Two Weeks With a SEAL (The Wakefield Romance Series)

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Two Weeks With a SEAL (The Wakefield Romance Series) Page 7

by Hewitt, Theresa Marguerite

  Rolling over on top of him, I pin Chad's arms by his head, our laughs turning into kisses. "I'm the Queen," I say leaning up and acting triumphant, a wide smile crossing his face.

  "Stay like that” he says, leaning over and grabbing his phone from the nightstand.

  "No, don't take my picture," I say throwing my arms across my bare chest, trying to roll off of him.

  "I'm not gonna take a nuddie pic," he laughs, sitting up and kissing me, "you look so beautiful right now, I wanna capture this moment forever." His smile melted my resilience.

  Leaning his back down against his pillow he aimed his phone's camera at me, "Promise," I said sternly, holding my finger in his face making him laugh.

  "I cross my heart," he used his index finger to make and 'X' pattern across the middle of his chest. I leaned down and kissed the path he had traced, letting my lips sit there, feeling his heartbeat. Sitting up, seeing his smile, I nodded, hearing the familiar 'snap' sound of his phone's camera a handful of times. I bit my bottom lip, brushing my messy hair behind my ear as the last snapping sound went out, Chad's eyes going wide looking at the screen.

  "That's the one," he said, moving his finger along his touch screen.

  "Let me see," I say, crawling back down beside him. He had changed the picture to black and white, cropping it so that it was just from the tops of my shoulders and up.

  It took my breath away, the way I looked. I didn't even think it was me, my hair falling to the side, my hand up brushing it behind my ear, my eyes turned down, shyly not looking at the camera. "You're beautiful," he said kissing my forehead and sliding out of bed. That was how he saw me? I just starred at his naked form, pulling on jeans and a t-shirt.

  "My turn," I said, grabbing my phone and jumping out of bed. He turned towards me with a drop dead gorgeous smile on his face and I snapped the photo. It was perfect, his eyes seemingly reaching out to me from the screen of my phone. I cropped it like he had, switching it to black and white and setting it as my background, all while pulling on some sweats and showing it to Chad. He liked it, kissing me on the cheek as he straddled my footsteps out into the hall and down the stairs.

  Whistles met us as we hit the living room, my face going red immediately, Chad fending off the hoots and cat calls as I put my hand up, shielding my eyes and heading into the kitchen, coming face to face with Rosa. I let out a sigh, Rosa giving me a wink and handing me a full glass of wine. Taking a long sip, I plop myself into one of the small table chairs, peeking out the window seeing that it was snowing lightly.

  "You can stay with me," Rosa says, pushing a bowl of stew and some pieces of bread over to me, "when they leave, you can stay with me as long as you'd like. They'll have us behind the tarmac fence as the planes are loaded with gear. They'll do a few marches out onto the tarmac, Marines and other Navy deploying personnel. We'll have five minutes to say our goodbyes," she sent me a sidelong glance as she sipped her wine. "One thing you can't do is break down. You'll have to save that for later. If we broke down in front of them it would weigh heavily on their mind," she put her hand over mine, her eyes meeting mine with tears trickling down, dragging her mascara with them. I gripped her fingers, holding onto them as I looked out the window again at the peaceful snow, trying not to cry again. The sun was starting to set, the orange filling the sky, the mountains in the not so far off distance.

  "You wanna take a walk," I ask her, wiping at the tears that were trying to fall as she dabbed at her eyes with a napkin.

  "Yeah, after you eat," she smiled patting my hand. She called to Kendall who joined us, a fresh hickey on the left side of her neck, telling her that we were going for a walk if she wanted to join us.

  "Yeah I'll go," she replied, taking the seat with her back to the window, patting my other hand. Sometimes I didn't have to tell her what was going through my head, she just knew. We had been through so much together and as individuals, our lives were far from charmed. Eating my food, I kept my hand in hers, her strength keeping me from drowning in my own emotions.

  Cleaning up the kitchen after I was done, I wasn't surprised when all of the guys were in the den as the three of us put our jackets and boots on. Grabbing a flashlight from Randy's old gun case, I peek my head around the corner of the door frame. "Going for a walk," I say, all of the eyes in the room snapping towards me, those familiar blue ones forming a smile. "Be back in a little bit," I wave and head for my two companions waiting for me at the door, hearing a "Be safe" as I shut the door, delving into the chilly mountain air.

