Book Read Free

Promise Me

Page 10

by Tara Fox Hall

  I shivered. “I know they were planning to kill me, too—”

  “They weren’t expecting you to have a gun, much less to use it. They expected you to be a playmate.” He grinned at me. “Maybe it was your long blond hair—”

  “Tell me about the gun already, before I shoot you with it.”

  “The bullets in it are for vampires.”

  “That can’t be. I thought only stakes could kill vampires.”

  “Sar, surely in a world that has vampires and...other creatures—”

  I stopped and turned to him, enjoying his uneasiness.

  “—you can allow for a gun that’s a little out of the ordinary.”

  “Just tell me, Theo. Drop the weirdness and the cute words.”

  I thought that might piss him off, but he just nodded. “Okay, Sar. The bullets explode. Danial’s heart does beat, despite all the folklore that says it shouldn’t. Never could understand that idiocy, why a stake in the heart could matter if the heart didn’t beat in the first place.” He grimaced. “Anyway, a vampire’s heart is a lot tougher than a human heart, and it heals a lot faster. A lot more force is required to rend it. We haven’t tested it on any vampire yet, but in theory, it should work. The bullets are nonstandard; they have to be made to specs for the gun because they carry more than gunpowder. They have a pinhead’s worth of C4 and a Nano computer chip to detonate it on impact.”

  C4? Nano computer chips? Fuck me, this was getting complex.

  “Be sure you fire this gun only at a vampire,” he continued. “I don’t know what it would do to a human or animal, but it wouldn’t be pretty.”

  That was grim. Hollow-point bullets made a mess of their targets as it was. Explosive bullets were sure to make more of one.

  Theo turned and began to walk. “Come on, we should head back. I can smell rain coming.”

  I called the dogs, and we walked back in silence. I wanted to ask how he’d smelled rain when I hadn’t, but I kept that question to myself.

  Chapter Eight

  Six twenty-one p.m. Three minutes since the last time I’d checked. I shook my head slightly, amused by my nervousness, and took another sip of wine. Near the woods, a flock of turkeys foraged the cut cornfield for missed ears. I couldn’t see them very well in the fading light but I heard them calling to one another. A slight breeze blew. I felt a little self-conscious; knowing at least one pair of eyes watched me.

  This would likely be the last time I used the deck this year. Snow was forecast for the next weekend, Halloween night to be exact. That was okay; I’d gotten everything prepped for winter.

  My thoughts abruptly turned to the gun, holster, and box of exploding bullets stashed in my dresser drawer. Theo and I hadn’t talked for the rest of our walk. When we’d gotten back, he’d excused himself to check with the other guards. The holster and bullets had been delivered an hour before by courier. I’d made sure the gun was loaded and ready to go, wanting to be prepared if I had to use it. The holster was a little big for me but I’d tightened it down enough to work. Test firing the gun in the quarry had been enough to get an idea of the damage it would do; it had left a ragged apple-sized hole in the hardwood stump I’d used it on. And the recoil wasn’t too bad.

  I checked my watch again to see it was six twenty-five. Hell, I was really out on the deck because I was nervous about seeing Danial. I knew neither of us regretted taking our relationship to the next level, but men sometimes acted differently after sex. He would wake soon, if he hadn’t already. Would he be distant or loving?

  I heard someone open the door behind me. It was Danial. He gave me an affectionate look and walked over to stand next to me. We both leaned against the railing, looking out into the black night. He slipped an arm around me.

  “Good evening, Sarelle,” he said in his best Dracula voice.

  I cracked up, and the tension broke just like that.

  “How did you sleep?” I asked.

  “Deeply. You tired me right out. Did you get enough sleep?”

  “I felt okay when I was mowing earlier.” I leaned into him. “I wasn’t tired. But I’ll need to get some extra sleep tonight.”

  “Do that. I need to leave soon anyway. I’ve got some business to take care of tonight.”

