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Sexy Six

Page 11

by Ahren Sanders

  The gallery is quiet when I walk in. Grace and Logan are nowhere around. After a few seconds, Logan comes from the back with a smirk on his face.

  “Hey, Six.” He greets me with a quick handshake then locks the door behind me. “Perfect timing. I’m pretty sure Grace is about to blow her top.”

  The hair on the back of my neck stands, and my body goes solid. He notices and laughs, slapping me on the shoulder. “You want to date my sister? Come see what you’re getting yourself into.”

  I follow him to the back office, and as we approach, I hear voices. Grace is sitting on one side of Logan’s desk with the phone in the middle. She looks panicked when I walk in then shoots Logan an evil eye.

  “Did you hear me, Grace Rae?” An older man’s voice comes through the speaker.

  “Yes, Grandpa. I heard you.”

  “And I don’t want those electronic ones either. I want the kind I can hold in my hand and show off. Everyone in town wants to see.”

  “Grandpa, I’m a little busy right now. Can’t you please pull them up on your iPad?”

  “Hell no! How can I brag about my grandchildren’s fancy gallery with an iPad? Besides, I’m not nifty on those gadgets.” He huffs.

  “Now, you’re lying. I know for a fact that you are nifty. If you weren’t, how could you be a part of the fantasy league with Logan and Dad?” With each word, her accent changes, becoming more southern.

  It’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever heard, and I have to fight getting hard.

  “Don’t get smart, girlie! I want pictures.”

  “Okay,” she relents, running a hand through her hair. “I’ll take care of it this weekend.”

  “One more thing.”

  “What?” she asks, exasperated.

  “Don’t wear any of those coochie cutters tomorrow night. It’s tacky.”

  Her eyes bulge, and she swings her head back and forth between the phone and Logan. “What did you say?”

  “Those coochie cutters. You know those short shorts that cut into your—”

  “GRANDPA! Where in the world did you learn that phrase?” Her face is completely red, shading darker by the second.

  “Todd Chrisley.”

  Logan lets out deep chuckle then tries to cover it with a cough. Grace is grasping the edge of the desk with white knuckles and shaking her head.

  “When the hell did you start watching Chrisley Knows Best? Didn’t we talk about these programs? They’re not really reality.”

  At this point, Logan is doubled over holding his stomach. I’m trying my best to hold in my own laughter.

  “Peach Princess, this Todd guy has a good leash on life. I find myself relating to a lot of his situations. Did you know—”

  “No, I don’t know… and I never will,” she cuts him off.

  “Well, take my advice and don’t wear any coochie cutters tomorrow night.”

  “Stop saying coochie!” she shouts.

  “All right, Peach Princess, calm down. I was only trying to help.” He starts laughing.

  “Grandpa, I love you, but I need to go.”

  “Wait! We haven’t even gotten to talk about your new fella. Logan says you’re dating a new guy. He even says this guy’s decent, makes a good living, has a good job, and seems to be a family man. Gotta say, I’m pleased to hear this after that thug Pledge.”

  A strangled sound escapes her as she slices her eyes back to Logan. He stops chuckling immediately. Her eyes flare with irritation then start to shine. She crinkles her eyebrows and purses her lips, then a look of mischief crosses her face.

  “Oh, did he? Logan says I’m dating a new fella, huh? Well, Grandpa, I think he’s probably trying to avoid telling you all about his new girlfriend. Her name is Melanie, and she’s a doll. And for some reason, she’s crazy about him. You may want to tell Mom there might be white dresses and wedding bells in the future.”

  The air is sucked out of the room, and Logan’s face goes white as a sheet, all humor gone. He almost looks sick.

  There’s a slapping sound followed by a robust laugh. “Well, I’ll be damned! Wait until I tell your parents. Carl and Sharon are gonna go through the roof. Your mama’s been itching for you two to find some good people in your lives. They worry about you being so far from home.”

  “Yep, tell Mama. Melanie’s definitely good people.”