  We walked in semi-silence back around the cabin, past the small tool shed where inside there was an old four-wheeler, but I don't know whether it runs or not, Rosa saying that Reno could look at it. The snow falls around us, the flakes growing in size as we get further into the woods, turning into huge clumps and falling softly on our jackets. Rosa weaves her arm into mine, walking along, matching my steps with hers. "They'll watch out for one another," she says, her head leaning on my shoulder, her pink ear muffs sticking out against her dark hair.

  "I know," I reply, hearing that ever present voice in my head saying, "But they can't know what other people are going to do, that's how Randy died". We walked around the small pond that Randy and I fished at the only summer he had got to come up here, the memory of him in his khaki fisherman's vest, his pole flinging back and forth, made me smile to myself. The water wasn't frozen and there was a mallard duck floating out on top of the surface, quaking away as we skirted the edge. "You like Timmons," I ask Kendall, getting a little giggle from her and Rosa.

  "He's nice," she says, shrugging her shoulders. There had been times over the years when I wished I could have been as casual about love as her. Not caring what people thought of me as I went from short term boyfriend to short term boyfriend, breaking up and making up every other day. She was confident in her looks, knowing she looked good even on her worst days, carrying herself with a poise that I could only dream of. I wish she knew that Harlan was in love with her because he would treat her like the Queen that she was. He was a good ol' country boy with Southern manners. The words were on the tip of my tongue, but for the millionth time I bit them back, resolving to let her figure it out on her own. "He doesn't want anything more than this," she waved between her and me, signaling a physical relationship, "and that's fine with me, I need time away from the drama." This made me scoff and Kendall punched me in the shoulder, the three of us laughing it off as the sky darkened around us, the orange in the horizon turning to black.

  As we made our way back by flashlight, the sounds of music echoed through the woods. It was a fast paced, Spanish little number, Rosa shaking her hips and stopping us to dance fast circles around Kendall and I, making us laugh, "That's my husband for ya, he's tryin' to lighten the mood." Our pace quickened, eventually turning into a full out run as we chased one another through the last few yards, past the little tool shed, panting and laughing up the stairs, the living room revealing all of the men and two dogs, gathered around a small table, poker chips and beers all around. "Oh we see how it is," Rosa laughs, trying to act mad as she strips off her jacket, "while the cats are away the mice," she wiggles her fingers at us, "will play."

  "Did you just refer to us as 'Pussy'," Kendall laughed, giving me a weird look, the laugh passing through me and Rosa as we stumbled into the kitchen, tossing our boots and gloves off to the side, not caring right now where they landed. "Is there a TV in your room Ray," Kendall asked as she got three glasses from the cabinet, filling each with ice.

  "Yeah, why," I ask, grabbing Pepsi from the fridge.

  Setting the glasses down, she goes to her purse on the table, pulling out a single see-thru blue DVD case, waving it around in front of my face. "I've got a movie for us to watch."

  "Oh no," I say, knowing exactly what kind of movie she meant. Kendall had the pension to watch Chip-an-dale dancer type soft core porn when she was in a lame mood, me being subjected to it more than once. It wasn't anything that I hadn't seen before and her j
ustification for it was that guys got together and watched porn when they were bored and drinking, why couldn't we? She gives me a pouty face, holding the DVD out to me as she picked the glasses up off the counter, Rosa inquiring what the movie was.

  "Tasteful porn," Kendall whispered to her, Rosa's eyes going wide, pouring Jack into my glass.

  I could see the thought of it rolling around in her head as she poured Rum in her own and Kendall's glasses, taking a long sip of hers she finally replied, "Okay, I'm in." What? Had I just been knocked into a parallel universe or something? Was this a zombie apocalypse and someone forgot to inform me? I let out a frustrated sound, Rosa giving me the same pouty look as Kendall, "Come on, the boys have their poker, let's just be silly and get drunk." She shook my shoulders like I was sleeping, rattling my brain to the point where I grabbed her arms, staying the motion.

  Throwing my hands up, sloshing the whiskey around in my glass, "Okay, okay," I give in, both of them quietly squealing. Grabbing the cans of Pepsi I follow Rosa and Kendall back through the living room.

  Chad swats me on the butt as I pass him, "What are you girls going to do," he asks as Rosa steps onto the stairs, a sly smile crossing Kendall's lips.

