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Joe Football

Page 3

by Autumn Sand

  “Okay. Be right back.” She jogs off to the lockers.

  “Oh, look at that hottie over there.” He points to a football player on the field running to catch a ball.

  “You can’t see his face. How do you know he’s hot?”

  “His ass is hot. Just look at it. You can bounce a quarter off of it, doll,” Cal says, as he leans forward with his elbows on his knees and chin on hands.

  I look at the players running various scrimmages plays on the field. I recognize most of them because of my dad and brother. The team looks pretty good out there, and I wonder if Brice is among them. I don’t know his number or what position he is on on the team. Jana walks back over to us, fully-showered and changed. She has her hair up in a messy ponytail that is touching her shoulders and a hot pink top with low white waist yoga pants. The colors look great on her.

  “Ready?” she asks.

  Cal and I grab our things and head down the steps, onto the field. The football team is on break from practice. Some of them spread out across the field to stretch, others get some water, and still others hang around to discuss plays with each other.

  The three of us pass some of the players as we figure out where we want to go eat. The group of players we are walking past is talking initially, but when we come near them, they stop, and all eyes are on us. I absentmindedly play with the bracelets that Trevor gave me for my birthday years ago, while wishing we could hide from the stares.

  “What are you doing out here on our field, fag,” one of the players yells.

  “No cocksuckers allowed,” another calls out, as the rest of the small group throws more horrendous names towards Cal.

  Cal’s face turns red, and his eyes begin to water. Jana grabs his arm. “Don’t listen to those idiots,” she says, loud enough for them to hear her.

  “Jana, what ya hanging around him for? I thought I taught you the definition of a real man last week in my bed. If you need another lesson, just come over tonight,” one of the players smirks.

  “Fuck you, KEVIN.” Jana yells back.

  “We already did. Got the nail marks on my back to prove it,” Kevin thunders back.

  Jana’s bottom lip quivers and her eyes water. I look around and see Jameson just staring, not willing to step in and stop them. Asshole. “Jana, Cal, let’s just get out of here. These losers are not worth our time.” I turn to glower at the players.

  “No fags ALLOWED. We don’t want you cheering for our team,” a few of the team members yell out.

  “ENOUGH. Leave them ALONE.” Brice’s voice booms from behind us. I turn to see him with his helmet in his hand, glaring at his teammates.

  “Just having fun,” Kevin replies, taking a step forward.

  “I don’t give a shit. Leave. Them. Alone.” Brice spits out angrily, moving the helmet from one hand to the other.

  “Or what?” Kevin snarls, clearly prepping for a fight.

  Brice drops his helmet to the ground and walks forward, flexing his muscles. “I think you and I both know what’ll happen.” Brice gets directly in Kevin’s face. “Care to test me?”

  Kevin’ eyes widen, and he takes a step back. “No, Brice. We’re good.”

  “Anyone else got a problem?” Brice looks at his teammates.

  Everyone shakes their head and turns to walk away. I place my hand on top of my chest to steady my thundering heartbeat. Jameson just stands, looking at us, as Brice turns around. “You guys okay?”

  Jana and Cal look visibly shaken. “Yes, I think so,” I say, as I glance at my friends, before my eyes meet his. “Thank you.”

  “I can’t stand asshole behavior like that. It’s a total dick move,” he replies, taking a few steps closer to me. His brown eyes have a genuine look of concern. “You sure you and your friends are okay?”

  “Yeah. I should get them out of here.”

  “Listen, if you wait, I’ll shower and change. Maybe I can come with you?” All the anger that was in him, ready to take on the members of his team a few minutes ago, is gone. He looks kind of bashful, in a cute sort of way.

  “Umm, I don’t know...” I start, but Cal interrupts me.

  “We’re going to grab some pizza in town. We’ll wait for you in the parking lot,” Cal says, as I stare at him, my mouth agape.

  “Okay. Let me just tell Coach I’m cutting out. I’ll see you guys out there in a minute.” Brice jogs off in the direction of his coach.

  “What the hell?” I punch Cal in the arm.

