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Family Secrets: Books 5-8

Page 91

by Virginia Kantra

  This is wrong, Faith said in a slightly calmer voice. You cant do this!

  Ill explain in the helicopter, the soldier said as he jogged toward the Black Hawk. Just quit wiggling around, Faith.

  Quit wiggling around, Faith.

  The voice that echoed in her mind wasnt that of a soldier, but of a child. A strong, water-soaked child who held his sisters head above water as he swam toward safety.

  Faith became very still and whispered, Mark?


  L uke ran as hard and fast as he could, but he realized with a growing sense of loss that he wasnt fast enough. The soldier, who was surely with the Coalition, was going to get Faith on that helicopter and in the air before he could reach them.

  Suddenly the soldier stopped and dropped Faith onto her own feet. Above the thunder of the rotors, Luke heard the man shout, Stop that!

  Faith turned and ran, heading unerringly for Luke. After a very short hesitation, the soldier pursued Faith. They all ran; Luke toward Faith, she toward him, the soldier behind Faith. The man who pursued Faith was faster than she was and obviously stronger. But since Luke ran as fast as he could, Faith managed to reach him before the large man caught up with her. Barely. The soldier was on Faiths heels. Luke grabbed her hand and forced her behind him.

  Run, he said, placing himself between Faith and the soldier. She grabbed onto his waist as the man almost ran them down. The henchman whod come here for Faith wasnt merely large, he was solid.

  Run! Luke ordered again. He couldnt hold the soldier long, but if he could just delay the pursuit while Faith made it safely to the clinic and got helpHe realized with a sinking heart that he could only offer a short delay.

  Faith didnt run to the clinic, but she did at least remain behind him. The soldier didnt attack, as Luke had expected. The big guy placed his hands on his hips as he ignored Luke completely and glared at Faith.

  You tickled me.

  Yes, I did, Faith countered. You were always extremely sensitive between the fourth and fifth rib on the left side, she added in a lowered voice.

  Dont you ever tell anyone about that, the large man ordered.

  Shed tickled him?

  You couldve explained the situation, Faith said angrily, instead of swooping down and

  Theres no time to explain, the soldier interrupted. Jake said to come and get you out of here whether you wanted to leave or not, so thats what I was doing.

  Jake sent you? Luke asked.

  The soldier nodded, answering Lukes question but keeping his eyes on Faith. Yeah. What do you expect? Youre talking on the phone, theres some kind of commotion. You hang up on him, and then you stop answering the damn phone. He pinned his eyes on Luke. Let go of my sister. I dont have time for this crap.

  Mark, Faith began. Marcusyou cant just drag me out of here. I have things to do. Im not finished.

  Yes, you are.

  Luke and Marcus echoed each other, and then their eyes met. They wanted the same thing. You can promise me that shell be safe, Luke said.

  Marcus nodded. Yeah. Theres a placeI cant tell you where Im going to take her, but I can promise you shell be protected.

  It was too soon to let her go, too sudden, but when Luke remembered how certain Mitzi had been that the Coalition would get Faith, he knew there was no other option. Get her out of here. And once thats done, we need reinforcements for the ill soldiers. The Coalition is sending men in. Soon.

  Marcus nodded.

  Im not leaving, Faith held on to him tightly.

  You cant fight both of us, Luke said.

  Yes I can, Faith insisted.

  Luke turned and took her face in his hands. You have to go. The people who are coming here would do anything to get their hands on you. You know that. And you know what theyll do with you, if they get the chance.

  Tears filled her eyes. How can I be sure youll be safe? Faith asked. If theyve been watching, they know were close. What if they try to use that against us? What if they try to use you and Abby as bait? I couldnt allow them to hurt you or your child in order to get to me.

  Marcus leaned in. I can arrange for extra security on your friends. No one will get near them, I promise.

  Faith didnt argue. Maybe she knew there wasnt any choice for either of them, not this time.

  There were so many things Luke wanted to say, but he didnt have much time. When this is over, I expect you to come back. He brushed his thumbs against Faiths cheeks, wiping away her tears.

  It might be years before this is over, she protested. It might never be over!

  Luke didnt have an argument for that, so he kissed her, tasting tears and desperation. The tears were hers.

  Faith was right. They might never see each other again. But all that mattered at this moment was that she would be safe wherever Marcus took her.

  When Luke released Faith, he turned his attention to her brother. Marcus and he were about the same height; Luke realized he might even be an inch taller. But Faiths brother was solid as a rock, a soldier, a formidable man in any circumstance, he imagined. It wasnt what anyone would call a fair match, but Luke wasnt going to back down. Youd better take care of her, because if she gets hurt I will hunt you down and kick your ass.

