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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 19

by Reece Butler

  “What would you do if, say, you suddenly got a lot of money?”

  He jerked his head back. “You know about the gold?”

  “What gold?” She frowned at him.

  “Just an old rumor. It’s not important,” he said.

  The way his heart continued to thump made her wonder about that. The area had been the site of a huge gold rush. Maybe she’d find a nugget along a stream one day.

  “If I had a heap of gold, I’d invest in the ranch and our community,” he said finally. “There’s always too many places where a bit of money could turn good-enough into wonderful. After hearing about your fire, I want to have my ancestors’ journals put on microfilm to keep them safe. Maybe even get someone to transcribe them. If I had enough money I’d move the hotel from Tanner’s Ford into Climax, and turn it into a home for old people who want to live in town. We could use it as a community facility. There’s about two thousand people in Climax County now but I want to see it grow even bigger. If we lose too many families they’ll take away the school, and when that happens, people will move. They don’t want their little kids to ride a bus for over two hours a day, especially when they have chores before and after school, as well as homework.”

  She relaxed and let him cuddle her as he talked. The feeling of being safe and secure was still so new. If she stayed, would her children have to travel that far to school, or would Climax grow into a town that could support itself?

  But what happened to the town might not matter. If Lance didn’t like her, would she have to leave the town as well as the ranch? She wanted to have this wonderful feeling of contentment for the rest of her life. Could she find it in a second man? Being twins, maybe they were so alike it would be easy to feel the same for both of them. Wouldn’t it?

  “What’s your dream?” he asked.

  “I’ve always wanted to be part of a big, close family,” she said after a minute. She turned her head so he could see her eyes. “I didn’t like living in the city, Simon. It’s noisy, stinky, and nobody cares about other people. I like that Donny comes over and helps you with chores, and in return we take their children so they can have a night of peace and quiet. That’s what happens in communities that care.”

  Simon chuckled. “I don’t think it was peace and quiet that Keith and Donny shared with Aggie. They’d gone without sex since before Sophie was born, and that was six weeks ago. I expect there was a lot of screaming and bellowing since there weren’t any little kids to hear.”

  Heat rose as she thought of what the three of them might have done. What she might do with Simon and Lance.

  “How many children do you want?” asked Simon. His tone was casual, but the heartbeat under her ear had sped up drastically.

  “I always wanted at least four, but if more come, so be it.”

  His hand stilled. His heart thumped harder against her skin.

  “What do you think about loving two men? Emotionally as well as physically?”

  She relaxed her head against him again. Letting someone care about her was new. Believing that he meant it was another huge step. She could get used to waking with a handsome, intelligent man watching her with a gentle smile, then hearing “good morning, beautiful.” The tenderness in his eyes, and the resultant kiss that went from tender to hot in three seconds provided more cherishing than during her entire marriage. On the other hand there was that whole command and obey thing with Lance. Simon hadn’t mentioned that to her yet.

  “I guess it would depend on the men,” she said. She couldn’t keep back a flirty smile. “I don’t know about love, but you have a few redeeming qualities. I expect your brother might as well.”

  “A few?” He huffed at her indignantly, but the hand brushing her breast proved he was joking. “Wait until I’m back to normal. I’ll show you a heck of a lot more of my qualities.” His hand wandered south. She slapped her own on it to hold him in place. If he touched her below the belly button, her brain froze with heat and she couldn’t think.

  “Aggie seemed quite normal and she’s happy with her men. So are Ginny McInnes and Anne Taylor. But I’ll have to see what happens when Lance arrives.”

  Now that she’d said what she wanted, she reached for his cock. She wasn’t surprised to find it hard. It jumped at her touch. Her pussy creamed in return.

  “I’ve never been with two men,” she said coquettishly. “I was thinking how that might work.” She squeezed him, gaining a groan. “One of these in my mouth and one in my pussy?”

  “That would work,” he choked.

