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Skin Deep

Page 1

by Burke, Dez

  Skin Deep

  Copyright 2013 Dez Burke

  A very special thank you to Mary Craig for painstakingly going through the book word for word under a tight deadline to catch my many errors.

  Chapter One

  The white-columned Antebellum mansion was gorgeous. Angela Neil had never seen anything so grand. She leaned forward from the plush passenger seat of the limo so she could better view the expanse of the grounds as the chauffeur rode around the circular drive. The one-hour ride finally ended; they had arrived.

  The shrubs near the front entrance of the mansion were being trimmed by a handful of gardening staff. Two expensive-looking cars, one an SUV and the other a Porsche, were parked just off the side of the three-story home.

  Angela took a deep breath and sat back against the warm leather.

  What was she setting herself up for here? Her agent, Megan Shaw had been vague. Something about an interesting job that would require Angela’s acting skill. Angela had wanted names and details, but Megan had said the client preferred to maintain discretion and privacy until Angela had the chance to meet him in person.

  Angela was intrigued. She didn’t get this kind of strange offer every day. To meet a rich guy at his fancy Nashville mansion to discuss a mysterious job proposal. Angela’s brow furrowed. If she didn’t trust Megan so much, she’d never have agreed to even go along with this encounter no matter how much he was willing to pay.

  It didn’t help that she happened to be out of acting work at the moment. Not to mention being flat out broke with the bills piling up every day. It wasn’t that Angela succumbed to the age-old vice of living beyond her means. Instead every penny she made went toward her father’s assisted living facility. A good paying job would be very helpful toward paying down a few of her bills. Getting decent care for her father was the most important thing in the world to her and there wasn’t much she wouldn’t do to provide for it if she could.

  That didn’t mean she was desperate though. When she’d pressed Megan for more information, Megan had stood firm. “All that’s required is a little bit of your time, Angela. You can be assured of your safety as I won’t put you up for something questionable. I’m quite sure you’ll be interested in what this potential client has to say. It won’t hurt for you to go listen to him. ”

  “You’d better not be sending me to something fishy,” Angela had replied. If this was some eccentric moneybag trying to get her attention so he could proposition her, she’d strangle someone.

  Angela couldn’t exactly call herself a starlet but she did have her share of crazy offers from rich men who believed that just because she was a struggling actress, she could be treated like a cheap lay. She’d received a few indecent proposals in the past and she wasn’t entertaining such rubbish if that was the case.

  This time, Megan had sounded offended. “Just trust me, okay? I’ve always had your best interests at heart and this is no different. You don’t have to agree to anything at this point; just go to the interview. A driver will be sent to pick you up at three tomorrow. Be ready.”

  Angela had sighed with frustration when she’d finally hung up. Megan wasn’t usually so mysterious. What was so special about this job and why the secrecy? How much had Megan been offered to get her to even be interested in something like this? A private meeting in the home of a stranger at an unknown location. Angela fought down a shiver. If anything happened to her, she’d never forgive that agent of hers.

  Her vengeful thoughts made her lips tilt in a small smile, which faded as the limo finally came to a stop. She inhaled deeply, hesitating slightly when the chauffeur came round and held open the door for her. This was it. Whatever ‘this’ was. She was a big girl; she could face almost anything that came her way. And she’d been assured that if she didn’t like what she heard, she could leave. Surely she had nothing to lose?

  Gathering her composure like a shawl around her, Angela stepped elegantly from the limousine.


  Who the hell is that?

  Shane looked out through the windows at the woman who emerged from the sleek black limo that stood parked in front of the house. She paused to take in her surroundings and this gave him the opportunity to view her unobserved for a few more moments.

  Angela Neil was a slim, shapely woman with attractive mocha-colored skin and flowing dark brown hair reaching past her shoulders in sophisticated waves. Angela could have easily been a model; she moved and looked like one though perhaps, packed a lot more curves than the acceptable size zero types. She wore a short white dress with bright pink shoes and carried a matching purse.

  Needless to say, she was beautiful. Though definitely not what he’d expected when Linda, his assistant told him a woman was arriving shortly to interview for the position. He’d specifically asked Linda to request someone his usual type, blonde and stunning for the job. And here this woman was…not blonde, but definitely stunning.

  As if suddenly aware of his scrutiny, the woman looked up quickly at his window. Shane resisted the urge to step back. The room he stood in was in complete darkness and he was well in shadow. She might see a semblance of form but she couldn’t be sure what it was, he knew. She looked down again and walked up the steps to the front of the house, disappearing from view.

  Shane drew in a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding, and then deftly buttoned up his shirt.

  Time to make Ms. Neil an offer she couldn’t possibly refuse.


  Angela’s curiosity was aroused and she had no idea what to expect as she was led through the most extravagantly decorated home she’d ever seen. It was as big inside as she’d suspected; everything super-size from the front door to the foyer and then the long, spreading hallway. It was like being on a movie set, not that she’d know what that meant since she’d only been in one feature film, a very small one. But she had the general idea of what kind of home someone with a new truckload of cash would own. And this was the height of it.

