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Succubus Lord 8

Page 7

by Eric Vall

  “Jacob?” Invidia’s voice called out gently.

  I turned around and saw the Sister of Envy’s head peeking around her doorframe. Her midnight locks were unkempt on her head, and her mascara ran in streaks down her face.

  “What’s up, Vidia?” I asked as I halted my gait and turned back to face her.

  The succubus stepped out from the door and revealed she was still clad in the Fall Out Boy shirt she’d been wearing earlier, and nothing else. Her long, slender legs were pasty-white in the shimmer of the lights, and her pitch-black nails dug into her outer thighs nervously.

  “I just … I just wanted to apologize,” she sighed.

  “For what?” I gasped. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “For my outburst back there,” she explained. “It’s just … I’ve always struggled to express my feelings. I might come off as a hardass emo all the time, but I really, really like you, Jacob. What you did for me all those months ago … when you freed me from my enchanted prison and killed the demon King who was responsible … I can never repay you for that.”

  “And you’ll never have to,” I promised the succubus. “I would have done it for anyone.”

  Vidia bit her bottom lip as she looked up and down at my body.

  “But I’d like to try,” she nearly whispered. “If you’ll let me.”

  “Invidia, I--” I began, but then my words were cut off by her purple lips as they pushed up against mine.

  Our tongues explored each other’s mouths as I pulled Vidia in close and ran my hand over her pale cheek. At the same time, I allowed my other hand to slowly slide up the bottom of her shirt and gave her curvy ass a squeeze.

  The succubus dragged us back into her room, spun us around, and then pushed me playfully onto her bed.

  This was a momentous occasion for me, and not just because I was about to make love to a beautiful goth girl for the first time. No, this was the only time I had ever seen the inside of Invidia’s room.

  It was covered from wall to wall with posters of different bands and pop culture phenomena, and a tiny bookshelf sat in the corner that housed a collection of knitted dolls. The succubus also had a small end table with a record player on top, and a huge stack of vinyl albums were hastily piled on top of the vanity next to it.

  “Take it all in, Jacob,” Invidia mused as she stepped back, reached down, and grabbed the bottom of her shirt. “Nobody ever gets to see any of this. At least, not without my permission.”

  The Sister of Envy slowly lifted the oversized shirt and exposed herself to me. The fabric traveled over her pasty inner thighs, past the warm and inviting slit between her legs, then her toned tummy, and finally her two large, supple breasts. Invidia tugged the shirt over her head, flung it to the side in a flash, and then bit her lip.

  “You like what you see?” she asked coyly.

  “Is that a question?” I shot back as I took in her naked body.

  “Actually, you don’t even need to answer,” she gasped as she studied the bulge in my jeans. “We’re going to need to do something about that right away.”

  Before I could even think to utter another word, Vidia sauntered over, undid my belt, and yanked down my pants. Her violet eyes grew wide when she saw me at full mast, and she licked her dark lips in anticipation.

  “I’ve heard you were huge,” she moaned, “but holy fuck.”

  The pale succubus wrapped her slender fingers around my cock and began to stroke it playfully. At the same time, she reached up and ran her hand along my abs and released an “mhm-mhm” of satisfaction.

  I pulled my own shirt off in an instant and then watched as the succubus inched closer to my cock.

  She gave the tip a playful kiss, and then opened her mouth, extended her tongue, and began to run it all along the outline of my erection.

  The sensation felt incredible, and I let out a moan to let her know just how much I was enjoying it.

  Invidia continued like that for a solid five minutes, pausing every now and again to move to the other side or to switch to using her hand. Either way, I could feel myself inching toward the brink, but I couldn’t let it be over yet.

  “You’re doing all the work, you know,” I observed as Invidia made another pass.

  She halted, looked up at me with her mascara-covered eyes, and grinned.

  “Hmmm,” she mused, “I think you’re the only man in the history of the world to say that.”

  Before I could react, Invidia slid her lips around my cock and shoved it all the way into her mouth.

  Waves of pleasure shot through my body, and it took every inch of my willpower to keep from orgasming right then and there.

