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Joe Football

Page 18

by Autumn Sand

  “So, you like picking on women? Let’s see how you do with a man.” Wayne steps forward and places me behind him.

  “Oh, so her brother’s killer has something to say?” Kevin spits out.

  Wayne punches Kevin so quickly I don’t see it coming. Kevin is sprawled out on the floor, knocked out cold. Wayne takes a look around the room and asks, “Any other takers?” He opens his arms, slowly turning around in a circle, beckoning for anyone who wants to step forward. Of course, no one else does. Jana and I stand on either side of Regan and begin to push through the crowd, with Wayne bringing up the rear. When we reach the main floor, I see Brice and Egon standing together, talking. He looks up and sees me, and then Regan. His expression is a what the fuck look.

  Releasing the hold I have on Regan’s arm, I walk over to him. “She was downstairs giving blowjobs for the crowd.”

  He raises an eyebrow and releases a low whistle. “Are you kidding me?”

  I shake my head. He turns and looks at Egon, who bursts out laughing. “We should take her back to her dorm. I’m afraid to leave her here alone with the wolves,” I say.

  Brice looks down and pulls me into his chest, placing a quick kiss to my lips. “You know, that is why I love you so much. After all that shit she put us through, you are still looking out for her.”

  I quickly shrug my shoulders. “I may not like her, but I don’t want her to get hurt, either.”

  “Eg, I’m going to split. You staying?”

  “Nah. This party is starting to get dull. I’m outta here, bro.”

  Brice looks over to Wayne, who is now in charge of holding Regan up. “Need some help?”

  “I got her. No worries.” He bends and lifts Regan into his arms while Jana stares in slight annoyance.

  Outside, he places Regan in the backseat of Brice’s car, and Wayne and Jana head to Egon’s car. Brice drives us towards Regan’s dorm. Parking the car, he tries to help her out of the car.

  “I can do it myself,” she snaps angrily at him. Brice stares at her and then looks over to me.

  “Are you okay to walk?” I ask her.

  “You always have to put your two cents into everything. I wasn’t that drunk that I had to leave.” She slurs her words. Right, clearly, she was sober.

  “Regan, you were giving blowjobs to guys while a crowd cheered you on. I prefer to think that you were too drunk to know better,” I argue.

  “For once in my life, I was the center of attention. Everything comes so easily for you. You didn’t want Brice, but you got him. You don’t want to be popular, but you are. You never need anyone, but yet everyone wants to protect you. I’m tired of being last or never thought of.” She gets out of the car and stumbles, falling to the ground. Brice bends to pick her up, but she slaps his hands out of the way.

  “Regan, just let him help you.”

  “I. Am. Fine.” She makes a few attempts before successfully standing. Dusting herself off, she walks towards her dorm without looking back.

  Brice and I stare at her retreating silhouette. “Damn, babe. She’s jealous of you.”

  “Seems so, but I don’t know why. In the beginning, I tried to be her friend, but she has repeatedly done things that made me not want to be. And that stunt she pulled with you was the final straw for me.”

  “Yeah. I almost lost you that day.”

  “Never.” I wrap my arms around him. My cell phone beeps. I pull out my cell to see who sent me a text.

  Egon: Someone from the party just sent these to me.

  There they were. Pictures of Regan. Pictures of her doing the same thing I caught her doing with Kevin. Damn, looks like I didn’t get there in time. There’s also picture of her doing an Eiffel tower with two guys. I am almost positive, by tomorrow morning, this will be circulated all throughout the school. Her life on campus is about to become hell.

  Brice looks at me with a questioning look. I show him my phone, and he lets out a whistle. “Oh boy. Believe it or not, I feel bad for her and what is about to happen.”

  “Me too. I thought I broke it up in time.”

  “It’s not your fault, babe. She should be happy that you stepped in at all.”

  “Somehow, I have the feeling that is going to be the opposite of how she will feel.”

  “Come on, let’s get out of here.” He opens the car door for me to get in, and we drive off, leaving Regan’s troubles behind us.

