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Two Weeks With a SEAL (The Wakefield Romance Series)

Page 18

by Hewitt, Theresa Marguerite

  I plopped down onto the edge of the bed, looking over to the alarm clock seeing that it's only quarter after seven as Chad tells his mom that he's okay. That we're okay. I had started to wonder why she hadn't text me back earlier when Harlan and Kendall had showed up at Chad's little confrontation with Duke. I can tell that she's asking us to come over for dinner, Chad making a silly face at me as he leans up against his dresser, raking his hand through his now loose hair. "Yeah momma we'll be over in five," he smiled and then said that he loved her and hung up, throwing the phone to the bed to bounce next to me.

  "Pizza night?," I ask giving him a smirk. He gives me a disappointed sigh and nods, flopping down on the bed next to me, his hands behind his head. I lay my head over his chest, his heart beat in my ears. "Lovin' later," I whisper with a slight laugh, turning my head to look at him, seeing a grin on his face.

  "You betcha babe," he says grabbing my face and crushing my lips to his, kissing me hard and passionately. Releasing my face he throws me up and over his shoulder smoothly, hauling me down the stairs like I weighed nothing more than a pillow, a loud giggle running through me. Setting me down so that I can put some shoes on, he yells over his shoulder at me "Right after we enjoy my momma's homemade pizza, you better run your ass over here."

  I just laugh, pulling my boots on with a smile reaching my ears. "Well aren't you just a regular Romeo," I shout after him and I can hear him laugh from the kitchen.

  He thought I was joking. But to me, Chadwick Payne truly was my real life, honest to goodness Romeo.


  January 29, 2012

  I rarely ever went to church except for holidays, but when Dana had asked Chad and I last night as we sat at her dining room table enjoying her homemade pizza, we had agreed. It was only ten after nine and the pastor was wrapping up his service. I felt at ease sitting next to her on the pew, holding Chad's hand as he sat next to me.

  "One last thing," Pastor Williams said, his eyes flowing over the hundred or so people and settling on us, "we have a hometown hero in our presence today and his momma tol' me that he's shippin' out tomorrow mornin'. So if we would all bow our heads, I'll issue a prayer for Chadwick Payne's safe return home, alongside all of his brothers."

  I bowed my head along with everyone else, but in my eyes there were slight tears. The pastor issued the normal 'Dear Lord', followed by a lengthy prayer for Chad's safety. "May he come home safe and soon, and may You watch over his love, Rhea Griggs," Wait, what? I thought, "You know as we do that she's been through a lot the last few years. If You could keep an eye on her and lift her heart to You I know she'll find peace enough to survive their time apart."

  Everyone issued a resounding 'Amen', the pastor issuing a happy 'See you next Sunday' before he descended the pulpit, walking down the aisle to open the doors and greet everyone as we walk out the door. Talk about being thrown into the fire. My face burned with a blush that crept up my neck.

  I was still a little shocked by the mention of my name in the prayer when Dana's hand came to my knee, shocking me from my thoughts. "I told him to include you hun," she smiled, standing slowly, "I hope you don't mind." I look over at Chad and he had a sly smile on his face, squeezing my fingers and bringing them to his lips, placing a light kiss on the tips.

  "No," I say shaking my head and giving her a one armed hug as I get to my feet, "Thank you," I whisper. We follow the stream of people leaving their pews, walking from the warm church into the slightly chilly morning. Chad shakes the pastor's hand, thanking him for the prayer. I know he has to start to pack. We're leaving to go to Reno and Rosa's house to stay the night around six, so I nudge him towards the truck, wrapping my arm around his bent elbow.

  He seemed to sense my slight sadness and he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and resting his cheek on the top of my head. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment, breathing in his clean scent. "Alright you two, you're drawing spectators," Dana not so much whispered to us, hopping in the truck. She was right and as I look around, a lot of eyes are on us, shying away as we part ways. That's okay, let them look. Let them see the love I have for this man and the love he has for me.

