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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

Page 50

by Shannon Barczak

  Riah burst out laughing. “Jesus Willa.”

  Mathias just stared at me. After almost a full minute, he finally spoke. “Riah can you please deliver Ms. Woods her packages?”

  “Sure,” Riah said in relief. He hurriedly picked up the boxes and slipped through the back door.

  I stood waiting for the lecture that I knew was coming. After I started to drum my fingers on the countertop Mathias finally began speaking.

  “I hope that you have a jacket or shawl for this dress?” he asked softly

  “I think it would take something away from the overall look if I added a trench coat.” I answered

  “Three out of the four Fae lords are not married. Those three probably see you as the ultimate prize of a wife and I’m sure is the very reason they are coming here.”

  “That’s not true. One of them is coming to kill my family and tear my powers away from me.” I answered. “Mathias, do not even attempt to try to tell me what to wear. I can guarantee you that discussion will not end well.”

  “I’m just thinking of the Fae Lords and their safety.” he said. “If any one of them tries to get you out of that dress I will kill them.”

  “Don’t worry Wolfie. The only person I intend to get me out of that dress is you.”

  Mathias eye’s flashed red and instead of stepping back I walked forward until my hand touched his chest. He grabbed it and continued his hypnotic stare until I was almost panting.

  “This whole thing is getting ridiculous.” I whispered. “Either you’re going to kill someone or I’m going to start shooting my fire and burn this whole island down. I need you Mathias. I crave you.”

  He closed his eyes, and I saw him take a long shuddering breath. “I need to feed again.”

  I nodded and tried to lead him back downstairs, but he shook his head and stopped me.

  “I should have been at the office ten minutes ago.” he said regretfully

  “After the reception we’ll sneak away.” I offered

  “I’ll be back in a few hours.” he said. I could almost see the mask slipping back on his face. “Please stay inside until then.”

  “I promise.” I answered. “Don’t kill anyone.”

  “I cannot promise that.” he grinned before sprinting out the door and leaving me alone with my cold tea and pounding heart.

  Later that afternoon I slipped on the dress my mother sent and went upstairs to wait with Riah and Polly for Mathias. Polly had refused to come this afternoon. Even though, I begged her endlessly, she hadn’t budged. She didn’t want to get caught up in the drama and said she preferred to stay in her new camper so she could start repairs.

  “Well, look at you.” Polly said. “You’re the very image of calm, appropriate and regal.”

  “You think?” I asked nervously. I tugged on the hem of my light purple sheath dress. I had to give to my mom she nailed it on the fit. It hugged my body perfectly. Fitting, but not too tight, the dress had a high neckline which made my bust look deceptively smaller. The hemline landed just above my knee, and my feet were snug in a brand new pair of nude pumps.

  The only jewelry I had on were my large diamond hoop earrings that my dad gave me for Christmas and a wide silver ring that had a diamond leaf pattern etched in the band that my grandmother had surprised me with on my birthday when she slipped it on my finger.

  “Riah, what do you think?” I asked as I watched him pace the living room back and forth. His hands were tucked into the pockets of his dress slacks that he had changed into, and his white shirt was wrinkled slightly. He had also slipped on a black jacket but refused to wear a tie. He instead opted to leave his shirt unbuttoned.

  He said ties made him feel too confined and accountant like.

  “You look quite bangable.” he said after giving me an absent glance

  “Bangable?” I asked. “Did you really just say that?”

  “You look like a spring petal that has fluttered from a flower and is floating gracefully through a sun-drenched meadow.”

  “That’s more like it.” I replied. The front door opened and Mathias walked in briskly

  He gave me a quick look before asking, “Are you ready?”

  “How did everything go?” I asked

  “Everything went like clockwork. Your absence was commented on by just about all that walked through the portal.”

  “You’re the talk of the town.” Polly remarked

  “Great.” I muttered. “All right let’s get this show on the road. I want to have plenty of time to try and open the scrolls.”