  Chapter 22


  The following day, as expected, the pictures had circulated to the mass majority of students and as if things couldn’t get any worse, the Dean of Students got wind of the situation. All campus parties have been placed on hold, and we now have a curfew, due to an investigation from the dean. Everyone on campus is now in a sullen mood, and everyone blames Regan.

  Brice and I walk into the cafeteria together with Wayne, Jana, and Egon. We see Regan sitting in a corner by herself, completely ostracized.

  “I feel bad for her,” Jana says.

  “Ehh, I don’t,” Egon replies. We all look at him. “Hey, listen, she has always been a wannabe. She is constantly sleeping around to move up the social ladder. Hell, she even offered a threesome with Brice and me one time.” He notices our expressions, particularly my pissed off one. “Well, of course, that was before the two of you were dating.” We still stare. He clears his throat. “Umm, we didn’t do it.” Realizing, he isn’t making it better, “Okay, I’m going to shut up now.”

  “Smart, bro. Real smart,” Brice says, and we all erupt in laughter.

  “Come on, let’s grab a table,” I say, pulling Brice with me.

  We all sit down with our trays of food. Someone on the football team walks over to where Regan is seated and drops his pants, mooning her. Everyone in the cafeteria laughs, as Regan breaks down and cries. I look at Jana, and we both stand and go over to her. A hushed silence settles over the room as we make our way to her table.

  “Hey. Why don’t you come and sit with us?” Jana pleads.

  Regan looks at us with her red-rimmed eyes. “You guys don’t want me. And I’m not a charity case.”

  “Regan, can you please, just once, stop with the chip on your shoulder. We are trying to be nice to you,” I say, annoyed.

  Brice and Wayne come over to the table as well. “Listen, just come and sit with us. Strength in numbers. I have been in the position that you are, where everyone hates you. I know what it feels like. If I had the support that they are offering you now, it would have made life easier.”

  She shakes her head at us. Egon comes over and kneels beside her, placing his hand on her cheek. “Listen, beautiful. Just come with us. If someone tries to fuck with you, we will get you.”

  “But you never liked me. You said so yourself.” She sniffles as she talks.

  “Ehh, don’t listen to me. I’m an asshole, remember. But right now, I’m trying not to be. So please, come with us.”

  Regan looks up and at each of our faces. “What about what I did to you and Brice, Favor?”

  “Well, you’re still not my favorite person for that, but Brice and I are good. Actually, we are stronger as a result,” I say. Inwardly, however I think, If you try that shit again, I will beat your ass, bitch.

  “Okay,” she says and places her hand in Egon's outstretched one. We all walk to the table, and you could have heard a pin drop in the cafeteria at that moment.

  We eat our lunch and as usual, our group jokes and teases each other. Regan remains silent for the most part, just watching the way we interact with one another. When we are finished, we all walk outside together.

  “Aww shit, this can’t be good,” Egon says, and we all look in the direction he is.

  The Dean of Students is headed towards us with a very serious expression on his face.

  “Regan Mathews?” Dean Smith asks.

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “Please come with me, young lady. We need to discuss the events of last night.”

  Regan has a deer
caught in the headlights look. “Umm, Dean, is it alright if I come with her?” I ask. I can’t believe the words came out of my mouth.

  “Favor? This is a friend of yours?”

  I look at Regan and then back at the dean. “Yes. She is nervous, and I would like to go with her.”

  “I hear you are the one who put a stop to what she was doing, is that correct?”

  I look at Brice for moral support. He gives me a look that says you should have kept your big fat trap shut. “Yes, Dean Smith.”

  Dean Smith looks at the rest of our group. “The rest of you were witnesses?”

  “Wayne, Jana, and Favor, during the fact. Myself and Egon, after the fact,” Brice interjects.

  “Alright then. I guess you should all come with me.” Dean Smith begins to walk, and we follow behind.

