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Mate of Two Vampires

Page 12

by Dakota Dawn

  “We agreed you wouldn’t put your fangs on him without me being around,” Zotikos reminded in a reprimanding tone.

  “I know. I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t hurt him, though, see.” He pointed to Pierce’s neck as if that would get him off the hook.

  “He didn’t hurt me,” Pierce defended.

  Zotikos looked at their human mate’s neck and nodded. “I realized he didn’t, but he could have.” He looked at Darrin, and said, “So, you think you’re ready? Let’s go test that theory.” Zotikos scooped Pierce up in his embrace and kissed their man thoroughly. Before they became too heated, Zotikos released Pierce. “We’ll be back in a bit. Darrin needs to see how he’s doing.” With that said Zotikos grabbed Darrin and misted them to their bedroom.

  Chapter Ten

  Knowing he was about to feed from his mate had Darrin’s fangs aching to sink into Zotikos’s plump vessel and drink from the ambrosial flow. He went to drink from Zotikos’s wrist like he’d done several times.

  “Not this time. You were going for Pierce’s neck so you’ll drink from mine.” Zotikos’s blue eyes gleamed intently.

  Sweat beaded Darrin’s forehead. He was so nervous and excited he wasn’t sure which emotion was the stronger.

  “I know your emotions are running wild, but this is something you must learn to do with care. In the heat of passion you’ll be drinking from us in many areas of the body. You have to learn to send your partner pleasure.” Zotikos took his shirt off and tossed it to the bed he was standing next to. He tilted his head to the side and coaxed, “Go ahead and give it a try.”

  Staring at his mate’s pulse beating a passionate rhythm, he took the steps required to taste his man’s life force. He could do this. The last time he’d fed from Zotikos he’d given him pleasure. He was willing and ready to prove he could feed as he pleasured his mate at any time and place. He took a deep breath. Zotikos’s scent filled his nostrils. Red flashed before his eyes. Desire and hunger flooded his system. The beating pulsed in front of him called to him. It mesmerized him.

  In a flash, he growled and attacked his mate. His fangs sank into Zotikos’s neck and pierced the vessel that had been calling him. Red flashed in his eyes and he growled as he gulped Zotikos’s delicious life essence. Feeding from the neck was ten times headier than feeding from the wrist. The blood pumped harder through the vessels in the neck and his mate’s scent was more powerful here. The whole experience was rapturous. His cock grew hard as he growled again and gulped more of Zotikos’s heady blood.

  “That’s enough, Darrin.”

  He heard the words, but the taste of his mate was too delicious. He drew in another gulp of his mate’s organic sweetness. The scent of his mate was strong and wild here, much stouter than on his wrist. He couldn’t get enough of the blissful feeding spot. His whole body tingled with new life.

  “Stop, or else,” Zotikos warned.

  A part of him wanted to do as he was told. He drew on the pulsing vessel once again and decided that his obedient side was small tonight, too small to listen to.

  Just before he could take another a drink, the world spun and he found himself on the bed spread-eagle. Red flashed, making him see everything through a red veil. He needed more of his mate’s blood. When Zotikos leaned over him, he hissed to show his anger.

  One touch from his mate had the red receding and his anger along with it. His gaze was captured by blood dripping from Zotikos’s neck.

  Zotikos pointed at his injured neck. “This is why you don’t get to feed from Pierce yet.” The powerful vamp-elf started to glow. The bright light started at his feet and swirled around and up his body until it totally covered the man. The wound on his neck healed itself. Diamond flecks glowed in Zotikos’s eyes as he stared down at Darrin.

  Feeling bad for pushing Zotikos so far, he apologized, “I’m sorry. I tried to control myself. Your scent and taste was so much stronger on your neck I just couldn’t stop.”

  “You are forgiven. You learned a valuable lesson. Some spots are more erotic to drink from than others. The more sensual, the harder it is to control oneself. It’s time for you to learn what it feels like to be bitten by a selfish, out-of-control vampire. After that lesson I will show you how it feels to be bitten with caring, loving compassion,” Zotikos said with conviction.

