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Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 30

by Julie Shelton

  His cock throbbed and jerked, growing longer, thicker, stretching her nearly to the point of pain. Her muscles contracted around him, squeezing along his entire length like wildly palpating fingers. Sucking in a harsh breath, he tunneled his hands beneath her bottom, slowly lifting her hips, allowing him to withdraw inch by inch until only his crown remained inside her. She gasped, shivering at the simultaneous stimulation of both her clit and her G-spot. The resulting sensations, combined with the pain from the stripes on her buttocks, nearly sent her over the edge.

  Gripping her ass cheeks, he held her still while he undulated his hips, teasing her mercilessly, until she thought she’d die of the pleasure he was giving her. His eyes glittered, his face dark with lust. Gazes locked, he slanted his head, moving slowly toward her until his mouth paused less than an inch from her own. Her pussy gushed in anticipation, the breath shuddering from her lungs as his breath teased her swollen lips. “Ride me, Sunny.” His voice was raw, rough as gravel. “Ride my cock. Make me come inside your sweet cunt.”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered against his hovering lips, dropping down until she felt the head of his cock bump against her cervix, the crisp hairs of his groin tickling her swollen labia.

  He claimed her mouth in a kiss of almost brutal intensity, his tongue surging in and mating with hers in a carnal display of dominance and aggression. She welcomed the violence, answering it with violence of her own. Holding on to his shoulders, she began slamming her hips up and down on his staff until they were both breathing in harsh, desperate pants, spiraling higher and higher toward that ultimate release.

  Ripping their mouths apart, they came together screaming, their bodies seizing as paroxysms of pleasure blasted them to bits. Too weak to hold herself upright, she slumped against him, her lungs emptying in a whoosh! They continued to moan and convulse for several long minutes, until his dwindling cock finally slipped out of her, dribbling cum onto his groin.

  Once again he took her lips, before drawing back to look at her. “Thank you, love. That was wonderful. You were wonderful.” He lifted her off his lap, giving her bottom a playful swat. “Go clean up and put on what Jess laid out for you on the bed. Nothing else.” His eyes narrowed. “You have twenty minutes.”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered, her belly doing a somersault at the dominance in his voice.

  “Sarah—” He stopped her just as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

  She turned to look at him, eyes wide.

  “I love you.” His voice was the merest whisper of sound in the quiet house.

  “I love you, too, Adam.”

  It took her the full twenty minutes to shower, dry her hair, apply her makeup and put on the soft cotton gauze sundress the color of crushed raspberries. The skirt came halfway down her thighs, plenty long enough to hide the fading welts from her caning—as long as she didn’t bend over. The strapless bodice, held up by a built-in bra, fit snugly around her torso, displaying the round fullness of her breasts to perfection. Her hard, pebbled nipples poked visibly against the soft fabric. On her feet were high-heeled sandals of raspberry-colored leather, with beaded leather flowers across the thin straps of the vamp.

  Adam was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, watching her slow, sexy descent. All the blood drained from his head to pool in his groin. Christ, he was already hard again! Less than thirty minutes after one of the best orgasms of his entire fucking life! Isn’t that physically impossible? Somehow managing a smile, he made a circling gesture with his fingers.

  “Jesus, Sarah,” he rasped hoarsely, pulling her into his arms and bending his head to plunder her mouth, still swollen from his previous kisses. He would never get enough of her. Not in a million years. Breathless, he pulled back just far enough to look at her, his eyes dark and glittering with lust and need and a hunger so feral it made her heart seize. “How can you possibly think you’re not beautiful? You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

  She bit her lip. “You and Jesse are the only people who’ve ever made me feel that way,” she confessed. It was true. Before Phillip, she’d always felt awkward and self-conscious about the fullness of her breasts, the roundness of her hips. After Phillip, she’d felt awkward and self-conscious about…well, everything.

  Compressing his lips into a grim line, Adam shook his head in disbelief. “Jess was right. Your ex is a complete and total fuckwad. Forget everything he ever said to you. None of it’s true.” He released her and took her hand. “Come on, love. Let’s go meet Jess.”

