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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 22

by Reece Butler

  “Not unless I give in to you like a submissive slave. And I won’t do that again!”

  She’d tightened up again. He needed to work this out with her before they got to town. He slowed the truck to a crawl and turned up a side road to the Double Diamond’s hot spring.

  “Where are we going?”

  Lance stopped the truck before the front wheels touched the cattle grid. Tension climbed when he turned off the ignition and undid his seatbelt. He rolled the window down and let in the night sounds and smells. He felt Marci’s concern and confusion, but it wasn’t at a high level. She was more curious than fearful. He turned his ugly face to her. Only when he was with his father’s people did he feel as if he fit in, or with animals. They didn’t care about his Indian features. He wasn’t sure where this would lead, but it had to be said.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “To do what?”

  He’d expected a “why should I?” type of question. But Marci wasn’t like any woman he’d met. Considering the past, that was a good thing. He looked her in the eyes. She looked back without fear or revulsion. The dome light faded, leaving them in the dark.

  “To keep you safe, even from yourself,” he said quietly into the night. “To give you what I know you need, even when you demand something else.”

  The slight hitch in her breathing suggested she realized he wasn’t talking about what type of stereo to buy. He looked out the window, giving her time and space to think. Far in the distance came the welcoming howl of a wolf pack. His life as a rancher did not mesh well with his desire to see them run free. But everything in life had a price. One common price of freedom was an earlier death. But the life could be far richer than mere survival. He hoped Marci would choose freedom and passion over mediocrity.

  “Those are pretty words.” She spoke out of the dark, quiet and demanding. “But what do they really mean?”

  “I want a harmonious relationship between me, Simon, and our woman. I want that woman to be you, Marci. We will solve our problems and issues together, but I will be in control.”

  Lance turned his whole body toward Marci. He slid across the seat and took her warm hand. Her breath caught, then sped up. She did not pull away.

  “My woman will choose to obey me,” he said. “She will agree to be controlled by me because she finds it comforting, and safe.” He lifted her palm to his mouth. His kiss was soft, purposely delicate. “She finds giving herself to me empowering because, deep inside, she knows it is what she wants.”

  He repeated the kiss on her wrist where her pulse beat rapidly. Though he could see her fairly well, he doubted her vision was as clear in the night. He lightly nipped her thumb before sucking it into his mouth. While she concentrated on that, he brushed the back of his hand over her breast. Her nipple was erect and hard, so he caught it between two of his fingers and squeezed. A soft moan filled the truck.

  “And,” he added softly, “she finds it arousing that she never knows how, or when, or where I will demand her sexually. What do you say to that, Marci? Is it a life you could accept?”

  The sound of her rough breathing filled the truck as he gently massaged her breast.

  “Of course,” he whispered into her ear, “it’s essential that we be sexually compatible. Let’s test that before you answer.”

  He moved slowly, giving her time to refuse if she wished. But she waited, mouth slightly open, as he came closer. Her hand reached up, so he stopped. But instead of pushing him away, she grasped his shirt and tugged.

  Taking that as a strong “yes,” he slid his hand behind her neck, under all that glorious hair, and held her still. It was a gentle warning that he was in charge. When his lips touched hers she melted, opening fully for him. He teased her with his tongue as he massaged her neck. He dropped his other hand between her thighs. A bit of pressure, and she opened her legs for him. He stroked her clit through her jeans, his finger moving in time with his tongue. Her scent drifted to his nose. He finally pulled back, resting his hand on her thigh, his forehead on hers, as they gasped to breathe.

  After a moment he chuckled. “We seem to be compatible.”

  He followed the comment with a kiss to her forehead before returning to his side of the truck. He felt the pain of a hard cock needing release from snug jeans. He needed to plunge deep into Marci’s heat, and again and again, until she screamed. Only then would he bellow his triumph. But not now. Not until she freely gave herself to him, knowing it was her last true decision.