  He rubs the spot where I hit him. “He has a thing for you, and it is evident to anyone with eyes that you have a thing for him. Give him a chance,” Cal defends, all signs of his earlier sadness gone.

  “Yeah, he came to our rescue. Something that douchebag Jameson didn’t do,” Jana adds.

  I look over to see Jameson walking towards us. He steps into the circle that Cal, Jana, and I have formed. “What do you want?” My tone is deadpan when I ask him.

  “Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. These are my teammates, and we all stick together,” he says, while looking down at his feet.

  “Well, Brice didn’t seem to have a problem with stepping up,” Cal throws at him.

  Jameson’s head pops up as if we slapped him. “Well, Brice always seems to do what Brice wants to do.”

  “Guess that’s why he’s the starting quarterback, and you’re not,” Jana replies with a smile on her lips that doesn’t reach her eyes.

  “Favor, you understand, don’t you? Besides, Cal, you know how some of the members feel. Why would you put yourself in that type of predicament by coming here?”

  I jab my finger in Jameson’s chest. “How dare you. Don’t you put this on Cal as if it’s his fault. It’s those asshole team members of yours. Are you saying you want Cal to hide? Or not be himself? I swear, Jameson, do you hear yourself at all? You sound like a bigger asshole than the rest of them.” I storm off towards the exit, with Cal and Jana behind me. Once out in the parking lot, I let out a scream of frustration.

  “Forget him, honey.” Cal offers me support when it should be the other way around.

  I close my eyes and count to ten before responding. “He’s already forgotten.”

  “So, Brice stuck up for us. That was pretty impressive,” Jana says brightly. She can always find a rainbow somewhere.

  “Yeah, it was. I just met him recently at the bonfire. But I didn’t learn his name until earlier today,” I say.

  “You mean, you had a one on one with Brice at the bonfire?” Cal asked, enthused.

  “He helped hide me when Jameson was looking for me.”

  “Oh. My. GOD. You’ve been holding out on us, you little minx,” Cal yells out while clapping his hands together.

  “There was nothing to tell, actually.” What was I going to say about that night? I met a really, really hot guy, with a baritone voice that made me want to throw my panties at him and, oh by the way, I didn’t get his name? Yeah, that would’ve gone over well with this group.

  “Well, he’s sure digging you. I’ve never seen him look at a girl the way he was looking at you,” Jana admits.

  “He has quite the reputation as a manwhore around campus. Well, he and his best friend, Egon.” Cal places his index finger on his cheek. “I swear, what is with those Philly boys? They are all kinds of sexy. Are they breeding them like that over there?” Cal asks, as he fans himself with his hands in an exaggerated fashion.

  Jana nudges me in my side, and I see Brice walking towards us. We abruptly break our conversation and smile at him. He stops and smiles back awkwardly. “What? Do I have something on my shirt?”

  “No, but you most definitely have something,” Cal says under his breath.

  Brice cuts a glance at him, and I quickly say, “Don’t mind Cal. He’s still in shock from what happened in the stadium.” I allow my eyes to roam over Brice’s physique, hoping he doesn’t notice.

  The four of us drive into town for pizza. We order two pies, as it seems Brice ca
n eat one all by himself. However, I can’t even eat because I can’t stop staring at Brice, all while trying to pretend I’m eating. A couple of girls stop by our table to ask Brice for his autograph and slide him their numbers. Brice takes the numbers and as soon as the girls aren’t looking, he tears up the paper. The door chimes as Tattoo Guy walk into the restaurant.

  “Brice-o,” Tattoo Guy calls out.

  Brice turns and smiles brightly. He stands and gives his friend a man hug. “Egon, I’d like you to meet Favor. Favor, this is my best friend, Egon. You already know Jana and Cal, I think.”

  Egon shakes my hand and flashes his gray eyes at me. “Yeah, I think I’ve met Jana and Cal once or twice at some parties. You’re Regan’s friends…right?”

  Jana and Cal both nod and say their hellos back. “Sit and join us, bro,” Brice says. Egon takes a seat next to us, while watching the waitress in a too-tight skirt walk by. He shakes his head and turns to look at us.

  “Wow, so, the Favor. Finally, I get to meet the Golden Unicorn,” Egon goads. Brice gives him a warning look that Egon ignores.

