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Mate of Two Vampires

Page 9

by Dakota Dawn

  Pierce looked around and whispered, “How? It took me years to get it where it was.” Pierce pointed at the plants that had made it. “I have to stay here and protect my plants. It takes a lot of tender care to make them produce at their highest quantity and quality. Most of these plants are just getting to that point.” Pierce turned and looked Zotikos in the eyes. “I have to work from here.”

  The beast in him reared its head and bared its possessive claws. “No. You will start over at our house. If you need these plants I’ll make sure these are transplanted into a garden close to the house.”

  “How? It would take weeks to dig these all up,” Pierce asked as his gaze scanned the rows of plants that didn’t get damaged.

  “Vampire power. We do things faster than the eye can track. We’ll have a work party. I have lots of powerful friends that will help. I promise we can get it done quickly. With the supplies already at the house, we can do it in one night.” Needing to calm his newly stressed mate, he looked into Pierce’s eyes and took hold of his mate’s hands. Focusing, he felt his eyes sparkle as he channeled peace strongly into Pierce. As soon as he was confident that Pierce wouldn’t be able to stress out any time in the near future, he released his mate’s hands. Pierce had been through a lot of emotional and physical challenges lately. He was thankful for having the ability to help his mate.

  Darrin nudged his arm. “I thought you said we couldn’t compel our mates?”

  “Vampires can’t. The elf in me can channel feelings into people. I just calmed his frayed nerves. How are you feeling, Pierce?” he asked.

  “Better. We are going to save all of these plants, right?” Pierce asked as he looked around.

  “Yes. We are, love,” he reassured and was surprised by the sentiment he’d just used. It was true, though. He was already beginning to love his mates.

  The sound of tires drew everyone’s attention except Pierce’s. Their human mate didn’t have sensitive hearing.

  Darrin leaned in toward him and whispered, “I’m glad you helped him. I’m not an empath, but I was starting to feel his distress.”

  “That’s because our bond is starting to get stronger.” He watched as Caleb and Drake returned. When their friends got close, he said, “Let’s walk away from the driveway so we can watch them for a moment.

  From the edge of the garden they watched a truck pull into the driveway. Zotikos immediately felt that the auburn-haired driver was other. That explained how the man was able to find Pierce.

  “The driver is a warlock,” Drake whispered.

  “How do you know that?” Darrin asked in awe.

  “I don’t know how I know, I just do. It’s a natural gift.” Drake crossed his arms over his wide chest and stared at the new comers.

  Zotikos watched the two men exit the truck. “Darrin, focus on the driver’s energy.”

  A moment later Darrin grinned. “I feel it. That’s awesome. I can’t wait to tell Conlin about it.”

  His heart filled with pride in his vamp mate. Darrin had just learned to hone in on a person and read their energy.

  “Hey, I can feel it coming off you guys as well. How did I miss that before?” Darrin asked.

  Caleb chuckled lightly and answered softly, “You weren’t ready. I have a feeling that your mate’s blood is going to open many doors for you.”

  They stopped talking and started walking toward the men. When they got closer Zotikos called out a greeting, “Hello.” He looked them over and then asked, “Your names, please?”

  The auburn-haired man answered, “I’m Detective Oswin Sterling and this is my partner, Detective Harvey Snapp. We are investigating a string of murders and would like to speak with Mr. Pierce Linden.”

  Pierce stepped forward. “I’m Pierce Linden. What would you like to know?”

  “We’d like you to go over every detail you remember about your attack. I see your greenhouse is now burned down as well. I’d like to know about that, too. It was standing as of the report we have. I’d also like to know who the rest of you are,” Detective Sterling said as he looked the men over.

  Zotikos quickly introduced them all so they could get this over with. He couldn’t help but notice that when Detective Sterling shook hands with Drake that a surge of power passed through them. That was interesting.