  He winced as he got behind the wheel and started the truck. He backed out, returning to the main road. After that kiss he didn’t quite trust himself not to let her rip off his clothes and impale herself on his cock. He couldn’t let that happen. She was quiet until they neared town.

  “You expect me to dance in public after that?”

  “Your lips and pussy may be swollen but if I can hurt this bad and lead, you can be that wet and follow.”

  “Oh, my God! A tall, handsome man who not only knows how to dance, he can even lead? I don’t know when I’ve seen that before.”

  He heard her sarcasm and responded to deepen her arousal.

  “You won’t be seeing it, Marci. You’ll be feeling it. All over.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Marci’s lips burned as she stared at the buildings passing to her right. She fought to breathe as she held back a deep groan. One that threatened to rise from the tip of her sharp cowboy boots, up her shaking legs, past the hot, wet pit where they joined, and all the way to her head.

  Simon could kiss. Oh, God, could he kiss! But he’d only been the second man she’d kissed, and the first was just a dutiful peck on the check from Ted at her wedding.

  Lance put his whole being into his kiss. At least, it felt like it. Maybe it was what he’d said before the kiss that had her near fainting. If she never knew when Lance wanted sex, she’d be in a continual state of arousal. Was that why Simon wanted her to wear a skirt without panties, to give them easy access?

  She shifted on the seat, hornier than she could remember. Dressing like that would be at least as much in her favor than his! She’d been so close to coming when he’d rubbed his fingers over her clit through her jeans. Then he’d stopped.

  She touched her lips with her fingers. Tonight was going to be miserable. Not only did she look like she and Lance had been doing heavy petting, she’d be learning to dance in front of strangers that were his friends. And all along she’d have hard nipples and a soft pussy. She’d have to wait until she was alone in bed to take care of her need for release. Hours and hours from now!

  Lance parked the truck at the edge of the lot even though there were spots closer to the entry door and lights. He gave her a look which she correctly interpreted to mean “don’t even think of getting out of this truck.” She did unbuckle the seatbelt, though.

  He lifted her out, letting her slide against his body until her feet touched the gravel. At least he wasn’t going to carry her again. He pulled her to his left side and wrapped an arm around her. She didn’t mind that, but mentally rolled her eyes at him hooking a finger through her belt loop. Did he think she was going to run away?

  The Roadhouse was different at night. Instead of going left, into the diner, they went right. Someone recognized Lance and a roar of welcome erupted. At least she hoped it was welcome. The men coming up to him and slamming their fist into his shoulder did not give her confidence. At least she recognized the last one. Keith Adams. Behind him was Aggie, gesturing for her to come near.

  She was dressed in her usual jeans, boots, and plaid shirt. Her welcoming smile took ten tons of worry off Marci’s shoulders. She’d heard and seen enough to know Aggie might have a few answers for her questions. There was certainly no one else she could ask.

  “I want to talk to Aggie about how Sophie and the other children are doing,” she said, pulling away from Lance.

  Though he gave her a warning look, which she figured meant she’d best come back to him pronto, h
e let her go. She followed Aggie to the washroom. The door had barely closed before Aggie started.

  “I have to warn you, Marci. Lance is a lot like Keith. I don’t know if he’s said anything, but you need to know a few things.”

  “About being spanked for annoying the lord and master?” asked Marci sarcastically.

  Aggie’s eyes widened, though there was a sparkle in them. “Just using that tone could bring it on.”

  “You allow Keith to treat you that way?”

  Aggie shook her head. “No, I choose to have him treat me that way.” She turned to the mirror and fluffed her short hair. “Not everyone wants the same life. My mother and sisters wear power suits, makeup, and spend their lives in high-rise buildings in the city. They married successful businessmen who treat them like they’re spun sugar, and will melt if anyone says ‘no’ to them.”

  “I’ve met women like that,” replied Marci.

  “I’m glad they’re happy but I want a man I can stand toe-to-toe with and have a rip-roaring fight. I want him to be stronger than me, able to pick me up and carry me to safety.” Aggie’s face changed from sincere to wicked. “Or pick me up, throw me over his shoulder, and haul me away to do all sorts of nasty things to me.”