  All questions about me are gone, or at least temporarily forgotten, as he declares he needs to go. She tells him she loves him and disconnects with glowing satisfaction on her face.

  “How could you?” Logan chokes out.

  “Seemed like a good way to get him off my back.” She shrugs nonchalantly.

  “Payback is hell, Grace. Remember that.” He leaves in a huff, and I feel kinda sorry for him. If their mom is anything like mine, she’s going to be calling in about five minutes.

  She gives me a shy smile. “Sorry you had to witness that.”

  I go to her, plucking her out of the chair and planting a quick kiss on her still smiling lips. “It was the highlight of my day.”

  “Your day must have been really boring then,” she jokes.

  “Actually, the day was perfect, because technically, it started with you in my arms until two a.m.,” I whisper in her ear.

  She shivers against me, and I nip on her earlobe before stepping back and taking her hand.

  “How was the rest of your day?”

  “Good. Bizzy showed up before eight with my brothers close behind her. We ate breakfast while they grilled me about you. About ten minutes after they left, my mom called wanting to know all about you. Then I went to practice, watched a few films, and now I’m here.”

  Her relaxed expression disappears. “Me? What did you tell them?”

  “I told them the truth. Without giving up your grandma’s secret, I told them why you went home and what you’ve been doing the last few years. I explained we’re spending time together. I had to stop Bizzy and Shaw from crashing tomorrow night.”


  “They’re anxious to meet you, Grace. I made it known this morning that I’m into you.”

  “You’re into me?” she asks so innocently my heart squeezes.

  “Sweet Peach, you remember last night when I said curiosity led to crazy?”

  She nods slowly.

  “That crazy means crazy about you.”

  “Oh my God,” she breathes out in a raspy tone.

  “So I held them off tomorrow night, seeing as it’s our first official date. But all bets are off after that.”

  She holds my stare, and I swear she’s holding her breath, too. I press her closer. “I want you to come to my game on Sunday. Shaw is getting you and Logan into his company suite.”

  “Isn’t that for business and family?”

  “Yes, and my family will be there.”

  She remains still, staring at me. Uncertainty and apprehension are written all over her face.

  “Say you’ll come.”

  “I’ll come.”

  “They’re going to love you, Grace. I’ve told you this already.”

  “But isn’t it a little fast? We just started seeing each other.”

  “Hell yeah, it’s fast, but I’m not worried about that.”

  Her stare changes, and her eyes start to glow liquid lavender. Then she tells me exactly what I’ve needed to hear.

  “I never forgot you. I’ve followed you since the day I left school. The draft, your career, your life… Big or small, I didn’t care. I wanted to know,” she blurts out, and my chest tightens at her admission.

  To some guys, this news may be inconsequential, but to me, it answers so many unspoken questions I was hesitant to ask. Even knowing the circumstances, I wondered if she thought of me. She didn’t walk away that night and leave us behind. Her life was turned upside down, but she didn’t forget me. My pulse races as the gravity of her confession sinks in.

  Something in me changes. I may have said I was crazy about her, but the feeling
s start to magnify. My hands go to her head, my fingers threading through her hair as I tilt her face to mine. My mouth crashes down on hers as I try to convey how much this means to me without using words. She sinks into me, her own hands sliding up my back and gripping my shirt to hold on.

  As I kiss her, all thoughts of lost time fade away. None of it matters anymore.

  Now, I think about how much fun it’s going to be making up for lost time.

  Chapter 11


  I float around the gallery in a haze, humming as I wipe down the frames and display cases once more before tonight. The last few times we’ve had a reset and opening, my nerves have been frazzled, but today, I’m completely calm. Maybe even excited.

  Nick and Logan are right; this is our best display to date. Everything is perfect.

  There’s a rustling in the back, announcing Logan’s arrival, and I head to the office to try to smooth over his irritation with me. He barely glimpses up as I walk into his office.

  “Hey,” I chirp a little too happily.

  “Hey,” he grumbles.

  “Are you still aggravated with me?”

