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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 103

by Reece Butler

  He choked. “Sir?”

  Lila’s father chuckled. “Never mind, it’s her life.” He held out his hand. “Welcome to the Circle C Ranch.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  They shook, two big men silently taking each other’s measure. Neither squeezed hard. There was no need, as both knew who was in charge. Jet was just a hired hand, which was fine with him. He and Houston would do everything they could to help while Lila’s parents were gone, including bedding her. And then they’d be on their way.

  “Tom’s a good man,” said Matt. “He’s got information sources the FBI can’t break into.”

  “Such as?”

  “Dang if I know, I just listen and nod when he talks. He said you both served your country well and can be trusted with my daughter.” Matt chuckled. “From the look of Lila’s lips and a few other telltale signs, I’d say your interview went well. You’re big enough to handle her.”

  Jet’s ears burned at a higher temperature than before. From what he’d learned in the diner, the people in Climax were blunt and honest about sex. He was not going to hide anything. Lila needed them, they could do the job, and whatever else happened was nobody’s business but theirs.

  “I respect your daughter, sir. She’s a grown woman and will make her own decisions.”

  “That she will,” Matt replied mildly. “Unfortunately, she gets bored easily, which leads to her leaving jobs half-finished. She’s impulsive. She gets herself so worked up sometimes she doesn’t know whether she’s coming or going. That, and the size of her, scares men off.” He raked his fingers through his brown curls.

  “She doesn’t scare me off, Mr. Frost. Your daughter is beautiful, though she doesn’t believe it for some reason. Yes, she’s tall and has enough weight to hold her feet in place in a high wind. Houston and I like that in a woman. We have no attachments, and want nothing more than to work hard and leave with our pay. If Lila wants some company at night, that’s her choice, no strings attached.”

  Matt jammed his hands in his back pockets. He let out a deep sigh. Rascal nudged his thigh. Matt leaned over and scratched him behind the ears.

  “Ever since Lila realized she was different from her cousins and buddies, as in being a girl, she’s done everything she can to prove she’s just as good as the boys. She gave up everything to do with being female.” He shook his head ruefully. “Now that she’s grown, she’d be a lot happier with a good man or two at her side, but she won’t admit it.” He tilted his head, giving Jet a shrewd look. “She might think differently if she found someone who stood up to her, and who respected her in return. I’m getting on in years, and the next generation—”

  “Whoa!” Jet held up his hands as if facing a bank holdup. He shook his head. “We’re here for now. Wonderful as she is, your daughter’s not worth giving up the plans I’ve spent years preparing for.”

  “What’s your dream, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  He did mind, but there was a lot at stake here. He had to convince Matt he could get the job done, respect the man’s daughter, and then walk away.

  “Owning my own business, one that’s profitable without cutting corners. I don’t yet know what it’s going to be, but it will be under my control.”

  Matt nodded, keeping his eyes on the dog. “A businessman should be able to adjust his plans to suit reality.”

  “I know all about reality. That’s why I think ahead and plan things out before I speak or act.”

  “Wish Lila would do that,” Matt replied with a grimace. “My daughter needs someone with a cool head and a strong back. She can be a handful. I’m surprised she gave in so easily just now.” He chuckled. “Sometimes she reminds me of when she was small, having a meltdown because she didn’t have the skill to do something. That girl always tried so hard, maybe we let her get away with too much. She certainly is determined to prove she can run the Circle C. For all our sakes, I hope she manages to do that.”

  “I will follow Lila’s orders where they involve the ranch if she acts like a boss should. With your permission, if her behavior gets out of line, I will take her in hand, for her sake. If she gets out of control a lecture won’t get her attention. If she still behaves badly, other steps might be needed to help her remember consequences.”

  The expression of taking someone in hand had a specific meaning with those familiar with dungeons. The man was the head of the household and, though he’d often talk things over with his wife, he made the final decisions. He also made the rules. If his wife disobeyed, she was spanked. Tom White had mentioned that the unique culture in Tanner’s Ford Valley included Dominance and submission. Would Lila’s father understand Jet’s meaning?

