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Fantasy III

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by Ervin, Keisha

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  Copyright © 2006 by Urban Lifestyle Press

  Published by Urban Lifestyle Press

  P.O. Box 12714

  Charlotte, NC 28220

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission from the publisher or author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to depict, portray or represent any particular real persons. All the characters, incidents and dialogues are the products of the author’s imagination and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or person living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Editor: James Sims and K. Elliott

  Cover Design: Marion Designs

  Book Layout: Shawna A. Grundy

  First printing May 2007

  ISBN: 09717697-5-3


  Coming After School


  Lady Scorpio

  Coming After School

  Keisha Ervin

  Part One

  Beep … Beep … Beep!

  Opening her eyes, thankful for another day, Sharice Cummings arose ready for war. Knowing that it was going to take a mountain and a mole hill to get her kids up and ready for school, she headed down the flight of steps to the kitchen. Twisting open the window shade, she gazed out and welcomed another dreary day. Fed up and tired were not the words to describe the way she felt. It was almost five years since her divorce from her children’s father, Lester, and nothing in her life had changed.

  Everyday the routine remained the same; wake up, cook, kids, work, cook, clean, kids, sleep. The order was always the same. Life for her ex, however, seemed to be getting better and better. After dedicating thirteen years of her life to him and their children, he up and left her for none other than her best friend, Tammy. Now, happily married, he and Tammy live in a $700,000 home; he has been promoted to partner at the law firm; and Tammy is pregnant with their first child.

  Them hoes on Desperate Housewives ain’t got nothing on me. She smiled. With hopes of getting a minute or two of, more

  sleep she folded her arms across her chest and closed her eyes. Only the sound of coffee drips draining from the filter filled her mind. Instead of sleeping, she found herself counting each drop. Still groggy and yawning, she headed back upstairs with her cup of coffee. Inhaling deeply she stood in front of Mason’s door, her eighteen-year-old son and prepared for war.

  “Mason, it’s 5:52, time to get up!” she yelled.

  Placing her ear to the door, she listened for any sound of movement being made. Not hearing any, she rolled her eyes again and headed to the bathroom for her morning shower.

  Towel-drying her hair on the way out of the shower, she checked the clock; it read 6:09. Grabbing her robe, she slid into it and tied it gently around her waist.

  Staring at herself in the full-length mirror, she made a mental note to lose five pounds. Marching past Mason’s room, she yelled for him to get up once more. Beating on Mya’s door, her twelveyear-old daughter, Sharice called out for her to get up as well.

  Waking Mya up was never a problem; it was her slowness and lolley-gagging that drove Sharice crazy. Twenty minutes passed and everyone in the house was up and running around. Standing in front of her walk-in closet, Mya couldn’t make up her mind on what she wanted to wear. Catching her as she walked by’ Sharice yelled, “Quit pussyfootin’ around, girl, and come on!”

  “I ain’t got nothing to wear,” Mya yelled back.

  “Mya all them clothes in that closet and you can’t find nothing to wear? Girl, you better quit playin’ wit me and come on!”

  Checking her watch Sharice noticed that she had only fifteen minutes to get Mason to school. “Mason are you dressed yet?” she shouted as she walked past his room putting makeup on.

  “Yeah, but I can’t get in the bathroom, ’cause yo’ slow-ass daughter is in there.”

  “You better watch yo’ damn mouth, boy!” “Hurry up, Mya!”

  “Wait!” she laughed, taking her precious time.

  “You ain’t gon’ look no better so hurry up,” Mason said while beating on the bathroom door.

  Swinging the door open, Mya pushed him in the chest. Yanking her by the arm, Mason grabbed the back of her neck and put her in a headlock.

  “Momma!” Mya yelled.

  “Mason, quit playin’ and let your sister go!”

  Easing his grip on her neck, Mason let her up, only to kick her in the butt.

  “Punk,” Mya spat. “Ho!”

  “Momma, Mason called me a ho!”

  “Mason, I’m gon’ beat yo’ ass if you say one mo’ cuss word in my house,” Sharice yelled while putting on her heels.

  Another five minutes passed by and they still were no closer to being dressed and ready to leave. Besides getting the kids to school she had an eight-o’clock meeting with a couple looking to buy a home. Sharice was a realtor and a damn good one at that. She sold real estate to some of the richest people in the Show Me State.

  Sharice loved her job. Everyday she got the chance to see how the other half lived. Sometimes she would catch herself gazing at the homes, wishing that one day, she would have one of her own. She told herself that one day she would be able to afford her dream house. Only being in the business for a year and a half, Sharice had already sold more than forty homes.

  Besides her job, her kids filled up her life. To Sharice, her life was complete; she had no room for anything else. She would sometimes have drinks with the girls, but that didn’t happen too often. And a man, what about one? Sharice hadn’t been around one of those in years.