  My eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Golden Unicorn?”

  He looks at Brice and then back to me. “Uh, nothing.” He clears his throat. “Listen, I can’t stay long. I have band practice. Why don’t you three come out and watch my band play this Friday? I can get you tickets at Brice’s table.” Jana and Cal both say yes before I even have a chance to digest what he said. “Great. I’ll leave the tickets at the door.” He stands and waves bye to us, before heading to the counter to place an order.

  We settle our tab and head back to campus. Brice drove, so he parks at mine and Jana’s dorm, and walks with us. Jana and Cal walk ahead of us to, I think, give us some privacy. But I don’t know what to say to him. He’s a football player, and I just can’t put myself out there for that type of trouble.

  “Would you like to go out sometime?” Brice asks, pulling me away from my thoughts.

  “Umm. Well, we are going out, aren’t we, on Friday?”

  “I meant, just the two of us. I hear it’s called a date these days.” He smirks at me.

  I nibble on my bottom lip while avoiding his eyes. “I can’t,” I say, as Jana and Cal, who have apparently heard our conversation, spin around and glare at me. So much for privacy. I pointedly ignore them.

  “Okay. Is it a timing issue?” he persists.

  “Umm. No, it’s, umm…I don’t date football players,” I say. Cal and Jana’s mouths drop open.

  “You don’t date football players? Didn’t you used to date Jameson?” His head tilts to the side.

  “I never dated Jameson.” That’s the truth. Jameson and I never dated. Our relationship was quite a different thing.

  “You never dated Jameson?”

  “No, I didn’t,” I say, with more conviction.

  “Okay. So why don’t you date football players?” he presses.

  “I don’t like football,” I say honestly.

  “I’m not asking you to watch me play. Just out on a date.”

  “Listen I can’t. I’m sorry, but I just can’t.” I walk past Brice and my friends, and run into the dorm as if my life depended on it. I rush into my room and shut the door, finally able to breathe, knowing I took the coward’s way out.

  Chapter 4


  Walking through campus, I can’t help but replay last night’s events. Favor completely freaked out on me and ran away, over me asking her out on a date. I thought I felt the connection we both had, or was that in my head simply because it’s something I’ve wanted for so long.

  I even interrupted Egon’s band practice last night because I needed to talk about it. When did I turn into a chick? Guys don’t discuss how they are feeling, and analyze what another person did or said. But her response threw me. Hell, even her friends were standing with their mouths open.

  After Egon spent most of the time teasing me that I had lost my balls somewhere yesterday, he finally said that she must be scared of something. What that something was, though, he didn’t know. His response didn’t exactly make me feel any better, so I ended up going to the gym to take my frustration out on the treadmill instead.

  I make it to the English building and see Jameson talking to a few people. They all stare at him as if he has something important to say. Jameson loves to tell stories of what it was like growing up with a football hero, and he name drops constantly.

  The two of us are not, and will never be, the best of buddies, since I took his spot on the team. The team was floundering when he was in the starting spot. Once the coach moved me into the position, we now have a chance at the Championships.

  A switch like that could have hurt someone’s career, but not Jameson. Jameson has the connections to get him onto any team in the NFL, whereas a schmuck like me has to work extra hard for a spot, even though I have more talent in my pinky finger than Jameson will ever have. I guess the saying is correct that it’s all about who you know. I decide to interrupt Jameson and his adoring fans.

  “Jameson, what’s going on?” I call out as I step into the group that is listening to him most likely bragging about himself.

  “Oh, Brice. What’s up man?” he says with an unmistakable look of disapproval.

  Two girls who, just a moment ago, were hanging on his every word, flock over to me. I smile down at them. “Ladies,” I say, pulling out all the charms.

  “Hey, Brice,” they say in unison.

  “So, what are you talking about, Jameson?” I don’t care, but I just love to fuck with him, especially right now.

  “Oh, Jameson was just telling us about the time when his father’s team came over to his house for his birthday party when he was ten,” one of the girl’s chimes in.

  “Is that so?” I say, looking at Jameson as he gives me a look of death.