  Oh shit! The look in his mate’s face foretold how memorable this lesson was going to be.

  With a low growl, Zotikos lunged for his neck. Fiery hot pain shot from his neck and traveled up to his head. As Zotikos fed from him like a wild animal, he felt fear and anxiety start to overwhelm him. He struggled against the invisible force holding him in place. Zotikos growled and drew harder. Pain exploded in his neck paralyzing him. It was the most painful thing he’d ever felt. Unbidden, he started whimpering. Zotikos didn’t stop. This was a nightmare he wished he could wake up from. His stomach turned sour when he realized he could have done this to Pierce.

  Zotikos stopped and licked his neck until only a dull ache remained. “That’s what I was waiting for. You finally realized what you could have done to Pierce. He’s human. For him the pain would have been a hundred times worse.”

  Glowing blue eyes stared into Darrin’s. Compassion filled Zotikos’s face. “Now I’m going to show you how it feels to be bitten with love. I know I’ve done it to you before, but never after hurting you. Today you will truly learn the difference of how a bite can be given and received.” With a wave of Zotikos’s hand, Darrin’s shirt disappeared. The powerful vamp let his gaze caress all of Darrin’s chest muscles before he leaned forward and kissed a path from Darrin’s nipple up to his totally healed neck.

  This time when Zotikos’s fangs sank into his flesh, a touch of pain flared and then desire shot from his neck to his groin. A low, sexy growl came from Zotikos and Darrin instantly came in his pants. The pleasure didn’t stop when his cock did. With each sensual draw on his neck more lust built. The flesh between his legs never softened.

  Zotikos’s hands roamed over his chest and settled on his hard nipples. Nimble fingers rolled and pinched his pointed nubs. Ecstasy pounded through his veins. Breathing harshly, he couldn’t stop the cry that escaped his throat when Zotikos pressed his hips into his own and started humping.

  The feel of his mate’s hard cock pressing into his own drove him to the frenzied edge of dark passion. Zotikos drew on his neck and removed their pants at the same time. Ravenous need tore through him. He shouted with joy when Zotikos reached down and gripped their hard shafts in his large hand. His mate dug in deeper with his fangs and started pumping his hand, jacking them off. Zotikos’s husky growl set them both off. The vamp pushed waves of carnal pleasure his way and Darrin screamed as his seed shot from his dick and lights danced before his eyes. Zotikos growled again and stiffened. A second later Darrin felt his mate’s hot seed splash across his stomach and chest. He was vaguely aware of Zotikos licking and kissing his neck. That had been amazing.

  A chuckle came for Zotikos. “That is what I want you to be able to do. You have to focus on desire and then let that feeling flow into and through your lover.”

  The lesson struck home. He now understood and looked forward to trying it on Zotikos and eventually on Pierce.

  * * * *

  Pierce was talking to the newly placed sage plant when Renny walked up.

  Renny looked at the plant and smiled. “Sage. You know it used to be used to ward off evil.”

  “It didn’t work at my last greenhouse. Maybe it will here. I grow it for its medical uses and peppery flavor.” He gently patted the soil around the base of the plant.

  “Speaking of spicy. Our vampire mates are hot. How are you taking your new life in the paranormal world?” Renny asked.

  Pierce thought for a moment and realized he was good with it. “I’m good. So far I’ve experienced more love and kindness in this world than I ever did in the human world.” He paused and thought for a moment. “I believe it helped that I knew Darrin for so ma
ny months before I found out about this world.”

  Renny smiled and nodded and then looked up as Oscar flew over their heads and hooted. A moment later a pretty woman walked over to them.

  “Shea, this is Pierce. He’s Darrin and Zotikos’s mate. This big guy with her is our son, Garek.”

  The baby opened his mouth in a big toothless smile. The baby’s eyes were the same color as Renny’s minus the gold flecks. “It’s nice to meet both of you.” He touched the baby’s hand and his chest lurched when Garek grabbed his finger. “He’s adorable. Aw, he has the cutest pointed little ears.”

  Shea gave Pierce a huge smile. “That’s because of my superior elf genes. Elves are very fertile, potent people.”

