Hearst, Patricia, 133
Heilemann, John, 327
Heizer, Ned, 76–77, 101, 161–62
Hewlett, Bill, 5, 19, 21, 32–33, 49, 86, 106, 147, 148, 184, 201, 202, 224, 237, 331, 351
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 31–33, 36, 38, 49, 55, 77, 105, 141, 147, 149, 184, 201, 202, 213, 215, 233, 237–38, 262, 294, 305, 352, 355, 356, 363, 370
High Performance Computing Act, 290
Hiroshima, 23
Hirsch, E. D., 253
Hoefler, Don, 99–101, 103–4, 356
Hoerni, Jean, 50
Homebrew Computer Club, 136, 137–39, 141–42, 144, 146–48, 152, 153, 155, 157, 165, 185, 229, 230, 255, 257, 303, 327, 338, 369
Homer, Mike, 305
Hoover, Herbert, 19, 29, 34–35, 160, 299
Hoover Institution, 35, 127, 251, 252, 262, 383
Horowitz, Ben, 392, 395
Hughes, Chris, 373
Humphrey, Hubert, 88, 127
Iaccoca, Lee, 210
IBM, 3, 13, 25–28, 36, 41, 42, 48, 53, 55, 57, 63, 99, 101, 108, 116, 120, 123, 125–26, 128, 130, 134, 159, 181, 187, 211, 217, 227–29, 231–40, 242–44, 267, 274, 276, 285, 327, 328, 340, 342, 344, 383
Illich, Ivan, 132, 133
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 386
Immigration and Nationality Act, 83–84
IMSAI, 144
Inc., 190, 219
Inconvenient Truth, An, 395, 396
InfoWorld, 3, 186, 195, 197, 265, 286
Ingalls, Dan, 130
Ingram, Gary, 144
In-Q-Tel, 386
Intel, 41–42, 88, 91, 100–103, 108, 136, 141–42, 147–49, 165, 176, 181, 201, 207, 209, 210, 231, 239, 249, 271, 304, 309, 343, 355, 356, 366, 370, 372
Internet, 5, 6, 61, 66, 84, 226, 254, 258, 259, 284, 287–92, 300, 301, 302–6, 309–14, 316–18, 321, 324, 326–32, 338, 339, 341–43, 346, 347, 352–53, 357–58, 359, 361–63, 366, 368–70, 372, 382, 393, 396, 403, 404, 408
Internet Explorer (IE), 342–43
Internet Freedom and Family Empowerment Act, 329
Introduction to Microcomputers, An (Osborne), 185–86
Intuit, 316, 364
iPhone, 376–78, 390, 395
Isaacson, Walter, 376
Jackson, Thomas Penfield, 346, 349
Janoff, Rob, 149
Japan, 89, 165, 166, 206–11, 214–16, 220, 222–26, 231, 244, 249, 276, 287, 289, 307, 323, 337, 350, 380
Java, 306–7, 341, 346
Jobs, Steve, 1, 3, 5, 138, 147–52, 154, 155, 157, 178, 181, 184–90, 195, 199, 200, 204, 205, 212, 213, 216–19, 221, 223, 224, 231–33, 237, 241–43, 247, 264, 265–70, 272, 274, 285, 304, 315, 334–36, 364, 368, 371, 374, 275–81, 388, 392, 404
Johnson, Chalmers, 224
Johnson, Haynes, 243, 244, 261
Johnson, Lyndon B., 34, 51, 72–73, 83–84, 88, 125, 227
Johnson, Pitch, 69, 73–75, 78, 80, 398
Jones, Edward W., 25–26
Jones, Jennifer, 200
Jordan, David Starr, 18
Joy, Bill, 275, 277
Kalil, Tom, 299
Kamifuji, Tom, 149
Kapor, Mitch, 240–41, 258, 275, 286, 291–92, 295–96, 300, 301, 370, 404
Karp, Alex, 385
Katz, Roberta, 79, 345
Kay, Alan, 129, 130, 312, 375–76
Kellner, Jo, 234
Kelly, Richard, 210
Kennedy, Don, 248, 252, 254
Kennedy, John F., 34, 46, 51, 65, 66, 69, 373
Kennedy, John F., Jr., 328
Kepler, Roy, 128
Kerr, Clark, 29, 81, 114
KeyLogic, 256
Keyworth, George (Jay), 323, 324, 326
Khosla, Vinod, 275, 305
Khrushchev, Nikita, 48
Kilby, Jack, 50, 54
Kildall, Gary, 229
Killian, James R., Jr., 45
King, Edward, 193
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 127
Kirkpatrick, David, 394
Klein, Joel, 345
Kleiner, Eugene, 40, 41, 180, 202
Kleiner Perkins (KP), 142, 202, 275, 304–7, 335, 337, 355, 385, 393, 395–98
Koogle, Tim, 309
Koppel, Ted, 217
Korean War, 15, 23, 30, 69, 78
Kubrick, Stanley, 85