  “Knock ‘em dead.” Polly smiled

  We walked outside, and I settled into the golf cart beside Mathias, who had gotten behind the wheel. I glanced back at Riah, and he shot me a reassuring look.

  When we pulled up to the castle, my stomach started doing somersaults. You could almost feel the electricity in the air. So many magical beings in one place certainly made quite a stir in the atmosphere.

  I followed Mathias through the front hall and went down a long corridor to the back garden. The sound of music penetrated the air and got louder as we approached. Mathias opened the door and placed his hand on my back to guide me through the door. Immediately both he and Riah positioned themselves on either side of me.

  The sound of chattering stopped, and I gulped nervously as almost three hundred pairs of eyes stared at me in interest. I focused on my grandmother and walked as casually as I could over to where she was standing.

  “Willa.” I heard my name said and turned. My fairy grandparents, as I liked to call them were coming towards me. Queen Sidra was truly a beautiful woman. Her long dark hair glistened in the afternoon sun, and her blue eyes twinkled with kindness. Prince Kelvin, my grandfather, also had dark hair but piercing green eyes like my father.

  “Queen Sidra and Prince Kelvin,” I addressed them both formally and sank into a curtsy

  “Please, I thought I told you to call me grandmamma.” she admonished me

  “Sorry, I was trying to be proper.” I apologized

  “Just be yourself.” Kelvin said kindly

  “That’s a dangerous piece of advice Grandpa.” I said

  They both smiled at me, and I saw my parents join our little group with several people behind them.

  “Willa, I would like you to meet my sisters’ and their families.” Cormac greeted. “This is my sister Alvie and her husband Lord Fonn, the leader of the Air realm.”

  “How do you do?” I asked as I took in their appearance. Alvie looked a lot like Queen Sidra, with the same long ebony hair and blue eyes. Her face though, while pretty, was not exactly as warm and soft.

  “Willa, it’s nice to finally meet you.” she said formally

  I nodded before turning to Lord Fonn. “My Lord, welcome to the island.”

  “Princess Willa we are very happy to be here.” he replied. Fonn was tall and husky. His blonde hair was cut in a short buzz cut and a neat beard framed his face. His eyes were ice blue and seemed to take up half of his face.

  “This is my sister Breena and her husband Banning, as well as my sister Carling and her husband Caspian,” my dad said gesturing towards two other couples. Both Breena and Carling looked like Alvie, but their eyes were greener and sparkled with merriment as they drew me in a hug. I was surprised when their husbands also greeted me affectionately.

  “It’s nice to meet all of you.” I said. “So you both married men with same initial huh?”

  Everyone chuckled at my joke, and I sized up Banning and Caspian right then and there. Both men were tall and lanky with brown hair. Banning’s eyes were brown, and Caspian’s green but those were about the only differences that I saw.

  “It’s remarkable isn’t it?” Breena said. “Banning and Caspian are brothers.”

  “That makes sense.” I smiled. Another voice interrupted Carling as she began to speak. I looked around and saw two men coming towards me.

  “Your majesty, please do not have us wait any longer. We are dying
to meet this beautiful creature.” The first one said.

  “Willa, this is Lord Braonan, the leader of the Earth realm.” Sidra said. I nodded while I took in his appearance. Braonan was of medium height and build. His curly dark brown hair and hazel eyes were very attractive, but it was his wide, dimpled smile that set me at ease.

  Until of course I realized he may want to kill me.

  “Lord Braonan, I’m delighted to meet you.”

  “Not nearly as much as I am your highness.” he remarked

  “Thank you so much for coming. I can’t wait to hear more about the Earth realm. When I was in Vermont at the North American Fae Reserve, I met your niece, Marilei.”

  “Marilei is lovely,” he said evenly. “I take it you enjoyed your visit?”

  “I wasn’t there that long but what I saw was charming.” I answered

  The other man wedged his way in beside me and bowed. When he stood upright, I smiled in appreciation. Although blond hair surfer dudes weren’t my type, I was still too much of a woman not to admire this man’s beauty.

