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Sexy Six

Page 30

by Ahren Sanders

  Bizzy and Claire apologized endlessly about being aloof for my first few weeks in Greece, explaining they were scared they’d ruin Nick’s surprise visit. It was easily forgivable, especially since I had to make my own apology for leaving without being honest with everyone.

  All was forgiven, and I started planning a wedding.

  Nick and I decided to keep our ‘marriage’ quiet and personal. Maybe one day we’d share what we did, but for now, the special memory was ours.

  That is until Doni got me highly intoxicated, and I told her the story one evening. Her fortress crumbled that night, and she started showing her softer side. But I soon learned that was only for me. She was still extremely harsh to anyone else we came in contact with, which was a lot of people once she started taking me to the local galleries that sold her pieces.

  There is still so much for me to learn, but I have confidence she’s going to give me the best hands-on education anyone could ask for.

  Because of this special relationship, she wiggled her way into coming with me today to pick up Nick from the airport. Why she wanted to come is a mystery to me, seeing as she’s a recluse who doesn’t like crowds and most of the time doesn’t like people.

  “You know you can wait in the car,” I tell her the third time she complains.

  “No,” is her only reply.

  “Suit yourself,” I shrug and lean against the information desk, watching the large screens for arriving flights.

  The instant Nick’s flight status switches to landed, my body starts to buzz with excited energy. “He’s here!” I reach for her hand, needing the support.

  “He’s here,” she repeats, giving me a short squeeze.

  Time slows as I scope eagerly for him. The baggage area starts to fill with travelers, but Nick is nowhere. Finally, I spot him leaning casually against the escalator railing, his eyes burning into mine.

  My feet take off running toward him. He’s barely off the escalator when I jump into his arms, squealing wildly. His lips are everywhere, kissing my neck, throat, chin, and cheeks until they land on my mouth. I hold on to him for dear life, pouring four weeks of love into the kiss. He returns the same, until there’s a stinging on my back, forcing me to break away.

  “You’re acting like a fool! Get down!” Doni continues slapping at me until I dislodge my legs and slide down Nick’s body.

  “Sorry,” I half-heartedly apologize, not meaning it.

  There’s a collection of sighs around us, and I realize we’ve gained an audience of mostly women.

  “Eat your heart out, bitches. He’s mine,” I say quietly, but not quietly enough. Doni’s eyes narrow right as Nick starts to laugh.

  “Nick, this is Doni. Doni, this is my Nick.” I introduce them.

  Nick steps away and surprises me by embracing her. I try to warn him to stop because I fear for his safety, but the words die in my mouth when she hugs him back with a kiss on the cheek.

  “What the hell?” I spout, completely stunned.

  “Relax, Sweet Peach, Doni and I are friends,” Nick says coolly.

  “But Doni doesn’t have friends. She doesn’t even like people.”

  “She likes me.” He pecks her one more time and tugs me back to his side, leading us to the baggage carousel.

  “I don’t know what to say or think about this. How are you friends?”

  “Grace, for weeks I’ve listened to you babble about this guy. Not to mention he’s been in touch,” she tells me in her deep Greek accent.

  “Been in touch?”

  “Doni helped me out with our living arrangements.”

  “Living arrangements?”

  “Did you transform into a parrot? What’s wrong with you?” Doni scowls at me. This is the woman I know, not the one hugging Nick warmly as if they are long lost friends.

  “I’m confused. Can someone please explain?”

  Nick lifts my chin gently to him. “I emailed Doni and asked her to help me find somewhere to live. She knew someone who was renting.”

  “I thought we’d do that together.” I pout.

  “Baby, we’ll look at the place tomorrow. If you don’t like it, we’ll start over.”

  It doesn’t matter if it’s a one-bedroom shack on a pig farm, I know I’ll love it because we’ll be together.

  “I’m sure it’s perfect,” I say, dropping my attitude.

  Nick sees his bags and goes to get them, leaving me with Doni.

  “He sure is a beautiful specimen. You’ve chosen well.”

  “Do I need to worry about you trying to steal my husband?”

  “Thirty years ago, I’d have tried, but it would be useless. That man only has eyes for you.”

  “Isn’t he perfect?” I gush.

  She looks at me with an unusual shine in her eyes. “He’s put this smile on your face, so full of love that you’re glowing. For that, he is perfect, Grace.”

  I act fast, wrapping my arms around her quickly, and then jump back before she can swat me again.

  Her scowl returns but fades when Nick joins us with his suitcases and takes my hand possessively.

  “I’m going to take you ladies to lunch then steal my wife away for a few days for a proper reunion,” he tells her.

  For the second time today, I almost fall when she lets out a loud laugh.

  Who is this woman?

  I let it go and don’t ask, because the only thing I can think of is what Nick has in store for a ‘proper reunion’.

  Nick kisses me hard, swallowing my scream as I come apart. His hips swivel again, causing me to whimper, and then he groans, tearing his mouth away. My vision is spotty, unable to focus when I try to open my eyes.

  “Never again going that long without you.” He skims his mouth to my ear. “Never.”

  “Never,” I agree, still clutching him.

  “Goes without saying, I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.”