  “There’s not a lot to tell. I was working on my plants when I heard a stick snap in the woods. Not long after that a man appeared from over there.” Pierce pointed at a spot on the edge of his garden. “I tried to talk to him. He didn’t respond properly. I thought he was on drugs. He looked at me and then started chanting must kill like some crazy guy or something. Before I knew it more men started coming out of the woods chanting the same thing. I warned them, but they wouldn’t listen so I was forced to shoot several of them. The last one I had to fight with my hands because I ran out of bullets. That’s how I got this.” Pierce gestured toward his stitches and then the scar on Darrin’s cheek. “Darrin fought them. That’s how he got his scar. They just won’t stop until they are dead.”

  Caleb and Drake glanced at him. Uh-oh. His human mate had just spilled the beans.

  “Wait, we don’t have a record of you being attacked. I’d remember that, because so far Mr. Linden is the only living victim,” Detective Snapp replied.

  “I’m the only survivor besides Darrin!” Pierce said in a high-pitched tone.

  “No. Tristan, Conlin, Drake, Caleb and some of their men have lived through encountering these men. See, it’s not that big of a deal,” Darrin said in a soothing tone. Not realizing he was now the one revealing truths better left hidden.

  “Why didn’t you call it in? Your scars prove that any deaths you may have caused were done in self-defense.” Detective Snapp’s sharp eyes moved over them all.

  Zotikos could tell Detective Sterling already knew why they hadn’t called in Darrin and Conlin’s attack.

  Drake shifted, drawing their attention. “I apologize for our oversight. Two of our family members were badly wounded and we truthfully didn’t care about anything other than saving them.”

  “Yes, we didn’t care about our attackers. Once they were dead and our family and property were safe, we didn’t give the dead bodies another thought.” Caleb’s words rang with honesty.

  “Since this is larger than we realized we will call if anything else happens,” Drake added consolingly.

  Detective Snapp flipped to a clean page in his notepad. “How many men did you have to kill and when and where did it happen?”

  “Sixteen men died on our property which borders Zotikos’s. It happened a year ago, and we’ve had no more trouble until Pierce and Darrin were attacked,” Drake answered.

  “We were attacked about a day and half ago. That’s when the greenhouse was put on fire. The bastards.” Pierce shook his head. “Four men came at us and we were forced to kill them. Their bodies should be in the burned greenhouse.”

  “Fresh bodies. Why didn’t the new attack get called in?” Detective Snapp asked.

  “Because they were busy,” Detective Sterling answered with a knowing quirk of his lips.

  Detective Snapp looked at his partner. “It’s like that?”

  “Yes, it is,” Detective Sterling said with a slight tilt of his head.

  His partner just shrugged and went back to his questions. “Do you think there are any remains left from the attack a year ago?”

  Drake pursed his lips. “Probably not. The animals in the area would have eaten them up. Mother Nature would have removed any DNA. That’s my guess. You two are welcome to comb the area if you’d like.”

  “It’s too late,” Detective Sterling answered after a short, thoughtful moment.

  Detective Snapp looked at his partner and twisted his lips. “Oh, it’s one of those times, huh? Glad you’re able to save us so much trouble. Never did like combing scary-ass woods.”

  Zotikos could feel the confusion building up in Pierce. His innocent human mate had a lot to learn.

/>   “How does he know?” Pierce asked Detective Snapp.

  The detective shrugged his shoulder. “He just knows these things. It’s a gift Oswin has and I’m glad he does.”

  “If you two are through talking about me like I’m not here, we can move on,” Detective Oswin Sterling said with a raise of his brow.

  Pierce blushed and Detective Snapp grinned. “Well, I’d like to keep on. You are an interesting character.” The detective rubbed his chin. “Maybe too interesting. I’d hate for you to have to kill me. I’m the most handsome partner you’ve ever had, the smartest one as well. Guess we can get back to the case. I can’t give you a reason to need a new partner. I’m hard to replace. Now, back to the case.”

  “Thanks. Your self-flattery was starting to make my stomach churn,” Detective Sterling retorted.

  “He secretly admires me. Let’s take a look at the remains in the greenhouse.” Detective Snapp’s eyes cut over to the newly burned building.

