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Her Grace's Stable: A Jane Austen Space Opera, Book 2

Page 17

by Joely Sue Burkhart

  She kissed him, trying to keep it fairly clean for Elias’s sake. She didn’t want him to see her gobbling up another man, but the way Jesse melted against her made her crazy. Boneless, he sank into her embrace, soft, open and willing for anything she needed. All too quickly, she found herself gripping his bottom lip in her teeth. She dug her fingers into his buttocks, pressing him as close to her as possible.

  Breaking the kiss, she dropped her head to his shoulder and concentrated on breathing. Damn it, what had happened to her control? Her desire to protect Elias as much as possible? Another few minutes and she would have shoved her hands down Jesse’s jeans.

  “Are you okay?” She didn’t dare lift her head to seek Elias’s reaction. Jesse didn’t answer—he knew who she was asking.

  “Yeah,” Elias replied in a graveled voice that made her shiver. “I’ve never seen anyone go so limp and eager like that. It’s like he’s giving you every single thing he’s got. His breath. His will. God, no wonder he makes you so hot, Vik. He’s begging you to ravish him.” He must have leaned close because his hot breath moistened her ear. “Show me some more.”

  Elias had never thought of himself as a Peeping Tom, but he couldn’t deny that he was rock-hard and throbbing at the sight of his woman kissing another man. It wasn’t any man, though. If it were anyone but Jesse in her arms, he’d probably be dead. The kid wasn’t a threat to him. Vicki wanted him, but she gave Elias no doubts about how much she wanted him too.

  She released Jesse’s ass to jerk his T-shirt over his head. Using the soft cotton, she tied his hands together in the small of his back. She’d been feeding him well, because he wasn’t as painfully thin as when she’d first taken him in. “What do you want?”

  “Rough me up a little,” he gasped. “Pull my hair or bite me. God, I’d love it if you’d bite me hard enough to bruise.”

  She wound her fingers in his hair and gave his head an experimental jerk. “Like that?”

  “Harder. Force me to bend to your will.”

  Elias made himself hold his breath for a count of ten and then let it out slowly. Damned if he was going to embarrass himself by hyperventilating…or coming in his pants like a pimply-faced teenager.

  She pulled Jesse’s head back, forcing him to arch his neck and upper body away from her. She had strong hands, so Elias knew she was pulling hard, giving him what he’d asked for. With her other hand, she began unbuttoning Jesse’s jeans. His breathing was loud, rasping through his strained throat.

  “Make me wait,” he ground out. “Don’t let me come without your permission.”

  “Okay.” She twisted her fingers tighter in his hair and pressed her mouth to his neck.

  By the way he jerked and groaned, she wasn’t kissing him. There was a reason Elias joked that she was like a shark or a crocodile—she’d always loved biting, and the neck and shoulder were her favorite targets. She ran her mouth down Jesse’s neck to his shoulder, leaving bites as she went, harder, really working the underlying muscle. He moaned louder, his breath panting, his skin a sheen of sweat.

  Finally, she got his jeans unbuttoned. His shoulders bunched, tendons standing out in his neck.

  “Not yet.” She let out a husky laugh, tracing his ear with her tongue. “You said to make you wait.”

  “I’m going to die.”

  “Good,” she purred. “Elias loves it when I do this to him.”

  “The hell I do.” He did, though, and she loved it too, because he gave as good as he got. “Why don’t you dig those claws into him? He’ll really like that.”

  She cupped Jesse’s balls, using her nails to grip that fragile skin. His eyes fluttered shut. Completely surrendered to her, his body hummed and vibrated like a delicate instrument in her hands. It was all Elias could do not to jerk open his own pants. Then she could have a cock in each hand. Maybe even have a contest over who could last the longest when she started using her mouth.

  Christ, all the blood must have leaked out of my skull for me to even think about such a thing.

  Shifting around to Jesse’s side so he was between them, Vicki stared over his shoulder at Elias. Her eyes were dark, gleaming pools of need. She tightened her hands, drawing a louder cry from Jesse. Defenseless, eager, softly pained male, it was a sound that Elias never thought he’d hear, let alone one that would turn him on. But it did. Because the woman he loved had drawn out that sound from the other man’s throat.

  Still holding his gaze, she bit Jesse’s left shoulder, gripping the top muscle in her teeth firmly like a pit bull. He arched in a trembling, straining bow, his cock rising hard and desperate to rub against her, but she only bit him harder. “Please!”

  She released him enough to speak. “Say my name.”

  He shuddered, as though she’d told him to stick his finger in a light socket. “I can’t. I’ll come, I swear it.”

  “Then come.” She jerked his head to the side and sank her teeth into his straining neck.

