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Page 10

by Torrid Hearts (lit)

  Sarah nodded. Then sat and watched as Connie began mixing ingredients and pulled a waffle maker from a lower cupboard. While she started coffee, prepared chocolate chip waffles and a bowl of strawberries and grapes, warmed syrup and decorated the tray curiously with a Rubik’s cube and a rock, Connie only talked about the mundane. The weather, the tourists, the village about fifteen minutes away, but when she handed Sarah the tray she held it a moment, meeting Sarah’s eyes.

  “I think he’s good for you too.” She released the tray and caressed Sarah’s cheek. “Don’t underestimate your worth, Sarah. Drago’s a special man, but you’re a very special woman. Maybe it’s good not to be so lonely anymore?” She brushed past a stunned Sarah, heading for the hallway they’d come in originally, her tone lightening when she added, “And I’m happy to share breakfast with you any morning I’m here.”

  Sarah stood there with the tray for a minute, feeling a bit like a hit and run victim. This had been the strangest breakfast of her life. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be up for another. She couldn’t help but wonder if Connie knew how lonely she was, or if it had merely been a wild guess that hit the target smack on.

  When Sarah returned to the dragon’s lair, he was still sleeping. She hated to wake him, but the thought of cold waffles and coffee wasn’t a pleasant one, so she laid the tray carefully on the bedside table and gently shook him. He murmured something she didn’t quite catch, but then obviously fell back into sleep.

  “Drago, I have breakfast.”

  She slipped her hand through his hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Before she had the chance to react, she was beneath him, staring up into those intoxicating silver eyes, that damn breathtaking sexy smile sparking on his oh-so-handsome face.

  Sarah scowled.

  “How on earth did you move so fast?”

  “Your scent inspires me to greatness. I can only imagine the effect you’ll have on my music.”

  * * * *

  Drago wasted no more time on conversation, but nuzzled directly into the soft sensual curve of her neck. Within minutes he had his Phoenix purring. Last night had been like a rebirth for him. He swore the sun was shining brighter, the coffee smelled stronger and he was sure those strawberries—if he ever got around to eating them—would taste sweeter than ever before. Hell, if this continued, he might take another stab at lyrics someday.

  “Drago.” She moaned. “Your waffles.”

  Not what a man wanted to hear when he was about to disrobe a woman and make love to her again. He worked the tie on the robe and quickly had her uncovered.

  “Fuck the waffles.” They both froze at his statement, each with a silly smile as Drago corrected himself. “Strike that. Leave the waffles, fuck me.”

  Drago moved his hands to cup her breasts, her nipples peaking beneath his palms while his mouth sucked on the curve of her neck and he drew her scent deep into his lungs. He was already so damn hard again and after last night he really should have needed a day or two for recovery, but apparently not.

  “I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you, angel. I feel whole with you. Like a missing piece of my soul has finally come home.” His hand dipped between her thighs to find her dripping wet for him. “You have no idea how hot this makes me. You’re always wet for me.” He gave her a lopsided grin, “Makes a man feel like beating his chest.”

  She groaned. “Just get inside me, Drago.”

  He rose to his knees, situating himself between her spread thighs and taking in the view. Damn, but she was gorgeous. He smiled as she writhed beneath his palm as it slid from her throat, between her breasts, to her belly, then over her mound. One finger slid inside. He brought her juices out and slid the slippery essence over her lips. She surprised him by sucking in the finger that had just been inside her heated wet pussy, her tongue cradling it to the roof of her mouth while she sucked. He nearly came.

  As long as he lived, he knew he would never find a better partner for him. The problem was, he knew Sarah wasn’t anywhere near close to where he was on the subject and he worried he’d never be able to convince her how great they were together. He wondered if he’d even be able to keep her with him long enough to begin proving it. His Phoenix was skittish and he knew she would feel the need to bolt soon.

  He only hoped however long she gave him would be long enough to imprint himself on her soul so that she’d ache for him when she left. Need him more than she felt the fear that dwelled so deep within her.

  “Fuck me, Drago.”

  Her moan was half incoherent, her eyes closed as her head tossed back and forth on his pillow, as she lay on his bed, exactly where she belonged.

  “With great pleasure, my love.”

  He pushed inside her, painfully slow for them both, her moans rising with every inch he gained, he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from coming. No other woman had presented such a problem for his prized self-control. But Sarah… he knew he’d never be able to completely control himself around her. Knew she’d always hold his heart and soul in her hand. He was vulnerable. A state he worked his entire life to avoid, and with one look at Sarah, there was nothing he could have done to prevent it.

  His mouth covered hers, his tongue stole inside, possessing her, praying she’d understand that she was his, and his alone. That no man would ever love her as he did. No man could ever protect her and care for her the way he was meant to and would until his dying breath.

  He moved his arms under her knees, pressing her legs back against her body so he could slide in deep. She moaned and panted every time he surged forward, whimpered when he slid out as if his body leaving hers somehow lessened a connection that went soul deep, and in his mind was unbreakable.