  His sun streaked blond hair was short and spiky. His eyes were a dark honey brown and his lean, muscular body was on full display. He must have decided to go casual because he wore faded jeans and his white T-shirt molded almost indecently to his chest.

  Polly was going to have a field day with this guy.

  “Your highness, I am Lord Cual of the Water realm.” he said before lifting my hand and placing a kiss

  “Lord Cual welcome to the island. I have heard that your island is quite picturesque.”

  “It is indeed but not as beautiful as you.” he replied flirtatiously. I wondered if he and Riah were somehow related.

  “Well, I look forward to hearing more about it.” I replied

  “Do I not get an introduction?” a low sexy voice asked. I turned around and almost gasped. Even though, I would always think Mathias was the sexiest man in the world, this guy was definitely in the running for second place. Although he wasn’t quite as tall as Mathias, he still exuded confidence and power. His black hair was cut short with just a small sweep of bangs that fell over his forehead and his eyes were a dark, rich sherry color.

  “Willa, this Lord Machall of the Fire realm.” Sidra answered

  “Princess Willa, it is an honor to meet you. I am surprised that you haven’t traveled to Fairlia yet,” he said smoothly

  “Lord Machall.” I responded. “I can’t wait to visit Fairlia. Unfortunately, I’m still trying to get acclimated here first.”

  “The court at Fairlia will be waiting with baited breath for your visit I’m certain.” he said. “A young woman as beautiful as you will be in high demand.”

  “That’s very sweet.” I replied. “Like I said, I’m looking forward to seeing the land of the Fae. I’m horribly curious about the way of the people and all the differences between my world and theirs.”

  “I’m sure you will find Fairlia can offer you many more pleasurable activities than the Isle of Skye.” he said seductively. Warmth began to spread through my body the second he started talking. Desire pooled into my belly as erotic images of Machall, and I filled my mind. I wet my lips as I focused on his mouth. I almost started to drift towards him before I suddenly blinked and stared around in confusion as a spicy scent filled my nostrils.

  I stepped back away from him and moved closer to Mathias, who was looking at me in concern.

  “Do you always use magic on girls you just meet Lord Machall?” I asked

  He chuckled. “Only the ones I want.”

  Oh, shit was my first thought. Mathias was going to kill him. I tried to ignore the roar and cursing I heard in my head and instead tried to focus on a way to diffuse the situation.

  “Machall,” Sidra admonished. “You know better than to use your gifts on my granddaughter.”

  “Forgive me your majesty and your highness.” he said contritely. “I was out of line.”

  “It’s fine Lord Machall.” I answered. “But just so you know, next time you do that, I’ll knock your fairy white teeth out. Have a nice day.”

  I deliberately turned my back on him and walked over to where Julia and Jeremiah were standing. Julia was staring at me with her mouth agape, and Jeremiah started laughing out loud.

  “Well, this is definitely a reception to remember.” Jeremiah remarked. “Thanks Willa.”

  “No problem. I live to entertain.” I said smartly before I grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and took a large swallow.

  Over the next few hours, I deliberately ignored the Fae Lords and focused my attention on the rest of the Fae hierarchy. I was having a highly enjoyable conversation with my Aunts Breena and Carling when Mathias spoke to me silently.

  Are you almost ready or do you wish to stay longer?

  I am so ready it’s not even funny

  I was saying goodbye to everyone when Sidra and Kelvin took me aside. “Willa, I was hoping maybe we can have some quiet time together. Are you free this evening?” Sidra asked

  “I’m a little busy.” I said thinking of the fact I had to try to squeeze time in to feed my vampire Guardian/ mate before he ripped somebody to shreds. I also had to figure out a way to magically open four illicit paintings regarding weapons to kill a Fae Lord.

  When I saw both of their faces fall in disappointment, I felt terrible. They just wanted to get to know me, and here I was blowing them off.