  “Or maybe…one in my pussy and one in my bottom?”

  * * * *

  Simon growled and rolled over Marci. He was done with her teasing. His cock was hard, and she not only knew it, she wanted it. That was fine with him, as he was going to show her something new. She shrieked, then went quiet as his lips found hers. He kissed her hard, demanding she give in. She bit back as if trying out her newfound power. He reared back at the sharp nip. Her eyes were wide, her nose flaring, as she waited to see what he would do.

  It was time to show Marci some of the power he usually hid. Time to show her that he could wear the pants in this family as well as Lance. Marci was the one who’d be going without panties.

  “Let’s start with one. Me.”

  He rolled off the bed, clumsy in his haste, and thudded his way to his dresser. He’d kept a few old silk ties, not really knowing why. Now he did. He rummaged around until he found four. Marci stared at them as if he held a handful of colorful snakes. She looked far more eager than scared, which suited him fine.

  “What are you going to do?”

  When he gestured she held out her wrists. He looped a red and blue striped silk tie around them and lifted it. She had to raise her hands even though she fought to keep them near her breasts.

  “I am going to tie you to this bed and ravish you,” he replied.

  “Ravish me? How?” She sounded more eager than upset.

  He finished tying her hands over her head. He hadn’t realized before the advantage of a head- and footboard with spindles. These were thick, not likely to break if she tugged. She gave a few ineffectual kicks, but he soon had her ankles tied to the footboard, legs spread wide. She might have tried to fight him, but those swollen pink pussy lips proved she wanted this.

  “First, I’m going to cut off your clothes,” he said. “Then I’m going to kiss and lick and touch every part of you.”

  He stared at her body as he stripped down. He wasn’t wearing much, so it didn’t take long. She looked nervous when he came back from the kitchen with a huge pair of shears. He started at her ankle, holding it firm with one hand while cutting the elastic of her sweats.

  “Hey, I only have the one pair!”

  “I know,” he said as her bare leg appeared. “I hate them. I want you in a skirt with no panties, easily accessible.”

  To be specific, he also wanted her in spike heels and a black garter belt with matching stockings. He wanted to take her someplace public, find a dark corner, and back her into it. He’d unzip, lift her legs around his hips and fill her with his cock. For that, he had to have both legs working.

  He wanted to take her to a hotel in a city like Miami or Los Vegas, one with a balcony a few floors over the pool. He’d have her lean over and look down with her legs spread. He’d come up behind her, lift her skirt, and admire her heart-shaped bare bottom. Then he’d drop his pants just enough, and make her come.

  Tall hotels had elevators. He’d always wanted to do it in an elevator. With thirty floors or more, and if she had no panties, he could stand behind her in the crowded elevator and finger her pussy, or stand beside her and finger her clit, until she came.

  “You’re going to make me come and call it punishment?”

  She sounded far too eager. He finished the first leg and started the second. He made her wait until he was almost done.

  “Nope, I’m going to make sure you don’t come. Not for a long time. You’ll be screa
ming, begging me for release, before I’m finished with you.”

  Her sweats fell open. He put down the scissors and reached for her underwear with his bare hands. His strength was such that her little cotton panties were no barrier to his determination. He tossed them away and stood back to admire the view. She fought the soft silk ties, twisting her body and lifting herself by pressing on her heels. From his angle at the end of the bed it looked like she was offering her pussy to him. That suited him fine. He climbed between her legs, leaned close, and inhaled.

  “God, you smell so good. And you taste even better.”

  He dropped his mouth to her pussy and inhaled. God, Lance was going to love her smell and taste just as much as he did. He ran his index finger between her plump, wet, pussy lips. They parted easily. He pushed them back, using both hands, to see her clit. It glistened, already its red hood pulled back as it thrust up. She was so wet he had to lap at her with his tongue. She groaned in appreciation. He chuckled to himself, settled closer, and began his kind of torture.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Did you use protection?”