  The betrayal, mixed with heartache that Lester had left behind, nearly killed her. After talking to a psychologist, her wounds healed, only to be reopened. Three years after her divorce and Sharice had finally gotten the courage to date again.

  Her first time out in ye
ars, she lucked up and met a fine gentleman by the name of Nathan. He approached her with a slick-ass line and she fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.

  He told her he was a journalist for one of the local newspapers, and that he had no children of his own. He told her he was engaged once but it was called off after he caught his fiancée in bed with his best friend. To Sharice, Nathan seemed to be heavensent. Not only had they suffered humiliation and heartache at the hands of a loved one, but she found him to be funny, smart, and sensitive. Sharice found him so appealing that after their third date they wound up at the Holiday Inn together. Sharice hadn’t had sex in years, and her body desperately needed to feel a man on top of her.

  They weren’t even halfway in the door before she began to rip into his clothes. Picking Sharice up, Nathan palmed her ass and carried her over to the bed. Lying on top of her, he caressed Sharice’s body from her head down to her feet. Lifting her left leg up, he fondled her toes with his tongue. Laughing and moaning at the same time, Sharice smiled. Locking eyes with her, he circled his tongue around her baby toe and sucked.

  Inhaling slowly, she bit down into her lower lip. Sharice could have sworn that she saw the stars, the sun, and the moon spinning above her. Swept up in the moment, he massaged her feet while trailing kisses down the inner part of her thighs. Reaching her knee he stopped. Lifting her up, Nathan unzipped the back of her dress. Standing back, she let him watch, as her dress hit the floor. Sharice wanted him to see that even though she was thirty-five, she still had it going on.

  Admiring her honey-colored skin, he gently placed Sharice back onto the bed and turned her over. Pulling her lavender Victoria Secret panties down, he massaged her buttock. Slipping his tongue between her ass cheeks, he slid his tongue up the crease of her ass. Playing with her hole he licked until she bucked from pleasure.

  Resuming his kissing game with her thighs allowed him to familiarize himself with the areas that hadn’t been awakened in years. Wanting him to taste her, Sharice spread her thighs as far as they could go. Getting the hint, Nathan placed her on all fours and lay underneath her opened legs. Holding her creamy thighs, he lifted his head up and sucked her pearl-shaped clit.

  “Oooh…just like that,” Sharice panted, holding onto the sheets.

  “You like that?”

  “Yeah,” she squealed as he flicked his tongue across her clit faster.

  “Oh Baby, make me cum,” she begged.

  Scooting down some, he spread her labia even wider. Tasting her juices, he let them slide down his face. Teasingly Nathan inserted his tongue inside of Sharice, while lapping up her juices, drinking over and over again.

  “You like the way I taste, Baby?” she asked. “Sharice, Baby, you taste like caramel.” “Oooh … Nathan, make me cum.”

  The faster he licked the more she begged. Taking his fingers, he placed two inside of her, while still sucking on her clit. The combination caused Sharice to buck and moan. Every time she bucked he slapped her ass roughly.

  “I can’t take it!”

  “You can’t take it?” he asked.

  “No … I’m gon’ cum but I don’t want to cum yet!”

  Sliding from underneath, he quickly put on a condom and entered her.

  “Oh Nathan, fuck me!”

  Sharice couldn’t believe she had gone three years without having sex. As soon as Nathan entered her, her legs began to shake. Gripping her waist, he forcefully grinded his way around, until her walls loosened up. Juices began flowing out of Sharice that she didn’t even know she had. Massaging her clit, she played in her own wetness.

  “Oooh Baby, fuck me! Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me!” she called out.

  “Damn, Baby,” Nathan said while slapping her ass with force. “Don’t move, baby! You hitting my spot!”

  “That’s it right there?” He stroked harder, making his balls slap against her ass.

  “Yeah … right there! Ahh, yeah, Baby, keep it right there!” Holding her waist, Nathan pumped until he felt himself about to explode. Pulling out, he snatched off the condom and jerked off into the crack of Sharice’s ass. Watching, as his love juices slid down the crease of her ass, he slapped it once more. Still playing with her clit, Sharice felt herself nearing an orgasm.

  “Shit!” she yelled into the air as she came all over her hand. With one of her ass cheeks in his hand, Nathan massaged his

  juices into her skin. Out of breath and still moaning, Sharice lay flat on the bed, trying to catch her breath.

  Nathan continued to wine and dine her for months, until his goal of getting into her house was met.

  At first she was a little weary about letting a man around her kids, but she was in love so she began letting him spend the night. It wasn’t even a good week and things in Sharice’s house started coming up missing. She first started noticing that her wallet would come up short a couple of dollars each day. Sharice tried telling herself that Nathan would not steal from her.

