mount. You’ll need to sit sideways on her back. Hold onto the pommel. We don’t want you sliding off.”

  “That would be graceful . . . ,” Cara mumbled as the photographer ran up and started taking pictures.

  Derek handed her flowers up to her, then took the reins to lead her around the building to where the audience waited to see the ceremony. Raven was standing under a canvas awning with Quiet Thunder, Joe, and Dr. Rick.

  Lindy started down the aisle as the music began, and the audience stood and turned. Then, Gwen and Katherine started down the aisle. Derek continued to pat Cara’s knee as he held the horse steady.

  “All right, here we go,” he said, beginning to lead the horse forward.


  Seeing Cara wearing his mother’s wedding dress took Raven’s breath away. She was gorgeous, and he had missed having her in his arms. He stood in his father’s buckskins and leather shirt, watching as Derek slowly led her forward.

  Out of the corner of his eye Raven saw one of the caterers hurrying forward. It was a woman wearing a baseball cap. He turned, knowing something was wrong. She reached into her jacket and pulled out a gun, pointing at Cara.

  Raven did some quick calculations in his head and knew he wouldn’t get to Cara in time.

  Stepping forward, he yelled, “Amanda, don’t.”

  She turned, a sneer of hatred on her face. “You ruined everything,” she yelled at him, now pointing the gun at him. People in the crowd screamed and dove for cover. Derek got Cara off the horse, and then Raven couldn’t see her. Derek had her safely hidden.

  Raven glanced around, trying to find a way out. There were no shadows where he was standing in the full sun. He should have stayed under the awning.

  “Amanda, you don’t want to do this. Put the gun down,” Raven said, hoping Joe was getting someone from security.

  “Oh yes, I do. Derek loved me. But you wouldn’t let him marry me. He told me how you would take his inheritance if he married someone you didn’t approve of. How dare you play God like that? Who do you think you are?”

  A shot rang out, and Amanda looked down at her bleeding chest and then at the man who had shot her. She crumpled to the ground. Derek stood to the side, a gun still in his hand. Joe and several security people ran up and surrounded Amanda, taking the gun from her.

  Raven walked up to Derek, who still stood frozen, a look of shock on his face. He took the gun from Derek’s hand, before pulling his brother into his arms.

  “I couldn’t let her shoot you, Raven. I just couldn’t,” Derek said.

  “I know little brother. Thank you, thank you for saving my life.”

  Cara looked up at the general, and then they both watched as Raven hugged Derek. The general had handed Derek the gun, and then kept Cara shielded behind the horse. She slipped from the general’s hold and ran over to Raven, putting her arms around both brothers. They stood like that, the three of them, holding onto life, holding onto each other.

  Quiet Thunder walked up to them as Amanda was being carried away. “Come, let us continue with the ceremony. Red Hawk take your place as the best man.”

  The three of them pulled apart, all of their eyes a bit teary. Katherine walked up to Cara and handed her the flowers she had dropped on the ground when getting down from the horse.

  “I’d like to stand in as matron-of-honor as planned,” she said, her eyes pleading with Derek to look at her, but he kept his head down. Cara reached out and put her arm through Katherine’s.

  “Thank you,” Cara said. “I’d like that.”

  “Good, come over to the shadows under the awning,” Quiet Thunder directed. “Where else would a Nuni Nagi make his wedding pledge?”

  So while Joe and the other security officers tried to calm the crowd, the five of them stood under the awning. Cara and Raven gave their pledges to each other, as Katherine, Derek and Quiet Thunder looked on. When Quiet Thunder said, “You may kiss the bride,” Cara was glad it was finally over. Raven took her into his arms and kissed her tenderly. Life wasn’t always safe. But she was going to hold onto Raven and his family with both hands.

  It surprised both of them when the crowd started cheering behind them. All the guests had made their way back to their chairs. Raven and Cara turned to the crowd, holding hands and smiling.


  Later that evening Raven carried Cara over the threshold of the guest cottage on Isanti, Inc., property. He had been unable to let her out of his sight all evening. Almost losing her that afternoon had rattled him. In contrast, Cara seemed happy and serene. She took everything in stride, smiling and visiting with their guests until they could finally get away. Raven had been tempted several times to just pick her up and Shadow-walk out of there.

  Now they were finally alone, and he didn’t know what to say to her. Should he apologize? Beg her forgiveness? One more time he hadn’t kept her safe. Running his fingers through his hair, he realized she had gone into the bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes for him to follow. On the chair next to the bedroom door lay her boots. On the table under the bedroom window lay the headband, and on the bench at the foot of the bed lay his mother’s dress.