  Dean Smith interviews each of us individually. Coach Vega is also called in since some of his players were involved. When Coach Vega steps out of the dean’s office, his look would send the devil running scared.

  “Right before the Championships?” he says to Brice. “You're lucky, son, that you weren’t involved in this. The players that were, are on academic suspension, and being kicked off the team. “

  Brice looks as if a ton of bricks just hit him. “Shit.”

  “Exactly. I’m calling an emergency team meeting in one hour. Anyone who is not in my office by that time will be released from the team instantly.” Coach Vega starts to leave but turns back around. “Wayne. You better join us in the meeting. Looks like today has just become your lucky day. Don’t fuck it up.”

  Brice and Wayne pound it out. “Damn man, glad to have you on board. Just sorry that it’s under these circumstances.”

  “Yeah man.” Wayne shakes his head in disbelief.

  “But what is going to happen to Regan?” Jana asks.

  “Well, she is still inside with the Dean,” I say, looking at the closed office door.

  We all look at the door as if it could speak. A few minutes later, Regan steps out of the office in tears, and I walk over to her.

  “What happened?”

  “Since I was already on Academic Probation from my stunt with you and Brice a while ago, I’m officially dismissed from this school.”

  “Oh, my God.” Jana cries out and hugs Regan.

  “My parents are going to be pissed. I was the first to go to college. My dad remortgaged the house to send me here,” Regan cries into her hands.

  “Listen, babe. You can apply to another college,” Egon states.

  “That will never happen. My parents won’t pay for it. I’m screwed.”

  “Financial aid? Student loans?” I ask.

  “Oh please. My grades were horrible. I was barely making it.”

  “That’s because you were too busy trying to be the life of the party. Apply to community and get your grades back up,” Brice says.

  “Thanks, guys. Listen, I gotta go and make a phone call to my parents. Thanks for everything.”

  “Wait, I’ll come with you,” Egon calls out, and follows her out of the door.

  “Shit bro, we better head over to Coach’s office before my ass gets the boot also,” Brice says. Kissing me gently on my lips, he asks, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Just in shock about the whole turn of events.”

  “Shit is crazy. I love you. I’ll see you later.” He kisses me again.

  “Love you too, babe.” He releases me and heads out of the door with Wayne.

  “We should go to her dorm room,” Jana says.

  “Egon is with her. I think she needs her space. Let’s give her a few hours before we check on her.”

  Jana nods her head and links her arm with mine, and we walk out of the office together.

  Chapter 23


  The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity around campus. Regan, along with three of Brice’s teammates, have been dismissed from the school following the events from the fraternity party. Wayne is officially back on the Cougars team, as a result. Some of the team members who knew my brother are not happy to have him back, while others who heard about his skills on the field, are ecstatic. I hardly see Brice these days because of his training schedule in preparation for the Championship game, and I’m looking forward to having him to myself again after tomorrow. Since all campus parties have been suspended, the atmosphere is a little down. Some students are opting to party off campus, but most do not want to risk a chance of getting caught and placed on academic suspension.

  I’m at the stadium, waiting for Brice to finish practice. Coach Vega called quits on practice two hours ago, but Brice and Wayne opted to stay longer and practice harder. They both know how much they have riding on this game tomorrow. If they are able to usher the team into a victory, then NFL deals could be on the table, even for Wayne. This is everything Brice has worked so hard for all his life. He is taking everything in stride and not showing an ounce of worry. But I know him. Deep down, he knows how much is riding on this and that is the reason why he is pushing himself so hard. In some ways, Brice reminds me of my brother and father. When he is out on the field, he gives all of himself, which garners the respect of his teammates and opposing teams.

  My father will be coming to watch the game tomorrow; though I doubt I will be seeing him. It hurts in some ways, but I am thankful to have the full support of my mother behind me. He is supposed to make a speech tomorrow and present some awards to the players. It should be very interesting on stage if Brice wins one of the awards. I cringe at that thought alone.

  “Sorry to keep you out so long, babe,” Brice says as he wipes a towel over his face.

