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Chinchilla and the Devil

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by C. D. Gorri

  Chinchilla and the Devil

  Furry United Coalition Newbie Academy

  C.D. Gorri

  Copyright © 2020, C.D. Gorri

  Cover Art © 2020 Dreams2Media

  Produced in Canada

  An EveL Worlds Production :

  Edited by BookNookNuts & Amanda Kimberley


  This story is a work of fiction and the characters, events and dialogue found within the story are of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is completely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without permission in writing from the author.






  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30


  An Unofficial Glossary of Italian-American Words used in this book…

  About the Author


  Holy crap! I can’t believe I get to write in EveL Worlds!

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  Eve, THANK YOU so much for creating this incredible opportunity.

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  That said, never give up on your dreams, because you never know!

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  Xoxo, C.D.


  Hello Readers!

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  Thank you for purchasing this FUC Academy story! I absolutely adore all of Eve Langlais’ books and am truly honored to be a part of her extraordinary EveL Worlds. I hope you enjoy reading about a curvy chinchilla who meets her mate in a naughty little devil from New Jersey!

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  Happy reading!


  C.D. Gorri

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  Before you begin, sign up for my newsletter here:


  Someone has been stealing meatless meatballs from the cafeteria at the Furry United Coalition Newbie Academy or FUCN'A as it's called for short!

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  Conflict Resolution & Situation De-escalation Counselor Sofia Pelosi must discover the culprit before the vegetarian cadets’ revolt, but she doesn't know where to begin.

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  Tony Leeds is a private investigator who specializes in locating missing shifters. He's tracked one to FUCN'A but is denied his request to search their records.

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  When word gets out there's a meatball bandit on campus, Tony offers to help the curly-haired woman who causes his inner Devil to think naughty thoughts. Will she scratch his back in return? Find out in Chinchilla and the Devil!

  Does this premise and world seem familiar? That’s because it is based off the Eve Langlais Furry United Coalition. Eve Langlais has invited her author friends to come and play in her world. To find out more, visit


  The sound of footsteps coming quickly down the corridor did nothing to quell the racing of Sofia’s heart.

  “Come on, doll face, you can do this,” the devil whispered in her ear.

  Dammit, if that didn’t excite her. She searched the personnel and registration files for everyone on campus using the parameters Tony had given her.

  They were looking for a predator. A fox who was approximately 19-23 years old. Since the person in question was the victim of a child abduction, it stood to reason he did not know his correct age. His DNA test would have been labelled corrupted, and a request to redo the test might have been ordered. There were a lot of might’s and maybe’s on this hunt.

  “Anything yet?”

  “It’s searching, I can’t make it go faster.”

  “Alright then, let’s forget it.”


  “Let’s go, they’re gettin’ closer.” His growly voice sent shivers down her spine.

  Sofia wasn’t going to give up. Not until the last second. She was so close she could taste it. And she wasn’t about to give up. Not when it could mean solving her question of who was stealing Maude’s meatless meatballs from the cafeteria, and more importantly, reunite a family.

  “I swear, woman, I will rip the plug out of the wall. Let’s go!”

  “One more second–”

  Just then, the lights came on. Suddenly, Tony and Sofia were surrounded by half a dozen FUC agents. She recognized them all and knew they meant business.


  “Alright you two, get your hands up! You’ve been FUC’d!” Yelled a particularly bouncy agent.

  Sofia identified the infamous FUC agent and bombshell blonde as one Miranda Brownsmith. She was practically a legend at the university and an absolute favorite of Sofia’s because they shared a common order, Rodentia. Miranda was a bunny shifter. A giant kick-ass bunny, but a bunny, nonetheless.

  “Minchia,” grumbled Tony. Another of his colorful Italian cusswords that Sofia was growing to recognize. Though what a dick had to do with the situation was beyond her.

  “Well, Ms. Pelosi, what do you have to say for yourself?” Asked the bunny.

  “The devil made me do it!” Sofia quipped then shrugged at Tony’s low growl and eyeroll.

  “The devil?” Asked the bunny, head cocked to one side.

  Sofia guessed that she was seriously weighing the possibility that the little chinchilla shifter was, in fact, batshit crazy. Well, she wasn’t crazy. Tony was a devil, sort of, and he did make her do it. Kind of.

  “I mean–” Sofia began.

  “Look, I can explain,” Tony said, cutting her off.

  He moved to stand in front of Sofia, effectively blocking the many weapons trained on her person. It was a protective gesture. One she wasn’t expecting. Her mouth went dry and her stomach flip-flopped.