  He nuzzles into my neck, nipping lightly at the skin with small whispers.

  “I have something for you,” I tell him when I regain my full voice.

  His head pops up with a smug grin. “You ready to go again, Sweet Peach?” He thrusts his hips, proving he’s still hard. “Gotta say, thought you might need a few minutes after the last one.”

  “Cocky much? I meant I actually have something for you.”

  “Does it require me moving?”

  “Yes.” I push on his shoulders.

  He rolls to the side, moaning as I slide away and go to my bag on the dresser. He holds the sheets out for me to get back in bed and promptly positions me so I’m straddling him. His chest is gleaming with sweat, and his hair is tousled from my hands running through it. My mouth goes dry at the sight, and I almost forget my mission.

  “Babe, the way you’re looking at me says you are ready to go again.” He bucks up.

  “Give me a second. I’m enjoying the view.”

  He links his hands behind his head and gives me another cocky grin. “Take your time. I’ll enjoy the view, too.” His eyes roam up and down my naked body, heating as they go.

  Shakily, I open the small box in my hands and remove the ring. “I bought this for you last week. When I saw it in the window, I fell in love with it. You don’t have to wear it now if you don’t want.”

  He brings my hand closer, silently inspecting the cobalt and platinum ring. It literally jumped out at me as I passed that window. Buying Nick a ring was going to be a challenge because, in my head, it had to be unique and masculine—something different than a traditional band. This was it, and I hoped he felt the same way.

  “If you don’t like it—”

  “Put it on me.” He lays his palm flat against my stomach, locking eyes with me as I slide it on. When I hit the base of his finger, he curls our hands and knifes up, touching his lips to mine. “I love it,” he says softly.

  “It reminded me of you.”

  “I’ll wear it with pride.”

  I bite the inside of my c
heek, trying to think of a way to bring up the next subject delicately. “Do you want to talk about Sunday night?”

  “What’s there to talk about?”

  “We haven’t really discussed it, and I know how much it meant to you.”

  “We lost. It happens. It’s only a game.”

  “It surprises me you’re so calm about it. The Super Bowl is a big deal. You’ve been working toward this the entire season, maybe even your entire life.”

  He twists, adjusts the pillows, and then scoots to lean on the headboard, the whole time keeping our hands joined. When he gets settled, he has a gleam in his eyes. “Grace, did you watch the after game interviews?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I was too upset for you.”

  “Well, let me see if I can explain this without sounding like a pompous asshole. I won the Super Bowl last year as a second-year quarterback. It was my year to be on fire. I knew it walking onto the plane last year that we would bring the trophy back to Miami. It was ‘there’. Everything clicked. This year, it didn’t. We fought hard, but in the end, they were a better team. We have next year, and the motivation is there. Our team will take some time to let it settle, and when we hit the field again, we’ll use this as motivation.”

  “I can’t believe you’re so calm.”

  “Losing you hurt a million times worse than losing that game. There will always be another game. That’s why when the reporter asked me what I was doing next, I told her the truth.”

  “The truth?”

  The gleam in his eyes starts to dance, and he swirls my diamond ring around my finger. “The truth. She expected me to say something along the lines of going home and watching the tapes until I found my errors, or expending all my energy in the offseason to correct those errors. Instead, I told her I was coming to Grace Land. That’s what was on my mind. So when I left Houston, I left the game behind, ready to get to you. And this ring you’ve given me means so much more than a Super Bowl ring.”

  We stare at each other for a few seconds. So many things come to mind to say, but none of them can equate to the way my heart is bursting. This man has always had the ability to take my breath away.

  “Did you actually say you were going to Grace Land?”

  “I did. Only a few people in my inner circle actually know what that means.”

  “The tourism in Memphis probably skyrocketed with fans.”

  “Maybe, but you’re the only fan I care about.”

  “Sexy Six is off the market.” I giggle.

  “Sexy Six is hitched. Gone for good. No other woman will ever turn my head.”


  “Only for you. Now, can we get back to our reunion? Because tomorrow we’ve got a house to look at. While my wife’s learning to make masterpieces, I’ve got to get us moved. Then I give it one week tops until our families are calling about visiting.”

  “One more question.”

  “Grace!” He throws his head back, rolling his eyes at the ceiling. “We’ve got the rest of our lives for questions. You’re straddling me, naked, tormenting me with your body. There are much more important things to do right now.” He rocks his hips again.

  “Tell me about the house you found, and I promise to hold all further questions until it’s you who can’t walk tomorrow.”

  This gets his attention, and his head snaps up, determination on his face.

  “The house is on the edge of Doni’s property, with enough room for us to have guests. She may be a recluse, but she likes the idea of having us close. It’s ours as long as we want it.”

  I know this house. It’s quaint, charming, and exactly what I would have picked.

  “It’s all so surreal,” I whisper, the weight of the last few months evaporating.

  “Three years in the making, and finally, we’re starting our life together the way it should be.”

  A lump forms in my throat, and my eyes start to tingle. “Don’t make me cry.”

  “As long as they’re tears of happiness, it’s okay.”

  “Delirious happiness,” I correct him.