  “When will I see you next?” I tried not to sound too eager.

  “I’m really busy this week. I’ll try to come back again this weekend. If I don’t...”

  If he didn’t, I was cutting him off, but he could find that out for himself.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked bluntly, turning to face him while trying to distance myself.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” he replied, keeping a firm hold of me. “I just have a lot going on this week and I need to be home to take conference calls. This weekend will be busy, too. What I was trying to ask was if you could possibly take off the following week from work? I’d like you to stay at my house that week to see if it pleases you.”

  I tried not to seem so astonished. I kept my face averted as I formulated a polite reply. I could be mistaken, but his offer sounded like he wanted me to move in with him. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing. A lot hinged on my response.

  I hadn’t thought about being with him beyond when we both had time, like weekends and some weeknights when he was available. I’d assumed we’d date and get to know each other. We had chemistry, and I hadn’t wanted to wait for intimacy, but I wasn’t ready to live with him. Maybe I was making more out of his offer than he’d meant me to. We’d just be more secure at his house than mine.

  He waited for my answer. I mustered my words carefully. “I can check, but I doubt it. I only work part time, on Mondays and Fridays. I’d probably be able to take just one day off, but that would be close to a week, if I left on a Monday night for your place.” I spoke as normal as I could make it, but I could hear the hesitancy in my voice. He probably could, too. “I’d have to bring my pets or board them. A shorter visit for a day or so would be better.” Plus, I needed my whole paycheck. Telling him I didn’t get paid for time off sounded too much like asking for money, so I left that off.

  He was surprised and not happy. “One of my people could watch the house and your animals. I don’t see why a day should matter.”

  “What I do at my job may not seem like much compared to what you do, but I take it seriously. It matters to me.”

  “I see.” Danial’s expression said otherwise; he didn’t understand at all.

  “Let me ask, okay? I’ll do my best to get the time off. Deal?”

  “You’re right. Speak to your boss first.”

  “Are you leaving tonight?” I asked, implying that I wanted him to stay.

  “I knew it. You want me just for my body,” he teased.

  “That’s right. And what a lovely body it is.” I ran my hand up his chest, to his neck, and brought his lips to mine. We shared a soft, delicate kiss while desire simmered beneath the surface. The kiss became deeper, and I pulled him closer, trying to convince him to stay.

  Danial reluctantly pulled away. “I’m sorry. I have to go. But I’m looking forward to our next night together, this one without interruptions. Please, find out if you can take the time off.”

  He reached into his pocket and handed me a cell phone. “Take this. Use it to call me whenever you want. My number is programmed into the speed dial, under number one.” He showed me how to access the speed dial and place a call. It was like my own cell phone, though state of the art. I could probably access the Internet and take pictures, if I studied it enough.

  “Does this reach you at your office or home or—?”

  “It’s my cell. I usually carry it with me. I have a home phone, but I’m hardly ever there.” He hugged me. “Call me every night. I want to know you’re safe and more about how you occupy your time when I’m not here.”

  That came out a bit stilted, but I understood what he meant. He wanted to know more about who I was and what I liked to do. Theo’s comment that I couldn’t share my
days with Danial no matter where he was hit home. But we’d work through it.

  He kissed me. “Theo told me he gave you the gun. Don’t hesitate to use it. They’ll be at least four guards at any given time watching, but they won’t bother you unless there’s a problem. Aran’s in charge. He’s programmed into speed dial under number three.”

  “Who is number two?”

  “That’s Theo's direct line. He’s never without his phone, so he’ll always answer, day or night. Call him if for any reason you can’t contact Aran.”

  He motioned to a figure out on the lawn. Aran was Theo’s height and build, with long reddish brown hair gathered in a tight ponytail. Dressed in camouflage from head to foot, he carried a gun on one hip and a compound bow on his back, along with a quiver of arrows. Unsmiling, he waved to me. I waved back. He must not have Theo’s friendly disposition.