  Zotikos was part elf. He wasn’t on birth control because his exercise and diet stopped him from having periods. Did he need to be worried? “How about people who are just one-fourth elf?” he asked, hiding the worry from his voice.

  “They are still very fertile. Elves are just made that way. It’s in our DNA.” Shea kissed the baby’s head lovingly.

  Did his mates want children? What if he was already pregnant? Pierce wasn’t used to having these sorts of problems. He’d have to talk to his mates about this.

  The baby cooed and Renny took Garek from Shea. Renny smiled at the baby and then cooed back at his son.

  “How old is he?” Pierce asked.

  “Two months. We haven’t gotten used to the lack of sleep yet. I can’t wait for him and his brother to start sleeping for more than two hours at a time.” Shea raised her hand and covered a big yawn.

  Zavier walked over carrying a baby whose pale green eyes matched his own. A pretty female who had eyes like Renny’s, gold flecks included, walked beside Zavier.

  “This is my cousin Reagan, and Zavier is holding his son Giona. Reagan, this is Pierce,” Renny said as he shifted his own son to his shoulder and lightly patted him on the back.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Reagan. The twins are adorable.” He reached out and touched Giona’s tiny foot.

  “It’s nice to meet you as well, Pierce. Thanks, we think they are adorable, too,” Reagan said and then asked, “How is the paranormal world treating you?”

  “Extremely well, thanks.” Pierce looked up when Oscar flew overhead. The owl hooted before he left the greenhouse.

  “Oscar likes to keep an eye on us. He’s always checking the area out. He reminds me of a cop,” Reagan said.

  “That’s interesting. Hey, I wanted to thank you all for coming over and helping out,” Pierce said.

  “We were glad to do it.” Renny gently stroked the baby’s tiny shoulders.

  Giona’s lip trembled and then he started crying. “Uh-oh, we are going to have to leave. Once he realizes he’s hungry and tired, Giona won’t stop crying until he’s home and taken care of.” Shea sighed tiredly.

  “He’s the demanding one. We have no idea where he got that from,” Reagan stated and then smirked at Zavier.

  The baby howled louder and turned red. Oscar flew over them again and hooted like he was concerned.

  “It was nice meeting you, Pierce. Good luck with your new greenhouse and new life. We’ll see you later,” Shea said and then linked arms with Renny.

  “Will you tell the others we had to leave?” Zavier asked as he gently rocked his crying son.

  “Of course, thanks again.”

  Zavier nodded and misted his family home.

  He grinned as he watched the family leave. It would have been nice to have been raised in a family where you were automatically accepted.

  The sounds of moaning drew his attention. Pierce walked out of the greenhouse to see Neil and Joaquin making out on one of the new benches. They had been made large and sturdy enough to have lots of fun on. Looking around Pierce noticed that he wasn’t the only person watching the couple. Jose, Taylor, Whit, and Parker were staring and grinning.

  “I like the thoughts running through Joaquin’s dirty mind. Tying Neil to the bench and fucking him for hours is a great plan. I think they should probably do that at home, though, just in case Zavier comes back with a baby in his arms,” Whit said and the others nodded their approval and agreement. Pierce liked the idea himself.

  “Show’s over, guys. I’m taking Neil home.” Joaquin’s voice was low and husky. The vampire quickly misted himself and Neil away.

  Groans of disappointment came from Taylor and Whit. Knowing the night was ending, Pierce thanked the men. “Thanks for coming over and making this all happen so quickly. It’s beautiful and I appreciate all of your help.”

  Zotikos and Darrin walked over just as he finished talking. “We all appreciate your help.” Zotikos draped his arm over Pierce’s shoulder and hugged him closer to his body.

  “Helping a friend is never a problem,” Jose assured.

  “So true,” Parker agreed and then stated, “It’s getting late, so I guess it’s time to head home. See you all later.”

  One by one they all misted away.

  Pierce looked around. Paranormal people really knew how to make exquisite buildings and benches in no time at all. Sal and Neil had even carved a symbol in the center of the benches and above the doorways to the greenhouse. It was a triangle that had a flower and two buds growing from the vine inside it. Outside the triangle was a vine that ran the length of the back of the benches and doorways. Pierce didn’t think it was an accident. Sal had symbolized their triad of love. Maybe one day the man would find his mate and be less grumpy.