  “You want to give a few specifics on that?” asked Matt, scratching the edge of his chin. He looked like he was holding back a grin, making Jet say it out loud.

  Jet looked him in the eye. If this next month was to work out for all their sakes, Jet had to put his cards on the table. From what he’d seen of Lila, she could be a brat. Her father said she had problems concentrating. Submitting to him, following his orders to complete one task before starting another, would help her focus. Refusing would bring consequences.

  “If necessary, I will put your daughter over my knee and spank her. Do you have a problem with that Mr. Frost?”

  He waited as Lila’s father looked him over. Jet might have worked in an office job in an army supply depot, but he’d worked out regularly. By that he did not mean lifting weights in a gym. He’d been moving boxes of ammo and other supplies almost every day for years. Before that he’d been free labor on hardscrabble farms and ranches and had the scars to prove it. Inside and out.

  “Mr. Quartermain, I think you might be exactly what my daughter needs. Tom said you were respected at a top dungeon down in Texas.”

  Jet blanched. Not only was that information supposed to be kept private, but how had he found it out so quickly?

  “It’s good that you’re experienced,” added Matt before Jet could speak. “Tom says you stay calm and in control. The wives in Tanner’s Ford Valley share two husbands. They’re strong-minded, and they choose to submit to us.” Matt winked. “Most of the time. As I said, my wife can get uppity. She’s the only doctor around and is under a lot of stress. Sometimes she needs to give it all up. My brother and I would do almost anything for Nikki. I want men like that for my daughter. While you’re here, maybe you and your buddy can help Lila learn how to stay calm.”

  Being bound, spread-eagled and blindfolded might not help Lila get calm, but Jet could guarantee she’d be relaxed after a few orgasms. He wasn’t going to say that to her father, so he just nodded.

  “Wish I could be here to watch.” Matt grinned as if he knew something Jet didn’t. “You ever live in a small town?” Jet nodded again. “Good, you’ll expect to be checked out. There’s nine ranching families in this valley, and we’ve been intermarrying for a hundred and fifty years. We’re all related, and we keep an eye on each other. You’ll be getting the third degree more than once.”

  “I’ll look forward to it,” drawled Jet, meaning the opposite.

  Chapter Five

  Matt chuckled to himself as he crossed the yard. He was impressed with the young man. Jet had learned to control himself, while his daughter would explode like a fireball when put under pressure. They’d let Lila run free, which hadn’t done her any good. By the time she came back from college, sad and withdrawn, it was too late. She needed a couple of strong men to guide her. Jet had a level head on his shoulders, and would do Lila a lot of good.

  He stopped at Jet’s truck and looked in the open back window. The man inside had deep pain lines etched in his face. The scars didn’t look too great, either. Houston needed a shower and a bed, in that order. Tom said he’d fed him well, but Nikki said he had a long way to go before he’d be at full strength. He’d be a good addition to the valley. Every one of them could fix pretty much anything you’d run into on a ranch, but a trained mechanic was us

  He whistled as he entered the kitchen. His wife had her tongue stuck between her teeth as she carefully measured ingredients into a bowl. Lila wasn’t in the kitchen, so he could grab a kiss and cuddle.

  “Don’t worry,” said Nikki, turning to him with a bright smile, “I’m following Marci’s directions to the letter. Baking powder, not soda, and see?” She held up a teaspoon. “I won’t put too much salt in this time. You’ll be able to eat it.”

  He laughed and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Neither of them were spring chickens, but while gravity and age had affected their bodies, they still enjoyed life.

  “Your sister’s a great cook, but sweetie, you know I love you for more than what you can do in the kitchen.”

  She looked at the table, a spot they both enjoyed, then gave that wide smile that always made his heart beat faster.