  You can tie a girl up, but you can’t keep her down…

  Unleashing the Receptionist

  © 2012 Juniper Bell

  …the Receptionist, Book 3

  In the year since Dana joined Ethan and Simon’s firm, the three of them have found the perfect balance of power and pleasure in their three-way, work/play relationship. Not only that, but it’s been the firm’s most successful year financially.

  Except something is missing. Her men won’t tell her anything about their past. How they met, or how they formed such an unconventional business and personal partnership. Until they start sharing their secrets, Dana fears she’ll always be the odd girl out.

  Everything changes when a vengeful former partner resurfaces. Suddenly, both the business and their idyllic relationship are under siege. With a tax auditor watching their every move, the three must be on their best behavior.

  Never one to back down from a challenge, Dana seizes the chance to prove herself—and finally win her sexy bosses’ full trust and confidence. Now the race is on to root the evil nemesis out of their lives once and for all—before her dream relationship cracks under the pressure.

  Warning: Contains hot three-way M/F/M sex, highly inappropriate office behavior, a shocking secret, a kinky accountant and some really bad girl-on-girl porno reenactments.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Unleashing the Receptionist:

  “Ethan didn’t say anything about clothes. He only banned physical contact.”

  “True. Besides, I have a feeling you didn’t wear this for Ethan. Or me.”

  A mischievous smile was my only answer.

  “Well, enjoy your new pet, but just remember, we’re right here if he steps over the line.”

  “He won’t. He’s not interested.”

  “Now that I have a hard time imagining.” He lifted my chin and planted a long, slow kiss on my lips.

  “Simon!” I was shocked. “You know the rules.”

  “And you know I’m a rule-breaker. As are we all. We like breaking the rules almost as much as we like the punishment.” He winked, a green-eyed pirate devil-man.

  He kissed me again, and I was just starting to melt into him when he straightened up. “There you go, Ms. Arthur. Simon Dirk Tailoring is at your service.” He gave me a secret wink, then swung around.

  Standish stood in the doorway, dressed in his standard Standish-wear.

  “I was just helping Dana with a loose button,” Simon told the auditor. “And speaking of tailoring, if you should ever need any advice in that area…”

  “Mr. Dirk,” I said sternly. “Mr. Standish is perfectly happy with his style of dress.”

  Simon raised an eyebrow at the word “style”, but I squelched him with a frown.

  “Which, I might add, is highly appropriate for his line of work.”

  “Point taken.” Simon gave an ironic little bow of his head and headed into the inner office suite. “Standish, it seems you’ve won yourself a defender. Well done. Dana is a treasure.”

heard the warning in his voice, and so did Standish. He pushed his glasses nervously up his nose and refused to look me in the eye. Which might have been because his gaze kept darting to my chest.

  “Good morning, Standish,” I said cheerfully, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “Simon was just telling me I should go home and change, but I think he’s being an old stick in the mud. What do you think?”

  “Oh, I completely disagree with him, all due respect, but on no account should you change, that is, maybe if you didn’t look so good, or if you worked at a different location, most definitely, but no, I think you’re just fine as you are.”

  I smiled innocently as he babbled. He really was cute. I rested my chin on my folded hands and tilted my head at him. Little angel Dana, that’s me.

  He went into his hidey-hole and started to shut the door. But he couldn’t seem to quite bring himself to. He poked his head out. “I…uh…brought an extra tea bag today, if you’d like to try it.”

  “Sure, I’d be thrilled!” I chirped.

  Really, I couldn’t say why I was toying with him like this, except my intuition told me to. And besides, maybe I mentioned this already, but he was kind of cute.

  The red button on my phone blinked—Ethan was calling me into his office. “I’ll come by later,” I told Standish, and hurried to find out what Ethan wanted.

  Apparently he wanted to glower at me with a double dose of Blue Fury from behind his desk. “What are you trying to pull?”

  I twined my hands behind my back, a perfect little schoolgirl. “Excuse me?”

  “I warned you about Standish. I said we were to behave with complete professionalism.”

  “Which is exactly what I’ve done.” I lifted my nose in the air. This had the effect of accentuating my breasts. His gaze flicked across me.

  “That outfit is hardly professional.”

  “Depends on your profession,” I said pertly.

  From behind me came a click. Excitement churned inside me. I knew that sound—the remote controlled lock on Ethan’s door. The atmosphere in the room turned suddenly heavy and charged.

  Ethan’s voice dropped into the sudden tension with two stern words. “Come. Here.”

  “Fine.” I stepped forward. “But I feel I should remind you of the current policy against physical contact established by the head of this firm…” I broke off with a squeak, finding myself suddenly turned across his lap. In the space of half a second, I was staring at the beige carpet and feeling my skirt yanked over my head.