  “Be safe.” Danial kissed me, then drew back. “You’ll call me?”

  “Promise. Take care.”

  He smiled, gave me a wink, and then was gone.

  * * * *

  I asked about taking the following Monday and Friday off. My boss said he could let me be gone for a day but with me working part-time, he really needed me to keep up with workload. I told him I understood and that next Monday would suffice.

  I stayed late to get as much done as possible. It was the busy season, with the end of the year wrapping up, and there were a lot of year-end orders to fill. I left that night happy, knowing that I’d get to spend most of the next week with Danial.

  The week passed slowly. Every night after dinner, I called Danial and told him about my day. I thought the tales of my simple life would bore him, but he never let on if they did. I learned more about him as he told me of his days. The best news arrived Thursday when he told me that Max was dead, along with anyone from his family who might seek revenge. I breathed a sigh of relief even though I felt guilty about it, and then put it out of my mind.

  “Do you think you’ll be here tomorrow?”

  “It’ll be Saturday night before we can see each other. Theo and I need to check into a possible sighting of the vampire who tried to kill me. It was in White Plains. It’ll take about five hours to get there.”

  “Somebody saw him?”

  “We got a call from an ally there. He said there’d been a drowning that looked suspicious to him. When he investigated, the body had been exsanguinated.”


  “Yes. Ryan claims he didn’t do it, so it had to have been another vampire. But there are no other vampires who live there.”

  “I understand. Be careful. Call me if you find out anything.”

  “I will. You be careful, too.”

  We said our good-byes and hung up. I called Aran to let him know this, and he said he already knew. As I hung up, it occurred to me that I had Friday night free. I decided to give Kat a call to see if she was free for a movie.

  As I waited for her to answer, I dreamed up my own fantasy. In it, she was available and we got together for a movie. We were attacked leaving the theater, and Danial and his men came in like gangbusters to save us. I was so grateful that I decide to move in with Danial and we lived happy ever after.

  My reality fell short of my fantasy. Katrina was busy, though we made plans to get together the following weekend.

  I decided to stay in and rent a pay-per-view movie. Not a big night next to the ones I’d had lately, but I did need to rest up if I was going to keep up with Danial Saturday night. I envisioned a repeat of the latter half of last Saturday night and things began to stir in the lower part of my body. I reminded myself that I had work tomorrow and another whole twenty-four hours after that.

  Besides, he might not want to have sex Saturday night.

  I laughed out loud. Yeah right, Danial was a man, so it was safe to say he’d want to have sex. I anticipated it myself, anticipating spending the whole night together. Could my body hold up under that kind of strain? I stretched deliciously and decided to go to bed to get extra sleep.

  Friday went like clockwork; I did the day’s work and most of what needed to be done Monday. There would still be catch-up work when I got back next Friday, but I didn’t mind. A whole week with Danial was worth it.

  I drove home, got the mail, and went inside. My dogs weren’t waiting for me at the door, as they should have been. Something was terribly wrong.

  I dropped my coat and purse, and began searching the house. I found them a few minutes later, cowering by the couch.

  “What is it?”

  The dogs were scared by thunder or other loud noises, but I’d never seen them like this before. I tried to coax them up, but they were afraid to go outside. I had to get their leashes to drag them out. They did their business as quickly as possible and ran back inside, banging into the door in their scrambling. I ran in after them, following them into my bedroom.

  Something was up. Now that I had people just a phone call away, I didn’t have to brave this alone. I called Aran, but as the rings continued, I knew the men Danial had set up to guard me had somehow been neutralized. I hung up and dialed Theo.


  “Sar?” His voice was alarmed and loud.

  The phone was knocked from my hand as I was shoved backward. I hit the couch and slumped to the floor, the wind knocked out of me. A foot stepped down deliberately on the phone, crushing it to pieces.

  A deep voice filled with sarcasm said, “You must be Sarelle.”