  "I," she smiles, throwing her hands around both mine and Rosa's shoulders, "am going upstairs to defile your girlfriend," she points at Chad over my shoulder, "and your wife," she points at Reno over Rosa's shoulder, "and there is no peeping." Rosa and I both playfully put our hands over our gasping mouths and I swat Kendall's butt as we go up the stairs.

  At the top of the landing we hear both Chad and Reno yell, "Sit down Timmons," making giggles roll out of the three of us. Settling in on mine and Chad's bed, the three of us sit back and laugh through the corny opening credits where a pool boy strips down to his thong, not knowing that the woman of the house is watching him.

  We drink copious amounts of liquor, getting loud and rowdy around the fourth movie that we watched. At one point Rosa sat up yelling that there was no way that man's penis was that size, Kendall laughing that of course it was real, causing Rosa to retort with 'You wanna see a big penis, RENO get up here and show these girls your penis', causing all of the guys to come up the stairs, gathering around the bed to see what we were watching.

  "Not real," Austin French said and I could have sworn he puffed his chest out a little.

  "Oh yeah," I say, the whiskey flowing through my veins, "are you saying yours is better?" It got a resounding 'oohhhhh' from the guys and giggles from Rosa and Kendall, Austin's face turning a little red as I eyed him up.

  "Alright I think our night is over," Reno interjected, getting a screaming 'no' from Kendall and Rosa, Kendall jumping up off the bed, shooing the men out of the room.

  "You're ruining our fun," she slurred, slamming the door shut in Reno's face, sliding the lock down and turning to us with a triumphant middle finger held in the air.

  "You're a crazy bitch," Rosa says, laughing as Kendall jumps on the bed.

  "But she fucks so good I'm on top of it," I drunkenly quote the Buckcherry song making Kendall squeal, "Yeah!!!" She fumbles with her IPhone, her eyes squinting at the screen, taking three tries to plug it into the speaker dock that Chad had brought with us. Ten seconds later Buckcherry's "Crazy Bitch" was blaring in the room, the three of us jumping up and dancing like crazy around the room, grinding with each other ignoring the pounding and yelling coming to the door. Rosa slides the lock up and comes back to Kendall and I, Chad, Reno and Timmons spilling in the room, their eyes and mouths wide at the scene. We were wasted, somehow half naked, grinding on each other with porn on the TV and a song about dirty sex playing on the radio. Yup, it was a jaw dropper.

  The song ended with the three of us flopping down on the mattress, Kendall looking around her saying, "How did my pants come off?"

  "I have no fuckin' idea," I slur out, noticing that my long sleeve shirt and pants are missing, leaving me in lace panties, a thin tank, knee socks and a demi-cut push up bra. Whoops. Looking over to Rosa, she had no shirt, her lace cami barely hiding her breasts, her pants un-buttoned, and she was pretty much passed out, her eyes closed and her mouth open.

  "Party’s over ladies, you need to get to bed," Reno issued, scooping his wife up as Timmons threw Kendall over his shoulder.

  "Toodles bestie," she giggled, wiggling her fingers at me as Chad shut the door behind them, his blue eyes falling on me.

  In my drunken state I couldn't tell if he was scowling or smiling so I went with, "Are you mad at me," scooting back on the bed and pulling my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my shins.

  "No," he says, pulling me to the edge of the bed. His strong hands stripped me of what was left of my clothing, pulling the sheets back, he helped me under them, tucking them up under my arms as I gave him a very drunk smile. "Just sleep it off," he whispered, kissing my lips and having to force my hands away as I gripped his face, hoping for him to join me in bed, naked. "I'll be up in a lil' while," he smiled, leaving the bed side to shut off the light by the door. "And don't even think about coming downstairs without putting some clothes on, Timmons has already reached the end of my patience," his tall figure was silhouetted in the doorway, my eyes growing heavier by the second, "I love you," he whispered.

  "Iwuvgoo," I slur, hearing his laugh as I drift off into a drunken dreamland.


  The morning started with a huge headache eased by Chad's lips and touch, a large smile on my lips as I descended the stairs into the empty and quiet cabin. Everyone was still sleeping and it was a little after eight AM. I stoked the stove, adding a couple more logs, shuffling into the kitchen to make some breakfast for everyone. I know Chad loves pancakes with strawberries so I whip up a batter in no time, the coffee dripping away and the bacon sizzling. Cutting the berries I hear the first set of footsteps coming down the stairs, Kendall's familiar yawn echoing through the empty room.