  “You’re pushing me,” Ethan growled. The sound of a drawer opening came next. Ethan’s treasure chest of sex toys. Excitement shot through me, made me wet between the legs. All these sounds were like cues to me, announcing we’d reached Punishment Time.

  About time. All that abstaining stuff had been driving me crazy. I decided to push him harder.

  “You’re breaking the rules, Ethan. You said no physical…”

  Wham. The paddle. The flat wood came down on my right cheek. I yelped as adrenaline flooded my brain. The next spank followed right on top of the previous one. When Ethan paddled me, he gave me no room to rest, no room to catch up to the pace of his strokes. I clutched the side of his leg, afraid I’d lose all sense of where I was. The carpet blurred before my dazed vision. He maneuvered his knee so my clit, with its delicate piercing, pressed against the fabric of his trousers—a fine woolen weave. Caught between his hard spanking and the pressure of his knee, I felt wild spirals of arousal somersault through my body.

  Adding to the general frenzy was the fact that my breasts were hanging over the edge of his thigh and the weight of the bronze dragged on my nipples. Every time Ethan spanked me, my breasts would get jostled and a charge would shoot straight to my nipples, then ricochet back to my pussy. If only I could make him stop for a second so I could take them off.

  I opened my mouth to request this, but only a desperate wheeze came out. Ethan wouldn’t stop anyway, not for a silly reason like that. I’d have to grit my teeth and bear the spiraling pleasure, the maddening friction against my clit.

  “You insist on being disobedient, don’t you?” Spank. “Even when I spell out exactly what I need from you, that little rebel inside has to thumb her nose at me.” Spank.

  “I’m sorry,” I gasped. “I shouldn’t have worn this. I’ll take it off.”

  “Do you think that’s funny?”

  The spanking stopped suddenly. I blew out a long breath of relief, then yelped as his thumb worked its way into my pussy. With my clit still pressed against his pants leg his thumb explored inside me, pressing one spot then another, until he hit the jackpot—the one that made me jerk like a marionette. His hot thumb applied a slow, steady pressure from above, his knee from below, until I became nothing more than a quivering, whimpering slice of Dana in an Ethan sandwich. I raced toward a mind-blowing climax, bucking and twisting in his lap.

  “You stubborn little rebel, I should have known you wouldn’t be able to stick to the new policy. I should have done this first, brought you off hard so you wouldn’t be tempted to do anything crazy with the auditor. Come, Dana, get it out of your system. Come so hard you don’t need another orgasm for days. You’re such a hot little thing, you can’t last for a week without a man’s cock in you, or his thumb, or his tongue, or…”

  I lost track of the body parts he was listing as I soared into a full-body orgasm that included even my weighted nipples. I grunted like a primitive beast against his knee. I probably left spots of drool. When the spasms finally died down, he rolled me off his lap so I curled on the floor between his legs. He opened his pants and brought out an industrial-strength erection.

  Her Grace’s Stable

  Joely Sue Burkhart

  Silence is his only defense. But no truth escapes his lady’s whip.

  A Jane Austen Space Opera, Book 2

  Lady Violet Blackmyre, the daring “Black Duchess” of the Queen’s Light Dragoons, never thought she’d die a slow, miserable death. Yet only days after being named Field Marshal of the Britannian Army, she’s been diagnosed with consumption.

  Giving Cole, her devoted stable hand and “pony”, his freedom is as easy as removing his collar. Convincing him to seek another mistress will be impossible should he learn of her condition. At all costs, she must spare him the pain of witnessing her demise.

  Cole will not be pushed away so easily. When he stumbles across a magnificent “stallion” being abused at an illegal human auction, he is sure this wild, untamed brute is the challenge that will re-engage his mistress’s interest.

  Arthur is desperate to return to the Iberian front, but betrayal and relentless torture have left him unable to trust himself with a weapon, much less lead soldiers into battle. What’s more, Lady Blackmyre’s dreadful secret is becoming more obvious by the day…and the scourge tearing at her lungs may not be natural at all.

  Warning: Ladies in positions of power and technological advances invented by the infamous Lady Doctor Wyre. A ménage a trois featuring a brute of a stallion, a mischievous pony, and the Mistress with the will (and the whip) to tame them both.

  eBooks are not transferable.

  They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

  Cincinnati OH 45249

  Her Grace’s Stable

  Copyright © 2013 by Joely Sue Burkhart

  ISBN: 978-1-61921-551-1

  Edited by Tera Kleinfelter

  Cover by Kanaxa

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, e
xcept in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: June 2013

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  About the Author

  Look for these titles by Joely Sue Burkhart

  Also Available from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Copyright Page




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