  Marci, aroused and unable to do anything about it, kept chopping carrots for stew. Since she hadn’t stopped by the clinic for the envelope, Nikki had called to say she was coming out. She tried to keep Thursday afternoons free, and today was one of them.

  Simon was in the barn. Marci was still furious with him for bringing her near peak eight times before finally letting her come. It didn’t matter that the orgasm, when it finally happened, had rocked her world. Keeping her on edge for so long was a fiendish thing to do! And just thinking about it, something she couldn’t stop doing, kept her on the edge of needing more.

  “You might be a doctor, but I was married.”

  “You said Ted told you he’d had a vasectomy, so why would he use condoms?”

  Marci half-turned to face Nikki. “You remember that no-germ thing of his?”

  Ted would have been shocked to learn what she’d one with Simon. Shocked and disgusted. That she might do the same with another man—while the first helped—would have given him a coronary. The hairs on her forearms rose at the reminder. Lance was due to arrive. She pressed her thighs together.

  “Obsessive-compulsive,” said Nikki. She nicked one of the carrots and nibbled it as she stared.

  “What?” demanded Marci.

  “If you’d gone in the drugstore to buy condoms, someone would have passed on the rumor. I didn’t hear anything.”

  “I didn’t have to buy any. Simon had some already.”

  “Did you check their expiry dates?”

  Marci paused. She frowned at Nikki. “Condoms have expiry dates?”

  “Of course. If you use them after the date shown, they could fail. Why?”

  Marci’s free hand went to her lower belly. She swallowed hard. “Simon said he hadn’t been with a woman for years. There were lots of condoms in the drawer. I don’t know how long they’ve been there.”

  “Ah, that’s not a good thing.”

  Marci’s first steps were calm and dignified, but she was running by the third. The bedside drawer squealed as she hauled it open. They’d gone through a good number of the square packets but there were still a few left. She scrambled for one and held it up. Nikki snatched it out of her hand.

  “Best before March, nineteen eighty-four.” Nikki elbowed her aside and selected a different colored one from the drawer. “Nineteen eighty-three.” She held them up, one in each hand. “You’ve been using condoms which expired five years ago!”

  “How was I to know they expired? Ted always had one on when he entered my bedroom for sex. Last Friday night was the first time I opened one.” They stared at each other. Then Nikki suddenly laughed, tossed the condom packages over her shoulder, and hauled Marci in for a hug.

  “Well, sister dear, you might have kick-started our plan to have a family. You could be a mother in nine months.”

  “You’re joking!”

  “I don’t joke about life-or-death things, Marci.”

  Could she be pregnant? Her wildest dream come true? Only, she’d expected to have a husband first. Just one. Simon wanted to marry her, hoping she’d have a son eventually.

  “Simon will be absolutely thrilled if I’m pregnant!”

  Her happiness went cold. What if she was pregnant when Lance returned and she didn’t like him. Could she leave? Simon would never let her take his son away. He’d demand she give him her child. The courts usually sided with the mother, but this was Montana. The laws and judges might be skewed to keep ranches intact. Plus, the MacDougals were one of the founding families and had more relatives than she’d ever imagined. They had far more power than she did.

  “I can’t tell him.”

  “Because of his brother?”

  Marci nodded. “What if I don’t like Lance? I haven’t even seen a picture of him. His voice is wonderful on the phone and I don’t really care about looks, but—”

  “Would Simon tolerate a man who wasn’t polite to women?”

  “Ted was extremely polite to women,” said Marci grimly. “Outside the home.” She was not going to mention the whole obey thing to Nikki. Her big sister had already shown interest in being dominated and would not understand Marci’s reluctance. Or, reluctance tinged with arousing eagerness.

  “From what you’ve said, Simon gives you screaming orgasms every which way he can. He obviously cares for you, and he’s nothing like that bastard you married. Ted’s gone. Dump him from your mind.”