  “Yeah, that is so. Don’t you have somewhere you need to be, Brice?”

  I do, but damn if I’m going to be the first to leave. “Nope. Got all the time in the world,” I gloat and look down at the cute little brunette smiling at me.

  Jameson narrows his eyes at me and squares his shoulders. “Well, I have class.” He throws the words as if he were throwing fireballs at my head. With one more angry glare and a snarl, he turns to leave.

  It looks like I won that round of chicken. “Brice, are you busy later?” the brunette asks me. I look at her, and almost say no, but something holds me back. Thoughts of Favor go through my head and I just can’t.

  “Sorry, love. I’m busy. But I’ll catch you another time, ‘kay?” I let her down gently. She gives me a small smile, and I head into the building.

  On my way to class, a few of the fellas give me high fives, and girls stare at me. I sit down next to Egon.

  “Yo. You see her today?” Egon asks, as a girl turns towards him and gives him a smile. I guess he’ll need our room tonight.

  “No, I haven’t,” I groan, wishing that I did see her.

  “Well, I did. I overheard her with her friends. They’re having lunch in the east cafeteria today at one o’clock. You can thank me later.”

  We pound it out as a way of thanks. In two hours, I’ll set sight on those almond-shaped brown eyes.


  I walk into the cafeteria at one-fifteen to give her enough time to grab her food and take a seat. I mindlessly grab items and toss them onto my tray as my eyes scan the room for her. Finally, my eyes settle on her sitting in a corner with her friends. I pay the cashier and carry my tray in their general direction while trying to give myself a mental pep talk on how to approach her.

  “Brice, come and join us,” Cal calls out.

  “Oh hey, guys. I was supposed to meet up with Egon, but I can hang out with you until he gets here,” I lie my ass off, sitting across from Favor. I look at her, and I’m stunned by her beauty. I can get lost in her so easily. “Hey, Favor. How are you today?”

  “Hi, Brice,” she murmurs, and turns back to Jana to finish her
conversation. She’s going to make this hard on me.

  “So Brice, you and the guys ready for the game next weekend?” Cal asks.

  I’m still looking at Favor. “Yeah. As ready as we’ll ever be.”

  “Well, I’m looking forward to a big win from the Cougars,” Cal gawks.

  “No worries, buddy. We got this in the bag.” I was truthful. State U is no competition for the Cougars. We train harder than most other teams.

  Favor’s face grows pale, and her eyes widen. I open my mouth to ask her if she’s okay when Wayne Anderson approaches our table. I’ve heard stories about him. He used to be on the Cougars team, along with his best friend Trevor Hollister, who was the starting quarterback for the team at the time. One night, the two of them left a party, and Wayne was drunk and driving. He crashed the car into a tree, killing Trevor. From what I hear, Wayne did a little time in jail but got out early for good behavior. I heard the rumors he was back in school again, his football career ruined before it even got a chance.

  “Favor. May I talk to you?” Wayne begs.

  Wordlessly, Favor stands, her hands trembling as she gathers up her things to leave. What’s going on? What would Wayne have to do with Favor? As if I’m watching this in slow motion, she dumps her tray and pushes her way out of the crowded cafeteria. Cal and Jana stand to run after her, but I hold my hand up and stand.

  “Let me go after her,” I plead with them. I want to be there for her, if it’s the only thing I could do.

  Concern flickers across their face before Cal eventually nods. “Tell her we’re here if she needs us.”

  “Bu-“ Jana begins to protest.

  “No, he’s what she needs.”

  She bites her bottom lip, mulling over what Cal has said before looking at me and eventually nodding her approval. That’s all I need, and I run after her.

  “FAVOR. WAIT.” I yell, but she is rushing down the pathway outside. I run after her, catching up easily, and grab ahold of her arm, making her stop. “What was that back there?”

  She turns around with tears in her eyes and collapses into my chest. I feel as if someone has ripped my heart out and stomped on it in front of me. I hold her to me, hoping I can take her pain away. I stroke her hair and try to soothe her. “It’s okay. It’ll be fine.” And I mean every word of it. Whatever it is that is bothering her, I will make it okay.


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