  As soon as he handed her into his Land Rover, she pulled her skirt out from under her and spread her legs the way Jesse had taught her, baring herself to Adam’s gaze. His cock hardened so fast, he nearly swallowed his tongue. “Good girl,” he managed to croak, fussing with her seat belt in an attempt to hide the fact that his legs were threatening to buckle. He closed her door and somehow succeeded in walking around to get in the driver’s seat.

  He turned to look at her, his gaze resting on her glistening mound before sweeping upward to her face. “You’re killing me here, sweet pea,” he admitted ruefully. “I’m so hard I could demolish a building.”

  “Well, looks like I’ll be leaving a great big sticky wet spot on your nice leather seat, so I guess that makes us even.” She batted her eyelashes, giving him a saucy smile.

  Adam just laughed. “Touché. Just remember the same cleanup rules apply to all sticky wet spots, no matter where they’re left.” He chuckled at her look of consternation. “I need to make a brief stop at Marshall’s Hill before we go into town.”


  As they approached the entrance, Sarah was startled to see a crew of workmen tearing down the brick pillars and wrought iron arch that had supported the main gate for over a hundred years. Hastily, she lifted her hips and yanked her skirt down, smoothing it over her lap as a man approached. To say he was tall would be like saying the ocean was wet. Of course, next to her, everyone was tall. But this man, at well over six and a half feet, added new meaning to the word. Tattoos covered his beefy arms and thick neck, and when he bent to peer into the car, she saw that his shaved head was also covered with tattoos, many of them strange symbols and words written in the Cyrillic alphabet. “Hey, Boss.”

  “Nik. How’s it going?”

  “Great. And who is this pretty lady, if I may ask?” His voice had just the faintest glottal heaviness of a Russian accent.

  “Sarah, meet Nikolai Rostov, my crew foreman, former member of the Teams with Jess and me.”

  Nikolai “Iceman” Rostov was nearly as large as a grizzly bear, and even more dangerous. He was a specialist in SAMBO, the martial arts used by Spetsnaz, the Russian Special Forces, as well as all sorts of vicious street-fighting techniques learned growing up in the slums of Odessa. His neat black mustache and goatee gave him an almost satanic look. Until he smiled, like he was doing now, which completely spoiled the effect. When he smiled, he looked more like a teddy bear than a grizzly bear. On missions, he’d never smiled.

  “Sarah?” His grin broadened. “Jesse’s Sarah? Pleased to finally meet you, devushka.” He extended his left arm into the car, across Adam’s chest, and Sarah felt her hand being completely swallowed up. As large as a grizzly’s paw, Nikolai Rostov’s hand was surprisingly gentle…and missing the little finger.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too, Mr. Rostov.”

  He grimaced. “Nik, please. Mr. Rostov was my worthless, no-good SOB of a father.” He turned his head and spat vehemently on the ground. “God curse his soul.”

  “Nik,” she murmured as goose bumps feathered up her spine. “What’s going on here?”

  “Sorry about the mess.” He withdrew his hand, waving it toward the bricks and sacks of mortar piled in neat stacks all over the ground. “We should be finished with this in the next week or two.”

  “It takes that long to install a gate?” Sarah asked in surprise.

  Nikolai winked. “No, devushka. It takes that long to inst
all a gate and build over five miles of brick and cinder block wall. Your split-rail fence is very…What is word?…Picturesque, but cannot keep out unwanted intruders. When we are finished, you will be snug as the proverbial bug in his rug.”

  “Thank you.”

  He and Adam talked briefly, then he flashed his smile at Sarah and said, “Pleasure to meet you, myah sladkaya.”

  “Same here, Nik.”

  As the Range Rover topped the hill, Sarah was amazed at all the cars and trucks parked along both sides of the driveway. Her property looked like the parking lot of a major hub airport. “Whose are all these?”

  “The cleanup crew is here finishing up your bedroom and bathroom. My crews are here installing cameras and video monitors. Most of these others belong to Brian Wilson’s crews.”

  “Brian!” she exclaimed. “Why are they here?”

  “The plumbers and tilers are redoing your bathroom. The electricians are rewiring the entire house, top to bottom. The plasterers are putting up new walls in your bedroom.”

  She looked at him quizzically. “New walls?”

  He pulled to a stop in the turnaround, next to the central fountain. “The blood soaked right through the wallpaper and into the plaster beneath.”