  The Sister of Envy pulled off my erection and casually took it in her hands.

  “Since you insist, I guess I’ll let you take over for awhile,” she sighed sarcastically.

  I sat up on the bed, grabbed Invidia under her arms, and tossed her down on top of the sheets. Then I moved down so I was between her legs and began to tenderly suck on her inner thighs as I made my way toward her pussy.

  “Ohmygod!” the succubus gasped when my tongue finally landed on its target.

  I wrapped my arms around the succubus’ legs as I went to town on her, and Invidia responded with a series of gasps, moans, and groans. Her legs began to tense around my head until they were nearly as powerful as a vice-grip. Then her whole body quivered as she screamed orgasmically and climaxed with an intensity I didn’t think I’d ever seen in my entire life.

  When I pulled my face away from her thighs and looked up at the succubus, she looked exhausted. Her hair was tufted out in all directions, and her massive breasts were heaving up and down rapidly.

  “That was … that was incredible,” she panted. “Please tell me we’re not done.”

  “Oh, we’re not done.” I smiled as I stood up onto my knees.

  I wrapped my hands around Invidia’s ankles, lifted them into the air, and laid them delicately on my shoulders. Then I moved in and guided myself into the succubus’ still-throbbing pussy.

  Both of us moaned contently as I began to slide in and out of her wet, warm sheath. I quickened the pace as I watched her bite her lip, and her huge breasts bounced in unison with each of my thrusts. I kept up the pace for as long as I could as I watched Vidia suck on her finger and run her hand through her deep, dark locks.

  “J-Jacob!” Invidia moaned in between thrusts. “I-It’s my turn again.”

  I halted my motions, moved the succubus’ legs back down around my waist, and laid down on top of her. We shared a short, passionate kiss as I ran my fingers along her erect nipples and she felt up my tight abs.

  Then the Sister of Envy made a rolling motion, and I was on my back. She straddled me as she reached down and guided me back into her wetness, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she gently slid down on the entire shaft. Her pasty-white skin was now completely flushed with color as she began to rock her hips back and forth against mine and moaned seductively.

  As I watched Invidia’s curvy body move up and down on my dick, I felt myself inching closer and closer to the edge.

  I sat up and ran my tongue along the succubus’ erect nipple, and she made a deep, guttural sound I’d never heard before in my life. It was fucking hot.

  She must have liked what I was doing, because she began to move faster and harder.

  I pulled away from Invidia’s nipples and looked her deep in the eyes as she continued to ride me. Then I reached up and placed my hand against the side of her face and slowly let my thumb slip into her mouth.

  She sucked it enthusiastically, and that was the last little bit of motivation I needed to finish the job. Invidia’s walls tightened around me as she orgasmed a second time, and I simultaneously released a torrent of my warm cum inside of her. The succubus gave me another pump or two for good measure, and then we both collapsed down onto the bed.

  We both weakly pulled ourselves up to the headboard and fell into each other’s arms insta

  Invidia’s skin was warm against mine, and it was inexplicably soothing. The normally-pale woman now looked purely radiant as she nuzzled up against my chest and closed her eyes.

  “You were great, Jacob,” she sighed and ran her hand over my abs once more. “I think I can say now, without a single ounce of doubt, that I have feelings for you.”

  “If that’s how you acted when you weren’t sure, I really, really want to know what it’s going to be like next time,” I chuckled.

  “You’ll have to wait and see.” The goth woman grinned up and me.

  Then she closed her eyes, and we both drifted off to sleep.

  The next thing I knew, we were woken up by a loud pounding on the door.

  “Hello?” Libidine’s voice called from the other side of the large wooden structure. “Sister? Are you awake?”

  “Well, I am now,” Invidia grumbled as she stirred beside me. “What do you want, Liby?”

  “Can I come in?” the Sister of Lust asked from the other side of the door, and then she didn’t wait for an answer before she turned the knob and slowly pushed it open. “It’s just I haven’t seen Jacob in a few hours, and--”

  “Get out of my room!” Invidia gasped as she leapt up with the bed sheet wrapped around her busty figure. “I never gave you permission!”

