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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

Page 9

by Shannon Barczak

  "That was pretty crazy. I’m not sure how to explain it, but something inside of me just took over and knew what I needed to do. Even though, the earth and air gave me a pretty nice welcome, the water was a challenge, much more so than I expected it would be."

  "It always is. Water is constantly changing. To even try to become part of it or rule over it is almost impossible. The best you can do is to not fight it or change it. Accept its power, use it and move on quickly!" Cecily laughed

  “So am I ready to start a fire? Oh God, now the 'Doors' music is like running through my head...Come on baby light my fire."

  My mother shook her head. “Yes I can safely say you are ready. Now stand up and be serious. What I want you to focus on, in a much smaller way, is every element. You are going to want to gather each element's energy and pool it all through you. After that, hold out your hand, and imagine a little ball of energy turning into fire."

  "Energy, small balls of fire...Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire,” I sang

  “Willa, please, this is no time for jokes, this is serious,” she said rolling her eyes

  “Sorry, you’re right, very serious. I just want you to know though Mom, you shake my nerves, and you rattle my brain.” I laughed.

  “Ok, ok,” I held my hands up in mock surrender. “But didn’t you say fire was the first learned? I just called upon the other elements first, didn’t I?”

  “You’re right; you called upon the elements, but you didn’t create the elements. There’s a big difference when you are not sitting out in the openness surrounded by them,” she continued. “Fire you have to create from nothing but pure energy itself. Watch, I’ll try to show you."

  Cecily stood very still and held opened her arms with her palms up to the sky. There was a subtle change in the atmosphere around us and just like that, a small, round, reddish orange fire, sparked in my mom’s hands.

  “That is seriously cool,” I said. “You might be the hottest mom out there."

  "Your turn wise ass,” she said, again rolling her eyes. After all these years, my mom’s eyes must be in excellent shape with a constant exercise.

  I mimicked her stance and held my arms out. I tried to pull the energy from each element, which was pretty easy. The hard part was keeping it stored within me to create fire. After several frustrated attempts, I finally found a spark. An electric current pulsated inside of me all of a sudden and I could see it finally in my mind. I looked down expecting to see the same Witch Fire as my Mom but instead saw a flickering purplish fire dancing in my hands.

  “Why is my fire purple? Is that normal?" I asked, immediately thinking how absurd the question was. Normal was not building fire in your hands with your mind.

  “Hmmm, well, it’s funny. Your fire looks more like Fae Fire. Energy instead of flames but this could be because you are half,” she answered uncertain

  “Great,” I said. “I have freaky fire."

  “It’s not freaky, it’s just who you are, unique,” she replied. “That’s enough for today. Slowly release your Fire back into the elements and let’s go do fun stuff."

  “More fun than creating a freaky fire? I can’t wait.”

  “How about we move the boxes and do some glamour spells?” Cecily asked excitedly

  “Sounds like quality Mother/ Daughter bonding time.”

  “After that, I'm going to clean out your cottage with a little spell and try to eliminate any scent of you. I’m sure they will probably ransack the house at some point. I would prefer they assume you are an adopted human. Obviously they are going to find out we have a daughter. I am hoping they think you are just a hapless girl and focus on us."

  “I can pretend to be a hapless girl. I've been doing that all my life."

  “C’mon then, let’s have a little more girl time before I turn you over to your dad."

  I walked back over to my parent’s house about thirty minutes later. After I had made the boxes fly in the air to the house, my mother showed me a few pretty neat spells for glamour. Never again will I deal with my messy, frizzy hair or worry about caking on concealer under my tired eyes.

  I maneuvered out of the way of the boxes and luggage to peak into the doorway of my dad’s study. I saw him standing in front of his giant mirror looking intently at the glass.

  “Yes, you're handsome and young again.”

  “Was I ever ugly and old looking?” my father asked raising his eyebrows

  “No, you've never looked old,” I smirked

  “Thanks kid, appreciate the love."

  “Anytime, so what’s up Cormac? Mom has officially ‘turned ‘me over to you. Are you going to show me teleporting?” I asked, “Because I am dying to try that out.”

  “That will be for a later time, although, technically you've done It.” he said smiling. “You were about a year old and had just started to walk. I was sitting on the couch reading, and I saw you standing there looking at those hard little biscuit things on the kitchen counter. You must have wanted one because in a blink of an eye you were across the room and trying to grab one. Your mother started weaving the spell to suppress your abilities soon after."

  “So, is that all you have to do? Picture yourself going somewhere you want to go and poof, you're there?"

  “It takes a little more practice than that, especially when you get older.”