  Hiding her awed thoughts, she schooled her features and smiled calmly as the formally dressed, black-haired woman who’d shown her in finally held open a door and ushered her to enter.

  “Mr. Davis is already waiting to see you,” the middle-aged, slim and petite woman said with a professionally bright smile in return.

  Finally, a name, thought Angela who nodded and quelled any lingering feeling of doubt or hesitation. Brushing past the woman who’d introduced herself at the door as Linda Brentwood, Angela walked smartly into the room beyond.

  The door closed behind her. She looked around curiously to find it designed with style and sumptuousness in mind. Nothing crass or showy in place. The room was large, certainly bigger than the size of her whole apartment. There were tightly curtained windows lining one end which was shadowy compared to where she stood inside the now shut doorway. Her eyes quickly scanned the bookcases, the stately furniture and rugs, the ornate fireplace and finally, the desk on the far side of the room.

  Angela drew in a breath. There was a man seated there. He didn’t rise, but waved his arm to a chair close to where Angela stood.

  “Welcome to my home, Ms. Neil. Please, have a seat.”

  Angela’s eyes widened at the sound of that voice. Full, deep and very masculine. It sent a shiver down her spine. Why couldn’t she see him? Why all the mystery? Shrugging imperceptibly, she took the chair offered and primly sat on the edge, knees together.

  She hadn’t been sure what to wear. So she’d gone for a simple white silk dress; something sensible yet fashionable enough to flatter her shape. Her hair was freshly done and her makeup was flawless and light. Angela took great pride in her appearance and had nothing to be intimidated about when it came to her looks. But seated at one end of the room while her mysterious, obviously ri
ch host sat on the other, she felt a jolt of nerves as she wondered what he could want with her.

  He’d sounded young, perhaps early thirties? She could barely make out the outlines of his face and he was dressed in a light-colored shirt. A tanned hand lay on the desk, close to the lamp and it was the one thing she could see clearly. Long, tapering fingers lightly dusted with blonde hairs.

  He was definitely white, somewhat young though most probably a little older than she was. And intriguing enough to make Angela stay planted on her seat even when he hadn’t had the courtesy to stand up or shake her hand when she appeared.

  “Thank you, Mr. Davis,” she said neutrally, and waited.

  “I appreciate you coming today. I promise to take only a little of your time. I’m hopeful our meeting will reach a positive conclusion,” he returned.

  Angela inhaled deeply and then let the air out in a tense rush. “Why don’t you tell me who you are and exactly why I’m here.”

  He seemed surprised for a moment. “You don’t know who I am?”

  She frowned and quickly ran his last name Davis through her brain. Nothing.

  He paused, then seemed to nod in agreement. “Okay, to the point it is then. My name is Shane Davis. I invited you to my house to offer you a business arrangement. It would involve you playing a certain role for a few weeks at the most.”

  “I see. You don’t exactly strike me as the Hollywood type, Mr. Shane Davis,” murmured Angela. His name didn’t sound at all familiar but then she couldn’t possibly know of every spectacularly rich male in the city of Nashville. She wondered if he was a music producer. “Are you some kind of casting director or maybe a producer? Because this is a weird way of auditioning your characters.”

  Angela knew this had nothing to do with a part in any kind of production. She just needed to sound on top of things and witticism was usually her most able defense.

  And yet when he again paused for a few moments, Angela had to warn herself that maybe she needed to let him do most of the talking. She didn’t want to be caught at a disadvantage, or end up sounding stupid. She wasn’t sure why she wanted to make a good impression on this faceless man anyway.

  “My proposition is unusual, but very straightforward and simple.” His tone sounded brisker and even cooler now.

  Angela stiffened at his cryptic words and waited for him to continue, her heart pounding with the strangest excitement she’d ever experienced. Something told her she just may not like what she was about to hear…

  Chapter Two

  One thing was for sure; he knew how to get his intentions across, noted Angela some minutes later. Turned out her mystery host was a private and wealthy man who for a few short weeks required someone to perform the role of his girlfriend.

  Angela’s misgivings lightened somewhat. This wasn’t totally unheard of. Professional escorts did this all the time, didn’t they? And she wasn’t thinking about the call girl variety of course. But the independent companions who were paid to play the attentive, refined girlfriend to a discerning and well-heeled client. Men of standing who sought elegant, beautiful and charming women they would be proud to showoff as a companion for a given amount of time. Women who would be able to blend into any given environment, and shine whatever the occasion. Naturally these women would understand the client’s need for a fleeting no-strings attachment that would terminate once the service was no longer required.

  At her age of twenty-seven Angela was comfortable with such arrangements, but had never been in the situation before. However, she couldn’t help being interested especially when he got to the part about the payment involved. When she heard the amount, her eyebrows shot up.

  “As you can imagine I have no problem compensating you handsomely for your time and convenience. A contract will draw up the elements of your duties in more detail, and once you agree the papers will be signed.”