  I looked up from the foot. It belonged to a man in his early twenties. He was about my height, with straight dark hair pulled back in a ponytail so short it was a bob. His eyes were a ruddy color and his complexion was pale, lacking the luster of Danial’s skin. He was dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans, and there was a gun at his waist, a semiautomatic. The rage and feeling of danger emanating off him was far scarier than the weapon he carried. Now I knew why my dogs were scared. I cowered myself. I’d never felt so vulnerable before, not even when Max’s agent was about to cut me. Something came out of this man that triggered my fear, intensifying it.

  I reached inside myself and found some courage. “What do you want?”

  I meant it to come out bold, but it was a whisper. The man regarded me but didn’t speak. He looked furious.

  “Who are you?” I demanded, my voice rising in volume. “I want to know your name so I can tell Danial whose ass to kill.”

  “Brave words,” he said as he glided to me, “for the position you find yourself in.” He knelt next to me. “Do you know the manner of evil whose bed you share?”

  He phrased the question oddly, and I wondered if it was for effect. They didn’t sound natural, more like he read them from a script. What part would I have to play in order to live through this?

  “Answer me, girl,” he ordered angrily.

  I looked him in the eye. “I know the evil I see right in front of me.”

  Those reddish brown eyes bored into me. I took courage from his lack of a reply and demanded an answer of my own. “What did you do to the guards? Where—?”

  “Your werefoxes? I made them change shape against their will and locked them in that form. I imagine it will take them a while to get some distance from me before they can break the spell.”

  Werefoxes? A lot suddenly became clear: Theo’s sunglasses at night, the shapes I had seen near the barn the night Max had attacked. To think they couldn’t return to human form...The county allowed shooting foxes for fur and sport. I had a fondness for all animals, especially foxes.

  I looked at him with disgust. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I owe Danial.” His words were stone cold and grated out of him harsh with hatred. “And maybe some of his people as well.”

  Shit, this was the vampire who’d been stalking Danial. Max was dead, and the other threat Danial had was a woman.

  The man leaned toward me, and I pulled back. My shoulders pressed against the couch and I couldn’t go any farther. I felt a wave of fear,
and lost it a little. “I don’t understand any of this.”

  His hand darted out, and I recoiled, scared he was going to hurt me. Instead, he reached up and retrieved a box of tissues. When he handed it to me, I took one and wiped my eyes.

  “My name is Terian. All you need to know about me is that I’m here for Danial. I’ll kill you if you get in the way.” His deep voice was still angry but it had lost some of its coldness. “If you cooperate, you’ll live.”

  “Okay,” I said, watching him carefully. What choice did I have?

  He stood and held out his hand. I didn’t want to take it but I was afraid to refuse. When I touched him, I let out a gasp and snatched my hand back. His skin was hot as newly sawed metal. I jumped back from him and nearly fell over the couch. Terian gave me a scary smile, showing fangs different from Danial’s. He covered them up before I had a chance to see more.

  “My skin tells you I’m not a vampire, although Danial and Theo believe me to be. I was careful to hide that from them.”

  “What are you?” I asked. “You said you did a spell? Are you a warlock or something?” It was ridiculous, but I was in a whole new world now. My survival might depend getting up to speed as fast as I could.

  “I’m dhamphir; half human and half vampire.” He sighed. “All cursed.”

  Okay, that was it. I’d been brave enough. Like everyone with limitations, I’d reached mine. I bolted, and though Terian reached out to grab me, he missed. I ran toward my bedroom.

  He came after me. “Stop or I’ll stop you.”

  He hadn’t yelled it, but I heard a good deal of eagerness in his voice. I froze, and he walked up to me, gliding. He stopped a foot away from me. I could feel heat come off him. I thought for a second about trying for the gun but decided to wait. I’d only get one chance. Better to relax him first, if that was possible.

  I turned and faced him. “What do you want me to do?” I asked, trying to sound utterly defeated. “I’ll cooperate if you don’t hurt me or my pets.”


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