  Marcus grinned. Luke imagined the big guy had never been on the receiving end of any ass-kickings.

  Im not kidding, Luke added, and the smile faded.

  We have to go, Marcus said, and Faith reluctantly joined her brother. He didnt have to carry her this time, but he did lead her along, holding protectively on to her arm as they approached the Black Hawk.

  Marcus lifted Faith into the helicopter, and that was when she glanced back. Her lips moved, she raised a hand to wave goodbye, and then Marcus jumped into the helicopter and it lifted off the ground.

  And Faith was gone.

  The beach beyond the isolated house where shed been hiding for almost nine days was lovely, the view from the deck that ran along the backside of the house breathtaking. South Florida was warm in October, and the sun shone down on Faiths face as she watched the waves lap against the shore. The breeze that rushed in off the water pushed her loose hair away from her face. It was a wild and free sensation, letting the wind flow through her hair.

  Shed left everything behind in Rockland. Not willing to allow her to appear in public, Jake and Marcus had shopped for replacement clothes. The sundresses and shifts they had bought her were not her usual wallflower style. The dress she wore today was bright pink, and the barely there sandals were very feminine. It was not an outfit she had chosen on her own, but she liked it well enough.

  The beach, the clothes, the sun, they were all lovely. But Faith yearned for something colder. She yearned for snow, and flannel, and flames in a fireplace. Most of all, she yearned for Luke.

  Marcus assured her that Luke and Abby were safe. Once the Coalition had realized that she was no longer in Carson County, they had scaled back their plans. In a contained, isolated attack, Sheriff Talbot had been rendered unconscious, Mitzi Chastain had been s
hot in the head while still trapped in her cell, and Mitzis effects, including the worthless formula, had been taken.

  Here at the safe house, Faith had been deprogrammed by the psychiatrist Jake had introduced her tohis own sister-in-law Maisy. She no longer had to be worried about concocting deadly biological weapons in her sleep. She was still in danger from the Coalition, Jake assured her, but she was safe here. Isolated, guarded, safeand lonely.

  Knowing who and what she was opened a number of doors Faith was not quite ready to explore. When she closed her eyes and concentrated, she understood details about her body that no ordinary person could possibly comprehend. The knowledge came to her just as it did when she was working in the lab. She would stop, become still, and pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Only this time, she was the puzzle.

  Faith now remembered a large portion of her childhood, and that included Grace, who was now Gretchen, Gideon, who was lost to them, Jake and Marcus. Her bond with Marcus remained, even after the years of separation. She could talk to him as she could talk to no one else. Unfortunately, he was very often away from the safe house. He came and went, here one day and gone the next.

  Jake was also a hard man to pin down. They had spent hours talking, though, getting reacquainted and going over the details of the mystery that was their life. Her oldest brother took his newfound duties very seriously. He thought himself responsible for them all, responsible for the fate of the world and the effects the knowledge of their existence would mean.

  There were so many unanswered questions. Were there other genetically engineered children out there? The Coalition mightve managed to duplicate the Bloomfield experiments at some time in the past twenty-plus years since Henry Bloomfields death. If there were children of such experiments, how old were they? Where were they? And what could they do?

  Jake had rushed out of the safe house just yesterday, after learning from a government source that Agnes, Oliver and Gideon were believed to be hiding out in a remote area of Oregon. It would be tempting to rush in and capture the scientists who were such an integral part of the Coalition. And Gideon! If he was truly there, they might be able to rescue him.

  But Jake was afraid to move forward until they knew where the other members of the Coalition were hiding out. They could be anywhere in the world. It would be best if they were all apprehended simultaneously. Otherwise they could disappear again, go deeper undercover this time. If everything did not go well, Gideons life would be in serious danger.

  Tomorrow morning Marcus would escort Faith to the island of Brunhia, where she would stay with Gretchen. Shed had time to get to know Jake, even more time to get reacquainted with Marcus, and tomorrow she would see Gretchen face-to-face. She looked forward to that meeting, but once on the island shed be so far away. Luke would be completely out of reach, once she was on Brunhia. She missed him already. How would she function when he was on the opposite side of the world?

  Marcus would return to Delmonico, once Faith was safely on Brunhia. She would miss him, too, but the way he spoke about his new wife told Faith that he needed to be home.

  Marcuss wife Samantha was going to have a baby. Superbaby, the proud father-to-be called his unborn child. They were in good hands, the best, and he did not doubt that they were safe. But they were his, and he needed to be with them.

  As Faith was thinking about her brother, he joined her on the deck. He sat in the chair beside hers and tried a comforting smile. You all right? he asked.

  She shook her head. Not really.


