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Remnants of the Gods

Page 8

by Erich von Daniken

  For decades, Enoch was the personal pupil of those types he called “heavenly guardians.” To him they were not gods. He learnt their language and served as interpreter. He was taught writing, and the “heavenly guardians” dictated countless books to Enoch—scientific works about astronomy, geology, metallurgy, and so on. Enoch even revealed the names of his teachers. We know what those ETs were called and who was responsible for what area of studies. (Detailed information can be found in Falsch Informiert.40)

  Then the “heavenly guardians” informed Enoch that they would take him with them on their further journey “into heaven” (space) and that he should take leave of his family. Enoch followed the advice and told his son Methuselah: “And now my son Methuselah.... I have told you everything and given you the books which concern all these things. Take good care of these books from your father’s hand, my son Methuselah, and give them to future generations after the Flood...”41 (Emphasis by Erich von Däniken)

  These few sentences clarify a number of things. Methuselah was Enoch’s son (“and now my son Methuselah...from your father’s hand...”) Enoch speaks in the first person (“I have told you everything...”). The event takes place before the Flood (“give them to future generations after the Flood...”). We know for certain that Methuselah is the son of Enoch from the so-called Lamech Scroll (one of the Dead Sea Scrolls).42 Enoch gave his son more than 300 books. Where are they, actually? There is nothing apart from the Ethiopic and Slavonic Book of Enoch and a number of fragments.

  The Hitat records that God personally had instructed Saurid (alias Hermes, alias Enoch) in astronomy and had told him that a catastrophe would strike the earth. That fits Enoch to a T. He was meant to build the pyramid “to keep in it books of science and knowledge and other valuable objects.”43 And Al-Mamun, who was the first to break into the pyramid, is said to have found books in an unknown writing in it, among other things. Were the Arab historians chasing shadows thousands of years ago?



  Herodotus reports in the second book of his Histories that there was a lake with glassy water under the pyramid which had a sarcophagus in it. A phantom? A figment of someone’s imagination? The lake has meanwhile been discovered. Plus the sarcophagus. Images 171–174 prove it. No figment of the imagination. The reports of the ancient scribes were based on the best sources of information.

  Are the original books of Enoch lying somewhere in the labyrinth of the alleged Cheops pyramid? Was it that the people did the dirty work of construction, gave their sweat, blood, and lives—but the planning was done by Enoch’s teachers? They in turn knew about the coming Flood. After all, they not only informed the Biblical Noah but also in detail their pupil Enoch and their favorite Utnapishtim in the Gilgamesch epic.44 In this line of thought, Enoch’s “heavenly guardians” would have deliberately created a building to survive the Flood and the following millennia. A building, moreover, that would always catch the eye of all terrestrial generations—a wonder of the world that would cause human beings to be amazed and enchanted, and lead them to investigate it further, a pyramid filled with geological, mathematical, and astronomical references. (There is a wealth of outstanding literature on these subjects. For mathematicians, for example, the book Henochs Uhr (Enoch’s Clock) by Paul Krannich.45) A building with such a sophisticated inner life that it would require a high-tech society to discover the hidden spaces. A chronological treasure that would transport the information arising from Enoch’s experiences and his contact with the ETs safely into the future. A future, by the way, in which the “gods” intended to return. Will we find not just books and technologies in the Great Pyramid but also the interstellar home addresses of those extraterrestrials who instructed the human being Enoch thousands of years ago?



  I am clearly not the only person to pose such questions. For quite a while, measurements have been undertaken in the Great Pyramid using the most modern technology. There has even been crude drilling using pneumatic drills without the public being told a word about it. The untiring Alireza Zarei reports:

  When I visited the Giza plateau in 2009, I was visit the relief chambers on several occasions. I reached the entrance to the relief chambers after climbing a temporary 8-meter ladder. I crawled straight towards the southwest corner to verify for myself a new, illegally dug tunnel. And it was indeed so! The original passage had been extended by some meters and turned sharply to the right at the end. There the passage continued in a straight line for another few meters where it ended in a barely 1.5 meter deep hollow. The use of modern tools could clearly be seen on the walls as the drag marks there were quite different from those in the Caviglias tunnel and the others in the pyramid.46

  Alireza Zarei’s Images 175–177 prove what he saw.

  No one drills in the Great Pyramid, and even less so with heavy equipment, without the knowledge of the authorities. The inspired structure is guarded around the clock. Someone must logically have come to an agreement with the Ministry of State of Antiquities. No heavy drills get into the Great Pyramid without explicit agreement. Which secret service might be involved? Who on our planet is so influential that even the duty of care of the archaeologists is grossly ignored? After all, the drills used could destroy valuable treasures. What is actually being sought? Just consider the huge effort in total secrecy. And my questions are not about conspiracy theories. Because if the drilling had been carried out officially, the public and our noble archaeologists could have been informed. Period!