Kurtzig, Sandra, 212
Kvamme, Floyd, 93, 234, 265, 305, 336, 337
Lamm, Dick, 336
Lancaster, Don, 131, 154
Lane, Mel, 165
Lapham, Ellen, 200
Last, Jay, 40
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 27, 59, 60, 246, 312
Lerach, Bill, 333–34, 337
Lesher, Richard, 196
Levitt, Arthur, 319
Levy, Steven, 3, 247, 258
Lewcock, Tom, 250
Lewin, Dan’l, 265, 269
Lewinsky, Monica, 346–47
Lewis, Michael, 316
Libes, Sol, 140, 144, 186
Licklider, Joseph C. R., 57, 64, 119
Life, 91, 128
Lincoln Laboratory, 57, 110
LinkedIn, 367
Litton, Charles, 19
Lloyd, Robert, 103
Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, 29, 36–39, 47–49, 59, 68, 77, 92, 146, 184, 211, 249–50, 259, 278, 383, 384, 386, 402, 404
Loop, Liza, 115–18, 120, 126, 134–36, 139, 148, 150, 193, 205, 369
LO*OP Center, 135, 148, 220
Los Alamos National Laboratory, 26, 312
Los Angeles Times, 220–21
Lotus, 189, 240, 241, 258, 275, 286
Lycos, 353
Manes, Stephen, 155
Magnavox, 107
Manhattan Project, 20, 22, 37, 46, 122, 396, 403
Manhattan Project (IBM), 227, 232, 242
Markey, Ed, 291, 347
Markkula, Mike, 149, 150, 181, 188, 233
Markoff, John, 303
Marquardt, David, 230, 232
Marriott, Pat, 234
Marsh, Bob, 144
Marshall Plan, 71, 88, 396
Martin, Hélène, 408–10
Marxism, 35, 121, 133
Massachusetts Business Roundtable, 168
Massachusetts High Technology Council, 168, 214
May, Timothy, 328
Mayfield Fund, 88, 91, 371
McCarthy, John, 55–58, 91, 119, 138, 353
McCarthy, Joseph, 24, 70
McCaskill, Claire, 394
McCloskey, Pete, 78–79, 164–65, 169, 221–22, 331
McCloskey, Wilson, & Mosher, 78
McCracken, Ed, 297–98, 305
McCullough, Jack, 19
McDonnell, John, 256
McDonnell Douglas, 255
McElroy, Neil, 45
McGovern, George, 161, 192, 193
McKenna, Dianne, 293, 294
McKenna, Regis, 96–98, 101, 102, 147–52, 177, 182–84, 186–88, 194, 200–201, 204, 205, 209, 211–13, 223, 224, 242–44, 261–62, 266, 267, 274, 294, 297, 305, 324, 335, 337, 364, 379, 391
McMurtry, Burt, 14–15, 32, 36, 39, 43, 46, 69, 77–78, 90, 142, 159, 166, 167, 189, 197, 202, 222–24, 229–30, 249, 360, 399, 406–7
McMurtry, Deedee, 15, 43, 78, 406
McNamara, Robert, 51–52, 64–65, 88–89
McNamee, Stephen, 286
McNealy, Scott, 223, 275–76, 327–28, 341, 346
McVeigh, Timothy, 328
Mead, Carver, 208
Medvedev, Dmitry, 388–90, 403
Meeker, Mary, 316–18, 359, 393, 397
Melchor, Jack, 77–78, 90, 159,
Metcalfe, Bob, 129–30
Microelectronics and Computer Technology Consortium (MCC), 215
Microelectronics News, 103–4
Micro Millennium, The (Evans), 156
MicroNET, 257
Microsoft, 1–3, 154, 172, 201, 221, 227–32, 237, 239, 241, 244, 266, 271–75, 278, 309, 312–14, 320–22, 328, 330, 337, 339–46, 349–51, 355, 356, 366, 368, 369, 375, 377, 383, 391, 392, 401, 409
Millard, Bill, 144
Miller, Bob, 277–78
Miller, Bill, 88, 91, 371
Millines Dziko, Trish, 175–76, 270–72, 320, 322, 401
Milner, Yuri, 393
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), 208, 212, 224, 226, 307
Minsky, Marvin, 56, 58, 119
Minuteman missiles, 51
MIPS, 277, 317
MIT, 11, 20–22, 28, 29, 30, 38, 39, 45, 53, 54, 56–58, 67, 68, 70, 82, 91, 92, 110, 115, 175, 188, 201, 203, 225, 279
Mitchell, Arnold, 143, 242, 265
MITS, 135, 136, 138, 139, 144, 154, 155
Moffett Field, 19
Mondale, Walter, 243
Monolithic Memories, 209
Moore, Fred, 137–39, 143, 146
Moore, Gordon, 40, 41, 50, 52, 88, 100–103, 106, 176, 179, 307, 335
Moore’s Law, 52, 99, 106, 134, 179, 307