  He could hear water going into the whirlpool bathtub. Glancing around the room, he noticed the candles on the shelf, the fruit basket on the table, and the negligee lying on the bed. He would bet Gwen and Lindy had something to do with this. There was also a vase of red roses on the nightstand. He should have thought of this, he chided himself.

  Moving over to the table, he noticed a stereo and turned on the music, before dimming the lights. Then, he began to undress, laying his clothes next to Cara’s. The ceremonial outfits would have to go back into climate-control storage after cleaning.

  He pulled down the covers on the bed and then sprinkled rose petals on the sheets, before walking around the room and lighting the candles. He heard Cara turn off the water and knew that in a few moments she would come into the bedroom.

  She opened the door and turned off the light in the bathroom, leaving the bedroom in the soft glow of candlelight. Raven stood at the foot of the bed, waiting for her. As he gazed at her body through the lace of her robe, he could feel his body hardening. She a
lways did that to him, made him want her.

  She stood a moment watching him, watching his body want her, before she slipped the robe off her shoulders and let it slide to the floor. Then, they were reaching for each other. Who knew who moved first, only that neither of them could keep apart any longer.

  Raven pulled her close, taking her mouth, while her hands wandered over his chest. Every touch he gave was answered by a touch from her until they were both mad with wanting each other. Unable to wait a moment longer, Raven lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed to lie on the rose-petal-covered sheet.

  She sighed before reaching for him again. But he wanted to slow down; they were moving too fast. He wanted to savor her, give her so much pleasure she would burn for him.

  He took the hands reaching for him and lifted them up to the wrought-iron headboard. He wrapped her hands around one of the rods.

  “Hold on for me.”

  Cara’s eyes widened, but she nodded her head yes. He lowered himself next to her, knowing she could feel the state of his arousal against her thigh. He kissed her eyelids and nose before kissing her lips, light butterfly kisses that made her lift her head for more. He pulled back, licking her ear and then biting gently.

  “Slow down, tehila. Let me love you,” he said.

  Cara moaned, but she stopped trying to force his hand. He went back to kissing her mouth, licking at her lip before sucking it into his mouth. She was wearing cherry-flavored lip gloss.

  He tasted each part of her lips, before dipping his tongue inside her mouth. He teased her tongue by stroking and then pulling back. When her body trembled, he raised his hand to her breast, tweaking one nipple and then the other, while still plundering the depths of her mouth.

  Cara thought she was going to die from the pleasure of Raven’s mouth and hands. He played her body like a beautiful concerto. Her breasts ached with need as he teased her. She held onto the headboard for dear life.

  Raven took his time savoring her reactions. Her nipples became hard little pebbles under his hands, and he found he needed to taste them. He kissed his way down her neck and chest until he could take a nipple into his mouth. He licked and teased her, before sucking strongly.

  Cara arched up off the bed, crying out. Fire raced through her breast and down to her core. She panted, trying to control the waves of pleasure that washed over her. She wanted to grab his head and hold him to her, forcing him to suck harder and deeper. Not being able to touch him only sent her arousal higher.

  Raven continued to suck and tease, before biting down gently on her nipple. Cara’s shortened breaths echoed in his ears as he moved to the other side. He wanted to give both peaks equal time.

  “Raven stop teasing me,” Cara said, her voice a wail. She couldn’t stand much more. Her body was on fire.

  “What do you want, Mrs. Darkwood?” he asked her.

  “You, inside me, now,” she panted.

  “Are you wet for me, tehila?” Raven asked, running his fingers down her stomach to her hidden core. He slipped a finger into her moist depths, and Cara cried out, again raising her hips.

  “Look at me, Cara,” Raven said, waiting for her to open her eyes.

  He showed her his wet finger, before sucking it into his mouth and licking it clean. She moaned and tossed her head.

  “You are such a tease, Raven. Take me, dammit.”

  “I am savoring you, baby,” Raven said, kissing her mouth again, letting her taste her essence in his mouth.

  He raised himself over her body, letting his shaft rub along her juice-covered slit until he was wet with her essence. Each time Cara gasped as he came close to entering her. He knew he was driving her wild. Her knuckles were white from holding onto the headboard. Her body jerked and trembled beneath him.

  Deciding he had teased her enough, he reached down to guide himself into her channel. Cara gasped as he thrust deep, her hips rising to take him to her core. He felt the flood of her juices as he thrust again and again.

  Cara couldn’t stop herself, she had to touch him, had to hold onto this man. She grabbed his shoulders, as he thrust again and again, letting her nails dig into his skin.

  There was no longer a chance to go slow. Raven needed to be inside her, a part of her. He grabbed her hips, pulling her up closer, so he could go deeper, until he was touching her womb with each stroke.

  He felt Cara tighten around him until each thrust was a torment, a rush of warmth. He thrust again and again. Cara screamed, her orgasm rushing over her. Her body clamped down around his, trying to suck him deeper into her depths.