  "Mornin'," she yawns, throwing her arm over my shoulders, leaning her head against mine while grabbing one of the mugs I had set out. "You need any help?"

  "Yeah, put some sugar on these," I pushed the bowl of berries over to her, turning the pieces of bacon, trying to shield my face from the splattering grease. I had poured the first pancakes on the griddle as we were joined by Rosa, Reno being not far behind rubbing his eyes. French and Black, along with their dogs, were the next to join us, both thanking me for the coffee, which they took black with no sugar. Flipping the pancakes onto the platter I had set out, Chad's warm arms wrapped around my waist, his beard tickling my ear as he kissed me lightly, a loud rumbling "mmmmm" sound coming from his chest. Flipping the last of the cakes onto the platter, I turn to place it on the island where the bacon and berries were waiting, my eyes meeting the approaching Timmons, a choking laugh escaping my lips.

  He was shirtless, his pale chest covered in hickeys, large and small. Shrugging his shoulders at me and everyone as he walked in, I noticed the scratch marks on his back and shoulders, my wide eyes and mouth turning to a blushing Kendall.

  "So that's where the screaming was coming from last night," Fred Black said, nonchalantly sipping his coffee, Rosa's eyes meeting mine. Seeing the smile starting to build on her face I couldn't hold the laugh back as it rumbled through me, making me double over, Rosa's joining mine. All of the guys joined in as Kendall blushed, Timmons's whole chest turning red as he sat next to her, snaking his arm around the back of her chair.

  I was happy looking around the room as everyone dug into their food, the echoed 'mmm' sounds and muttered 'yums' making a smile appear on my face. Chad kissed my cheek as he sat on the stool next to me. "Damn Ray," Fred Black mumbled through a mouthful of pancake, "you are one fine cook. I'm gonna miss this when we're eatin' nothin' but MRE's." The guys all issue an agreeing grunt, focused on their plates. I lean my head on Chad's shoulder, closing my eyes, enjoying this one simple moment with him and my newfound friends.

  Dropping his fork onto his plate, leaning back in his chair and rubbin
g his stomach and chest, their Team leader, Austin French issues, "That was fantastic, Timmons, do the dishes," getting everyone to laugh. Bobby Timmons, being the ham that he is, shot up, his fingers going to his forehead in a salute, French issuing a laughing one in return as Timmons grabbed the plates.

  "I'll help," I said, sliding from my stool taking my plate with me.

  "No ma'am," Reno issued, waving me to sit back down, "you cooked. Let us clean up. You ladies can go start tackling the packing up," he nods to Rosa who gets up, taking me by the arm as Kendall follows. There seems to be a silent way of communication between Rosa and her husband, because she always knows when he wants us to leave the room. She practically dragged me up the stairs and into their room, Kendall shutting the door behind us.

  "What the hell is up," I ask, my hands going to my hips.

  "The guys needed to talk business," Rosa replies, tossing one of her pink suitcases onto the bed and flinging the top open, "we can't hear what they talk about. Breach of code and all that shit," she gives me a wry smile and Kendall and I start to help her, piling her many pink things on top of one another. Opening the top drawer in the opposite dresser a gun holster meets my hands and I pull it out, turning to Rosa.

  "Yeah, Reno's always packing," she rolls her eyes, "it’s part of the whole 'being prepared' attitude," she makes air quotes taking the gun from my hand and setting it on the bed. "Chad has one too, it's prolly in his truck," she shrugs her shoulders, Kendall and her returning to the suitcases in front of them.

  "Hmm," I mumble, "I didn't peg Reno for a handgun kinda guy," Rosa smiles at me over her shoulder and we all laugh softly, finishing up their packing and moving to mine and Chad's room. Rosa was going through his drawers when she held a small photo out to me, a grin on her lips. It was an old, creased Polaroid, the white part yellowed faintly. The scene depicted on the face brought little tears to my eyes, my hand going to my mouth in disbelief. It was Randy, Chad and I when they were about sixteen and I was about eleven. I was nestled in between the two of them as we sat in front of the Christmas tree, Randy and I laughing at the camera. What took my breath away was where Chad's eyes were looking. They were looking at me, a crooked grin on his face. That same crooked grin that he got when I did something silly or said something funny. I kissed the photo, sticking it in the pocket of Chad's Navy issued duffel bag.


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