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Marks of the Mazza: Reverse Harem (Mazza Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Blake Blessing

  “No, no, my dear. We wouldn’t actually take over the realm. We only need access to their intelligence databases. Information that we aren’t able to get right now. If it proves that they are not in fact behind the attacks, then we would exit as quietly as we entered. No harm need come to anyone. If that’s the case, we will be back to square one, but only then can we be positive that the attacks are not human sourced.”

  “I see.” Does he really think I would believe they would take over all the governments—without taking lives—and then give up control when they determine that the attacks weren’t driven by humans?

  “We have a noble cause, and we are trying to save our people. We would love for you to be part of that. Haven’t you ever felt the yearning to make a difference in the world, or life in general?”

  Our salad plates have been taken away, and our main course is being served. Using this opportunity, I glance around the table to see everyone is eating quietly, content to let Rainer handle this discussion.

  “Of course I have. My whole life, I have coasted through. I would love to have purpose.”

  “Well, that settles it. Let us help you learn our history and our customs. We will even take you out to help us investigate the next time an attack occurs. It would be helpful to have an unbiased perspective.”

  “I would love that.” I nod in appreciation. I would also appreciate being rescued before then. But if I have to stick around, I might as well learn as much as I can.

  Now that he is bonded to me, Nato said he can find me wherever I am. I just have to wait for him and Egan to get their butts in gear.

  Knowledge is power, right? And I need a lot of power if I’m to get out of this mess.

  “Fantastic! Now what do you know of the houses? Are you familiar with the marks?”

  “Somewhat. Why don’t you go over them again just in case they left anything out.”

  Rainer gestures to all the table attendees. “You are actually sitting with a member from each house with you right now. Rand and I are part of Janer House. That means that we are gifted with metal. This could translate into architecture, or in our case, we are excellent blacksmiths.” He puffs his chest out in an overabundance of pride. “We can shape any metal into a weapon and keep them sharp without a fire to temper the metal.”

  “Wow! That’s really impressive.” I give Rand my best demure look. “Tomorrow, if you have time, I would love to see your gift in action.” And maybe snag a weapon or two.

  Rand, who still has his palm on my knee, starts to rub small circles on the inside of my thigh.

  Hoo boy. Not good. It causes goosebumps to break out on my skin, and I involuntarily shudder. He knows what he’s doing, the rat bastard. One side of his mouth curls up as he leans in.

  “I would love to show you all the ways I’m gifted.” His tone is so suggestive I think I need an industrial size fire hose to put out the fire he’s building within me.

  “Great!” I squeak.

  Across the table, I catch Lucia rolling her eyes. She doesn’t say anything, though. Guess she doesn’t want to discourage me from taking Rand as my Janer mate.

  “Rand can absolutely show you how our gifts work tomorrow. Back to our discussion. Lavi, my love, is a member of Zien House. That house is the most powerful house of the four. They can have any gifts of the mind, including being able to take and alter memories, render people unconscious, or even trick the mind with illusion. Very fun sort, that bunch. Lavi is particularly gifted in making memories.” I am assuming he is not talking the warm and fuzzy kind. “She can also pull memories from people with just a touch.”

  Note to self, never touch Lavi. Ever.

  “I have a question. I didn’t realize there were inter-house marriages. What happens to the children if there is more than one house in their ancestry?”

  “Good question. Very astute. The child will bear the mark of the house most dominant in their specific genetics. Siblings often belong to different houses. Sometimes, although it is extremely rare, a child will bear all four marks. Which is where you come into the picture. Somewhere along the line, you had a strong ancestor from each house.”

  “But my family was human, or mostly human. Doesn’t the strength of the Fennin blood play a part in who has all the marks?”

  Rainer studies me, his eyes seeming to peel back the layers of my mind and enter my thoughts. If he hadn’t said that he was from Janer House, I would swear that he was a Zien member. As quickly as the delightful charm fell away, it bounces right back into his features.