  He looked at his mates and reveled in the love he felt for them and the love he saw for himself in their eyes.

  Chapter Eleven

  Zotikos and Darrin walked into their home gym a few nights after the greenhouse was built and found Pierce working out. The sight of Pierce’s muscles bunching as he lifted the thirty-pound free weights had his groin heating up. Their human mate was dedicated to his workout routine and it showed. Pierce didn’t have an ounce of fat on him.

  Darrin reached out and touched Pierce’s red, sweaty cheek. “You don’t have to work out so hard. We’re into you for who you are not what you look like.”

  Pierce lifted the weights again and slowly lowered them. “I know. I just like to be as strong as I can be. A side benefit is that I don’t have periods.” Pierce lifted the weights again. His movements were smooth and controlled. Way more controlled than the man’s emotions. Anxiety came for Pierce in waves. His mates’ thoughts didn’t reveal what was causing the emotion. His human was getting better at controlling his thoughts, but not his emotions.

  “How fertile are you, Zotikos? I’m not prying. I’m just wondering if I should be on birth control,” Pierce said as he put the free weights up.

  He could feel Pierce trying to cover his emotions. That wasn’t going to happen. He grabbed Pierce by the arm and turned his human mate around. Looking Pierce in the eyes, he focused on his mate. What he found made his heart start beating faster.

  “Stop trying to hide your true feeling from me. You want a family with children,” Zotikos stated bluntly.

  Pierce raised his chin. “Maybe.”

  Darrin snapped his fingers. “The twins got you thinking, didn’t they? I have to admit I was a little envious of their growing family.”

  Zotikos had to agree with his mates. A family with children would be nice. Zavier’s family was precious.

  Longing and thoughts of a large family to love flowed from Pierce. He took his human mate’s hand. “I know you want a big family. We can have one, you know?” Running his hand up Pierce’s bulging, muscular arm, he grinned. “You might already be with child. We elves are very potent. If you want to wait to start a family, I can block your tubes and unblock them when we’re ready. The next time I feed from you I’ll pay close attention to your blood to see if you are already pregnant.”

  “You can tell while feeding if a person is pregnant?” Darrin questioned, his green eyes lit with excitement.

  “Yes. With time you’ll learn to taste the subtle
differences.” Zotikos enjoyed teaching his young mates.

  “What do you think of having babies one day?” Pierce asked Darrin.

  A smile crossed Darrin’s face. “I’d like that. Conlin and I have been alone for a long time. Our parents and little brother died in a car crash years ago.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Pierce stated sympathetically and patted Darrin on the arm.

  Zotikos knew Darrin was sad about the loss, but now the man had a new reason to be happy and he was.

  Darrin’s lips curled into a small smile. “Thanks, we’re okay now. I’d love to have a big family. It’s something I didn’t think was possible for me after I became a vampire. It seems I have a lot to learn about the paranormal world.”

  “Speaking of learning. You need a lesson in misting to the location you want to go to,” Zotikos told Darrin in a matter-of-fact tone.

  “You two have fun, I’m going to take a shower and then go check on my plants,” Pierce stated and then left the gym.

  Darrin blushed when Zotikos looked into his eyes. He was searching for the reason Darrin wasn’t able to mist properly. It didn’t take him long to find the problem.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. I can help you. Some vampires never figure it out. You just need to practice focusing on your destination until you see it clearly in your mind. Your confidence is also lacking. That’s understandable, but it can’t continue. One small flaw in your thinking can hinder you. With you having a human mate you have to get this down in case something else happens to Pierce and you have to mist him to safety again. I’m going to give you a booster to help you out.” He touched the spot on Darrin’s neck that he’d fed from several times. Using their connection, he pushed confidence and focusing power into his mate.

  Once he was satisfied it was enough, he removed his hand and smiled at his mate. “Let’s give it a try.”

  “All right. How do you want to do this?” Darrin asked.


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