  No. Though she had been ravenous lately. And her appetite had never been what one would call dainty.

  You sure youre okay? he asked again, sounding skeptical.

  Faith just nodded. No good would come of opening her heart, no matter how much she longed to do just that.

  Marcus didnt press for more, the way Jake would have. He didnt need to. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, admiring the waves and the sun. After a few minutes, he said, You miss that guy, dont you?

  Faith nodded her head, and tears stung her eyes. Marcus assured her that Luke and Abby were safe. As long as she didnt have any direct contact with them, as long as she stayed far away, theyd be safe. Someone would be watching the people she loved at all times. Nash and Janine, Luke and Abby. All she had to do was stay out of their lives.

  In the past nine days, shed told Marcus a little bit about Luke. But she hadnt told him everything. She hadnt told anyone everything.

  If she could open her heart to anyone, it would be Marcus. Maybe that was what family was for.

  I never told Luke that I love him, she confessed. And now its too late. Its just as well, considering the circumstances, but I feel like a coward.

  Marcus didnt respond, but then she hadnt expected him to. No, he didnt know everything, but maybe hed heard her whispering I love you to Luke as she got onto the noisy helicopter that had taken her away from Rockland. Shed found the words too late. She was always too late.

  Youre not a coward, Marcus said gently but firmly.

  Faith heard a car in the front driveway but thought nothing of it. People came and went as a matter of course. Bodyguards, Jake, Maisy, a couple of government officials who had insisted on speaking to her before she left the country. Her safe house was a busy place.

  One of the conservatively dressed bodyguards who had already become a part of her everyday life opened the sliding glass door and stuck his head out. You were expecting a delivery? He directed his question to Marcus.

  Yep, Marcus said. Bring it on in.

  Marcus took Faiths hand and held it. Do you remember how we used to take care of each other?

  Yes. It was what she remembered most clearly, her connection with Marcus. She would miss him when he went home and she was on Brunhia, but it would be different this time. She wouldnt forgetshe would never forget.

  Thats not going to change, he said, squeezing her hand. Not ever. His smile widened, and he glanced toward the sliding glass door as it opened again. Come on out, Doc.

  Faith jumped to her feet as Luke, carrying Abby in his arms, stepped onto the deck. Her heart hitched, her mouth went dry. She started to smile, but her smile faded quickly and she glared at her brother, who continued to sit with his legs stretched out casually and his head tilted back so his face caught the sun.

  You didnt have him kidnapped, did you?

  No, Luke answered. He placed Abby on her feet, and the baby toddled directly to Marcus with a huge grin on her face. She showed absolutely no hesitation when he offered her his arms.

  As Luke offered Faith his arms.

  She didnt ask questions, didnt ask why or when as they embraced. Luke was here, and for the moment that was all that mattered.

  Without releasing Luke completely, Faith again glanced at her brother, who held a very delicate-looking Abby on his lap. What have you done?

  Marcus shrugged. I made a couple of quick trips to Rockland, just to see how the place was getting along without you. While I was there, I had a word or two with the Doc. He grinned. And I got to know Abby, here. Can you say Uncle Marcus yet?

  Arcus! Abby said happily.

  Marcus rose to his feet, Abby captured snugly in his arms. He gave Faith a brotherly wink and flashed that smile she now remembered so well. Give me a little credi
t, Faith. Some things you dont have to be a genius to figure out.

  Luke took Faiths hand and held on tight as Marcus headed for the house. Im going to show Abby the beach. He tossed a glare at Luke. You two behave until we get back.

  Marcus carried Abby into the house, leaving Faith and Luke alone. Quickly, before she could lose her courage, Faith tipped her face up and said, I love you, Luke. So much.

  He smiled and pulled her close, kissed her and said, I love you, too.

  She let the words wash over her. They had a texture, a substance. They warmed her from the inside out. What are you doing here? She held on to Luke tightly, afraid hed disappear if she let him go.

  He threaded the fingers of one hand through her hair, as if he were hanging on to her for dear life, too. Every day that went past without you in it was so damned long. Nothing was right. I was miserable. I told Marcus one particularly bad night that I shouldnt have let you go. And here I am.

  But your practice, your clinic

  Dr. White has taken over.

  Really? She was genuinely surprised. John White?

  Luke gave her a contented smile. John likes Rockland and wanted to stay awhile longer, and I handed the reins over to him without a second thought. I think Betsy had something to do with the decision. Molly approves.

  But you love Rockland! she protested.

  I love you more. There was no hesitancy in that statement. Not a hint of indecision. His blue eyes caught and held hers. Marry me, Faith. Let me stand beside you, no matter what comes. I want to teach you to fish, and dance, and walk in the woods for no reason except that we want to be there.


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