  Raven shouted as he came in a rush, meeting her coming down he pinched her clit and sent her over the edge again. For a moment Raven was sure their spirits flew into the heavens together. Finally spent, he rolled to the side, taking Cara with him, cuddling her close, their bodies still joined together. As their eyes closed, Raven knew he was finally complete.

  § § §

  Coming Soon

  My Magic Mate

  Book Four of the Siberian Volkov Series

  Brencis Solovyov, a Siberian lycanthrope, isn’t looking for a mate. When he runs into the local metaphysical store, he is repulsed by the owner’s purple hair and combat boots. And when she gives him a potion that accidently poisons him, he fears for his life. The fact that she is his mate can only be a trick of destiny. After she claims to be a witch, he knows she is truly crazy. But there is something magical about the woman, and he isn’t the only one who has noticed her strange powers. Can he keep her safe from the danger surrounding her? Will he get over his prejudice and let his magic mate cast a spell of love on him?

  Love in the Shadows

  Book Two of the Shadow-Walker Tribe Series

  Derek “Red Hawk” Darkwood is known as the playboy of Isanti, Inc, his cover for spying for General Holland. So even though there is a new woman on his arm every night, the one he wants is Katherine Sloane, his brother’s administrative assistant. But five years ago she lost her husband in Afghanistan, and Derek knows she needs time to heal. Just as he is about to make his move and take the woman he wants, Derek kills his ex-girlfriend right in front of Katherine. Can Katherine love him, even though she knows he is a murderer?

  A Siberian Werewolf in Paris

  Book Five of the Siberian Volkov Pack Series

  Valerii Belikov, Siberian lycanthrope, knew that under the baseball cap and grubby jeans “Little Joe MacDonald” was actually Josephine. He didn’t know why she was hiding, but when the mating bond snapped into place after she was injured, he never expected her to run away. Josie is his mate, the one woman meant to be his, and should have known they couldn’t live apart. He could accept her hiding, but there was no way he could give her up.

  Josephine Chevalier knew this day would come. Her father’s killers had found her. To keep her pack mates in England safe, she needed to run. It was time to return to Paris where it all started five years ago. Now if only Valerii, the man she wanted above all others, would stay away. Looking down at the golden cord tying their hearts together, she realized he would come. How could she keep him safe?

  Also by Caryn Moya Block

  My Mate’s Embrace

  Anton Volkov, Siberian lycanthrope, is following the scent of Laurel Harris, who is running away from her abusive stepfather. When Anton finds her, he is surprised to realize she is his mate, the one woman meant to be his. But the Russian mafia is also on her trail. In order to rescue Laurel, Anton must first get this troubled woman to trust him. Can love heal her wounded heart?

  “The Siberian Volkov Series keeps getting better with each book. I found myself totally engrossed in this story.” 4Night Owl Reviews

  A Siberian Werewolf in London

  Grigori Solovyov, Siberian lycanthrope, goes to London to track down a Russian mobster who is stealing from the pack. Then, Melisande Reule walks into his hotel, bringing his wolf howling to the surface. He knows he has found his mate. B
ut when she is targeted by a Russian assassin, Grigori must fight to keep her safe and at his side.

  “I absolutely loved this second installment in the Siberian Volkov Pack series. It had everything that made me fall in love with the first one. The story line is great.” 4Night Owl Reviews

  Alpha’s Mate

  A trip to Moscow brings Siberian lycanthrope, Dmitry Volkov, and his pack members out of hiding. He’s looking for answers to the pack’s breeding problems. But he never expected to find them in the delectable Violet Anderson. With rogue lycans causing problems in the pack, can he bring a fragile human woman home as his mate?

  Wildlife photographer Violet Anderson is stopping in Moscow, before she goes on assignment to shoot the elusive Russian Gray Wolf. When she meets Dmitry at a local hotspot, the sparks fly. The animal magnetism tells her she might have just met the man of her dreams. But Violet has a couple of secrets of her own, and following a wounded animal to its lair has never been a safe thing to do.

  “This is the beginning of a new werewolf series that promises to be phenomenal.” 4Night Owl Reviews

  About the Author

  Caryn Moya Block burst onto the paranormal romance scene with her debut e-book Alpha’s Mate in January of 2012. Since then, she published A Siberian Werewolf in London and My Mate’s Embrace. She was named one of the “Top 50 Indie Authors for April 2012,” by E-Reader Reviews and won the “Global E-book Awards for 2012” in the contemporary romance category.

  Caryn is also one of the contributors to “Interviews with Indie Authors, Top Tips from Successful Self-Published Authors” by Claire and Tim Ridgeway.


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