  “Why, that is something that no one really knows. I would imagine so, but perhaps not since Mazzas possess all the powers from their chosen mates.”

  I nod absently. This is good information. Really good, assuming he’s telling the truth. Although he hasn’t said anything that rings false yet.

  “Anyway, Ralina and Lucia are both from House Levan. Ralina is gifted with storms, able to control the elements that are in the air.” Similar to Jari. “Lucia is gifted in water. The way gifts of Levan House work can be a broad range or a specific power within an element or a specific type of nature. Storms for example, or earthquakes. You can imagine where that is the case, they want to live where that element or natural disaster is common so they have natural power to pull from.”

  Ralina inclines her head at me as if in acknowledgement of what Rainer is saying. Lucia glares into her plate.

  “And Mehki here”—he slaps Mehki on the back—“is a gifted Caen House member. He has the ability to share sight with all different types of animals but strongest in the canine breeds.”

  I remember Egan has the ability to use both birds and animals for shared sight, and he also can call them or have them do his bidding, a.k.a. spy for him.

  Our main course is being cleared away as another server brings in dessert. It’s super small, which suits me just fine. I want to get out of here quickly.

  As he digs into to his dessert, Rainer must consider that enough of a lesson for one day. He moves the conversation to other, less pleasant topics.

  “So, tell us about your human life, Isolde. How were your childhood and life before you knew any this world existed?”

  I have a hunch that he already knows about my life. Maybe it’s the cunning glint in his eye when he asks.

  “Not a lot to tell. I was orphaned when I was five. I lived with an elderly couple up until I aged out of foster care. I’ve been working at the local diner and trying to save up for college. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell.”

  “That can’t be all. What happened to your parents?” Lucia does nothing to hide the snide tone of her voice.

  Rand provides another squeeze of my thigh. I place my hand over his to let him know that I appreciate the comfort he is trying to give me.

  “My parents were on their way to pick me up from school when they were hit head on in a car crash. They died on impact.” I manage to keep my voice devoid of emotion as I stare directly at her.

  Lucia must have some small capacity for empathy, because she only holds my gaze for a few seconds before she flicks her eyes away.

  Mehki clears his throat. “I’m sorry for your loss. How long ago was that?” I meet his eyes. I see nothing but exactly what he said. Remorse and a little curiosity.

  I’m twenty-four now, so that was…almost twenty years ago. Man, I can’t believe it’s been almost two decades. I realize I must have been staring at my plate for longer than is polite, so I snap up my head and meet his gaze.

  “Nineteen years. Twenty years next March.”

  If I wasn’t looking directly at Mehki when I answered, I would have missed the infinitesimal rise in his shoulders and the tightening around his eyes.

  Ralina draws my attention away this time. “Isolde, I am so sorry to hear that. If you would like, I would be honored to go with you to their graves on the anniversary. No one should spend that day alone.”

  Her voice is low and melodic. Definitely more than I heard in my room when
I first met her.

  “Thank you, Ralina. I would appreciate that.” My voice comes out raspy. I have no idea where I will be when that time comes, but the thought that someone would offer is in itself a new experience to me.

  I don’t know if Ralina is a friend or foe, but I believe her offer is heartfelt no matter where her allegiance lies.

  I turn back around and catch Rainer once again studying me with intense eyes. When he notices my attention on him, he brightens and starts back up the conversation.

  “Well, on to a lighter subject, who do you think you will choose as your other bond mates?”

  He leans toward me, resting his chin on his palm to await my answer.

  “I, uh, I haven’t really given it much thought,” I babble as my eyes widen and my breath hitches at suddenly being cornered.

  “Oh come on now, don’t be shy, we’re all friends here.” He grins slyly.

  “Well, I haven’t really met more than a select few. Nato and the guys were trying to introduce me to others, but it didn’t work out so well at Mehki’s.”

  Mehki nods as if to agree that it was indeed crazy as hell.