  Our truck ride back home was semi quiet as I snuggled up to Chad's side, my head on his shoulder as Dana chatted away about how nice the service was and what she was making for lunch. I couldn't help but giggle at her, getting excited over lunch but I know she's just happy to be cooking for her son. Just then, as Chad turned onto our street, I had an emotional breakthrough.

  She was going to miss him just as much as I was, more so even. This was her only child, her only son and her only family left except for a sister and nephews in Ohio. This was her baby, the life she had brought into this world and it crushed my heart thinking of the pain it must bring her to have him leave. How could I have been so selfish over the last week, not one time thinking about how this was going to affect her.

  The tears found my eyes again and I reach out and hug Dana, pulling her into me just as Chad pulls into the garage. I hugged her tight, hearing her at a loss for words at my sudden embrace and I closed my eyes letting a few tears slip down my cheeks.

  "Oh hun, what's, what's wrong," I can hear her say, pushing me back with her hands on my shoulders and I wipe at the tears, scraping them away as I see a shadow of understanding pass through her eyes. She hugged me tight, forcing the air from my lungs as she told me that it would all be okay.

  I hadn't even noticed Chad get out of the truck or go in the house, but Dana just smiled, pulling me from the truck as we both wipe at our tears. "Tell him I'll call when lunch is done," she said, kissing my cheek and I nod, watching her turn and head for the open garage door.

  "Dana," I say, watching her twirl around and face me, a sweet smile that reminds me of my mom on her lips, "Thanks for everything, now and in the future." She tilts her head and I see the tears trying to fall from her eyes, her smile reaching her ears as she nods and turns, leaving me in the garage to gather myself.

  After taking more than a handful of deep breaths in, I wipe my face with the back of my hand, looking in the side passenger mirror to make sure my hair isn't crazy, I go into our house. Our house, just the sentence makes me stop, my eyes closed, taking another deep breath and taking in all the scents that had become familiar to me.

  The unmistakable odor of grease and WD-40 coming from the garage where Chad spends hours tuning his Harley. The slight musty smell of the small mud room. Chad's old leather cowboy boots that I smile as I walk past, thinking of how good he looks in them.

  Entering the kitchen, I don't see Chad and I shed my sweatshirt to go in search of my hunk of a man. The living room smells like cinnamon, my favorite brand of candle sitting on the coffee table, obviously lit by Chad as he passed through only minutes ago. I kick my shoes off by the stairs, making my way up and I can see Chad standing near his dresser as I get to the top. He's packing. Oh man, I think feeling the knot in my chest tightening and growing already.

  His large green bag was on the bed and his back was to me as I leaned on the doorframe, letting my head rest on the wood as I just stare at him. My heart belonged to him, there was no denying it. If someone opened my chest up I would bet a million dollars that they would find "I belong to Chad" tattooed on it, with a chain and lock wrapped around it.

  I hope that he'll get a better view of my love for him from the letter and picture I had tucked away for him in my purse, all set and ready to slip into his pocket right before he leaves. I had wrapped the legal paper around the picture to keep it hidden from my eyes because it made me cry every time I looked at it. It was just a regular four by six taken the day of my junior prom, Randy on one side and Chad on the other, both dressed in their Navy dress uniforms. I giggle to myself now, recalling how they had both pushed my date out of the way to have my mom snap the picture and my date had barely talked to me the rest of the night.

  My giggle pulls his eyes to me and I see the pain hidden behind them.
I run to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tight, burying my face in his neck. His arms squeezed my waist as I felt his lips on the crook of my neck, his breath hot on my skin. "I'm never, ever, leaving you again after this," he breathed against my hair as his lips traced my cheek, moving to the tip of my nose, his blue eyes locking onto mine.

  I just give him a sweet smile, lightly kissing him as I move my hands to his scruffy cheeks. "And that's what will keep me content," I whisper, kissing him again, "knowing you'll be all mine when you're home." I laid my cheek against his chest, my eyes spying his desert camo uniform laid out on the bed, his tan combat boots on the floor and it took my breath away for a second. I hugged him tighter, feeling his hands move up and down my back.