  “I’m going to give you everything in my power to make you happy always.”

  “You already do.”


  5 Months Later, July, Thomasville, GA


  I stare at the enormous field that separates Roy’s house from Carl and Sharon’s. Masses of people are cleaning up from our wedding celebration last night. Tents are being lowered and tables stacked and loaded into vans. It’s hard to believe that less than twelve hours ago, this place was packed with hundreds of guests. The people of Thomasville will be talking about that party for years.

  Grace and I decided to have family only at the small ceremony under the peach tree. That family now includes Doni, who traveled with us with a surprisingly great attitude. The only outsider was the family minister, and he beamed with pride when Grace and I exchanged vows. He mentioned Kayla a few times, which brought tears from the women. Even Roy wiped his eyes a few times.

  At six forty-five, Grace Rae Monroe officially became Grace Rae Bennett. In my mind, it happened on that day in January at the vineyard in Greece, but now the world knows.

  The vision of Grace walking to me on her dad’s arm will stay in my mind until my last dying day. Her violet eyes stayed locked with mine with every step. It was very traditional until I slipped the band on her finger. What happened next was out of my control. I hauled her to me and kissed her until my lungs burned from lack of oxygen. Time stood still, and it was just me and her until Shaw nudged me to acknowledge the minister.

  Perfect… it was all perfect.

  Then we got back to the reception and all hell broke loose. Grace was hijacked by almost every man in attendance. Shaw and Mathis were laughing their asses off, but there was nothing funny in my mind. When Eddie Jarvis moved in to kiss her cheek, I saw his life flash before my eyes.

  Again, my brothers found this hilarious.

  That was it. I was done. Grace was no longer moving more than six inches from me for the rest of the night.

  I found great pleasure carrying her away from the reception to the waiting car as she sputtered incoherently and the crowd cheered. Our hotel was an hour away, so I had plenty of time to make it up to her.

  Oh yeah, it was perfect.

  “You’re here early.” Roy joins me on the back porch.

  “Grace wanted to help her mom with the brunch. We came by to pick up Bizzy and Shaw. Grace disappeared upstairs to help Bizzy while Shaw loads the car.”

  “Bizzy going to make it back to Miami without having that baby?”

  “She’s not due for six weeks.”

  “Could have fooled me.”

  “That’s why it’s great to have a doctor in the family. Mathis is pretty much on call twenty-four-seven nowadays.”

  He crosses his arms across his chest in the signature ‘Roy’ stance. I wait, knowing he has something else to say.

  “I need to apologize to you for the position we put you in.” His statement shocks me. I was assuming we’d never mention it again.

  “It’s done. I’m the one who made the stupid decisions. Thank God she forgave me fully,” I tell him honestly.

  “She’s happy. My Peach Princess is the happiest I’ve ever seen her. Thank you for that.”

  “That’s my life goal, her happiness. ‘Til my last breath.”

  He smiles, gripping my shoulder affectionately, our little heart to heart coming to an end.

  “I’ll see you at brunch. I’m going to go spend some time with Claire before she leaves me again for your brother.”

  “The offer still stands. You can have her if you want her!” I call to his back as he goes inside.

  “Are you trying to give Claire away again?” Bizzy comes around the side yard, waddling toward me.

  “No one will take her.”

  “She may get a complex one day.”

  Bizzy tries to keep a straight face, but we both laugh
at the same time.

  “Okay, she’ll never get a complex,” Bizzy admits.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  “I needed to talk to you for a minute alone.” She comes to stand in front of me, taking my hand in hers. She spins my ring until it’s at my knuckle.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I noticed the tan line on your finger the other day, but I didn’t get a chance to ask you about it.”

  “Tan line?” I know exactly where she’s going with this, so I avoid meeting her eyes.

  “Nicky, look at me.”

  When I do, I’m busted.

  “I knew it! You got married in Greece!”

  “Yeah, we did, but we’d prefer to keep it quiet. A lot of feelings may get hurt.”

  “But you couldn’t tell me?” she asks in a wounded voice.

  Now I feel like shit. Bizzy hurt is one of my undoings, but Bizzy pregnant and upset could kill me, so I decide to tell her the truth and hope she understands. “Biz, it was something between us. When I went to Greece back in January, I wasn’t leaving her there with any doubts about the level of my devotion. It was a commitment ceremony.”

  Her eyes start to shine, and she pounces on me, her large stomach hitting me first. I grunt, stepping back at the force.

  “I’m so happy for you!” she cries into my chest.

  Relief washes through me that she’s not crying for another reason.

  “Thank you.” I kiss the top of her head.

  “When I have this baby, I may beat your ass, but for now I’ll be excited.”

  “You may have that baby today if you bump me like that again,” I tease her and then yelp when she pinches my side.

  “Don’t be a shithead. I’m perfectly fine.”

  It’s not smart to argue, so I grumble again.

  “I can’t wait until Grace is pregnant. You’ll see that your little remarks aren’t very cute.”

  “I can’t wait either, and I’ll gladly eat my words when she’s as round as you and waddling like a duck.”

  “OOOWWWW!” I scream at the pain of her nails pinching harder.


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