Morgan, Becky, 331
Morgan Stanley, 188, 189, 316, 317, 393
Morgenthaler, David, 11–12, 14, 15, 39, 43, 87, 101, 162, 163, 166, 168–70, 181–82, 189, 197, 222, 223, 225, 280, 360, 399, 407
Morgenthaler, Gary, 280
Morgenthaler Ventures, 280
Moritz, Michael, 188, 190, 205, 308–9, 355, 363–64
Mosaic, 304–5, 308, 319, 352
Mossberg, Walt, 358
MOS Technology, 147
Motorola, 99, 376
Murphy, Michael, 128
Musk, Elon, 397, 402
MySpace, 367
Nader, Ralph, 125, 345, 346
Nagasaki, 23
Naked Society, The (Packard), 120–21
Napster, 358, 367, 375, 394
National Academy of Sciences, 289
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 19, 36
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 45, 46, 51, 63, 67, 89, 103, 129, 153, 206, 211, 247, 352
National Defense Education Act, 45
National Geographic, 198
National Information Infrastructure (NII), 299, 324, 350, 352
National Review, 252
National Science Foundation (NSF), 23–25, 287–88, 290–91, 306, 352
National Securities Dealers, 62–63
National Security Agency, 269
National Semiconductor, 97–98, 101, 103, 149, 164, 210
National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), 162–63, 165, 167, 197, 223
Nation at Risk, A, 219
Navy, U.S., 19, 24
Nelson, Ted, 118–19, 132, 140, 151, 240, 287
Netcom, 316
NetDay, 331–33
Netscape, 79, 305–6, 309, 316–19, 321, 322, 340–44, 346, 354, 361, 372
Neukom, Bill, 346
Neuromancer (Gibson), 247
New Issues, 180
Newsweek, 303
New Yorker, 168, 183, 359
New York Times, 21, 25, 46, 88, 104, 129, 152, 204, 286, 303
NeXT Computer, 267, 269–70, 288–89
Nightline, 217
1984 (Orwell), 120–21, 243
Nixon, Richard, 41, 48, 65, 72, 86, 90, 91, 96, 116, 118, 119, 123–25, 161, 162, 164, 165, 192, 245, 294
Nokia, 376
Noyce, Bob, 40, 41, 50, 54, 68, 69, 88, 100–103, 105, 106, 109, 148, 152, 165, 204, 209, 212, 215, 223, 224, 262, 278, 298, 334, 335
NSFNET, 287–89
Obama, Barack, 373–74, 385, 394, 396–97
Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), 20–22, 24
Olsen, Ken, 54, 55, 68, 86, 181, 191, 204, 279
Olympics, 85, 91, 243
Omidyar, Pierre, 310–11
Opel, John, 228–29, 242
Operation Sun Devil, 285–87, 293
Oppenheimer & Co., 324
Oracle, 249, 322
O’Reilly, Tim, 352
O’Rourke, Tom, 59, 106, 255
Orwell, George, 120–21, 243
Osborne, Adam, 86–87, 185–86, 188, 190, 237
Overture, 365
Packard, Dave, 5, 19, 21, 31–35, 49, 77, 86, 106, 109, 164, 184, 195, 201, 202, 213, 214, 237, 246, 250, 294–97, 327, 330–31, 334–36, 351, 384
Packard, Vance, 120–21, 123
Page, Larry, 351–55, 362–65, 373, 375, 404
Palantir, 385–87
Palevsky, Max, 76
Palihapitiya, Chamath, 357–58, 361, 370–71, 386, 394–95, 399–403, 405
Palm, 376
Palo Alto Investment Company, 77–78
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 129–31, 136, 137, 147, 208, 225, 230, 231, 234, 247, 248, 273, 312, 338, 352, 364, 375, 385
Pao, Ellen, 397–98, 400
Parker, Rachel, 286
Parker, Sean, 394, 395, 399
Paul, Rand, 394
PayPal, 254, 355, 365, 385, 395, 400
PCC, 118, 132, 134, 139, 140, 148
PC Forum, 323, 324
PC Week, 275
PCWorld, 274
Peery, Richard, 80
Pentagon, 38, 64–65, 67, 86, 225–26, 247, 248, 351, 383–84
People, 274
People’s Computer Center, 134, 135, 137–38
People’s Computer Company (PCC), 118, 131, 136, 137, 140, 146, 220
Perkins, Tom, 180, 197, 202
Perot, H. Ross, 39, 58, 215, 228, 268–69, 292–93, 336, 387
Personal Computing, 2–3