  “So it was blood,” she murmured, half to herself.

  “Pig’s blood. The cleaning crew scrubbed it several times with bleach, but there’s still a slight stain. Even though they assured us it would be safe to paint over it, Jess and I decided just to go ahead and replace the walls.”

  Sarah shuddered, realizing that, no matter what they fixed or replaced or painted over, she’d never be able to sleep in that room again.

  He came around to let her out of the Land Rover and followed her into the house. As they passed by the study, Sarah was astonished to see all the furniture had been removed and the walls had been opened up to the studs. They paused in the doorway to watch two young men wearing hard hats and safety glasses and covered with plaster dust untangling an intricate network of wires.

  “The old wiring dates back to before World War II and is a fire hazard. We’re replacing everything to bring it up to code and to accommodate all the new electronic gadgets,” Adam explained. “That wall will house a bank of video screens. Your property will be monitored by both regular and night-vision cameras. Any breach of the perimeter will sound alarms at both houses, on all our mobiles and at our headquarters and the police station.” With his fingertips against the small of her back, he ushered her past the study, down the hallway, and into the grand foyer.

  “Sarah!” Jesse’s cousin Brian was just coming down the stairs. “What a nice surprise.” Several inches shorter than Jesse, and without Jesse’s ethnic appeal, Brian Wilson was still a good-looking man in the prime of his life.

  Sarah squealed in delight as he caught her up in a big, twirling bear hug, setting her down just as his wife Lisa came out of the parlor. Lisa Calvert Wilson, with her cap of sleek black hair, her model’s good looks and her Goth makeup, had, oddly enough, been Sarah’s best friend in high school, even though the two girls were separated by three years in age and miles in background and personality.

  While Adam and Brian shook hands, Lisa and Sarah exchanged hugs. The older woman pushed Sarah back to look her up and down. “Oh, my God, girl, that dress is to die for! You look so-o-o hot! What happened?” she teased. “Did the nuns run out of hand-me-downs?”

  Sarah just laughed. Lisa was always trying to convince Sarah to ditch her superconservative wardrobe in favor of something a bit more…out there. Sarah glanced at the short black leather skirt, black bustier, fishnet tights and leather vest dripping with buckles and chains that was Lisa’s standard attire and shook her head in amusement. “And you’re still wearing cast-offs from Madame Lulu’s, I see,” she retorted without heat. For the first time she noticed the thick leather band Lisa was wearing around her neck and her breathing stopped. Oh my God! Lisa was wearing a collar! Not a soft, supple leather strip like her collar at home, but a real, honest-to-God dog collar with metal spikes, a locking clasp, and D-rings. Holy moley, did that mean—Sarah knew she was staring, but couldn’t seem to bring herself to look away.

  Fortunately, Lisa wasn’t paying any attention to her. She was busy admiring Sarah’s dress. “Seriously, kiddo, Jesse had to pick that out, ’cause I know you sure didn’t.”

  Sarah cleared her throat. “Actually, my new fashion consultant, here, picked it out. You’ve met Adam, haven’t you, guys? Jesse’s best friend and my soon-to-be husband?”

  “Husband?” Both Lisa’s and Brian’s eyes widened in shock.

  “But, I thought—”

  “Aren’t you—”

  “Didn’t Jesse—”

  Their words tumbled over one another until Brian was finally able to piece together a coherent sentence. “I thought you and Jesse were together,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “The only reason he came back here was to claim you. Don’t tell me he screwed up.”

  “No, no,” Sarah said, laughing. “He didn’t screw up, we’re getting married, honest. It’s just—well, I’m marrying Adam, too. I’ll have two husbands.”

  “Oh. My. God.” This from Lisa, looking back and forth between Sarah and Adam as if they’d suddenly turned green and started glowing. “You’re in a ménage? You?”

  “You‘re a fine one to talk,” Sarah retorted. “You’re wearing a slave collar!”

  Lisa actually blushed as she lifted a hand to touch the tip of one of the metal spikes. “Yeah,” she said softly. “Go figure.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Brian addressed his question to Sarah, but he was looking hard at Adam. “This isn’t like you.”