  Marci’s mouth went dry. “What kinds of things?” she asked hoarsely.

  “You want honesty?”

  Marci nodded. “I need to know what my life might be like, if I stay with Simon and Lance.”

  Aggie pushed open both stalls, making sure they were empty, before standing close to Marci.

  “I’m wearing jeans,” said Aggie.

  “You always wear jeans.”

  “But Keith specifically told me to put on a dress tonight.”

  “You refused to obey him?” Aggie nodded, a hint of a smile curling her lips. “And you did this on purpose, so he would punish you?” Another nod. “Um, how will he, ah, punish you?”

  “Usually it’s a spanking, but I’ve been pushing his buttons since Sophie had her six-week checkup.”

  “The night Simon and I took the children.”

  “And the first night the three of us had wild sex in about four months. Thank you so much for that. It was absolutely wonderful.”

  Aggie’s look of bliss made Marci blush.

  “Then why have you been pushing Keith?”

  “Because,” she said quietly, “every now and then I want more. Are you sure you’re not going to get all uptight about this?”

  “Aggie, there’s no one else I can talk to.”

  “Remember, every relationship is different, and it changes over time. What I wanted when we were first together, is different now. So just because I like this, doesn’t mean you will. Most importantly, Lance will only do what you need, even if you or he wants something different.”

  “He said he’d do what I need, not necessarily what I say I want.”

  “Exactly. Tonight I’m going to tell Keith to “f off.” That’s his hot button. After the way I’ve been teasing him by refusing to do what he says, it will send him over the edge.”


  “And after he takes me home to feed Sophie, he’ll haul me to our special cabin, one with lots of extra sound insulation, and have his wicked way with me.” Aggie grinned. “It won’t be easy as I’ll be kicking and fighting and screaming the whole time. But he’ll overpower me eventually. And that, Miss Marci, is what I want. To have the freedom to fight as hard as I can and then be taken by the man who loves me to the bottom of his soul.”

  Marci’s heart thudded so hard she had to press her hand against it. Aggie obviously knew what she wanted. But she’d been married to Donny and Keith for years and had worked things out.

  How could she know if that was what she wanted? It excited her, a lot. But it was also frightening. Not scary-frightening, but aroused-frightening.

  “I had to learn to trust Donny and Keith before we got to this stage,” added Aggie. “We didn’t do that at first. We started out small, and let things grow and change as our relationship deepened.”

  “Thank God for small mercies.”

  Aggie burst out in laughter. She pointed to Marci’s face. “Your lips are all swollen, your color is high, and I bet the seam between your legs is wet. You’ve already chosen to enjoy Simon, and now Lance is showing you a different side of yourself. You like him enough to lock lips. Do you want him enough to lock hips?”

  Marci slumped, resting her bottom against the counter. The pounding of a loud country song, accompanied by thumping of boots on a wood floor, pressed into the small room.

  “They’re ten years older than me and far more experienced in the world. How can I stand up to them?”

  Aggie imitated Marci’s posture. “But you’ve been out in the world, and have seen things they never have. You’ve read a lot, and from what I’ve picked up, have done a lot of thinking on your own.”

  She gestured with her hand.

  “The men of Tanner’s Ford Valley are used to strong women. They don’t want a sweet girl who blushes when someone gets kissed, or even has their bottom swatted in front of them. They want a mature, intelligent, fun-loving woman who can laugh with them, fight with them, and hold them when they can’t admit they’re afraid.”

  Marci raised her eyebrows in false shock. “Afraid? Them? Lance said he’s not afraid of anything.”

  “They won’t admit to fear. But that’s partly why they need our loving. We keep away the dark by bringing laughter and fun, and sex,” she added, “into their lives. Without us, there’d be no children, and no future.”

  “You’re saying we have a power that they don’t acknowledge openly.”