  Every tourist who gasps their way up the Grand Gallery inside the pyramid in amazement will notice metal brackets between the monoliths. What were they originally for? This miracle of construction today presents itself in total anonymity. Nothing, not a tiny little glyph, adorns this phenomenal complex. Why, then, the brackets?

  Image 178 is the creation of my imagination. It shows the walls of the Grand Gallery as they might have looked millennia ago. Then someone came along and ripped the messages from the “heavenly guardians” (Enoch) off the walls. Human beings were not to venerate foreign gods, were not to find out who the original teachers of our young humanity were. Such knowledge would destroy the foundations of the great religions, be it Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. Those in the know in all religions are agreed on that. And because national politicians have close connections with the respective religions, the mystery-mongers, the pseudo responsibly minded in world politics are also told about it. Peoples of the world, unite in ignorance!







  Impossible Buildings

  1. Heyerdahl, Thor. Wege übers Meer. Munich, 1975.

  2. von Hassler, Gerd. Noahs Weg zum Amazonas. Hamburg, 1976.

  3. Cajus Plinius Secundus. Die Naturgeschichte. Translated by Prof. Dr. G.C. Wittstein. Volume 1. Leipzig, 1881.

  4. Homer. Illias und Odysse. Translated by Peter von der Mühll. Basel, 1946.

  5. Mooney, George, W. The Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius. Dublin, 1912.

  6. Leisner, Georg and Vera. Die Megalithgräber der Iberischen Halbinsel. Berlin, 1943.

  7. Kreuzer, Gottfried and Christine. Die Felsbilder Südandalusiens. Stuttgart, 1987.

  8. Topper, Uwe. Das Erbe der Giganten. Olten, 1977.

  9. Ibid.

  10. von Däniken, Erich. Prophet der Vergangenheit. Düsseldorf, 1979.

  11. von Däniken, Erich. Die Spuren der Ausserirdischen. Munich, 1990.

  12. Knörr, Alexander. “Neues von den Cart Ruts auf Malta und Gozo.” Sagenhafte Zeiten, No. 6/2009, Volume 11.

  13. Schubert, André. “Als die Steine noch weich waren.” Sagenhafte Zeiten, No. 3/2011, Volume 13.

  14. Thom, A. and Thom, A.S. Megalithic Remains in Britain and Brittany. Oxford, 1978.

  15. Knörr, Alexander. Hagar Qim: auf den Spuren eines versunkenen Kontinentes. 2007.

  16. Micallef, Paul I. Der p
rähistorische Tempel Mnajdra—ein Kalender aus Stein. Malta, 1991.

  17. Hausdorf, Hartwig. “Göbekli Tepe—Die älteste Stadt der Welt?” In: Conference volume of the AAS Berlin 2011. Gross-Gerau, 2012.

  18. Die Heilige Schrift des Alten und des Neuen Testaments. Stuttgart, 1972.

  19. Riessler, P. Altjüdisches Schrifttum ausserhalb der Bibel. Die Apokryphe des Abraham. Augsburg, 1928.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Ibid.

  22. von Däniken, Erich. Die Steinzeit war ganz anders. Munich, 1991.

  23. von Däniken, Erich. Grüsse aus der Steinzeit. Rottenburg, 2010.

  24. Watkins, Alfred. The Old Straight Track. London, 1970.

  25. Fester, Richard. Protokolle der Steinzeit. Munich, 1974.

  26. Devereux, Paul and Robert Forrest. “Straight Lines on an Ancient Landscape.” New Scientist, 23/30 December 1982.

  Crazy Facts

  1. Bedal, Karl: Rätselhafte Verbindungen zwischen vorgeschichtlichen Fundstätten, Bodendenkmälern, Burgen und Kirchen. 1993.

  2. Ibid.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Ibid

  5. Guichard, Xavier. Alesia Eleusis. Entquête sur les origines de la civilisation européenne. Paris, 1936.

  6. Courlet, Louis. La Cité Mystérieuse. Alaise, 1999.

  7. Jellinek, K. Moses ben Schemtob von Leon. Leipzig, 1851.

  8. Fiebag, P., E. Gruber, and R. Holbe. Mystica. Augsburg, 2002.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Herodot. Historien. Munich n.y.

  11. von Däniken, Erich. Prophet der Vergangenheit. Düsseldorf, 1979.

  12. von Däniken, Erich. Die Steinzeit war ganz anders. Munich, 1991.

  13. von Däniken, Erich. Grüsse aus der Steinzeit. Rottenburg, 2010.

