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Keep Me Safe

Page 9

by Duka Dakarai

  I throw myself back against the pillows crossing my hands behind my head. Beaming widely, I arch an eyebrow. “Well, if you have come to my rescue twice now……I can only arrive at one assumption….”

  “Which is?” He growls playfully.

  “You have a big soft spot for me…….maybe you even love me a little.”

  He shakes his head, a soft chuckle playing on his lips. “Never going to happen, sweet cheeks.”

  “Oh really, big guy?” I run a toe along his thigh, dragging my tongue slowly across my bottom lip.

  Grabbing my foot, he turns himself towards me. He smirks. “As I said, never going to happen, sweet cheeks. Now spread those damn fine legs, I’m coming in!”


  Jack Mercer scrapes a hand across his bristled jawline. It has not escaped my notice that he is deliberately stalling before getting to the point he wants to raise. I indulge him for a few more minutes answering questions regarding my wellbeing and emotional state. But now, I just need to hear what he has to say.

  “Jack…..please just spit it out. What is the latest with the investigation?” I lean forward emphasising my need for news.

  He pulls a long drag of his cigarette and slowly shakes his head. “You know we can’t go any further at this time with regards to Alexei’s father. The man has been dead for nearly five years. But the case is not closed, Sky. I promise you. It’s in the hands of the Politsiya in Moscow now and we are in constant communication with them.”

  I nod quietly. “I understand. I have as much closure as I need for now. I still haven’t worked out how to tell my mother all of this yet.”

  Jack leans back into his chair stabbing his cigarette butt into the ashtray. “Do you plan to tell her everything? Even the affair? Think on it, Sky.”

  I scowl at him frustrated. “I’ve done nothing but think on it, Jack, for the last three days!”

  At the sound of my shout, Kane marches abruptly into the living room closely followed by Storm and Dalton. Throwing a glare at the two men, he squats down onto the arm of my chair. “So what’s the new development, Jack? Or did you just come here to upset her?”

  Jack presses his lips into a tight line. “You know me better than that, Kane. But what I do have to say may upset all of you….”

  I feel Kane tense beside me, a low growl bubbling in his throat. “Well?”

  “We have information that Natalya and Georgy still remain in the UK and….”

  John Keaton leaps to his feet. “We need you to act as bait, draw out them out of hiding.”


  I heard the sickening crunch even before my eyes registered that Kane had moved. I watch aghast as DCI Keaton’s body crumples into a mass of loose limbs onto the floor. Jack makes to stand before Kane swings his body to face him. “One more inch, Jack, and you’re next!” He snarls.

  I am frozen to my seat. I stare wide eyed as Storm lolls his huge frame to lean over Keaton’s lifeless body. He smirks with a slight shrug of his shoulders. “Brains, we need an ice pack in here!” He chuckles loudly.

  Moments later, Brains appears with a towel filled with ice cubes. She bends before Keaton who slowly sits himself up, dazed and bloodied at the mouth. He pulls a thumb across his bottom lip cursing at the metallic taste. He scowls at Kane, before his lips stretch into a small smile.

  “I’ve got a date tonight, you bastard, now look at me!”

  Jack Mercer pulls another cigarette from the packet stuffed low in his pocket. He lights himself and nods to Keaton. “If you’ve quite finished dancing on the floor, maybe we can continue our conversation.”

  Kane clenches both fists balling each at his sides. “There is no conversation to be had, Jack. You are not using Sky as a lure. End of discussion.”

  “I’d like to hear what Jack has to say, Kane. It’s not your decision, it’s mine.” I wrap a hand around his clenched fist.

  “I said no!” He barks wrenching himself free.

  I stand beginning to pace. “And I want this over. I have to do this.” I screech deep from my lungs. “Tell me what you want me to do, Jack.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  I haven’t been in front of a camera for weeks. But, standing here in the open air recording my news report, it is not the camera that is the cause of my sweating palms but the knowledge that I have agreed to be a human target – a lure, bait. I have agreed to remain ‘visible’, to return to the glare of the public, in full view.

  The cameraman grunts loudly before setting the lens on the tri-pod. “We’ve lost you again, Sky. You’re fidgeting. Do you want a short break?”

  I pull my focus back towards his frustrated face, nodding quietly. “I’m sorry. I was miles away. Maybe just five minutes?”

  As I sit my shaky legs onto the nearest seat, my eyes dart in every direction looking for him, hoping to just catch a glimpse of him. My teeth bite harshly into my bottom lip to halt the tremor. I need him here. Kane.

  My mind wanders back to my last night at the Safe House and the subsequent return of my protection into the hands of the Serious and Organised Crime Unit at Scotland Yard. By my very own arrangement, I had unknowingly terminated the contract with Elite Defence in agreeing to become the lure that will hopefully draw out Natalya and Georgy. The team were not happy. And I was the cause.

  I had tried to help them understand my decision but it fell on deaf ears. I couldn’t walk away now. I couldn’t. Yes, I had the answers to my years of searching. Alexei gave me that closure. That surreal gift. And now……now I must help him.

