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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

Page 83

by Shannon Barczak

  Mathias smirked, and I continued. “So did you know wood Nymphs fly around on tree vines like Tarzan? I cannot wait to rag on Polly. Then we met her parents who are very nice, but not traditional.”

  “I take it Forrest offered you some of his home grown marijina?” Mathias asked

  “You knew?” I almost yelled

  “Of course,” he said. “I had Polly thoroughly investigated.”

  “Did you also know her mom is a massage therapist who also helps men get rid of any of their residual back up with an option on her massage menu known as the ‘Rub&Tug’?”

  “That I did not know,” Mathias said in shock

  “Oh yeah,” I said. “They also had an honest to goodness Elvis painting on their living room wall which actually was kind of cool. After our little visit there, they took us to this place in the woods near Polly’s tree, and it was there I absorbed the power of the Earth.”

  “That was where it all began to change for me,” I said softly. “It tried to be gentle at first but I cannot even describe what it was like to be sucked into the earth’s core and suffocated by dirt.”

  “Jesus Willa,” Mathias breathed

  “When it was over I reverted back to being a child for a while,” I said. “Holly said because it was Mother Earth and that she put me through such trauma that I felt childlike fear. I came out of it, but it wasn’t easy.”

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that without me,” he said

  “I was mad at you a few times,” I answered. “I wanted you with me so much but honestly this was something I had to do myself, and if you came with me to the Air realm, they would have killed you.”

  “Why?” he asked. “What happened there?”

  “I met the Sprites who were a little weird but I found the King and Duchess to be very kind. I had to climb to the top of the mountain and stay there all night. Patcoena was worried that so much magic being absorbed over such a long period would alert Fonn to our presence. We sent Holly and Forrest back to Woodlia, and King Kasius hid Jeremiah and Patcoena in the church when Fonn came to sniff around while I was up there.”

  “King Kasius?” Mathias asked. “He told you his name?”

  “Oops,” I said. “Yes but please don’t repeat that. I wouldn’t want him to think he misplaced his trust in me.”

  “I won’t ever tell a soul,” he said. “Why would I have been killed? I would’ve just stayed hidden with Jeremiah and Patcoena.”

  I shifted in my seat and stared off into the mountains before answering. “Because that’s where I started to lose my mind. There would’ve been no way that you would have stayed hidden when you heard my screams.”

  “Do you want to stop?”

  “No,” I said. “I have to tell you. I have to get this out and then I never want to speak of it again.”

  “Ok,” he said

  “I never realized the full power of the air until it knocked me on my ass and forced me to listen to its true purpose. I foolishly thought I would have to be in some wild wind storm, but this was far worse. I heard my parents crying. I was so confused because it sounded like they were right next to me. I started hearing other people’s weeping, and that’s when I realized just how much the air fuels everything we do in our lives.”

  “I can tell you exactly how you sounded when you roared as you found your sister dead,” I said looking into his startled eyes.

  “I tried to use the fire and earth to help me but that only made the Air madder,” I let out a sharp laugh. “It got pissed off when I tried to knock myself out by hitting my head on a rock that I was pinned to for several hours.”

  “I was filled with joy when I first heard the sound of a baby entering this world. I heard its first precious breath. Then I heard a gasp of air, and I knew that I was listening to someone taking their last breath. For hours that went on around me. My emotions were being lifted one minute and utterly destroyed the next. I’m not sure how I sat there. After a while, I just rocked back and forth with my hands over my ears.”

  “I didn’t realize it was over at first but I didn’t care. I just sat there empty inside. I had nothing left Mathias. I didn’t know how I was ever going to walk back down that mountain. I thought that there was no way I could ever be around people again. I was scared that I would hear their thoughts and have to relive birth and death over and over again.”

  “When I looked down I saw a dagger at my feet. I picked it up and placed it on my wrist,” I confessed. “I wanted to end my life right there. I was just about to make the first cut when I heard your voice in my head. I thought that in my weakness I had called out to you through our bond. You yelled at me in my head to get up and fight. It was only after a few minutes that I realized that it wasn’t you, but me projecting your voice. I didn’t want to die, and I sought you out for help even if it was in my own mind.”

  “You saved me,” I said finally looking up and meeting his shocked gaze. “I’m embarrassed to admit that but you have to know how close I came to ending my life.”

  “Willa,” he said hoarsely before reaching for my hand. I pushed him away though. I had to tell the rest of my tale because I knew once I was in his arms I would break down.

  “You said that you wouldn’t have a beer with Machall, but I have to tell you something. I wasn’t going to, but I think you should know why I trust him as much as I do now. He took care of me after that Mathias. He bathed me like a child and told me a story to get me to sleep later that morning. If you were in the state I was in, and someone had helped you, I would sit down and share a drink with them.”

  “He bathed you?” he asked in a low voice

  “Really?” I asked. “That’s what you got out of that story?”

  “Sorry, the thought of another man touching you like that…”

  “He didn’t touch me Mathias; he took care of me as a father takes care of his child,” I replied. “It was nothing sexual, to be honest, the only thing I could think about at the time was you.”