  "Baby," he almost whispered, pulling my face to peer up at him, "I have something for you." He released me to dig in his canvas bag and my heart jumped to a rapid beat, pulsing in my ears as he turned back around. In his hand was that all too familiar little black box every girl dreams of. To my amazement he slowly got down on one knee, taking my left hand in his and I couldn't help but let the tears roll out.

  "Rhea Noel Griggs," he started and I had to fan my face with my free hand because of the heat that rolled through me, "will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

  "Oh my God," I choked out as he flipped open the lid of that little black box. The single, teardrop cut little diamond sparkled up at me in the bedroom lights. His hand massaged into my ring finger as if to bring me back to life as I looked at him. His eyes were overflowing with love, rimming with moisture and I knew in that second that this man would keep every promise he would make to me.

  "Yes," I breathe out, releasing a happy sob, "yes I will." The tears picked up their pace as he slid the slim silver band over my finger, fitting perfectly. I bent over, grabbing his face with both hands and claiming his lips with mine. With his hands on my hips, Chad pulled me to kneel on the carpet in front of him, his lips still moving with mine.

  We were a little late for lunch, pulling our clothes on about ten minutes after Dana had text Chad, being too wrapped up in one another to let go at the time. I admired the ring Chad had given me in the sunlight as we walked in the slightly chilly air to his mother's house, the smell of roasted chicken hitting us before we were even ten yards from our door. The ring was simple yet breathtaking. It was everything I had always dreamed of, especially since it was from him.

  "I love you," I say to him as we walk up Dana's steps, my head on his shoulder.

  "And I love you baby," he kissed my forehead as he pushed the door open, swatting my butt as he ushered me in. I was beaming with a smile that I think will make my cheeks fall off as we stumble into the kitchen, his arms wrapped around my waist as Dana throws up her hands.

  "It's about time you two," she raises an eyebrow, waving her wooden spoon in each of our faces. Chad gives her that killer smirk, grabbing the spoon and licking it in a dramatic display making Dana swat him in the arm. "Get your butt over there and set the table while Rhea helps me," she pushed dishes into his hands and shoved him away, Chad winking at me before he vanished around the corner.

  "Sorry we're late," I say stirring a pot of gravy with my right hand, keeping my left hand in my jeans pocket, "we got carried away."

  "No need to explain hun," Dana smiled giving me a sidelong glance, "I was young and in love once too, remember." She grinned and I couldn't help but smile. "Can you get me the bottle of honey from the pantry," she asked and I saw my opportunity. Getting the honey bear from the revolving pantry, I put it in my left hand, holding it out to Dana turning the ring up so she wouldn't miss it.

  "Thank you hun," she said without turning she reached out for the small plastic container. Her fingers run over my hand. When they passed over the ring, I saw the expression on her face change as she watched the potatoes boil, her eyebrows rising and her face turning to lock onto my hand. "Oh my," she whispered, forgetting about the honey and grasping my fingers, bringing them within inches from her face, "is that a…?"

  The smile I had was edged with happy tears as she finally looked at me, her soft blue eyes watering slowly as well as she wrapped her arms around me. She patted my back, pushing me back by my shoulders to kiss my cheek and whisper, "It's about time that boy got some sense," before stomping around into the dining room, her voice booming through the house. "Chadwick Payne," I heard her say, "I'm so glad you wised up and put a ring on that girl's finger."

  I laughed, leaning my back against the fridge, listening to their happy banter as my happy tears finally slipped out. Looking down at my ring I had a sudden wave of fear grip my heart. What if he doesn't come back? What if something happens to him? What if something he does changes him in a way that I can't help him with? What if? What if? What if?

  There were too many what if situations to ponder. "No," I say to myself under my breath, my fists clenching at my sides, "I will not let those thoughts creep in." I built a mental wall around my heart, not letting all those what if's in…for now at least.

  Settling into dinner, the three of us enjoy the fantastic food after Dana issues an almost tearful Grace. She reminded me that I could come over anytime, the front door was always open to me and I told her it was the same at Chad's house. "It's our house baby," he grinned through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

  "Right," I blushed, "our house." Dana laughed lightly with me and she patted my hand, squeezing it lightly.