  “How far have you ever gone in one turn?” I asked immensely curious on this subject

  “Well, the other night I did five miles. One time we were in Paris, around the turn of the century, being chased by a couple of Rau, and I did about seven miles per port. When your adrenaline is pumping you tend to go farther.”

  “That is cool. You will teach me soon, promise?"

  “I promise to show you soon.” he replied

  “What I did want to talk to you about is the portal. I haven’t opened one in many years, not since your mother and I left Fairlia, and went on the run. I will admit it's difficult. I’m worried that I won’t be able to do it without help."

  “Can’t you call on any fairies that may be in the area? Because I’m not sure if a chick that is only half Fae and just started learning her powers is a good back up plan."

  “Only those of royal Fae blood can open a portal. My mother, the Queen, can open one at will, but us ‘lesser’ royals usually need a mirror,” he explained. “Similar to calling upon the elements, you will need to do the same. Instead of using them to give a spell a push, we use them to manipulate the objects or results we desire. While most Casters use them gently, the Fae use them and all of their energy to get what we need. We do give thanks like the Casters, but instead of releasing the energy we take, we like to keep it within us.”

  "The Fae sound a bit more selfish." I observed.

  "Yes, maybe we are but we see it more as safeguarding what was given to us,” Cormac said laughing

  "That’s what all the evil people say. The more you use, the more build up you must get. I only did a small spell when I called them, and I felt great power. I can’t imagine trying to keep it and not releasing it back."

  “It’s all about balance and yes, is that why the Fae are more powerful? Yes, but we do have the utmost respect the elements and try to give back in other ways."

  "Like….?" I prompted

  “We keep our Earth clean and healthy by cleaning rivers, no pollution, no littering, planting trees and flowers in our dimension. That is how we give our thanks. Since the elements think the tradeoff is pretty good we don’t worry too much about selfishness. Now are there Fae out there who continue to draw and draw and don’t give back, yes, of course, but there's also Casters that do the same."

  “All right, good vs. evil, got it. So are we going to practice a little first?"

  “No, unfortunately, we can’t. Your mother has this place like a fortress. Picture a protective dome around the house. To attempt to draw that much power to manipulate time and space is nearly impossible to do within that dome,” he said as he moved to sit behi
nd his desk.

  “So you're saying we’re going to wing it?"

  "Pretty much,” he answered.

  "Hey there,” my mom said coming into the study. “What are you two up to in here?"

  “I was about to tell Willa. The Guardians called a few minutes ago; they should be here in two hours."

  Two hours until we leave, I thought. One hundred twenty minutes until my life as I knew it would be over. Seventy-two hundred seconds before I would be off to a magical island in the English Channel surrounded by Gypsies and real vampires who lived off of our rich, royal blood.

  Awesome, pretty sure nobody else in the world was thinking about two hours the same way I was today.

  “I also need to go over the game plan with Willa,” my father said looking at my mother intently.

  “Yes, the game plan." my mother frowned. “I have to be honest; I’m not all that comfortable with this Cormac."

  “What’s the plan?" I looked at them both in question. “I mean aren’t we going to open up a portal, move our stuff and step through to the other side?"

  "It’s a bit more complicated than that,” my dad furrowed his brow. “Your mother needs to undo the protection spell around the house first before we can go ahead and open up the portal. It will leave us open to attacks from humans and Casters. That’s why we have to wait for the Guardians. We’ll need to have their protection."

  “I’m not trying to undermine you in any way but why didn't we try to do this last night?"

  “We didn’t want to rush home, tell you all this, and shove you through a portal. We knew you were going to need time to absorb everything. I needed your mom to undo the suppression spell on you because I think I may need your help. There’s no way you could have done that last night."

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like a smart ass." I smiled. “So do you think we are going to be under any attacks?"

  “Over the years I have set in place a few traps, so to speak, red flags that would go up if anyone tried to access information on us. This morning a few were raised. It's a safe assumption that they found out our names and are now digging for information. Our scent, however slight it was, tipped them off that we are royal, but I don’t think they realize just how royal we are."

  “So we need to get this baby up and running as soon as we can." I said

  “Yes, that is the idea. Back to the game plan…."

  "Or Operation Let’s Get The Fuck Out Of Here Before We Are Killed." I interjected

  “That works as well,” my father laughed. “When the Guardians get here, your mother will undo the spell. Now we have about twenty minutes or so before it will evaporate. Once that’s done, we should be able to start right away. Then I hope we will have time for the Guardians to move our belongings quickly through and then the rest of you will follow."

  “The rest of us?" I asked. “What do you mean the rest of us?"

  "This is the part I am not comfortable with at all,” Cecily said

  “When we open the portal Willa, I’m going through first. I have to be on the other side so we can maintain the connection. I thought that you should go first but I’m worried you won’t be strong enough yet to hold it by yourself,” my father said anxiously

  “Ok, so what’s the big deal?"