  Marci slumped onto the bed. “Simon said he loves me,” she whispered.

  “Oh, honey, that’s wonderful!” Nikki sat beside her. “Isn’t it?”

  Marci couldn’t keep anything from her sister. “If they don’t have a son within five years, born within a legal marriage, everything to do with the ranch passes on to some stranger in Texas.”

  Nikki blanched. “Is that legal?”

  Marci shrugged. “Simon says so. The same happens if the ranch fails. They can’t sell it, but have to pass it on to these distant cousins they’ve never met, and walk away.”

  “With nothing?”

  Marci nodded. “All that matters is that the MacDougal Clan keep the land. The individual people don’t matter.”

  “That’s downright feudal!” Nikki stomped across the room, and then back. “And you’re okay with this?”

  “What I think about a contract written back in the eighteen hundreds doesn’t matter.” She flopped backward and stared at the ceiling. “I’m not going to jump into marriage again. When I make a promise, I keep it.” She shifted her eyes to Nikki. “I love this place. There’s mountains and sky and horses, and…” She pressed her lips together until she could talk again.

  “Imagine living with people whose roots run so deep they’ll never disappear. Look around this room, Nikki. There’s photographs, furniture, books, handmade lace doilies…all of it loved for years and years. Five generations of MacDougals have lived here. I could be carrying the sixth. My baby would have everything we didn’t. Fathers, a mom who didn’t have to work fourteen hours a day cleaning other people’s houses, cousins, and fresh air. I want my children to know they belong somewhere, and that after they’re gone, a part of them will remain.”

  Tears welled as she looked at her sister. “Nik, there’s nothing left of Mom. We scattered her ashes in the warm ocean just like she wanted. All we have is each other.”

  Marci’s tears flowed. Nikki sank beside her and took her hand. They sat there for a few moments, mourning.

  “You want to love Simon, and want your children to grow up here, but are afraid,” said Nikki quietly. “Even though he’s nothing like Ted, you doubt yourself. What if you change your mind when you see what he’s really like, as with Ted.”

  Marci nodded as she wiped her tears away. “Mom did what she could to raise us, but neither of our fathers did more than provide sperm and a cheap ring before running away. I’ve seen Simon at his worst, and I don�
��t think he’ll change. I want to believe Simon loves me, and that I love him, but how will I know he wants me, rather than my baby, if he knows I’m pregnant?”

  “According to the textbooks you can’t be sure for a couple of months, but some women have symptoms almost from the moment of conception. Are your breasts tender and swollen? Do you feel more emotional?”

  Marci broke out in a shaky laugh. “For God’s sake, Nikki, of course I do! Just thinking about Simon playing with my breasts makes them swell. I’ve just buried what was left of my husband, a man who did his damnedest to kill me. I’m now living with a man who half the time I want to bean over the head with a soup ladle and the rest of the time want to haul into bed. Yes, I’m emotional!”

  “Is Simon the type of man to spank a woman?”

  “God, no! Nikki, where do you get your ideas?”

  “Is Lance?” Nikki shot her an amused glance.

  Heat flared up Marci’s face and between her legs. She sat up primly, knees together. It was not a question she was going to answer. Mostly because she didn’t know what she felt about someone taking her in hand, literally. And yet…

  “I want husbands who have strong personalities, because I’m the same,” said Marci. “But Simon would never let anyone, including his brother, do something I really didn’t want.”

  Nikki thought for a moment. “What if they knew you wanted it, but you were embarrassed and refused to believe them? Would they do what you really wanted, or what you said you wanted?

  Marci looked away, but she couldn’t hide much from her sister.

  “Ha!” Nikki sat up, crowing. “I’m right! And I bet Lance will try a bit of hot fun with you. You’re worried that you’ll like it. That’s why you’re afraid of him coming home! You want to be man-handled, to fight and be shown who’s boss. You’re eager to get a red bottom and then a well-filled pussy!”


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