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Revenge in the Homeland

Page 3

by A J Newman

  “Sorry, you are right. I want you to form a team to develop the best method to expand our operation without interference from any outsiders.”

  “I will make that my highest priority.”


  John, Gus, George, Scott and Bob listened to the taped call from the newly found settlement to an outside person called Bo. It sounded very calm and not threatening. One would almost sympathize with the people on the call. They had real concerns about the ISA and how it would affect their lives.

  “That sounded like a crock of shit. It sounded like a script for a cheap Bollywood movie. The guy here said they we are snooping around and he is looking for instructions on how to deal with us. These guys are not amateurs, but they aren’t DHS or military. My guess is that they are one of those paramilitary survivor groups left over from the last century,” said Gus.

  Bob agreed and added, “It could be a religious cult, a skinhead group or just a bunch of well-meaning preppers who were ready when TSHTF. We need to find out if they are friend or foe and handle them accordingly.”

  They watched an hour of highlights from the surveillance tapes and met again afterwards.

  Scott was eager to share his opinion, “Everything we just saw could have been filmed at our Bunker. People going about their daily lives, but are on guard against threats and enemies. Most of the discussions are no different than what our people discuss. Kids are playing and women are complaining about their men. With that said, I still think these people are up to something. The settlement reminds me of a bunch of programmed clones performing a script.”

  Gus jumped in, “George, something just hit me between the eyes. It’s not what we see and hear. It’s what we don’t see!”

  “Gus, what the fuck are you trying to get across to us? I don’t see….. Damn. There are no Black, Mexicans or any minorities.”

  “Damn, it’s about time. I know we should all be colorblind, but when there isn’t any color it gets spooky.”

  George said, “I should have been the first to see this. Alabama still has a significant Black population and there is none of us in any of these surveillance clips. We got a bunch of damned racists here, that’s what we have on our hands.”

  “George, don’t jump to conclusions. Until you joined us, we only had Steve in our group. We give them the benefit of the doubt until proven guilty.”

  “When we prove them guilty, I’m going to whip some racist ass.”

  “Then it will be okay, Mr. Governor.”



  Chapter 4

  Inside the USA

  The United States of America

  July, 2021

  Gabe Logan looked down at his son sleeping on the couch and hoped that one day little Josh would be able to get out of the USA and live a free life. He turned towards the kitchen and saw his wife Betty sleeping on his recliner. Both were waiting on him to get home because he promised to be home from work before Josh’s bedtime. He left the car lot on time and made the mistake of checking the secret drop box before heading home. The message sent chills down his spine and he had to call his team back to his office to make assignments and pass out fake IDs, money and maps. By the time they had their cover stories and plans completed, it was well past 10:00 p.m.

  His superiors wanted fresh intelligence on all major UN assets and personnel still located in the USA and needed the info within five days. He knew that this must have something to do with the attack on the Navy ships and the ISA several days back. His US government contacts were gloating over the success of the attacks. Several nuclear bombs had destroyed a large part of the old US Navy that had mutinied and joined the rogue ISA. The funny thing was that they didn’t seem to know who perpetrated the attack. The president of the USA was silent on the issue and the news only said what he wanted them to say. He was starting to wonder if the UN was involved in the attacks since this new interest in intelligence on them appeared on his assignments.

  He hated to break the news to Betty and the kids, but he would have to be out of town over Josh’s birthday again. They had fabricated a reason for him and his sales manager to go to Harrisburg to discuss fleet pricing on potential sales to New Hampshire and Vermont. The federal government had taken over all functions of governing the remaining states and ruled as Russia was during the 1950’s. Every major decision had to go through the president’s staff. Day to day issues were handled by the Field Marshall appointed by the president for that state. The Field Marshall was also the leader of the Department of Homeland Security domiciled in each state. The state police and the states' governors were disbanded immediately after TSHTF. If you were lucky and belonged to the elite class of US citizens, as Gabe was, you lived in luxury compared to the rest of the citizens.

  Gabe owned the largest automotive group in the USA. He had friends in high places and had met the president on numerous occasions. Gabe had perfected the refurbishment of older vehicles and sold them to the elite and the US government. He hoped to get a large contract to refurbish military vehicles. Car and truck manufacturing had ceased the day the lights went out, but there was still a demand for working vehicles and nice cars for the new rich class that served the president and the Field Marshalls. He filled both niches.

  Little did they know, but Gabe Logan was the most successful spy that the ISA had planted in the old USA. Sold cars by day and spied by night. He had access to their boardrooms and their administrative assistants' bedrooms later each night.

  “Gabe! Gabe! What are you thinking? You are standing over Josh and shaking your head. It looked downright creepy. What happened this time? You promised………”

  “Betty, something came up and I just had to stay a while later. I promise that I will make it up to Josh later. What did he want to show me that was so important?”