  As I had gathered up my belongings that night, Kane had leant against the doorframe of the bedroom we had shared. His face was set hard, his whole demeanor stiff and cold. I had tried to walk into his arms, to feel his warmth around me, but he had held me at a distance.

  “Please understand my decision, Kane.” I had said, searching his eyes.

  “Putting yourself deliberately at risk for someone you barely know?” He spat.

  I offered a small smile in response. “Isn’t that what you do every day, Kane?”

  He snorted. He had leant to pick up my bags and turned away from me ending the conversation. As I hugged the team, he had held back, his arms folded across his chest. I looked at him for several moments before running to him wrapping my arms around his waist inhaling his scent. I had peeked up into his emotionless face.

  “Will we see each other again? What about… know….?” I gulped back a sob.

  He lifted my chin, his eyes narrowed and dark. “My contract has been terminated. Jack is waiting for you.”

  So I had walked out into the waiting car squeezing my eyes tight to prevent the stinging tears from falling into view.

  And now as I nurse a coffee carton between my fingers sitting alone on this park bench, I close my eyes for a brief second, and he is here beside me. A singular finger lifts from the cardboard carton imagining the trace of his tattoo, its inky lines that kiss each muscle, curling and caressing his skin. I inhale deep through my nostrils drawing in the scent of his masculinity. I lick my lips and I can taste him once more…..

  “Are you ready to roll again?” The gruff voice causes me to leap to my feet spilling coffee all over my lap. I scowl at the cameraman. He returns the gesture.

  “You startled me! But yes, I’m ready.” I mutter, mopping away the coffee from my skirt.

  Once more, I stand in front of the lens. I take one more look around searching for a face in the crowd, a dark goatee and smoky eyes, but I see no-one. Taking a deep breath inwards, I nod to the camera and begin to roll the report.


  In the shadows cast by the late afternoon sun, he stands there silent as a hunter, watching her; the curve of her plump mouth, the swing of each hip, the rise and fall of each eyelid as they cloak the ocean blue of her eyes. The light summer breeze catches the underside of her golden hair flicking and whipping across her cheeks before wrapping itself seductively in a collar around her neck. She brushes a slende
r hand through the silky strands before allowing it fall against the swell of her breasts.

  Momentarily, he removes his eyes from her to scan the surrounding landscape. To his right, he notes the dusty haired city dweller reading The Times. To his left, a couple of joggers approach. He steps back deeper into the shadows until they pass without notice of his presence. Straight ahead in his line of sight, a woman stands gently scolding a young child.

  He smirks folding his arms across his chest. His finger traces the cool metal of his gun hidden in his shoulder strap. And once again, his eyes return to fall upon the blonde beauty.


  Storm hisses as the hot liquid burns his mouth. A gentle giggle behind him meets his scowl before his mouth breaks into a wide smile. The very sight of her instantly calms him. Out of habit, hell no lust, his eyes scan her hourglass frame taking in every delicious curve. As he is lost in her, he misses the swift swipe of the dish towel as it catches at his arm.

  “Hey!” He growls playfully at her.

  Brains arches an eyebrow. “When are you going to stop checking me out every morning?”

  He throws a shy smirk. “When you stop assaulting my eyes with that cock-teasing body.”

  Dalton coughs, spluttering coffee down his chin. He sniggers as he wipes himself clean.

  Brains narrows her eyes threateningly. “Don’t you encourage him!”

  Dalton raises each hand in surrender. “He doesn’t need any encouraging, Brains. Just sleep with the poor man and put him out of his hell. Can’t you see how you torture him daily?”

  Storm stands wrapping his huge frame around her waist. He nuzzles the top of her head as she squirms and wiggles in his arms. “Dalton has a point, you know, Brains. It’s only your feminine stubbornness that stops you from letting me have my wicked way with you. Give in and make me a happy man.”

  Brains pulls herself free before reaching up on tip-toes to wrap her hands around his neck. She smiles suggestively before gently skimming her lips across his mouth. As a groan rumbles in his throat, she nips her teeth into his lower lip, her words vibrating against the skin. “So not going to happen, big man.”

  They leap apart as the office door slams into its frame. Kane stands before them a balled fist on each hip and his mouth twisted reflecting his dire mood. “Either get it on or don’t…..I don’t give a shit. Just leave the flirting outside the office fucking door!”

  The three team members each share a glance before seating themselves ready for the morning de-brief. Kane pours himself a coffee, tosses his mobile onto the desk and rakes a hand through his hair. He looks up to find three faces staring intently in his direction. Storm is the first to challenge his mood.

  “What’s eating you…..or do we get three guesses?”

  Brains shakes her head. “I don’t need three guesses. I know what’s eating you.”

  Kane lurches forward, his face taut. “And what’s that?”