  As they walked that way, Detective Sterling steadily scanned the area. “All of the attackers’ bodies that we’ve run through the system have come back as missing persons.”

  “Do you think it’s a cult?” Drake asked.

  “Possibly. Hopefully there will be enough DNA left on the bodies to identify them,” Detective Sterling said as they viewed the remains of the four men.

  “We’re interested in finding out who these men are and why they are coming after us.” Darrin softly touched Pierce’s shoulder.

  Zotikos felt his vampire mate’s concern for their human mate’s safety. He’d do all he could to protect them both.

  “Did any of these men have guns on them?” Detective Snapp asked as he waved in the direction of the bodies.

  “No. They just used their hands and blades.” Pierce unconsciously reached up and touched the stitches in his forehead.

  “That matches the rest of our cases,” Detective Harvey Snapp said as he shook his head. “You guys must be some damn fine fighters.”

  “We can handle ourselves. It could be that most of their victims didn’t know how to defend themselves.” Drake’s sharp gaze surveyed the damage and bodies.

  Zotikos looked around the destroyed greenhouse and knew he’d have to build his mate another one. Close to his house, of course. There was no way one of his mates was getting out of his sight or sense range for years to come.

  Detective Snapp looked at the four mounds of human ashes. “I have to call this in. We need a forensics team.” The detective took out his phone and tried to make the call. After a minute, he shook his head in disgust. “Damn phone. Are you going to try?” he asked his partner.

  “No. Our cell service provider doesn’t work in areas like this. The air is rife with invisible blockers,” Detective Sterling responded with a gleam in his eyes.

  “You couldn’t tell me that before I tried to make the call?” Detective Snapp asked sarcastically.

  A wicked grin crossed Detective Sterling’s face. “Where would the fun be in that?”

  “I give up. Let’s go where the air is better for our cheap-ass provider,” Detective Snapp said as he headed for their truck.

  While his grumbling partner walked away, Detective Oswin Sterling turned and looked at Zotikos. “Newly mated. Congratulations. I don’t expect you to be here when we get back.” The auburn-haired man looked at Drake. “I’ll be seeing you around. The rest of you as well. When I have news I’ll give Drake a call.”

  “If anything turns up we’ll give you a call,” Zotikos said and Drake nodded his agreement.

  They all watched as the detectives drove off, giving them time to leave. The mating heat was starting to make him itchy and possessive. His mates were starting to feel the effects as well.

  “How will he explain our disappearance? Should we take the truck?” Pierce ran his hand over his chest. Passion flared in his eyes.

  Drake shook his head. “He’s a warlock. He’ll come up with something. Most likely he’ll make his partner believe there were two trucks here.”

  “Oh, that’s smart,” Pierce stated before his eyes strayed to Zotikos’s groin and then Darrin’s.

  They needed to get home. He grabbed hold of both his men. “See you later. Call me when you know something,” he said and then misted them home.

  “What about the truck?” Pierce asked when they appeared in the bedroom.

  “We’ll get it later. Right now we have business to tend to.” Zotikos watched as Pierce’s eyes glazed with desire. Darrin’s eyes flashed red and a smile crossed his handsome face. With the wave of a hand, he had them naked and on the bed. Life was good.

  * * * *

  Drake walked over to where Oswin Sterling’s truck had been parked. He knelt and touched the ground. A small amount of power tickled his fingers.

  “What’s up with the warlock?” Caleb asked.

  “I don’t know. When we shook hands power surged between us. I’ve never had that happen to me before. Not on that level. I looked into his eyes fast enough to see a hint of surprise in Detective Oswin Sterling’s eyes. The man wasn’t troubled, though. I guess it happens to him from time to time.”

  “What was it like?” Caleb asked with obvious curiosity.

  “It was like he was family even though I’ve never met him before.” He would love to have had Whit and Parker’s mind reading ability tonight.

  “Maybe it’s something that runs in his family,” Caleb said and then looked around at Pierce’s ruined home and greenhouse. “I hope we catch whoever is behind all these killings and missing people going insane soon.”