  “Come now, Isolde. Don’t you think Nato planned that on purpose? He knew you wouldn’t be able to safely interact with any other male house members if you had an incomplete bond. He wanted to keep you to the group. Luckily for you, they were able to get you out of there.”

  He looks at me so earnestly that I almost feel like he believes what he is saying. Almost.

  “You know, that makes me wonder, why are you three able to keep your heads around me?”

  The three men look between each other, and I can’t tell if they are conspiring together or what.

  Mehki leans toward me, and his expression is strained. “Don’t think it’s not hard. I’m fighting with everything I have to stay where I am. I am one of the more powerful members of my house. If I weren’t, you would have to scrape me off you like bubblegum off the bottom of your shoe. Near impossible, and by then the damage is already done.”

  Doesn’t matter though; Egan already took that bond.

  Rand removes his hand from my leg and drapes his arm around the back of my chair, toying with my hair. He closes in until our noses are barely touching.

  “I can control myself, but believe me, love, I’m affected.” He snatches one of my hands and places it over the bulge in his pants.

  My eyes widen comically, and he smirks at me. My eyes dart around the table, trying to see if anyone can tell what he just did. I’m pretty sure no one knows. Except Rainer, whose smile is so smarmy that it skyrockets my need to take a shower. Ick.

  “I think it would be a good idea to make some introductions of the more powerful members of each house so you can get a feel for your options. In a more controlled environment, of course.”

  Rainer leans back in his chair and folds his arms over his stomach. For him, this has already been decided.

  The way he is trying to position this is that I should be grateful for his interference. He might even think I’ll feel lucky and indebted enough to support his cause

  I need some different kinds of answers though, and the only way I can figure out how to get them is by asking Rainer straight out. Gauge his reaction and play it from there.

  “What happened to Jari? Did he make it after he was dispatched?” That was pretty good. A nice even tone with zero inflection.

  “You don’t need to concern yourself with him anymore.” He waves my concern away. “You didn’t bond him already, did you?”

  Damn. I wish I could tell him I did, but I have no idea if anyone here caught a glimpse of the mark on my wrist. If they did, they’d know for sure I haven’t.

  “No, I didn’t. I just hate to think that he died or was seriously injured because of me.”

  Rainer nods his head and leans forward to pat my shoulder. He totally buys it.

  “My dear, he is fine. It was just a simple sleeper spell to knock him out. No harm done. Now. For tomorrow, Rand, do you want to start her tour in the morning? I believe I can arrange for a tutor to come right after lunch to begin her training.”

  “Rainer dear, I want her here at 11:30 sharp for our luncheon.” Lavi flicks her eyes over to me before redirecting her attention back to Rainer.

  “Of course, of course.”

  “I’m rather tired. I think the afternoon took a lot out of me. Would you mind terribly if I were to excuse myself?”

  What the hell is this place doing to me? I never talk like this. I find myself trying to appeal to Rainer and fit in to the environment I’m placed in. Don’t they say somewhere that the measure of your intelligence is based on your ability to adapt? That might be for dogs now that I think of it.

  “That sounds like a great idea. We all have finished our meal anyway. I love to enjoy a good meal amongst great company.” Rainer sighs like we have given him the best orgasm of his life. Yeah, right. This guy is so fake, he probably can’t let go enough to have a good romp in the hay.

  “I’ll walk you to your room.” Rand stands and pulls my chair out. I say good night to the table, and although Rainer said they were done, no one makes a move to get up. Feeling awkward, I stand up and let Rand lead me out of the room with a hand on my lower back. It’s apparent they are going to have a secret meeting without me present.

  WE CLIMB THE stairs to my room in silence. Our footsteps echo around the hallway. We don’t look at each other, just keep our eyes on the path ahead. I’m content to let him lead since I have no idea where I’m going.

  After an indeterminable number of minutes and stair climbs, we come to my door. He pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks it. It must lock on its own when it shuts, because I’m 99% positive that Ralina didn’t lock it when we left for dinner.