  “Come on, put your guns away. We’re unarmed, besides she’s right. The kid doesn’t know anything. I talked her into it,” he said smoothly.

  “That is a load of baloney! I know what I am doing!” She argued.

  “You two want to straighten your stories out?” Alyce Cooper, director at FUCN’A, glared at them both with an unnerving stare that made Sofia squirm.

  “No need, Ms. Cooper, I’m the one you want.” He winked.

  Sofia closed her eyes and counted to three. She was going to kill him when they got through this. If they got through it.

  “No, I can answer any questions you have. You see, I was trying to find the meatball bandit–” Sofia said.

  “By breaking into our confidential records?” Ms. Cooper huffed.

  “No, uh, that was to help him, you see Tony is a PRIC,” she tried to explain.

  “Sure looks like one,” snorted Viktor Smith, croc shifter and the most ornery FUC agent Sofia had ever he
ard of. Or, he was, until he got mated.

  “Wait, is he a prick or the devil?” Asked Miranda.

  “Neither!” Snapped Sofia. They were getting it all wrong.

  “But I thought the devil made you do it?” Miranda added.

  “Doll face, let me do the talkin’,” Tony grumbled.

  “No, listen everyone,” she started

  “Oh, I can’t wait to hear this,” growled Chase Brownsmith, who stood behind his wife like the immovable mountain he was.

  It was a well-known fact that the bear shifter took no chances with his missus, especially since they started a family a little while ago. Miranda, Chase, and their little one were seen frequently on campus, either training cadets or popping in for guest lectures.

  “First, I think we should cuff them,” said Viktor.

  The croc made the mistake of advancing on them without warning. Tony reached around and hauled Sofia to her feet. His entire body vibrated, the sounds of his clothes tearing reached her ears as his half-shift took over. Thankfully all his important bits were still covered.

  “You will not touch her,” growled Tony.

  Uh oh. Tony’s skin took on that deep reddish hue she was growing to love. A sure sign his devil was close to the surface. He had warned her that once his inner beast decided to pursue her, he would become possessive. What he didn’t say was that she would find it hotter than hell when he got all growly and proprietorial with her.

  Day-yum. Great. Now she was in a room full of shifters she admired with damp panties and a thundering pulse. Before her embarrassment could grow roots, she shook it off.

  People, even shifters, went their whole lives without ever feeling even an inkling of what she felt for the man beside her. Sofia was no coward. She didn’t need to hide or be ashamed of her feelings.

  But she did need to stop this before it got worse. The rumbling growl coming from Tony seemed to be increasing in volume and intensity as the seconds ticked by. Of course, Viktor and the rest of them showed no signs of backing down.

  Uh oh. She needed to calm Tony’s devil down before he tried to take on the elite team of FUC agents. He might be a powerful devil, but he was outnumbered. He could be injured or worse. Her inner chinchilla shuddered at the thought. Sofia was not about to let that happen.

  “Tony, it’s okay.” She laid her hand on the bare skin at the small of his back.

  Sofia needed him to focus on her. She wasn’t going to risk losing him. Not now. Her touch seemed to soothe him, so she kept her hand right there, gently stroking his velvety smooth skin.

  “No one touches you,” he said to her, but the team must not have heard the warning in his voice.

  Viktor moved forward with a pair of cuffs raised, and Tony turned suddenly. He snarled at the advancing agent with saliva dripping from his long, sharp fangs. Fur began to sprout on his chin and cheeks. His angry growl grew even louder.

  Suddenly, everyone stopped moving. All eyes were on the man in front of her. Her man. When Sofia looked, she realized why they were staring.

  Uh oh.

  Two huge horns had erupted from Tony’s forehead, spiraling out to the sky. They seemed larger than she recalled having seen earlier. His skin turned a deep, dark shade of red as his bulk increased shredding through his shirt and tearing his pants in places. His huge forked tail wrapped around her waist and brought her closer to his side. Large bat-like wings unfurled from his back. They were thick and strong, leathery to the touch with talon-like edges along the bottom.

  One of those impressive wings curled around her body, protectively bringing her closer still to his hulking frame. She noticed his shoes had basically exploded under the force of his hooved feet. Dark red fur poked out from his torn pants.

  “What the shit,” muttered Viktor, who’d wisely stepped back, tucking the cuffs into his pocket.

  “Mine,” growled Tony in a voice so deep and guttural she could hardly make out the word.