  “Me, too, bro. Me, too.” He couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d one day be part of Oswin Sterling’s world. Possibly they would end up working closely to find the killer they hunted.

  Finding no reason to stay, he stood. “Let’s go, Caleb. Tristan needs to be filled in.” As they misted to Tristan’s office, he couldn’t help but wonder how his destiny intertwined with Detective Oswin Sterling’s.

  Chapter Eight

  Attinie of Roseanthia strolled through the large stone home she’d killed the owners for. Her six arms moved restlessly as she searched for something to do. Usually she was content to watch her enthralled earthlings fight to the death. Today was one of those rare days when she was bored with her normal entertainments. Maybe she should do more to totally take over her new planet. Roseanthians lived for thousands of years so she had plenty of time to take over. Getting to know the beings that lived on her planet was more important.

  The word “important” struck a sad cord in her black heart. On her home planet she’d been weak. Glancing around her at the home and her servants, she felt better about herself. Here she was powerful. In a few hundred years all earthlings would know her and fear her. She would be their only ruler.

  Thinking of her bright future, she walked into a room with blue walls and toys scattered around the floor. She snapped the fingers of three of her hands and ordered, “Pick up that ball and that one.” Attinie watched in delight as her orders were quickly followed by a tall, blond male earthling.

  Scanning the room she saw a door and went to it. After opening the door, she looked in. At first she didn’t think she’d find anything good. Then she decided to dig a bit deeper. Moving the clothes to the side on the lower rack, she saw a gun propped in the corner. She sniffed the air and then cackled. Ammo was on the floor next to it. This item she didn’t mind picking up herself. With her upper and middle right hands she picked up the gun and with her lower hand she grabbed the bucket of ammo and brought it to her nose. The ammo didn’t stink like the ammo she’d found in the parents’ room with a gun. Those had smelled too foul for her to keep in the house. She’d encountered the same problem with the guns she’d found on a few of her servants. Those she’d had her most trusted servant, Boashin, get rid of. The child’s gun and ammo didn’t bother her at all. Maybe they were made differently.

  She stepped out of the closet with her treasure. This was something
she’d seen on TV. It was in a child’s room so it couldn’t be that hard to use. The boy child had been dead for seventy years. He wouldn’t care if she played with his gun. She’d killed him along with his parents. By now he would have surely died anyway. Earthlings were so pathetically weak. The kind-hearted ones were the worst. It was a shame she couldn’t enthrall a being unless it had a certain measure of bad in its heart. Turning do-gooders into killers would have been so much fun.

  The three-foot-long gun rattled when she moved it this way and that to check it out. That must mean it was loaded. She pointed it at one of her earthlings and squeezed the small metal thing the way she’d seen humans do on TV. Nothing happened. She tried again and nothing happened. The damn thing must be broken. The blond male she had following her around shifted. His brown gaze was on the gun.

  “Do you know how to use this?” The enthrallment her human earthlings were under allowed them to answer questions and even talk some amongst themselves. That was nice of her, she thought. The enthrallment mostly took away their will to leave her.

  “Yes. It’s a fine looking BB gun, mistress,” the blond answered.

  Pushing it toward him with two of her arms, she ordered, “Show me how to use it.”

  He put the balls down and took it. The earthling flipped up the metal thing that surrounded the small metal part she thought was the trigger, not that she cared what all the parts were called. It was intriguing to watch him flip it up and then back down. He then put it to his shoulder and looked down the gun as he pointed it at a mirror. He squeezed the small metal thing, and she laughed when her mirror cracked and a small circle appeared around the spot the BB hit. It worked!

  Clapping two sets of her hands, she cackled in glee. Grabbing the gun, she pointed at the blond and tried to shoot him. It didn’t work. She frowned at the gun and then remembered she needed to flip up and then down the curved metal thing. After doing that, she pointed it at her servant and shot at him. He yelped when the BB hit him in the cheek. A cackle of delight came from her when she saw a red streak appear on his face.


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