  “The only ones who can hurt these men, hurt them to the bone, is the women they love. You need to be aware of that power so you don’t abuse it.” Aggie picked at a hangnail. “When I fight Keith, and he overpowers me, taking me like a woman he’s conquered in battle, it means we have shared the deepest part of our soul. We love each other enough to share those dark desires. Most people are too ashamed to admit what they want.”

  “I don’t know what I want,” admitted Marci.

  Aggie tilted her head. “Do you think you might want a life here in Climax, living in a cabin in Tanner’s Ford Valley, raising your children and helping your community?”

  Sudden tears erupted from somewhere deep inside. Marci shuddered. “I’m afraid to say what I want, in case it won’t come true.”

  “Then you’ll never get what you want.”

  “You’re right,” whispered Marci. “And I want this.”

  * * * *

  Lance watched Marci’s ass wiggle as the two women hustled toward the ladies room. She had a prime one. He couldn’t wait to run his fingers, and other parts, over those cheeks. Were they the same color as her face and hands, or were they lighter? He liked that she had good skin color. That way he could keep her naked in the summer and she’d not burn.

  “If Aggie warns Marci off, I’d appreciate you using the flat of your hand on her ass tonight,” he said to Keith. Both women wore jeans, though Aggie’s fit her better, as did her shirt and boots.

  “Aggie’ll be getting more than my hand,” said Keith. “She’s been acting uppity for the last while. The last straw was refusing to wear a skirt. She needs to be reminded of her place.”

  “Under you?”

  Keith gave Lance a “duh?” look as he tipped his beer back. Lance knew Aggie’d worn jeans on purpose. He’d seen it before. She’d get itching for a fight and would challenge Keith until he was ready to take her in hand. From what Lance knew of their life, Aggie would scream and wail and tussle with Keith, get a few smacks on her ass or whatever Keith decided she needed, then she’d have her men use her any which way they wanted. Not only would she love every minute of it, they did for her sake more than their own.

  No one said it openly, but even though women like Aggie obeyed their men, they held the balance of power. Keith and Donny would do anything for Aggie, and their children.
And that included having her scream and fight them until they forced her to accept what she wanted. No matter what society said was proper, what really mattered was what the people in the relationship needed.

  That’s what he wanted from Marci, only they’d do it their way.

  “We like Marci,” warned Keith. “You mess this up and we’ll be having more than words,” said Keith. “We want her to stay, and the kids already love her like an aunt. Hell, Simon couldn’t wait for you to get back. Donny says Simon’s been chomping at the bit to get her hitched. They suit each other. She’s got the fight to suit you, if the two of you can work it out.”

  “What about Aggie?”

  Keith gave Lance a disgusted look.

  “Why do you think my wife hauled Marci into the only place she thinks I won’t follow her? Aggie can tell her things, woman to woman. We all want Marci to marry you two, have a bunch of wild hellions worse than ours, and grow old beside us.”

  “You think Aggie will warn Marci about what happens to disobedient women? Or tell her the advantages of never knowing when she’ll be hauled into the barn and pressed facedown over a bale of hay?”

  Lance looked around the room, not expecting an answer. He knew everyone in the room. Summer brought a few tourists, which jacked things up a bit. This time of year, it was only the locals.

  “I can have my wife anytime I want,” said Keith quietly. “But there’s times when I’d better not want.”

  “Such as?”

  “Just before a baby and six weeks after. When she’s not feeling well. When I know Donny needs her more than me.

  “What about when she’s mad at you?”

  A broad smile lit up Keith’s face. “I have a lot of fun when she gets riled. We all do, though she won’t admit it.”

  Lance wasn’t one for sharing personal confidences, and neither was Keith. But this was the most important decision a man could make. He raised an eyebrow in question.

  “When Aggie gets riled she thinks she can refuse me.” Keith swung his glance toward the ladies’ room. “Sometimes she gets on her high horse and says if she can’t climax, neither can I. She makes sure she has an old nightgown on before she stomps away, insisting she’ll be sleeping on the pull-out couch in the guest room. She knows that’s something I do not tolerate. She sleeps in our bed, with me. Every night.”


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