  “The big deal Willa is, you are our child, and your safety should be first and foremost. There has got to be another way Cormac.” Cecily said

  A light went off in my head, “I get it. Dad goes through first, then after our crap, Mom, and then finally me. You need me here last to keep the connection from this end. You know it’s ok, that’s the way we have to do it. Need I remind you, again for the 1,387th time, I am a grown woman, not a child? I would much rather see the two of you get to safety first."

  “Willa, that’s not how it’s supposed to be…” Cecily started.

  “Mom, do you honestly think for one second that I could watch anything happen to either of you? No, for my own piece of mind, we are sticking to this game plan. End of story. Besides I'm sure I'm not going be alone, right?"

  “Of course not, a Guardian will be with each of us at all times,” my mother answered reassuringly.

  “Then we’ll be all good in the hood, no worries, all right?"

  “Oh boy Willa, your grandmother is not going to know what to make of you,” Cecily said smiling as she came over and put her arm around my shoulder.

  "I guess that would only matter if I gave a flying...”

  "Willa," my mom warned

  “A flying rat’s behind is what I was going to say," I said innocently. “Mom, really, it’s all good."

  “I know it’s just I worry, and I should be the one comforting you…"

  I interrupted her right away. “You did comfort me. You comforted me last night and this morning when I needed it. Right now I don’t need support. I need you to have faith and confidence in me that I can do this."

  “I understand and I will try to stop being such an overprotective, worrywart."

  “Well, I have complete faith in you Willy Dilly,” said my dad as he came around from his desk and patted me on the back.

  “Thanks. Now if you two will excuse me, I’m sure you have things to do but I need to get out of here and chill. I want to spend the last few hours relaxing and gearing myself up for what’s to come.” I said as I walked out the room.

  “Stay in the property lines.” Cecily called after me.

  I let myself out of the back door and almost sprinted to the back of my cottage where I sank down in my Adirondack chair. Out of view from my parents I let out a long shuddering breath and looked down at my shaking hands. I tried to play it off to my parents as no big deal. The idea of them counting on me to keep the portal connection opened on this end freaked me out. What if I couldn’t do it? What if I put us all in danger because of my lack of skills?

  Still shaking, I unconsciously started calling the elements. Only when the Earth’s warm embrace and cool caress of the Air envelope me did I relax. Apparently Water didn’t seem to think I was in that bad of shape. She was stubbornly silent, but I did see a slight change in the current on the river so maybe that was her way of saying Hey girl.

  For the next few hours, I sat there mulling everything over, the past, the present, my uncertain future. I tried to go through as many memories as I could. Every school year, every friend (even Suzy), every boyfriend, every customer, and tried to imprint them all in my mind. I didn’t want to forget anything. I didn’t want to lose my connection to this place whether I lived two hundred years or two thousand.

  I saw the shadows of the trees change as the late afternoon sun shifted and realized I was ready. I was ready to say good-bye to this average almost idyllic chapter of my life. I jumped slightly as I heard the door open and then my mother called to me.

  “Willa, the Guardians have arrived. It’s time darling."

  "Be right there,” I called back. I stood up and softly whispered. “Ok, earth, air, and water, I know you're still around me and I appreciated the company but I need you a little longer. I’m asking you for strength and help in guiding me with opening the portal and meeting the Guardians. I know that we just met, but I need you."

  I let out a deep breath and slowly walked to the back door of my parents’ house. I looked behind one last time at my cottage and said good-bye before I opened the door to my future.

  Chapter Seven

  I shut the back door as quietly as possible and paused for a second. I heard murmurs coming from the living room and strained to catch anything that was being said. The house went silent though as I shuffled as slow as I could through the kitchen while the phrase ‘Dead Man Walking’ flashed in my mind.

  I took a deep breath and exhaled when I came into the living room. I was greeted by the sight of not only my parents but three other individuals. Two of those strangers stood right in front of me and blocked a full view of the third that was hidden in the shadows by the front door.

  “Willa, the Guardians
have arrived. May I present to you...” my dad started introductions

  “Frank, my name is Frank, Princess Willa. It’s a pleasure and honor to meet you.” The one closest to me said holding out his massive hand. He was tall and well-muscled. His ebony skin was smooth from the top of his round bald head to his broad face. His deep, rich, dark chocolate brown eyes looked at me with sweet anxiousness. I liked him right away.

  “Hi Frank,” I held out my hand and it was engulfed in a brisk handshake. “You know I found out about this whole thing less than twenty four hours ago so just Willa is good. In fact if you never call me princess again that would be great."


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