  Once inside the room, he leads me to the bed. My heart starts to pound so loud I can barely hear the air unit over the thumping in my ears. I sit down anyway, because let’s face it, I don’t really have a lot of options here. I’m not one of those stupid heroines who tries to run away, only to get tackled before I even make it to the doorframe. No, my best shot is getting people on my side to help me escape.

  But how am I supposed to learn who can be trusted and who can’t? As a human stilted in interpersonal interaction—can I even say I’m human? My parents were human, or mostly human. I think. I guess the jury’s still out on that one. Anyway, I haven’t had much human interaction since I embraced the loner lifestyle.

  I guess go with my gut instinct and hope for the best? I roll my eyes at the ridiculousness going on in my head. Hopefully Nato and Egan find us soon, because I’m pretty useless with this kind of stuff. My contribution to the group can be laundry service. At least until I have powers and some training under my belt.

  Once I’m seated, Rand flops down on the bed next to me and throws an arm over his eyes.

  He groans. “That was downright painful, wasn’t it?”

  I scoot up toward the headboard, tuck my knees under my chin, and twine my arms around myself in my best imitation of a curled up roly-poly bug.

  “You ain’t lying. What’s the deal here, Rand? Can you tell me what’s going on?”

  Rand uncovers his eyes and tips his head backward so that he can see me. I think my chest and neck are starting to itch from all this intense scrutiny. I absently scratch my upper arm as I wait for his answer.

  Without warning, Rand grabs my ankles and pulls me down the bed until I’m flat on my back. He slowly crawls over me, jerking my legs apart with hands under my knees before falling on top of me.

  “Umpff,” I grunt.

  With his hips wedged between my legs, he slides his arms under my shoulders and cradles my head. My arms are flapping awkwardly out to the side because if I lay them down, it will be uncomfortable with his arms underneath, and I don’t think our friendship has reached the level where we can just tangle up in each other all willy nilly. My pulse, which was just starting to slow down, stutters and picks up speed again. />
  Oh, what the hell. I bring my hands to the back of his neck, threading my fingers through his hair. He has me pinned with his gaze, and there is more heat and emotion in his eyes than I have seen at any other time.

  I hope he’s not planning to pull a Nato. Now that I know the bonding process, I can’t be tricked again. If nothing else, I made Sage a promise, and I intend to keep it.

  He leans his head down and kisses my mouth gently, just a light brush of his lips against mine. We are breathing each other’s air and just…nuzzling?

  He moves his lips over my cheek, so, so slowly, until he gets to my earlobe. There, he gives me a stern nip.

  I yip in surprise, but he doesn’t let me move an inch. Tingles start below my ear and run all the way down to my pussy. I shiver in unexpected pleasure.

  “Rainer might have us spied on in here. I don’t know for sure, but I wouldn’t put it past him.”

  I bob my head in acknowledgement. The sudden closeness he has going on here makes much more sense now.

  “You want to know the deal?” He pauses, but his tone doesn’t invite a response.

  “I think somehow Rainer knew you were out there. How that could be beats the hell out of me,” he rasps in my ear, causing another involuntary shudder. “He also knows that you have not completed all your bonds, which we can explain by the display at Mehki’s house. Those idiots should have known better.” Anger is undeniable in his voice.

  I stiffen. I don’t appreciate his talking about my LL like that. My hands, which have come to rest on his shoulders, tighten so hard it’s almost like a pinch, relaying my displeasure.

  “I don’t think it was Mehki that narced, though. He has no choice but to play this game of Rainer’s. Anyway, getting back on track…” He traces the outer shell of my ear with his nose and exhales softly.

  Oh man, the things Rand could do to me. I mean, if I wasn’t keeping my promise. Which I definitely am. No Rand for me.

  “Rainer thinks he has the right to take over the human realm. Might makes right in his book. He sees you as the golden ticket to make that happen, with all the powers you will come into after your bonds are complete. He is desperate to have you and will stop at nothing to make sure you bond with as many of his puppets as possible.”


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