Personal Computing Expo, 140
Personal Electronic Transactor (PET), 157, 182, 183
Personal Software, 240–41
Pets.com, 360, 361
Polaris, 37
Polese, Kim, 306, 307, 348
Pong, 106–8, 139
Popular Electronics, 113, 115, 135, 136, 144–46
Porat, Dan, 317
Porat, Marc, 317
Porat, Ruth, 317, 393
Portola Institute, 118, 128
Prime Computer, 55
Privacy Act, 124
Processor Technology (Proc Tech), 144–46
Prodigy, 63, 255, 287, 306
Progress & Freedom Foundation (PFF), 323–27
Proposition 13, 170, 217, 332
Proposition 211, 334–37
Putin, Vladimir, 403
Quattrone, Frank, 317
Quist, George, 74, 88
Rabois, Keith, 253–54
Radio-Electronics, 131, 154
Radio Shack, 157, 182, 187–88
Ramo, Simon, 63
Rand, Paul, 267
RAND Corporation, 44, 65, 124
Raymond, Eric, 155
Raytheon, 20, 39, 67, 110, 384
Reagan, Ronald, 3–5, 109, 112, 142, 160, 164, 168, 191, 193–98, 211, 213–15, 217, 219, 222–24, 227, 243, 246–56, 259, 260, 262, 263, 270, 287, 293, 295, 311, 351, 388
Reback, Gary, 342–45
Reddit, 368, 374
Regis McKenna Inc. (RMI), 200–201, 242
Reich, Charles, 125, 132
Release 1.0, 323, 324
Reno, Janet, 345
Resource One, 118, 131
Rice, Condoleezza, 253, 386
Rice University, 14, 46, 77, 142, 166, 202, 406<
br />
Richardson, Jean, 200, 201, 340
Road Ahead, The (Gates), 343
Roberts, Ed, 136, 138, 144, 154
Rock, Arthur, 41–42, 76, 88, 181, 189, 241
Rockwell International, 196
Rodgers, T. J., 298, 319, 321, 336
Rolling Stone, 130
ROLM, 166–67, 201, 202, 239, 249
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 20, 22–23, 160, 163, 373
Rosen, Ben, 176–77, 179, 187–89, 197, 235, 240, 241, 269, 316, 324
Rubin, Robert, 299
Russia, 388–89
Sacks, David, 253–54, 395, 399
Saffo, Paul, 128
Samsung, 376
Sandberg, Sheryl, 364, 370
Sanders, Jerry, 3, 101, 104, 113, 195, 199, 204, 207, 208, 212, 215, 244, 336, 394
San Francisco Chronicle, 321, 349
San Jose Mercury News, 36, 306, 316–17, 335, 379
Savio, Mario, 120, 125
Saxenian, AnnaLee, 67
Schenker, William, 186
Schmidt, Dave, 59
Schmidt, Eric, 307, 363–64, 373, 374, 377
Schumacher, E. F., 125, 132, 290
Science, 352
Scientific Data Systems (SDS), 59, 76, 118, 139, 382
Scott, Ridley, 243
Sculley, John, 236, 242–43, 266, 267, 295–97, 364, 376
Sears, 63, 107–8, 233, 314
Seattle Times, 272
Securities and Exchange Commission, 319
Sematech, 216, 262, 278
Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, 57
Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), 166, 209, 215, 350
Sequoia Capital, 190, 308–9, 355, 385
Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques, 88, 89
Sevin, L. J., 189
Sevin Rosen Funds, 189
Shaffer, Richard, 269
Shannon, Jim, 218
Shaw, David E., 311, 313, 386
Shepard, Alan, 153
Shockley, William, 39–40, 102, 104
Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory, 39–41, 278, 351, 372
Shriram, Ram, 354, 399
Shultz, George, 245, 251, 259
Shustek, Len, 138
Silicon Graphics, 277, 295, 297–98, 305, 308, 317, 362
Simonyi, Charles, 230–32, 273, 283
Singapore, 89, 158, 216, 264
Slate, 345
Small Business Investment Company (SBIC), 73–74, 76, 88
Small Is Beautiful (Schumacher), 125
Smalltalk, 130
Smith, Craig, 293
Smith, Roger, 268, 269
Smith, Tommie, 85, 91
Sobrato, Ann and John, 80
Social Capital, 394–95, 400–401
Sol, 145, 148
Solomon, Les, 145
Solyndra, 397
Sonoma County Computer Club, 134
Sonsini, Larry, 79
The Code Page 65