  Angela nodded her understanding, staring harder at him and wishing she could see more of his appearance. She wondered what he looked like.

  “Is there anything else you’d like to know?”

  Those words from him made Angela start. So far her mind had been in a whirl considering all the possibilities. Now she couldn’t help but frown slightly as she said, “Actually, I do have one question. Why are you doing this? Surely there are plenty of women willing to date you. With your money you must have women tripping over themselves to be on your arm. And they’d look more at place than I ever could. I’m talking women from your social circle and um…ethnicity. Or maybe you’re looking for a bit of shock factor. Is that it?”

  There were a few moments of silence before he replied.

  “No, frankly, I need a woman who will focus on the job without cultivating any romantic notions where I am concerned,” Shane Davis said bluntly. “I chose not to go the route of conventional dating because I don’t require the restrictions of an authentic relationship. All I need is someone who will play her part, and then go on her merry way when the job is done. That’s what all that money is for, Ms. Neil. I’m buying your time and your confidentiality as well as the assurance that once the time comes, you’ll go your way without a fuss and I’ll go mine. Strictly business.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Angela surprised herself by saying. Well, she did. For all that money, she would be okay with being his arm candy for a few weeks. She’d have imagined he’d prefer one of those Barbie type blondes or whatever the stereotype for the perfect girlfriend was these days for a man of means.

  But like he’d said, he had his reasons. They obviously didn’t concern her which was cool, for now. However she’ll be looking carefully over the fine print before she signed anything. She wondered if she’d need a lawyer? Not that she could afford one.

  Angela was already weighing the proposition and calculating what that kind of money would do to her ailing bank balance. Her mind was busy whirling as she considered her turn of fortune when his next words made her head snap back.

  “There’s only one catch, Ms. Neil,” said Shane Davis very plainly. Something in his voice had Angela narrowing her eyes as she held her breath.

  “During our temporary liaison, I’ll expect you to share my bed.”


  Angela should have known it was all too good to be true.

  As his words sank in she felt rage overtake her as she snatched up her purse and shot to her feet.

  “Are you saying I’m supposed to be sleeping with you as well? What do you think I am, a hooker?” She was glowering in his direction and already about to head right around out the door. Damn these rich assholes. Thought every woman was for sale. It was bad enough she was considering getting paid for her companionship. But sex for money? Hell no. She wasn’t raised that way and hoped to never be that desperate.

  He rose to his feet but even at that, she couldn’t see his face. Could only tell that he was very tall, and slim built, dressed in a light blue shirt, and to her surprise jeans that fitted perfectly to his frame.

  “I would have thought you’d be far more…open-minded,” he drawled.

  “Why? Because I’m an actress? Or is it because I’m black?” sneered Angela. “I won’t be propositioned like some floozy. I’m sure a man with your resources can find a barrel full of willing candidates if all you’re interested in is a cheap thrill.”

  She spun sharply on her heel and already had her hand on the knob. Her chest was heaving with fury and she felt close to tears. Damn! She hadn’t cried over anything in years. It had been a long time she’d felt in any way inadequate or demeaned. How on earth could she have thought this would be a good idea? He was probably one of those secretive perverts with more money than they knew what to do with.

  “Wait, Angela. Please.”

  Angela heard him but had no intention of heeding his command, except that from the corner of her eye she saw him move forward, away from the concealing shadow.

  Curiosity had her turning around and what she saw made her catch her breath.
r />   He had to be the most handsome man she’d ever seen. As he closed the gap between them she had a glimpse of his face; square-cut and tanned with light grey eyes and blonde, silky looking hair growing overlong and flopping across his forehead. But then he stepped completely into the pool of light and she could catch his full features and though she was jolted she didn’t look away. There were terrible scars on the right edge of his face, running from the side of his forehead, jaw and down to disappear into his collar.

  “I’ve offended you. I apologize,” he said. He didn’t seem perturbed by her fixed scrutiny and he stepped even closer. His grey eyes scanned her face as if searching for any kind of reaction to his appearance. Angela was filled with mostly curiosity but if he was looking for disgust or fear he wouldn’t find it.

  Besides, it was almost as if he wanted to shock her, what with the way he came so close as to be virtually within reach. But then he stopped, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets, adding mildly, “Chalk it down to being away from female company and in fact society for too long. I’ve kept to myself over such an extended period, I forget how to act around a beautiful, alluring woman. You don’t have to agree to that part of the bargain. Please forget I mentioned it.”

  “Oh, I never intended to,” Angela snapped, regaining her voice and composure. She looked right up at him without flinching at the sight of his face. “I know that my coming here could open me to all sorts of unseemly suggestions. I guess I deserved that, agreeing to meet a perfect stranger at a secluded mansion. What else could I have expected?”

  She couldn’t keep the bitterness from her tone, and saw him shove his fingers through his tumble of long hair. She couldn’t understand what it was about him that struck her so strongly. Apart from the scars, there was a certain element of him that was magnetic and thrilling.


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