  She shakes her head slowly. “Not what. Who.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “And she will be there? You are certain?” Natalya rolls the stocking over her tanned thigh securing it in place with the lace clip of the suspender. She eyes him in the reflection of her mirror as she checks her make-up. She doesn’t recognise herself under the disguise. She smirks before turning to face him.

  “Of course she will be there. She is the guest of honour.” Georgy barks in response.

  Natalya sways across the room before stopping before him. He casts his eyes over her body, his eyes instantly hooded with lust. “Calm yourself, my darling. I will finish it tonight.” She twirls a finger through her mousy blonde wig. “Now fix the gun into my garter.”

  She bends her leg allowing him access watching as he slides a chubby hand slowly along her thigh towards her sex. Resisting the urge to wince at his repulsive touch, she forces a sweet smile. He continues caressing her until his hand cups the sexual mound. Adjusting the silken material of her panties with a thumb, he roughly inserts two fingers into the folds beginning to pump and grate against the skin of her channel.

  Natalya gasps as he fucks his fingers deeper into her. His round face spreads into a wide smile releasing a chuckle. “I will give you pleasure, my Natalya, then you must pay me in kind.”

  She grinds her teeth in her clenched jaw. “Yes, Georgy. Always.”


  I nervously palm the imaginary crease out of my Roland Mouret baby pink dress for the umpteenth time managing to avoid staining the silk material with my clammy hand. All around me the atmosphere is buzzing with excitement as the time soon approaches for the official announcement and launch of my signature Make Up line. I feel my knees trembling as I clock watch each minute as they drag towards the hour. I need another glass of champagne, and almost as though she mind read my thoughts, a waitress appears at my elbow with flutes balancing upon a silver platter.

  I offer a grateful smile as she lifts the tray in offering. For a fleeting moment, I am distracted by the incongruence of her appearance; dirty mousy blonde hair against olive skin and dark green eyes which I assume are a bad choice of contacts. I give my head a slight shake before reaching for a glass. She smiles wide before taking her leave, disappearing into the mass of media junkies.

  I look around the venue, still hoping after these three weeks have passed, that I will see his face, feel his presence looking out for me. Keeping Me Safe. The WYLD bar in the W Hotel in central Leicester Square is the destination bar with a secret entrance providing the ultimate party venue by night and alternative media space by day. Banquette seating forms the edge of this circular lounge to face the performance or party. WYLD is the place to host premier events, receptions or product launches. And tonight the place is filled to the rafters with bitching beauty editors, journalists and all the beautiful people. But despite my wishing it were so, I cannot see him. Instead, I see the anonymous suited men hidden amongst the party crowd.


  The microphone screeches alerting us to the moment of the announcement. I am ushered onto the platform and duly paraded for the cameras. Flash bulbs blind my eyes as I smile and twirl into every pose as instructed. I take my place in front of the stage holding the microphone ready for the ‘big sell’.

  As she inches her way through the throng in front of the stage, no-one notices a waitress, instead stepping aside to allow her passage. Natalya slides a subtle hand down her uniform reaching for the cold metal hidden inside her garter.

  I look out into the crowd as my eyes are drawn to the champagne waitress who eagerly pushes her way through to the front. She seems intent to reach the stage. I smile directly at her until the look of hatred becomes evident in her eyes. Feeling suddenly fearful, I try to peel my eyes away but I am frozen. I can hear voices around me ushering me to speak but my whole being is focused in her direction. As she raises her hand the object gripped within her fingers is reflected against the chrome of the bar surroundings. I raise my hands in defense as the sound of the shot vibrates through the air.

  Pain slams into my chest, metallic liquid flushes my mouth as my body falls and crashes backwards to the floor.


  A weight is crushing every breath out of my lungs. I try to suck air inwards but my chest cannot respond against the restriction. A strangled cry traps in my throat as my eyes snap open. My nostrils fill with the scent of……… him.

  “Kane……” I whisper.

  “Shhh. Lie still. You’re safe. I’ve got you.” He brushes gentle lips across my forehead. He adjusts his weight from on top of me to engulf me in his arms.

  I squeeze my arms around him beginning to sob quietly into the warmth of his neck as he whispers words of comfort against my ear.

  Chapter Twenty One

  The office at Elite Defence is awash with Police Officers. DCI Jack Mercer is growling into his mobile. Although I am still dazed, I have been able to comprehend that the shot that rang out through the air was from the firearm that Kane carries in his shoulder holster.
The lethal bullet entered Natalya’s skull before her finger registered against the trigger of her own gun.

  And in her purse within the employee locker at the Hotel was the room key of the run down hotel where she and Georgy had hidden. Georgy was now in Police custody singing like a canary and shoveling the entirety of the blame at Natalya’s door.

  “Are we done? I need to get Sky out of here and away from all of this.” Kane gestures to the commotion within his office. The rest of the team nod their agreement.

  “Yes, take Sky away, Kane. There’s nothing more we can do tonight. Sky, I’ll be in contact shortly but in the meantime, try to get some rest. The Liaison Officer will be available whenever you need her so don’t hesitate to call, ok?” Jack squeezes my hand.


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