  “For what exactly? Outing my non-labeled relationship with Melanie to Grandpa? Or for the fact that I had to talk to Mom last night for forty-five minutes explaining it’s new, I’m not going to propose, there are no wedding bells and white dresses in the future, and you must have been dropped on your head as a child?”

  “I’m sorry, Logan.” Really, I’m not, but an apology is the best way to ask for forgiveness.

  “Are you?” He pins me with his eyes, and at this moment looks so much like our dad, I crack.

  A giggle escapes, followed by another until I’m covering my mouth and trying to hold back.

  “You think this is funny?”

  “Kinda, I mean, you started it by telling Grandpa I had a new ‘fella’. Do you know how awkward it was for Nick to overhear that?”

  “Must not have been too embarrassing, considering I walked in here and you two were going at it like you needed to get a room.”

  “We were not!”

  “Whatever, as Grandpa would say, you were playing a fierce game of tonsil hockey.”

  “Please don’t ever say that again!” My humor slips away as heat creeps up my cheeks.

  Satisfaction crosses his face, and he sits down, opening his laptop.

  “I know a way to make you forgive me.”

  “Get married and get Mom off my back?”

  “How about an invitation to come with me to the Miami game on Sunday? Not only that, but we’ll be in Shaw Bennett’s corporate suite.”

  His eyes widen as his fingers stop in the middle of typing. He can’t disguise the excitement on his face. “I suppose that would be one way to help me overlook your little prank.”

  “I’ll get more details this afternoon.”

  He nods as the front door beeps. I give a small wave and go to see who’s here, since we are technically closed.

  When I round the corner, I freeze. My heart plummets as I come face to face with Bizzy Bennett and another woman. Their eyes land on me, and Bizzy’s mouth breaks into a wide, blinding smile.

  “Grace Monroe.” She walks to me with her arms extended and embraces me warmly, like she’s known me forever.

  “It’s so good to see you.” She lets go but stays close, keeping her hands on my arms.

  I’m still stunned speechless, taken completely off-guard.

  “Shit, Biz, let the poor girl go. You’re scaring her to death,” the other woman pipes in, and Bizzy takes a full step back.

  I take a good look at the other woman and then look back to Bizzy, suddenly feeling very plain in my casual outfit.

  Finally, I find a voice and try to smile, hoping it doesn’t appear pained.

  “Bizzy,” I force out.

  “Hi, I’m Claire.” Her friend offers a hand, and I shake it feebly.

  “I’m Grace.”

  “God, don’t I know it. You’re all I’ve heard about the last twenty-four hours. Lucky for you, I was able to wrangle this one down and wait for a decent hour to ambush you.” She points at Bizzy. “If not for me, she’d have been here the second you opened the doors.”

  Bizzy throws her a dirty look and turns back to me. “Please don’t pay attention to Claire. She has no couth. We’re thinking of putting her in finishing school to learn some manners.”

  Claire huffs, reaching out and swatting Bizzy on the shoulder. Tension starts to ease, and I try to relax. “It’s nice to meet you,” I direct to Claire. “And it’s nice to see you again,” I tell Bizzy.

  “Grace, you look wonderful.”

  “So do you.”

  “Jesus, it’s like I’m staring at Mila Kunis except for the eyes… Has anyone ever told you that?” Claire blurts out.

  “Maybe once or twice,” I reply shyly, unsure exactly how to answer. I have heard this before, but I don’t see the resemblance.

  Bizzy rolls her eyes and mouths ‘finishing school’.

  My lips twitch until I can’t hide my grin.

  “I’m sorry to barge in here today, but I couldn’t help it. You’ve been on my mind since yesterday morning. I couldn’t wait until Sunday to see you.”

  “What she means is she’s nosy, she’s intrusive, and she wasn’t going to wait until Sunday,” Claire tells me.

  “Claire! Why the hell did I let you tag along? You’re ruining this!” Bizzy stomps.

  “Because I’m your best friend.”

  I observe the two of them glaring and decide immediately I love Claire. But I should probably try to intervene so this doesn’t become weird.