  I gave Libidine a playful wave, and she just smiled and put her hands on her hips.

  “There you are,” she said through a small giggle. “I was starting to get worried about you. It’s a relief to know you didn’t go off on some crazy adventure on your own. It’s also a relief to see Invidia and you have finally made the connection.”

  “Get outta here!” Invidia growled as she began to shoo her Sister away. “What does a succubus have to do to get a little bit of privacy around here?”

  “Alright, alright,” Liby conceded as she raised her hands in defeat. “I’ll let you two love birds get back to business. Just don’t take too long, we’ve got a breaking development with Asmodeus.”

  Just then, Todd’s tiny figure came around the door.

  “Hey, Elvira, you still got that Marilyn Manson album I lent to you the other day?” he asked, completely oblivious to the situation at hand. “I really wanted to know what you thought about--”

  Todd looked up and saw the succubus wrapped in her sheet, and then he looked over at me in the bed. The imp looked back and forth between us for a second and then realization spread across his face.

  “Ahhhhh, I was gonna ask you what you thought about the song Deep Six,” he cackled as he moved his index finger in and out of the circle he made with his left hand, “but it looks like you just learned all about that.”

  “Six?” Libidine asked coyly. “Jacob is much, much bigger than six inches.”

  Todd’s gesture slowed to a halt, and he turned his head around to stare down the succubus.

  “I had a perfectly good joke going there, Lib,” he sighed, “and you had to go and ruin it with a comment about Jakey’s purple-headed yogurt squirter. That song has totally been ruined for me, bro.”

  “Sorry.” The succubus shrugged unapologetically. “I just wanted to clear up any misconceptions. I’d hate for anyone to go around spreading falsehoods about our new King.”

  “Heyyyy,” Todd snickered as he turned back to Invidia. “Does this mean Evlira here is the first person to officially fuck the King?”

  “I think it does,” Libidine added with a nod.

  “Why do I get the feeling this is the equivalent of getting knighted under Jacob’s rule?” the imp pondered aloud. “I’m really hoping you don’t miss out on an opportunity to bring back prima nocta, bro.”

  “You guys aren’t supposed to be in here!” Invidia hissed again. “And why do you keep calling me ‘Elvira,’ Todd?”

  Todd made a “tsk” sound with his mouth as he shook his head back and forth and hung his head.

  “You seriously don’t know who Elvira is?” he asked. “She’s a goth legend. She was the vampire woman with the huge knockers who always hosted those horror TV shows. I’ll tell ya, when I was a wide-eyed youngin’, I spilt soooo much bodily fluid over that babe.”

  Invidia’s hands clenched into fists, and I figured it was time for me to step in and defuse the situation.

  “Tell you what?” I said as I stood from the bed and made sure the blanket was around my waist. “You guys go back to the living room, and I’ll meet you out there in a minute or two. Capeesh?”

  “Capeesh.” Todd nodded. “But, uh next time, maybe you should lock that thing. Haven’t you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?”

  The imp guffawed at his own joke, and then he and Liby turned around and sauntered away as they pulled the door shut behind them.

  “Yeah, I found him!” Libidine’s muffled voice called out from the other side of the wall. “He was just making love with Invidia!”

  The Sister of Envy facepalmed, let out a full-body sigh, and looked at me over her shoulder.

  “Well, so much for keeping that under the radar,” the succubus sighed. “Also, does he ever stop with the pop culture jokes? Like, ever?”

  “That’s Todd for you.” I shrugged and stood up out of bed. “To be fair, your tastes give him a lot of ammunition. Plus, he was right.”

  “Oh?” She half-smiled as she gave me an eyebrow raise. “About what?”

  I walked over and pressed my naked body against the succubus. Her eyes grew hungry as she started to run her hand up and down my chest, and I nearly took her again right then and there.

  “You were the first person I’ve slept with since I’ve become King of the Fourth Circle,” I explained. “At least, the first new person. I guess that makes you the Queen by default. A Queen of Darkness.”