  “How does brunch tomorrow at my house sound?” I asked. “Say around ten thirty in the morning?”

  “That sounds perfect.” Sidra replied. Her face broke out into a big smile, and I felt a wave of relief.

  “I for one am looking forward to seeing where you live, and I can’t wait to meet the famous Cupcake.” Kelvin said

  “Great.” I replied. “I’ll see you then. Do you want to ask your daughters and their families as well?”

  They both had exchanged a look before Sidra replied. “We would enjoy it if it were just us and maybe your parents?”

  “That’s fine.” I said before saying goodbye and finally walking out of the garden.

  Mathias, Riah and I were silent until we entered the Guardian office. When we entered the reception area, Riah looked at Mathias and raised his eyebrow in question.

  “I’ll take over until the morning Riah.” Mathias responded curtly

  “Come here Rocky.” Riah said before drawing me into a small hug. “You were magnificent.”

  “Thanks.” I whispered back. For some reason, I felt tears pricking my eyelids. Now that the initial meeting was over with I finally relaxed enough and I was ready to either pass out or cry.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” he said before walking away

  “Have fun with Julia tonight.” I called out. I grinned when he groaned with frustration and continued walking

  By the time, Mathias and I reached his office I was full blown crying. Tears were running down my face, and my legs were shaking. I sank down into one of the stiff chairs in the corner and covered my face with my hands.

  A few minutes later I felt a tissue before forced into my hand, and I took it gratefully. I didn’t even want to look at Mathias. I was embarrassed and I had no idea what had come over me.

  “I’m sorry.” I apologized as I wiped my eyes and tried to calm down. I was pretty sure tears were right up there on Mathias’s ‘Things I Hate’ list.

  “Willa.” he said as he sank down on his knees in front of me. “There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

  “I don’t know why I’m crying.”

  “I think stress might be the culprit.” he said dryly

  “I feel so weak right now and I hate feeling that way.” I said before pushing him away and standing up to walk over to the desk.

  “You mean you hate showing your weaknesses to anyone?” he asked. “I never would’ve guessed.”

  Later on when I was alone I was going to analyze my actions. I knew I needed to do something to prove to Mathias and myself that I
was strong. I also felt terribly guilty. I was disgusted with the way I felt in those moments when Lord Machall had me under a spell. I knew with absolute certainty that those images or feelings weren’t real, but I needed to wipe them from my mind.

  “I wanted him Mathias.” I admitted. “He made me want him. He planted images in my brain of the two of us, and I wished that they were true.”

  Mathias’s nostrils flared, and his jaw was flexing. I knew he was fighting for control. I walked back over to him and pushed him into the chair I had vacated.

  “But it was false and you know how I knew that they weren’t real?” I asked him as I dropped to the floor

  Mathias didn’t answer instead his eyes darkened, and he waited for me to continue. I slowly unzipped his pants before I spoke. “All those images of him morphed into you and I hate him for even trying to implant himself in my fantasies.”

  I took out his hardening penis and stroked his manhood leisurely before leaning down and taking him in my mouth. Up and over I licked and suckled. When I felt his hands push into my hair, I leaned down even more to take his length all the way into my mouth. I heard him groan and hollowed my cheeks to go more rhythmically. I teased his length with my tongue and mouth, fast at first before slowing down to a more leisurely pace.

  “Don’t stop.” he said. His voice sounded like he was caught between agony and splendor. Pleasure surged through me as I peered up to sneak a glance at him. Mathias’s head was thrown back, and his face was screwed up in the sexiest expression I had ever seen.

  Mathias for the first time had given up complete control to me. The power of having him at my mercy was exquisite. I could care less that my knees were starting to hurt from kneeling on the floor or that my jaw was beginning to ache from my almost restless exercise. Mathias had stripped off his stern mask that he always showed to the world. He was giving in to the basic primal need to orgasm. Right now this was his only objective, and I was going to give it to him the best way I could at this moment.


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