  She even went as far as blaming Mason. But when her fourcarat wedding ring came up missing, she knew that Nathan was the culprit. Picking up the phone, she dialed his cell but was met with a ‘M02 35, Welcome to AT&T Wireless Services. We’re sorry but your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please try your call again.’ Sharice felt like a complete fool. Never once had she been to his house, and she never bothered to ask which newspaper he worked for.

  Defeated, she threw the phone across the room and cried. That one incident caused all men to be looked upon as dogs in her eyes. Sharice hasn’t trusted a man ever since.

  Gathering her suitcase and laptop, she headed for the door with the kids in tow. As usual, they arrived at Mason’s school a minute before the final bell rang.

  After dropping Mya off at the middle school, she headed to work.

  The day seemed to drag on, and for the first time in almost two years, Sharice wasn’t successful in showing a house. Tired and disappointed she headed to Mason’s school for a parentteacher conference. Going to his school was the last thing that she wanted to do. It wasn’t like her plate wasn’t full enough. Dinner still had to be prepared, clothes had to be dropped off at the cleaners, Mya had piano lessons, and, on top of that, Sharice had to go back up to the high school to pick Mason up from football practice.

  Fortunately for Sharice, Mason’s teachers had wonderful things to say about him.

  Back at home she whipped up a casserole and threw it in the oven. Running to each of the kids’ rooms, she picked out all of the clothes they would need pressed for the week.

  The dry cleaners were unusually packed for a Monday afternoon, so Sharice was forced to take a number. Getting the number 46 out of the machine, she looked up and saw they were only on number 30.

  Her usual five-minute stop at the cleaners ended up being twenty-five minutes. On the way back home she called to make sure that her ex-husband, Lester, had picked Mya up from school. “Hello,” Tammy, her ex-best friend and now the new Mrs.

  Cummings, answered.

  “Did Lester pick Mya up from school?” Sharice asked, annoyed that Tammy answered the phone.

  “Hi to you too, Sharice. Yes, he picked her up from school.” “Alright then, that’s all I wanted,” Sharice responded with an attitude.

  “Sharice, it’s been five years, when are you going to get past this? I mean, we were best friends and I want you to be my son’s godmother.”

  “Bitch, is you crazy? I will get past this when the both of you rot in hell! You were supposed to be my best friend, Tammy, and you slept with my husband! I can’t forgive you for that! Now you have the audacity to ask me to be your child’s godmother? You ain’t working wit a full deck, are you?”

  “Look Sharice, I’m trying to be nice to you! It ain’t my fault that Lester left you for me!”

  “Tammy, don’t make me come over there and kick yo’ narrow, pregnant behind! You should have tried telling me that my husband wasn’t happy instead of sleeping with him! That’s what you should have done! So don’t come telling
me that you tried! You tried to get my man, that’s what you tried to do!”

  “Whatever, Sharice, I’m tired of arguing with you about this. At least I tried. If you can’t forgive me then, oh well,” Tammy said while hanging up.

  Slamming her flip phone shut, Sharice tried her hardest not to let her tear filled eyes cry. It was bad enough that she was still hurt over what Lester and Tammy had done, but to have Tammy throw their relationship in her face every time they spoke tore her up inside. Counting to ten, Sharice inhaled deeply and tried to calm herself down. Leaning over the seat to get her purse, she caught a reflection of herself in the rearview mirror.

  The dark circles and bags under her eyes revealed a woman under stress. Nevertheless, Sharice was beautiful. Tan complexioned, slanted eyes, heart-shaped lips, shoulder-length, sandy brown hair, and a size eight body defined her essence. Searching through her Coach bag, she grabbed her M.A.C. concealer and foundation and dabbed some around her eyes. Noticing a few stray hairs, Sharice tucked them behind her ear, while smoothing the rest up into a ponytail. Walking across the field, she watched as Mason made a pass to one of his teammates. Smiling to herself, she clapped and cheered him on.

  “Go, Mason, go!” she shouted, jumping up and down. “He’s one of my best players,” a voice said from behind. Turning around to find the face that went with the voice, she found a young man, who looked to be in his twenties, standing behind her. Tall, with an athletic build, he towered over Sharice. The late afternoon sun seemed to shine down on his peanut butter complexioned skin. His round eyes, full lips, square chin, and low haircut demanded her attention. White shirt, baggy shorts, and Air Force Ones made up his outfit, and Sharice was turned on by just the sight of him.

  “Your brother, Mason, he’s one of my star players,” he spoke again not sure if she had heard him the first time.

  “I’m sorry, have we met before?” she asked while pieces of her hair flew into her face.


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