  I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, giving him a quick kiss. “No worries. I like watching you practice.” Even though I hate the sport, I do love watching him play. There’s something about the way his body moves on the field that gets me horny every single time. Also, the fact that he can still run the ball with a two-hundred-pound man trying to stop him, and later that evening, make love to me in the gentlest of ways, makes me hot.

  He gives me a megawatt smile. “Damn babe, you know how to turn me on.”

  I quirk one eyebrow at him. “Really? That’s all I have to say to turn you on?”

  Lifting me up in his arms, he replies, “Nah, babe. You just have to look at me, and I’m turned on.”

  My heart officially just melted, and I now need to change panties. “That comment just got you lucky tonight.”

  He throws his head back in laughter. “Oh, so there was a chance I wasn’t getting lucky?”

  “Maybe. You have been neglecting me these past few weeks.” I playfully bat my eyelashes at him.

  “Neglecting?” He nibbles on my ear, before placing a soft kiss to my neck. “How so?”

  Wait, what? What were we talking about? My mind drifts as I get tingly sensations from his kisses, my body instantly reacting to his touch. “Looks like you will have to make it up to me.”

  “Oh, baby, I plan to do that, and then some.” He kisses me with searing passion and reckless abandon.

  I start to wonder how rough the ground would be if he laid me down and had sex with me right here, right now, when Wayne interrupts me from my thoughts. “Get a room.” he says, laughing at us.

  Brice turns his head to look at Wayne and then turns back to me still in his arms. He places one last kiss to my lips before setting my feet back on the ground. “You're jealous.”

  Wayne laughs again and gives me a quick hug. “How is my little sis doing today?”

  “Doing good. Will be better once the Championships are over, though.” I smile bashfully.

  “I bet.” He nudges me and gives me a wink. “Not enough alone time with your man?” he teases.

  “I could never get enough alone time with him,” I tease right back.

  “Babe. I gotta shower. You okay till I get back in about fifteen minutes?”

  “Yeah sure. You two get showered; I’ll just hang out here

  Brice gives me another kiss and releases me. He and Wayne head towards the locker rooms, and I take a seat again so I can wait for them.

  “That should’ve been us, you know.” I hear Jameson’s voice from behind me.

  Startled, I jump up to see where his voice is coming from. Jameson walks over to me. I hadn't seen him since Winter break a few weeks ago. “That could have never been us.”

  Pain flashes over his face. “Am I that horrible? You never even gave me a chance.”

  Oh boy. Does he want to hash this out? “Jameson. I’m sorry if I hurt you in any way, but you and I were never meant to be.”

  “I loved you. Still love you. I would have done anything for you.” His eyes are pleading with me.

  “I’m sorry, but I have only ever looked at you as a friend. It has never been more than that for me.”

  “Then why…why would you give yourself to me? You gave me your virginity, and I’ve cherished that. I thought, because of that, it meant that you and I had a chance.”

  “I was in pain from my brother’s death. I wasn’t receiving the love that I needed at home, and sometimes…sometimes…” I don’t know how to say it. Sometimes you just need something as simple as a touch to help you feel grounded and connected to the world.

  He ponders my words, and I see the moment the realization hits. “You know, when you first started dating Brice, I thought that it was a phase you were going through. I thought you would eventually come back to me. But looking at the two of you at that Christmas dinner at your parents’ house, and just a few minutes ago on the field, I think I am finally getting it. You two have a connection that you and I never had. At least, I felt the connection, but you didn’t.” He looks out at the field and shakes his head. “As much as it hurts to see you with someone else, I think I finally understand it.”

  My eyes widen, and I stare at him for a moment. Standing up, I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Perhaps we can learn to be friends again; if we ever were, that is. Jameson suddenly releases me from the hug. I look at him, and he tips his chin in the direction of the field. Turning to look at what he is motioning towards, I see Brice and Wayne standing there, watching us. I give him one more quick peck on the cheek before I climb down to the field. Walking over to Brice, his eyes are questioning.


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