  "What are you going to do with the doublewide," she asked and Chad raised an eyebrow. I hadn't really thought about it. I guess it wasn't a priority on my list till now.

  "Harlan said he'd rent it," Chad said, mowing through his chicken like he usually did when his mom made it for him. I'd have to get the recipe from her so that I could make it for them sometime. His eyes met mine over the small bouquet of carnations in the middle of the table, "Kendall and him want a place of their own."

  I almost choked on the carrot I was chewing, Dana slapping me on the back as I coughed. They both frantically ask if I'm okay as my face turns red and I just wave them off. I was fine just shocked.

  "Kendall didn't say anything to me," and I would've thought she would have at least mentioned it being that we talked about everything under the sun yesterday as we drank our beers at my kitchen table. Chad just shrugged his shoulders. "Well I guess that's okay," I say quietly, looking to Dana and seeing her approving nod, "I'd have to draw up a renter's agreement, just in case."

  "That's my little lawyer," Chad grinned, his eyes sparkling with the candles that were lit around the table, "always covering her bases." I gave him a wink and dove back into my food knowing that in a few hours I'll be too nervous to even think about eating.

  "Are you leaving your truck at Reno's again," Dana asked from the kitchen when the dishes were all in the dishwasher, her brow creased as she carried the coffee pot to the table.

  "Yeah, Rhea won't let me give her the keys to use it," he pinched my elbow as I snuggled next to him, my chin on his shoulder. "Plus Reno and Rosa have that huge garage, so she said I can store it there. I really wish you would just take it, drive it instead of that old rust bucket." His fingers tilted my chin up to look at him.

  "My truck is just fine," I protest, taking the offered coffee from Dana, "besides I don't think I'll be... able to drive myself home after tomorrow." The coffee was hot as I took a gulp to try and chase the tears away. "That why Kendall is coming down to get me after she gets outta work." His eyes still had a bit of annoyance in them, but he ignored it. I know I won't be able to drive myself home after saying goodbye to him, I'll be an emotional zombie and zoning out is not a good thing when driving from an hour away.

  "We'll get your truck if she needs it son," Dana chimed in, giving her son a pointed look. "Besides, she's friends with Rosa, they'll be seeing each other as often as possible. If she needs your truck she'll take it." Chad nodded his head a tiny bit, his eyes on the table as he sipped his coffee. His hand gripped mine, squeez
ing it and bringing it to rest against his stomach.

  Dana's goodbyes to Chad made me cry once more today, her eyes watering as he told her not to cry. She told him to be safe and true, to say his prayers and to call and Skype us as much as he can. He promised to do all of the above and he asked her to watch over me, keep me occupied on weekends and she smiled. She had been a back bone for me for a while, I was sure it wouldn't change especially now since I was going to marry her son. She followed us to the house and waited patiently as we finished up his packing, making sure he had all of his navy blue t-shirts and his gear. Dana carried his camo uniform to the truck as I threw my tote bag of clothes in.

  "Call me when you’re headed home tomorrow," she said, kissing my cheek and hugging me tight. "I'll be waiting for you."

  "Okay," I say, trying to give her a genuine smile as she caresses my cheek.

  "I love you my son," she hugged Chad tight once more as he bent over to wrap his arms around her waist. "I'll be praying for you."

  "Yeah mama, I'll be seeing you," his words made my dam break. Randy always said that same thing when he was leaving, giving one of my cheeks a pinch and grinning his evil grin. I turned my back on my fiancée and his mother, trying to hide my tears but a hand on my elbow pulled me into their embrace. "God, how am I going to deal with being away from you two," he whispered against my hair as he kissed the top of my head and then his mother's cheek.

  Dana pushed us both back a little, a hand on one of our shoulders, "Alright, get going," she tried to smile through her tears. She kissed and hugged us each once more before stepping to the side and letting us get in the truck. As we backed out of the driveway, I waved through the passenger window at her as she followed us out, stopping to stand on the end of the driveway.


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