  “If it had been important, you would have been here to share in his success. He made an old fashioned crystal radio and wanted you to hear one of the stations that he was able to find. I think it’s one of those pirate stations from the rogue ISA. I really don’t want him listening to that, but he was so happy to have made a working radio that I just couldn’t stop him.”

  “Betty I am truly sorry that I missed the event and I have to tell him that I will miss his birthday again.”

  “Damn you, Gabe. That boy idolizes you and it will crush him.”

  “Darling, we are on the short list for that government contract and Bobby and I have to make another sales pitch in Harrisburg in two days. I will be there for four or five days. I have an idea to soften the blow. I am going to buy him that fancy bicycle that he saw downtown last week.”

  “Gabe, he will love it. That bike costs as much as a new car. Can we afford it?”

  “Yes, dear, we can afford it and many more when we get that contract. I am supposed to meet the president again on this trip and I will get him to autograph something for you.”


  The new USA consisted of 15 states from Wisconsin down to Illinois on the west and Virginia to Maine on the east with Kentucky and Virginia making up the southern border.

  The trip, by car, from Columbus to Harrisburg only took about four hours before the lights went out and now took seven to eight hours. The roads were in terrible shape and there were checkpoints at every county line manned by DHS troops. They searched every car and confiscated any illegal items they found. Illegal meant anything that they or their family needed. Gabe found out early to take enough bribes for the first couple of checkpoints to speed up the trip. The guards did not care about security and only cared about the loot they could confiscate from the weary travelers.

  They made it to the last checkpoint out of Harrisburg without any issues until they arrived at the one at the 76-81 junction.

  “Show me your papers. Where did you get such a nice car? You must be someone special. Get out of the car so my friends can search it.”

  To Gabe’s dismay, a guard and two dogs came from behind a partition
and walked up to the car. The dogs sniffed all around the car and settled on the back seat. They both stopped sniffing and sat at attention. Gabe was worried. He had never had his car searched by dogs before even though he had been trained in how to get around their keen noises.

  “Well, Mr. High Society, I think my friend has found something.”

  He pulled the back seat out and found several cloth bags with several items each. He emptied the bags in front of Gabe and Bobby.

  “Well, look here. We have whiskey, wine and chocolate. Well damn it to hell, look here there is some fancy women’s lingerie. You two are going to the Capitol to get laid. Ain’t momma at home enough for you two perverts? Well, I think that we will just have to turn this contraband into my superior. He will know what to do with it.”

  “Please, don’t turn us in. We have a meeting with the Secretary of Homeland Security and can’t be late.”

  That got the guards' attention.

  “I don’t like filling out the paperwork, but my boss will want something to make him happy.”

  Gabe reached into his pocket, pulled out several gold coins and gave them to the guard. The guard looked at them and put his hand out again.

  Gabe reached back into his pocket and pulled out two more coins, then pulled the pocket out to show that it was empty.

  “My friend, that’s all I have and you are welcome to it. Thanks for speeding up our trip.”

  The guard smiled, took the gold and said, “Put your seat back in and hit the road. We’ll see you on the return trip. My boss likes Scotch.”

  Gabe and Bobby got back on the road and were able to breathe again.

  “Gabe, what would you have done if they had found the false bottom and pulled out the C4 and the Uzis?”

  “I would have killed all three men while you took out the dogs.”

  “I hate to kill dogs. I would have knifed them and cried later.”

  “Bobby, you are a very sensitive spy.”

  “I am.”

  They pulled into the hotel less than an hour later, checked in and ate in the hotel restaurant before retiring for the night.


  “Bob, have you heard anything from our northern assets?”

  “Hey John how are you today?”

  “I’m doing okay and Beth and Jenn are keeping me hopping.”

  “They have moved into place and will gather the intel and then with some luck they will set some charges aimed at some high profile USA and UN staff based in Harrisburg and Toronto. There won’t be much more info until they can get back to a secure satellite phone. We don’t allow them to carry one with them for obvious reasons.”

  “I know that Gabe had to handle the Harrisburg operation, but I don’t like exposing him to possible capture.”

  “Don’t worry. If all goes by plan, he will have an airtight alibi when the bombs go off. By the way, do you think that the president ever curses when he says the name of his new capitol?”

  “Yep, I bet he likes saying Harris several times a day. Bob, I have a serious question about the Admiral.”


  “How is he holding up? Losing that many men plus the ships has to be a horrible thing for him.”

  “John, the old man is a lot like you. He will do what it takes to serve his fellow countrymen and then when things settle down he will drink more than he should, kick himself in the ass and get back up and do what has to be done all over again. He hates losing even one man, but realizes we are at war and there will be loses. He is upset with himself for not doing more to eliminate the threat before the attack.”

  “Bob, we still don’t know for sure who attacked. How can you prevent something that you didn't know existed?”