  “It’s a very nice surprise.” I direct my statement to Bizzy. “How have you been?”

  Right as she opens her mouth, Logan joins us. “Who do we have here?”

  “This is Bizzy Bennett and her friend Claire. This is my brother, Logan,” I introduce them.

  Bizzy’s mouth remains hanging, and Claire’s eyes are bugging out as she takes in Logan.

  “Ladies.” He dips his head in their direction, giving me a side-eye. I shrug with a look that lets him know I’m surprised they’re here, too.

  “Umm, hello, nice to meet you,” Bizzy almost stutters and elbows Claire, who mumbles the same.

  “I’m going to grab something at the café. Would y’all care for anything?”

  I ask for a tea, but they decline, watching him closely as he leaves.

  “Holy shit, if I wasn’t ridiculously hot on another guy, I’d jump your brother,” Claire announces with no shame.

  “I’m totally obsessed with my husband, but I agree, your brother is gorgeous,” Bizzy agrees.

  “Yuck!” I do an exaggerated body shiver.

  We all laugh, and the mood in the room lightens.

  “So you probably know Nick told us about you two,” Bizzy tells me.

  “He mentioned it.”

  “I’m personally thrilled.”

  “You are?”

  “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” She crinkles her eyebrows in confusion.

  “I guess I was worried about what you may have thought about—”

  “Stop.” She throws her hand up. “Don’t even go there. You lost someone close to you. Nick explained the situation and the circumstances. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  I search her face for any sign of apprehension, but all I find is kindness. “Thanks.”

  “I’m really excited for Nick, Grace. I’ve never seen him the way he was yesterday morning. He may have tried to act macho around Shaw and Mathis, but I saw right through his act. He’s in deep.”

  “I’m not sure about that. We just started seeing each other.” I try to stop the butterflies dancing in my stomach. He’s been pretty frank about how he feels, but I don’t want to give anyone the wrong impression, especially if this goes south and he changes his mind.

  They exchange a look I can’t read, and the butterflies stop dancing and turn to lead. My throat go
es dry.

  “I think we should probably warn her now. She seems clueless.” Claire talks to Bizzy as if I’m not standing three feet away.

  “It may be better to let it play out.” Bizzy also ignores my presence.

  “Nope, I believe in the sisterhood. Better to stick together.”

  “But he’s my best friend. He should get to do this his way.”

  “Biz, give it up. You came here on a mission.”

  At the term mission, my stomach rolls.

  “I did not!”

  “Yes, you did, and now we’ve tweaked the girl to the point of horror. Look at her face.”

  Both their heads swing to me, and I try to remain calm. Bizzy’s face fills with concern, and she gives me a reassuring smile.

  “Grace, we don’t mean to freak you out. It’s all good, promise.”

  “What’s all good?”

  “Well, Claire and I have decided if Nicky’s anything like Shaw, you’re not simply seeing each other. You’re together—together.”

  “Yes, time doesn’t mean much to them,” Claire adds. “One week could equal one month, one year, one decade…”

  “I’m not sure I follow.” My conversation with Nick from last night comes crashing back to me, but this is somehow different, hearing it from their perspective.

  “Do you know anything about Shaw and me?” Bizzy questions.

  “A little.”

  “Well, here’s the timeline… We went away on a Thursday. I thought it was a friendly trip, tagging along to relax while he worked. He was sneaky. Thursday night was normal, even though the signs were there. By Saturday night, we were sleeping together. Monday when we returned, we were a couple. He didn’t do slow. He skipped over the concept, claiming we’d wasted enough time. I tried to convince him to wait, and he gave me one week before we went public. Then he blew the lid off my plan.”

  “Yes, but didn’t you know each other for a long time?”

  “That didn’t matter. When the romantic relationship started, all bets were off. He was ruthless. I see the same thing with Nicky.”

  “Oh yeah, I agree. The fancy opening tonight, a public date. The game on Sunday, meeting the clan. Grace, your timeline is the same. Get ready.” Claire ticks off the events on her fingers, raising an eyebrow at me.


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