  “Everyone, let me properly introduce you to Tony Leeds, he’s an American detective working for Private Resourceful Investigative Contractors or PRIC.”

  “Anything else you want to tell us about Tony?” Alyce muttered hands raised.

  “Yes, um, Tony is a Jersey devil, and I think I’m his mate.”

  “Mine,” echoed Tony.

  After a few moments of diffusing the situation, Sofia sat beside Tony in one of the brightly lit conference rooms located on the same floor as the Communications department.

  “Okay, Mr. Leeds, Ms. Pelosi, why don’t you take it from the top?” Ms. Alyce Cooper, director of the Academy, sat down at the table across from them.

  Sofia swallowed audibly before starting their story.


  24 hours earlier…

  Sofia Pelosi looked up from her laptop. Just another day in the overcrowded, boisterous, and somewhat messy Communications Department at FUCN’A. Most people overlooked the critically important function of said department, but Sofia was well-acquainted with just how much trouble the Furry United Coalition could get into.

  Of course, she was not one of those lucky shifters on staff who got to work with active FUC agents. Nope. Sofia was a Conflict Resolution & Situation De-escalation Counselor at the Academy. That meant she dealt primarily with new cadets in helping them adjust to FUC life.

  The cadets were from every family and classification of shifters. They were young, mostly in their twenties, from a wide variety of economic and social backgrounds. And yet, it seemed that every single one of them thought they were the single most important thing in the universe.

  A dangerously misinformed notion that most people in that age range suffered from, she found. Whether such a ridiculous concept began in utero, was developed as a result of having been raised by over-attentive helicopter parents, or from spending too much time on social media, was as of yet undetermined.

  Besides, diagnosing why cadets, and sometimes their trainers and teachers, were so self-important was not her job. It wasn’t even on the periphery.

  Nope. Sofia was not there to judge or even to give her opinion, no matter how badly she sometimes wanted to. Biting her tongue had been something she’d needed to learn at first but was now becoming second nature to her. Every time she read one of the Complaints on Campus forms, or COC’s as they were accurately called, she wanted to scream.

  Cadets and other personnel could access blank COC forms by either coming to the department and borrowing a tablet in person or by simply logging in from one of their personal computers or devices. No one could accuse the Academy of not doing their all to go green in this day and age. After all, she worked at one of the most secret, highly technologically advanced facilities in the entire world.

  Sofia was responsible for the new generation of agents whose job it was to protect all of shifter kind. Counseling young cadets on how to effectively deal with the high-stress scenarios they encountered on campus was worthwhile employment.

  Hopefully, her dealings with them would translate into said cadet developing into an experienced FUC agent with the skills necessary to perform his or her job. Communication is key. Didn’t Ms. Cooper, the director of the Academy, say that often enough?

  Then why did she feel so bleh about her job all of a sudden? Sofia closed her eyes, hoping that it would pass as these moments of doubt and discontent often did. When she opened them once more, her stomach grumbled loudly. She flushed in embarrassment, hoping no one else had caught that.

  It was already after one, and she’d had nothing to eat all day. Darn her stupid snooze button for being within reach that morning! Another day, another skipped breakfast. If only that translated into a flat belly and slender hips, but no, she retained her chubby little form whether she was on two legs or four.


  She’d planned on skipping lunch to finish up her latest batch of COC forms, but reviewing them was taking longer than she’d originally anticipated. Especially today. It was slow going for a fluffy chinchilla who typicall
y couldn’t open her eyes without a bowl of her favorite honey nut cluster cereal in cold vanilla almond milk. Yum.

  “Hey Sof, I think your stomach is trying to tell you it’s time to go grab a bite.” Tammy, a coworker and friend, leaned over the partition that divided their cubicles and spoke via stage whisper.

  The woman’s frizzy brown hair stuck up in odd places, but she was so pretty with her almond-shaped eyes and smooth mocha skin that Sofia envied her carefree sense of style. Tammy was tall and naturally thin with incredibly long legs.

  Sofia teased her mercilessly about her height, but truthfully, she envied the woman. At five-foot two-inches short, Sofia always wanted to be taller, but as her Daddy always said, good things come in small packages. Of course, he hadn’t known at the time that his daughter would develop curves on her curves before she’d finished with puberty. It had been tough being the only girl, shifter or not, in middle school sporting a pair of double Ds.

  Her self-esteem had taken a nosedive when her boobs and her butt had been the only things that had grown in high school. Stuck at a diminutive height, she’d been the object of many a taunt since then.


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