  * * * *

  Sarah was so crazed with desire she couldn’t keep hold of her need for distance, she felt herself meld into him, knew it was a very, very bad idea, but couldn’t seem to stop it. The man seemed to have some kind of power over her, she’d never felt before. Never in her life had sex been more than that. A meeting of bodies, sometimes mutually satisfying, more often not. But this, this was everything the little girl who believed her daddy would return, that her mom wouldn’t die, and that a white knight would swoop in a save her had always wanted, looked for, thirsted for like a damn helpless kitten in the scorching desert.

  She didn’t like it.

  At the same time, she didn’t seem to be able to stop it and knew her heart would never take another beat without remembering Drago Castenoff.

  Chapter 11

  Drago’s gaze was locked on Sarah’s hardened nipple. He placed his hand on her breast, feasting on the sight. He teased and tortured himself but when he could hold back no longer, he closed his mouth over her. Reveling in her moan, the way she arched into his mouth. He loved the way she responded to him. Loved the way she allowed him to possess her and how she seemed to enjoy it as much as he did.

  He sucked her nipple, his focus solely on the sensation of having the nub in his mouth, rolling his tongue over it again and again until she was pushing on the top of his head, begging him silently to go lower.

  With a wicked smile, he glanced up into her smoky gaze.

  “Please, Drago, fuck me with your mouth, I need it. Oh good lord, so fucking much.” He laughed as she pushed on him again. “Just do it!”

  He slid down the bed between her thighs and pressed them open further. At first he only looked. Blew lightly over the heated folds of her labia and secretly stole pleasure from her tortured groans.

  She’d come so far since that night they met. She seemed to be totally relaxed with him now. He wondered if it was time to share more with her. More of who he was, more of what he felt.

  Slowly he moved his tongue over her, taking her taste into his mouth. He sucked on her clit, she pushed it further against his mouth.

  “Mmmm, I’m gonna come, Drago.”

  He smiled,

  “That would be the idea, Angel.”

  He licked her pussy again, sliding his
tongue deep inside her and pressed his thumb against her clit. He fucked her with his tongue working a rhythm with his fingers on her clit, but when he knew she was about to come, he stopped. He pushed inside her and rode her orgasm to his own powerful climax.

  Collapsed beside her, the artificially cooled air drying the beads of sweat and chilling his skin he pulled her close, nuzzled her neck and simply held her, refusing to worry about the future while he held perfection in the present.

  * * * *

  Sarah wondered if it was truly possible to live happily ever after? The fact that he had her wondering that particular thing should have told her how much trouble she was in, but in the afterglow of phenomenal sex it was hard to care.

  She used what little amount of energy she had left to turn more directly into Drago’s arms. His boyish smile made her heart ache. She ran her fingers through his hair, not feeling anything really other than extraordinarily happy.

  “Tell me about your family, Sarah.”

  Her heart sank, the words “buzz kill” rattling through her still somewhat empty brain.

  “There’s not much to tell.”

  She started to pull away but he held on to her.

  “Then why do you always pull away when I ask you anything about your life?”

  She tore her gaze away from his, not being able to stand the intensity of his stare. She focused on the textured ceiling and the wood beams. She had nothing she wanted to say.

  He pressed his lips into her temple and whispered into her ear. “My father banished my mother from our home when I was a boy. I never saw her again…well, not until I was well grown and no longer in need of a mother. I often wonder how I would be different if she’d been in my life.” He laughed harshly. “Hell, if anyone had been in my life. My father was far more interested in his work and his women than in me. I think…”

  “My mother died when I was 12, my father hadn’t been around for many years and I grew up in foster care so there just isn’t anything to tell, Drago. Don’t take it personally when I don’t share.” She blinked away tears. “There just isn’t anything worthwhile sharing. That’s all.”

  Surrounded by silence for a long while, Sarah’s brain raced with thoughts, questions and concerns. Why was it when Drago held her, it felt that all was right with the world? Why did she feel so safe, so right, in his arms?

  “You know, family doesn’t make us who we are.”

  He kissed the top of her head again and despite herself, she snuggled in deeper to his embrace.

  “It may form us as children, but as adults, we make our own choices.”

  His words sank deeply into her heart.

  “I am sorry you were alone so much of the time, however, Sarah, I wish I could have been there with you.”

  She rolled to her stomach, but stayed within the crook of his arm. Gently she pushed the hair from his face.

  “But you were there. That’s the thing, Drago. I got through most of those years by listening to the music you compose. While most girls my age were throwing their panties at rock stars, I was dreaming about you.”

  She kissed him softly.

  “It may sound crazy, but Drago, I don’t think I would have made it without you.”

  In one movement he pulled her beneath him, his eyes dark with lust and emotions she knew were deeper than that. She wanted to say something to stop him, something that would put it all back to just being a physical encounter, something she could handle, but it was far too late.

  “It doesn’t sound crazy, Sarah. Not one bit, because Angel, I’ve spent most of my life dreaming about you too.”

  She wasn’t sure how she would have responded to that had the phone not rang, but the interruption gave her the excuse to pull back behind her walls. She was far too vulnerable and exposed at the moment.