  “I won’t kill him then.”

  “Thanks,” I said ruefully. “When we got to the Water realm we also overheard Machall with Lord Cual, who is a sick fuck. Did you know he raped and killed King Kasius’ daughter?”

  “What?” Mathias asked. “How come no one reported this act of atrocity?”

  I just shrugged my shoulders. “He is evil and I don’t even want to go there right now. I tried to get to a rock in the water, but it took me a long time. We had a bonfire on the beach, and after the tide had come in, I stayed there on the sand and let it pull me out into the sea.”

  “It wasn’t as harsh as the others which surprised me but what did throw me is that the Water wanted me to fight back with my other powers. I finally called them all, and that’s when it happened. I don’t remember too much, but I was aware that if I stayed in the water a little while longer I think I would’ve been fine. Unfortunately, they pulled me out too soon, and I can’t blame them. They didn’t know what was going on with me. They didn’t know that I wasn’t in pain but that I was floating happily.”

  “It wasn’t until they took me to Sidra that things turned horrible. You see the elements do not want to hurt me. They want me to learn how to use them. I know this sounds crazy, but they do have a human energy to them.”

  “Of course they do,” Mathias said. “That energy is your great grandfather.”

  “How did you know?” I gasped in surprise

  “Willa, it makes sense,” he answered. “These were your great grandfather’s powers. The energy you feel is his and I’m sure they have some protective instincts towards you.”

  “I’m shocked that you got that right away,” I said. “I only realized it earlier.”

  “When Sidra gave you the nectar it was like a poisonous liquid to your system. It was too much magic, and when Winifred tried to perform a healing spell it only made your pain worse.”

  “How did you know?” I asked. “I tried to tell them but I couldn’t speak. I was honest
ly afraid that I would set everyone on fire like what happened before we left. I tried not to hurt you. I was so angry with myself that I had done that. I was also ashamed, so that’s why I called to the air so that everyone would get out of its path safely.”

  “I know,” he said

  “Well what now, Einstein?” I asked dryly. “How can I rejoin the living?”

  “I think it’s going take some time Willa,” he said seriously. “I think you need to be comfortable in your own skin first before you subject yourself to anyone’s magic.”

  “We don’t have time,” I said. “Fonn is not going anywhere. He will attack all of us.”

  “We have all the time that you need,” he said confidently. “Fonn is of no concern right now.”

  “Why do you say that?” I demanded. “Is there something going on that I need to know about?”

  Mathias went silent, and warning bells went off in my head. “There is nothing of consequence that you need to know about right now. I have it on good authority that Lord Fonn and Lord Cual are running scared for the time being.”

  I breathed out a sigh of relief. “Did you bring my backpack? I only ask because this whole nightgown thing is just so not me. I need my own stuff.”

  “In all the confusion and haste I forgot but tomorrow I will go out and buy you an outfit,” he said

  “Buy me one outfit?” I asked. “I hate to tell you Wolfie but I need more than one outfit if we’re going to be here indefinitely.”

  “I will then come back, and we will both go shopping together in town,” he said. “I’m going to need to pick up a few things too and maybe we’ll, you know, get something to eat and make a day of it.”

  “That sounds a lot like a date,” I smiled. “There’s just one problem. I don’t have any money on me. All my cash and few credit cards were in my backpack.”

  Mathias rolled his eyes. “Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t we true mates?”

  “Yes but…”

  “And what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is, well, yours,” he said

  “Yes, that’s true but I don’t need you to spend a bunch of money on me,” I said. “I have plenty of my own.”

  “Willa, it would take more than one day of clothes shopping for you even to make a dent in my fortune,” he smirked. “To be honest I doubt you could even spend it in one lifetime.”

  “You know that’s the second time you have alluded to the fact that you are as rich as Croesus,” I said. “I never thought of myself as a gold digger but I have to say you’re looking better and better.”

  Mathias smiled. “I’m waiting.”

  “Waiting for what?” I asked confused

  “You to start rapping,” he answered

  I smiled before singing. “Now I ain’t sayin’ she’s a gold digger…”

  “Ah and there it is,” he said

  “Get down girl go ahead get down,” I continued singing as I stood up and sat in his lap.

  We sat outside and stargazed until the air was too chilly for me. When we went to bed that night, I curled right up in arms and slept soundly. It was the best night’s sleep I had in a very long time.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I instinctively reached for Mathias and was surprised that he wasn’t in bed with me. I then remembered that he was going to head into town to buy me something to wear for the day.

  I stretched in bed and realized that I was alone for the first time in days. Instead of panicking I smiled and laid in there nestled under the covers for another hour with just my thoughts for company. It felt decadent just to laze around in bed for an extended period, and I fully enjoyed every minute.

  I finally roused myself to get out of bed and took a quick bath. I was just wrapping myself up in a towel when I heard Mathias come back to the cabin. I walked in the bedroom and smiled when I took in his frustrated expression.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Didn’t you have fun shopping in the woman’s clothing section?”

  “Apparently none of these shops are open for business for a few more weeks. They’re all closed until Memorial day,” he explained. “I found one general store that carried outdoor gear.”