  14. Manias, Theophanis, N. Die geometrisch-geodätische Triangulation des altgriechischen Raumes. Athens, 1970.

  15. Manias, Theophanis, N. La triangulacion geometrico-geodésica des espacio de la antigua Grecia. Madrid, 1971.

  16. Manias, Theophanis, N. The Invisible Harmony of the Ancient Greek World and the Apocryphal Geometry of the Greeks. Edition of National Institution. Athens, 1969.

  17. Rogowski, Fritz. “Tennen und Steinkreise in Griechenland.” Mitteilungen der Technischen Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig. Braunschweiger Hochschulbund, Volume VIII/2/1973.

  18. Runde, Ingo. “Griechenlands geheimnisvolle Geometrie.” Ancient Skies, Volume 11, no. II. Feldbrunnen/Schweiz 1987.

  19. Neugebauer, O. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. University Press: Rhode Island, 1970.

  20. Richter, Jean: Géographie sacrée du Monde Grec. Paris, 1983.

  21. Plato. Timaios. Translated by Otto Apelt, 1922. New edition Hamburg, 1988.

  22. Pannick, Nigel. Die alte Wissenschaft der Geomantie. Munich, 1982.

  23. Cathie, Bruce. Harmonic 33. London, 1980.

  24. Cathie, Bruce. Harmonic 695. London, 1981.

  25. Morrison, Tony. Pathways to the Gods. Salisbury/Wiltshire, 1978.

  26. Cobo, Bernabé. Historia del Nuevo mundo. 2 volumes. Madrid, 1953 and 1956.

  27. Zuidema, Rainer Tom. The Ceque-System of Cuzco. Haarlem, 1962.

  28. Denevan, William M. The Aboriginal Cultural Geography of the Llanos de Mojos of Bolivia. Los Angeles, 1966.

  29. von Däniken, Erich. Im Namen von Zeus. Munich, 1999.

  30. Feyerabend, Paul. Naturphilosophie. Frankfurt/M, 2009.

  31. Ibid

  32. Lovelock, Jim, E. Unsere Erde wird überleben. Munich, 1982.

  33. Aram, Kurt. Magie und Zauberei in der alten Welt. Berlin, 1927.

  34. Widengren, G. Hochgottglaube im alten Iran. Leipzig, 1938.

  35. Kanjilal, Dileep, K. Vimana in Ancient India. Calcutta, 1985.

  36. von Däniken, Erich. Habe ich mich geirrt? Munich, 1985 (Contribution by Prof. Dr. Kanjilal p. 225 ff.).

  37. Kanjilal, Dileep, K. Vimana in Ancient India. Calcutta, 1985.

  38. “Kebra Nagast: Die Heiligkeit der Könige.” Abhandlung der Philosophisch-Philologischen Klasse der Königlich Bayrischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Volume 23, 1st division. Munich, 1905.

  39. Ibid.

  40. Al-Mas’udi. Bis zu den Grenzen der Erde. Tübingen/Basel, 1978.

  41. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York, 1965.

  42. Bracewell, R.N. The Galactic Club: Intelligent life in Outer Space. San Francisco, 1975.

  43. Deardorff, J.W. “Examination of the Embargo Hypothesis as an Exploration of the Great Silence.” Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 40, 1987.

  44. Kean, Leslie. UFOS. Generäle, Piloten und Regierungsvertreter brechen ihr Schweigen. Rottenburg, 2012.

  45. Ibid.

  False Doctrines

  1. Biffiger, Beat and Lothar Stanglmeier. Der Kopf des Osiris. (Unpublished research for the Erich von Däniken Foundation. 2004).

  2. Naville, Edouard. The Cemeteries of Abydos. London, 1914.

  3. Jeremis, Alfred. Die ausserbiblische Erlösererwartung. Leipzig, 1927.

  4. Sethe, Kurt. Übersetzung und Kommentar zu den altägyptischen Pyramidentexten. Volume II. Darmstadt, 1922.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Faulner,R.O. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Oxford, 1969.

  7. Burgard, Hermann. “Aratta—Jirof: Wiege der Kultur?” Sagenhafte Zeiten No. 2/2011, Volume 13.

  8. Burgard, Hermann. Encheduanna—Geheime Offenbarungen. Gross-Gerau 2012.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Kanjilal, Dileep, K. Vimana in Ancient India. Calcutta, 1985.