  “Actually,” she countered, “it’s exactly like me.” She gave him a reassuring smile. “The real me. The me that’s been hiding deep down inside, just waiting for the right man—or, in my case, men—to come along and let me out. And, yes, I’m sure. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  “If they hurt you,” Brian practically growled, letting the rest of his sentence hang as he studied Sarah’s face.

  “We will never hurt her,” Adam said quietly, stepping up behind Sarah and stroking his hands up and down her arms. “We will devote our lives to cherishing and protecting her, you have my word as a fellow Dom.”

  There was a brief pause as the two men sized each other up. Then Brian tilted his head in acceptance. “Works for me,” he said, extending his hand to shake Adam’s again. “Welcome to the family, Adam.”

  “Excuse me, Lieu?” A short, lanky young man hesitated on the landing above them. His red hair, freckles, and jug ears reminded Sarah of frogs and slingshots and chasing lightning bugs on a hot summer evening.

  “Yeah, Jay.” Adam turned toward the newcomer, as Sarah turned her quizzical gaze toward him.

  “Lou?” she asked. “Short for Louis? Your middle name?”

  “No, sweet pea. Short for Lieutenant Commander, my rank. Come down here a minute, Jay, I want you to meet Sarah.”

  “Jesse’s Sarah?“ Jay practically skidded down the stairs to engulf one of her hands in the hard, calloused strength of both of his.

  “Sarah, this is Jay Gillespie, a former teammate and the best computer geek I’ve ever worked with.”

  Jay “Dizzy” Gillespie had been the youngest member of Jesse’s SEAL team. One of the team’s linguists, he was fluent in six languages, specializing in Arabic and Bulgarian. Despite his youthful looks, or, quite possibly because of them, he’d also been one of the most lethal. He could kill with parts of the body not usually considered to be weapons. A flick of his hand, so swift it was barely detectable by a slow-motion camera, could crush a man’s windpipe. Any enemy mistaking him for the boy he so closely resembled was as good as dead.

  “Wow, Jesse said you were beautiful, but Lord have mercy, his description didn’t do you justice. It’s a real pleasure to meet you, Ma’am.”

  “Oh, please,” she groaned. “My eighty-year-old la
w professor was ‘Ma’am.’ I’m just Sarah. And it’s a real pleasure to meet you, too, Jay, though I must say you don’t look old enough to be a former anything. What are you, twelve?”

  “I get that a lot,” he said with a disarming aw-shucks grin. “It’s hell on my love life. What girl wants to date a guy who gets carded every time he orders a beer?”

  “Only one with eyes and a working brain,” Sarah countered with a laugh.

  Jay’s green eyes sparkled with mischief. “Oooh, Boss, can I keep her?”

  “Quit drooling, Jay,” Adam said dryly. “She’s already taken. What did you want me for?”

  “Oh, right. We’ve run into a slight problem with the wiring upstairs. You need to see it.”

  “Um, boss?” A man wearing a heavy tool belt around his hips stopped at the foyer entrance, looking hesitantly at Brian. “There’s some old guy outside, Linc something-or-other, I think. Something about his car—I couldn’t quite make it out. He’s got some kind of speech impediment or something.”

  “That’s my gardener,” Sarah spoke up quickly, looking at Adam. “I’ll go talk to him. It’s just right outside, Adam,” she assured him when it looked for a moment as if he were going to refuse to let her go. “I’ll just find out what he wants and come right back.”

  “I’ll go with her, Lieu,” Jay volunteered eagerly.

  “No, you wait here, Jay, I’ll go with her.”

  “Really, Adam, nobody needs to—” she began somewhat testily, stopping abruptly the minute he raised one blond eyebrow. Turning with a sigh, she let him follow her down the hall and through the kitchen.

  The elderly black gardener was standing just outside the back door with a few of Brian’s men. The minute he saw Sarah, he began gesticulating wildly with his hands until a few graceful movements of her own slowed him down enough for her to understand what he was trying to say.

  “There’s a car parked in his driveway,” she translated for Adam without turning to look at him. “It’s blocking him in. Evidently it destroyed some of his lily beds. I’ll just go get the tag number and be right back.” She turned to give Adam a reassuring smile and stopped short. “Whoa!” Her head jerked back as he lowered his hands guiltily. “Did you just tell him to keep me out of trouble? You can sign?”


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