  “Awesome,” I said. “I’ve always wanted a parka especially in the spring.”

  “We’re going to have to go to Boulder,” he said

  “Ok, so what’s the big deal?”

  “Are you ready to be around a lot of people Willa?”

  “I’m pretty sure there is a fairly low concentration of magically inclined people around these parts.” I answered

  “There is a Wal-Mart nearby,” he said almost painfully

  “What’s your problem with Wally World?” I laughed

  “I refuse to set foot in that store especially on a Saturday,” he answered almost primly

  “Well, I love Wally World,” I said. “Any place where I can buy food, clothes, and electronics while I have my oil changed at the same time is all right in my book.”

  “We’ll fly to Boulder,” he said before throwing me a bag. “Get dressed.”

  I looked through the shopping bag and pulled out a decent pair of jeans and a long sleeve red shirt. I looked around on the bottom but didn’t see any underwear.

  “No panties?” I asked

  “The only undergarments they sold were of the thermal variety,” he said

  “Ok, looks like I’m going commando,” I said. “Thank goodness you didn’t throw my bra away or that would’ve been a bit awkward. My girls need support, especially out in public.”

  Mathias just gave me a long look before walking out of the bedroom and stomping down the stairs. I was now looking forward to shopping with him about as much as I looked forward to seeing my dentist. I quickly got dressed and applied some of Katya’s makeup. If I was going out into the real world, I was not doing it with a bare face.

  I skipped downstairs though because I refused to let Mathias ruin the day with his shopping phobia. He wordlessly went outside, and I followed him. I waited while he set the alarm and steel doors and bars in place. I climbed on his back, and we shot off into the sky. I had no idea how long it would take for us to get there, but I didn’t care. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the scenery that spread out before us took my breath away.

  Mathias flew in and around mountains, and I knew he did that so we weren’t spotted by anyone on the ground. I finally gathered up the courage and performed my first spell in days. As I chanted the concealment spell, I felt calm and happy. There was no flaming fire or gusts of wind that came out of me after I said the words. It was exactly how I did it before I had these new immense powers, and I was relieved.

  Mathias grunted when he felt the enchantment, but I knew he was happy to take a more direct route. We only flew a short time before a more urban area came into view, and before I knew it we were touching down in the heart of downtown Boulder right outside an honest to goodness outdoor mall. I had no idea where he would take me, but a mall with several stores was almost too good to be true.

  I laughed when he looked like he was mentally steeling himself and grabbed his hand in delight. For the next few hours, we went from store to store. I tried to be as quick as possible but when Mathias started browsing the men’s clothes I laughed.

  “You have been keeping a secret,” I said. “You like to shop. Admit it, you’re a closet fashionista.”

  “You’re being absurd,” he scoffed

  “I’m not the one with an armful of clothes Mr. Giorgio Armani.”

  He walked away in a huff, and I laughed again. I went on my way around the large store and after grabbing enough underwear and night clothes for a few weeks I finally met up with him the shoe department. He was carefully looking over the men’s loafers with such detail I shook my head and walked up to him with my hand outstretched.

  He slapped his credit card in my palm and went back to looking at the shoes. I dropped my purchases on a nearby counter and tried not to groan
at the total. I knew Mathias was loaded and quite honestly I had plenty of money thanks to my father’s careful investing but to spend almost a thousand dollars on underwear and pajamas still made my cheap heart sick.

  I decided that it didn’t matter and to enjoy the day. After checking out what Mathias’s total purchases came too, I was proud of the fact I didn’t yell at the cashier in riotous indignation. I was still muttering as we left the store.

  “Coming from a woman who has no problem dropping several hundred dollars on one pair of shoes, I find your hypocrisy on what I spent for clothing slightly asinine,” he said

  “I know it doesn’t make sense but call me crazy if I think one plain black long sleeve shirt shouldn’t cost a hundred dollars.”

  “It’s a quality shirt that will last for a long time,” he answered

  “You could’ve gotten the same shirt at Wal-Mart for $14.97,” I said. “I’m just saying.”

  “Stop,” he ordered. “Just enjoy the day shopping at the mall.”

  “That’s a phrase that I never in a million years that I would ever hear from your lips,” I said. “Can you record that so I can play it over and over and over…?”

  Mathias just shook his head, and I realized that this was his way of trying to make things normal for me. It wasn’t about shopping at the mall but about preparing me to be around people and acting normal. I stopped complaining right then and there. Four hours later, I gave his credit card such a workout I was sure he would need a new one to replace it soon.

  I bit my lip though as we made our way down the street that was packed with pedestrians. We were both laden down with many bags. I had no idea how we would fly home.

  Mathias stopped near a small parking lot and told me to wait a minute. I watched him leave with my mouth hanging open because he caught me off guard. Where on earth was he going? I asked myself. Was he going to fly back to the cabin and then come back for me?

  When a sharp black Mercedes pulled up right where I was sitting on a bench, I sucked in my breath in disbelief. Mathias walked in and grinned. “Are you ready to go get some lunch?”


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