  Invidia shuddered. “It’s like my ears just had an orgasm,” she moaned. “You keep calling me that, and I don’t know how I’m going to keep my hands off you.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to for now,” I said regrettably. “It sounds like Asmodeus got my message.”

  We kissed each other one last time as the succubus let her sheet fall away from her chest, and for a moment I could feel the warmth of her body as we embraced. But we couldn’t let ourselves get distracted again. So, the two of us got dressed, walked down to the castle’s lounge, and then rejoined our friends.

  Cupi, Ira, and Sia were engaged in a deep conversation, while Liby, Tris, Todd, and Gula were all sitting on the couch watching the magic mirror. Gula and Tris were still snuggled up next to each other, and I wondered if they had even moved since I saw them a few hours ago.

  “So,” I spoke up and announced myself, “I hear Charon got our message delivered?”

  Cupi turned to me and gave me a grim nod.

  “He must have,” she sighed. “There’s a package for you just outside the castle gates.”

  “A package?” I questioned. “No messenger? How do you know it’s from Asmodeus.”

  “Just … just come look,” the fit blonde continued. “You’ll see for yourself.”

  Todd and Liby jumped up off the couch and followed Ira, Sia, Cupi, and I through the winding halls of our castle. We eventually got to the wall above the drawbridge, and Cupiditas pointed down at a tiny package that sat just beyond its reach.

  It was bright red and held together tightly with a velvet ribbon.

  “See?” the Sister of Greed chuckled. “It has Asmodeus’ fingerprints all over it.”

  “Cool,” I said with a nod. “So, what does it say?”

  “We have not looked at it yet,” Sia explained.

  “Why not?” I asked with a quirked eyebrow. “One of our potential allies just sent us a gift. Shouldn’t we open it?”

  “Normally I’d say ‘yes,’” Ira started, “but I’m a politician. I can spot a suspicious package from a mile away, and that is one suspicious package. No messenger or delivery boy? An unmarked box left at your front door? Something doesn’t smell right here.”

I nodded. “Well, we’re never going to find out if we don’t open it.”

  “We just wanted your opinion first, Jacob,” Sia explained. “You are our King, after all.”

  I let out a deep sigh and glanced at all my friends. Even the way they looked at me had changed now that I was the King of the Fourth Circle.

  “Guys,” I muttered as I rubbed my brow, “I know I’ve got all these fancy new titles, but I’m still the same Jacob Ralston you knew back on Earth Realm. I don’t need all this bureaucratic, micromanagement shit that most Kings of Hell are used to doing. I trust you to do what’s right, and you certainly don’t need my permission to move forward with every little thing that happens down here.”

  “You guys heard the man!” Todd said as he jumped up and down excitedly. “I have permission to build my life-sized replica of the skyscraper from Gremlins 2. No takesies-backsies!”

  I opened my mouth to protest, but then I realized I had walked right into that one. Besides, there was no way in hell he was actually going to build the thing.

  “What if it’s a bomb?” Libidine interjected as she studied the box from afar. “That would be just like Asmodeus, sending a bomb to his enemies disguised as a gift.”

  “Or it’s a box full of flesh-eating locusts,” Ira suggested. “I’ve been on the receiving end of those quite a few times, usually of my own free will.”

  “That’s it!” I exclaimed as it dawned on me. “Ira, I hate to ask this of you, but how would you like to act as our bomb squad for this one?”

  The slender, dark-haired succubus tilted her head curiously.

  “Why would you hate to ask?” she mused. “I’d fucking love it if it blew up and melted all my skin off my bones. I haven’t had a good fire facial in forevvver.”

  There was silence as we all tried to comprehend what the Sister of Wrath had just said.

  “I-I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Todd finally sputtered, “but I think you need some religion in your life, Crazy Eyes.”

  “Nonsense,” Ira scoffed giddily. “I’ll be right back! Maybe it’s a box full of some infectious disease? Chemical warfare sounds like a blast … ”


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