  “Answer it. Please, Drago.”

  He looked as if he might argue with her. He stared at her until she couldn’t take the intensity any longer. She wiped a tear before it could escape entirely and pulled away from him, leaving him not much choice other than to answer it.

  While he was distracted by his call, Sarah got up and went into the bathroom hoping to compose herself by the time he was through.

  She was so torn between what she felt and what she believed to be true about herself, namely that no man was dependable or would ever want her for more than sex. All her life she’d waited to meet one man that would prove her wrong, but there hadn’t been any. From her father who left without even saying good bye, to the few boyfriends her mom had, to the so-called fathers in foster care to the boys she’d met in the group home. They all made her sweet promises, but not one kept them.

  She seriously needed to remember that.

  Drago Castenoff may be the best lover she’d ever had, but he was still very much a man.

  She gulped as he strode into the bathroom naked and she took in exactly how much he was.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

  She probably shouldn’t have said it out loud, but she was in so deep already, what difference did it make and besides, it was true.

  He smiled and pulled her into his arms.

  “Angel, how do you feel about a little trip? I need to fly to Hollywood in the morning and I want you to come with me.”

  She looked up at him feeling a little stunned.

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “And why can’t I?”

  She pushed him away and paced the length of the bathroom. Distance was good at a time like this.

  “Well, primarily because…”

  Her brain was racing to come up with something he’d agree with. She personally thought of a million different reasons why she shouldn’t go with him, but she was coming to know Drago very well, and he wouldn’t care about her reasons.

  “I just don’t want to go.”

  He watched her for a few seconds, she tried not to fidget.

  “But I want you to come and be with me. I need to be there to record this score. I’ll have a million things to do every day and several social engagements to attend at night. I want you with me.”

  “I’ll be bored with you away all day. What do you expect me to do, sit in the hotel room while you are out day and night?”

  She tried sounding petulant but really she was terrified. She could imagine the type of people he did business with and there was no way in hell she’d ever fit in.

  “Actually I thought you could shop, sightsee, be with me.”

  He leaned his weight against the granite counter tops and swung his hair over one shoulder. She wished he’d put pants on because she couldn’t think with him naked.

  “I guess I thought you’d be thrilled. I guess I thought you’d want to be there to see the soundtrack recorded. I guess I thought the music…”

  His jaw hardened and she realized she’d hurt him. Her eyes closed as she released a breath.

  “I’m sorry.” She focused on his gaze, eyes that promised things she wanted to believe but wasn’t sure she should dare. “I’m uncomfortable in your world, Drago. Here it’s just you and me, but there…”

  He stepped forward and took both her hands in his.

  “I understand, but I want you with me, Sarah. More, I need you to be there with me.”

  She’d wanted to feel needed all her life. How could she refuse him after that?

  “I’ll go.”

  * * * *


  Watching from the plane window, Sarah hid her nerves as best she could as the Los Angeles skyline got closer and closer.

  You can do this. You can do this.

  She looked across the small aisle of the private jet at Drago who had headphones on and his eyes closed. She loved him like that, lost in his music, in his own world. It was only then and when he was asleep that she thought he looked entirely relaxed. At peace with his demons.

  If only she could find some peace.

  She was jittery about meeting his friends, about being in his world. She was a s
triper from Vegas, the daughter of a showgirl who’d spent most of her youth in foster care. She had nothing to draw from to handle this and the last thing she wanted was to make Drago look badly.

  The flight attendant pressed her hand against Drago’s shoulder and whispered something that brought him back to the real world. She watched his brow furrow as he listened. Yep his peace had been invaded for certain. She smiled, wondering if anyone else had ever noticed. Then the strangest thing happened, he looked across the aisle at her and smiled and she noticed the same peace, the same joy that he exuded with his music, was focused on her. It was as if she was as much a part of him as his music was. A hole opened in her stomach and her heart fell into it.

  The man had her on an awfully high pedestal. If she wasn’t careful, it was going to be one hell of a fall.

  “The flight wasn’t too long for you was it?”

  She blinked, feeling somewhat terrified.

  “No. It was fine. Did you get your work done?”

  He stood and moved across the aisle onto the seat beside her which was quite like a living room sofa. Taking her hand, he brought her fingers to his lips.

  “What I could. Thank you for not feeling abandoned.”

  Something in his thank you lightened her mood.

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “But you did. You have no idea how many girlfriends I’ve had who hated my music. To be honest, it’s been the death of most of my relationships.”

  She couldn’t fathom that. She thought his music was fabulous. So much a part of who he was, how could a woman love him and not understand his music? She had no idea what to say, so she said nothing, just allowed him to draw her into a long kiss. When he pulled away, she had that dizzying sense of rightness again.

  “Why am I so drawn to you?”

  He smiled down at her, as if he knew all the answers she didn’t dare ask.

  “Fate.” He tipped her chin up when she looked away. “Don’t disregard that answer, Angel. It’s true. You and I were fated to meet. Think of all we’ve shared and all we feel when we are together. Sarah Rose, you are my heart. It’s simple as that.”


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