  11. Eggebrecht, Eva. “Die Geschichte des Pharaonenreiches.” Das alte Ägypten. Munich, 1984.

  12. Kees, Hermann: Kulturgeschichte des Alten Orients. Ägypten. Munich, 1965.

  13. Diodor von Sizilien: Gschichts-Bibliothek. Book 1. Stuttgart, 1866.

  14. Cajus Plinius Secundus. Die Naturgeschichte, Book 36. Leipzig, 1882.

  15. Al-Maqrizi. Das Pyramidnkapitel in Al-Makrizi’s “Hitat.” Translated by Dr. Erich Graefe. Leipzig, 1882.

  16. Ibid.

  17. Ibid.

  18. Tompkins, Peter. Cheops. Bern, 1975.

  19. von Däniken, Erich. Falsch informiert. Rottenburg, 2007.

  20. Schmöckel, Hartmut. “Die Himmelfahrt Henochs. Neue Aufschlüsse aus Keilschriften.” FAZ No.159, 12 July 1973.

  21. Kautsch, Emil. Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments. Volume II, Tübingen, 1900. Das Buch Henoch.

  22. Zarei, Alireza. Die verletzte Pyramid. Gross-Gerau, 2011.

  23. Herodot: Historien. Munich n.y.

  24. Cajus Plinius Secundus. Die Naturgeschichte. Translated by Prof. Dr. G.C. Wittstein. Volume 1. Leipzig, 1881.

  25. Schüssler, Karlheinz. Die ägyptischen Pyramiden: Erforschung, Baugeschichte und Bedeutung. Köln, 1983

  26. Al-Maqrizi. Das Pyramidnkapitel in Al-Makrizi’s “Hitat.” Translated by Dr. Erich Graefe. Leipzig, 1882.

  27. Helck, Wolfgang. Untersuchungen zu Manetho und den Ägyptischen Königslisten. Berlin, 1956.

  28. Pessl, H.V. Das Chronologische System Manethos. Leipzig, 1878.

  29. Karst, Josef. Eusebius Werke, Volume 5. Die Chronik translated from the Armenian. Leipzig, 1911.

  30. Zarei, Alireza. Die verletzte Pyramid. Gross-Gerau, 2011.

  31. Yoshimura, Sakuji. Non-Destructive Pyramid Investigation by Electromagnetic Wave Method. Waseda University. Tokyo, 1987.

  32. “Sphinx, Riddle put to Rest?” Science, Vol. 255, Nr. 5046, 14 February 1992.

  33. “The Great Pyramid Mystery.” Mail on Saturday, 17 April 1993.

  34. “Portcullis blocks robot in Pyramid.” The Daily Telegraph. 7 April 1993.

  35. Telex Reuter und sda of 16 April 1993.

  36. SPIEGEL Online of 29 May 2011.

  37. Mysteries No. 21, Edition 4, 2011.

  38. “Chefren-Pyramid—Fluch des Pharaos.” Der Spiegel, No. 33, 1969.

  39. Al-Maqrizi. Das Pyramidnkapitel in Al-Makrizi’s “Hitat.” Translated by Dr. Erich Graefe. Leipzig, 1882.

von Däniken, Erich. Falsch informiert. Rottenburg, 2007.

  41. Kautsch, Emil. Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments. Volume II, Tübingen, 1900. Das Buch Henoch.

  42. Burrows, Millar. Mehr Klarheit über die Schriftrollen. Munich, 1958.

  43. Tompkins, Peter. Cheops. Bern, 1975.

  44. Burckhardt, Georg: Gilgamesch. Frankfurt, 1958.

  45. Krannich, Paul H. Henochs Uhr. Die Zeit der Giseh-Pyramiden. Reppichau, 2009 (Books on demand, Norderstedt.).

  46. Zarei, Alireza. Die verletzte Pyramid. Gross-Gerau, 2011.


  Abraham, 63, 67-68

  ascension of, 68

  legendary birthplace of, 63


  list of kings in, 153

  unknown origins of, 111

  Alaise (place name), 73, 75, 80

  root of the word, 75, 80 (see also Elysium)

  Alaise (village), 73, 75, 80

  as druid holy site, 75

  Al-Mamum, Caliph Abdullah, 141, 144

  Great Pyramid and, 144, 157-158, 192

  Al-Maqrizi, 147, 152 (see also Hitat)

  Al-Mas’udi’s Histories, 105

  Alvarez, Louis, 177

  Amélineau, Emile, 111

  Antequera, 30

  “anything goes” approach, 100 (see also Paul Feyerabend)

  Apocalypse of Abraham,

  “heavenly beings” in the, 67-68

  spaceship in, 68

  Apollo, 112

  applied geometry, ancient examples of, 97

  archeological misconception,

  classic case of, 44

  Argonautica, 27

  astronomical orientation

  of Mediterranean dolmens, 70

  of Mnajdra temple, 55-63

  of stone and wood circles, 51

  Aswan granite, 122, 145, 186, 187


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