  “I think he is looking at the bigger picture and now thinks that if someone is not a friend, they are an enemy and must be eliminated. We are going on the offense and will not stop as long as there are threats. We have almost unlimited firepower and only need men to man the weapons. We have tanks, A10 Wart Hogs, Apaches, missile batteries and heavy bombers just waiting to be used. I can’t tell you what or when, but soon all hell is going to break loose. We will prepare you so you can handle any blow back, but the shit is going to hit the fan and our enemies are going to be decimated.”

  “Damn, I like it when your dad gets pissed off. You know that you can count on us to assist with anything in our power.”

  “We are counting on you and your team to keep the new country together while we take out the bad guys. The Admiral knows that he can depend on you and your team.”



  Gabe was in the hotel restaurant eating breakfast when a man sat down at the table and said, “I’m with the USA Secret Service and you are a spy.”

  Gabe laughed and replied, “This is a joke, right?”

  He looked around to see who was pranking him and didn’t see anyone that he knew.

  “You aren’t serious, are you?”

  “I am serious, but don’t worry, I am on your side. The CIA recruited me and set up this phony ID just before TSHTF. They won’t tell me how they knew they had to get a mole into the president’s team, but they were very successful. I need you to get a message back to Admiral Jones. Tell him that his son is alive and well, but his family was lost in the first attacks on the USA.”

  “How did you know who I am?”

  “We know everything. The CIA is operating for the ISA and feeding info daily to your team. This info is personal. Have a great day.”

  The man walked away and left the hotel.

  Gabe had set up several meetings with the Secretary of War and DHS to gain that large federal contract. He also used the opportunity to get them to introduce him to several contacts from the UN and other countries that still had embassies in the US. After all of the meetings Bobby and Gabe pretended to travel around Harrisburg to see the sights. There were a few good bars and restaurants open so later Gabe ditched Bobby and picked Jill up for supper. Jill was the secretary of homeland media and reported to the president. She also slept with him as often as she could get him in bed with her.

  “Gabe, you don’t mind sharing me with the president do you," said Jill over coffee at the end of their meal, "My husband doesn’t.”

  “Jill, I guess the real question is, does the president mind sharing with me?”

  “He doesn’t know about you. My husband doesn’t either. They would be pissed if they knew about you. I would be dead so I won’t tell.”

  “I would be dead in a skinny minute if the president found out about us. Please don’t let it leak out.”

  Gabe hated to think about having to dispose of Jill when he completed this assignment, but even she knew he was a dead man if this leaked out and it always does, sooner or later.

  “Gabe, speaking of the president, I have an invitation for you and your friend to join me at a party for one of the UN ambassadors tomorrow. The president and all of his staff will attend. Even that bitch, Wilton, and one of her supporters, will be there. This will give you a chance to rub elbows with all of the rich and powerful people in the New USA.”

  Gabe took her back to his hotel room, gave her a fake diamond bracelet and promised to bring her a Cadillac on his next trip. They made love until midnight and then she slipped out and drove home. He would never see her again.

  Bobby had placed a homing device set to activate upon receiving a signal. The device would guide a missile right down on her car that she always parked in the garage at her house. Bobby was able to place 12 more of those devices during his stay in the capitol.


  Gabe and Bobby traveled back to the safe house in Kentucky without any issues and spent several hours sending the intelligence back to the ISA Intel Group. They were both worn out from the drive and stress that comes from knowing that any minute a USA operative could walk up to them and end their lives for espionage. The CIA contact could easily have been a real Secret Service agent and arrested both of them.
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  Chapter 5

  Revenge in the USA

  Mobile Alabama

  July, 2021

  The details about the attack on the fleet came in bits and drabs over the next 24 hours. The only good news was most of the fleet survived and the Bush carrier group suffered much less damage than the Ford group. The entire ISA was on high alert and prepared to repel all attacks. John had Meg’s team flying double shifts to keep the Apaches and A-10’s in the air at all times scouting for the enemy. Scott had ten armored recon squads fanning out into the states bordering the ISA. Bob sent over a hundred spies who fanned out over the same border states to watch for any troop movements.

  In a short period, the old USA had attacked Port Arthur and John’s home base, The Bunker, with major loss of life and killed the leaders of the Port Arthur group. In addition, an unknown enemy had nuked the ISA’s carrier fleet in the Gulf of Mexico. Thousands of lives were lost and several ships were destroyed. John and the Admiral suspected that a drug cartel, the UN and perhaps the USA were behind all of the attacks.

  Life in the Mobile area went on as usual except for the heightened alert status. Everyone had a decent house or apartment to live in and plenty of food to eat. The sewage treatment plants were operating, water was flowing and garbage trucks were in limited operation. Several libraries were open and a few movie theaters. Medicine, toilet paper and other personal hygiene supplies were in short supply.


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