  “I think our daughter’s finally found herself a man,” he said, nuzzling under her ear. “Maybe two.”

  “I saw her swollen lips as she rushed past.” Nikki pushed his hands from her breasts to her waist.

  “That Jet Quartermain looks like he knows his way around a ranch. He also knows his way around women. He said if Lila got out of control, he’d handle her.”

  Nikki pulled out of his arms to glare at him. “Since when does our daughter need a man to handle her?”

  “She’s needed one since she turned thirteen, but none of us admitted it. Eric and I backed off, figuring you had the magic touch as far as girls were concerned. Maybe we should have swatted her butt a few times to get her attention.”

  Nikki’s bluster faded. She leaned a hip against the counter.

  “Lila’s always jumped from one thing to the other like a frog after flies, but punishment wouldn’t help. She does well on anything she’s interested in. I could put a label on it, but it wouldn’t change anything. She’s not happy, but she won’t admit it.” Nikki cocked her head to one side, thinking. “She was about ten when she set herself the goal to take over the Circle C when you retired. Ever since, she’s forced herself forward, pushing against whatever’s in her way. I wish she’d stop for a moment, take a breath, and look around.” She sighed, shaking her head.

  Matt agreed that something had happened to Lila in college. She was far too serious when she came back. She wouldn’t even tell Danny what happened. She pushed herself so much harder, no matter what they did to try to get her to relax. Nikki didn’t know it, but he’d seen his wife help his daughter through a couple of panic attacks as a teen. He’d felt so helpless at the time. He wondered now if it was his fault for encouraging her to do more.

  “If Jet and Houston can’t help our little girl find herself, or whatever she’s looking for, I don’t know what will,” said Matt. “That means we have to do everything we can to make this work. I like the young man. Tom says he’s had a tough life, but won’t let his past hold him back.”

  “That’s good, but I don’t like that grin of yours,” said Nikki.

  “Jet also won’t hold back from giving Lila a few swats on her ass to get her attention.”

  “He’ll spank her?”

  “Aren’t you glad our daughter has finally found a man worthy of her?” Nikki had color in her face, something that had been missing for too long. At the moment it was because she was outraged. But he knew how to turn his wife around. “Lila bossed Danny and TJ around, getting them into far more trouble than they would on their own. She’s a strong-minded woman and needs a pair of men who’ll stand up to her, and help her feel good.”

  “You like me being strong-minded.”

  “Yep. And we like it when you go too far.” He kissed the side of her neck. “Maybe you need a reminder of who’s the boss of this family?” he murmured.

  He ran his hand over her rounded butt, warning and warming at the same time. He heard the clomping of feet coming down the stairs, and groaned. “Later,” he whispered.

  “Hello? Daughter coming through! Are you two decent?”

  Nikki kissed his cheek. “Imagine,” she said quietly, “a whole month with nothing to do but enjoy our cruise, take a few tours, and relax. Alone.”

  Matt laughed, and Nikki soon followed. “What are we going to do with all that time?” he asked.

  “I thought you were going to take cultural tours,” said Lila, entering the kitchen. “You’ll have to spend time studying.”

  “We will, between naps. Remember, this is our honeymoon,” said Matt, winking.

  Lila turned as red as her mother. If things went as he wanted, he’d be coming home to quite a different daughter. Considering the sparks he’d caught between Lila and Jet, he was glad to escape. Lila needed a chance to fly without any parents interfering. He wanted grandchildren in his near future, and Lila was not going to find a man by sticking to the Circle C.

  “Didn’t you say you had something to do in the barn?” asked Nikki.

  She gave him one of those looks that long-married people understood. Nikki wanted a talk with Lila without him around. It was just as well. He had to tell Eric about Lila hiring a pair of men, and what Tom had told him about Stanley “Tank” Jefferson’s plans. Sheriff Max Gibson, now Judge, had mentioned someone paying Tank to leave Climax after high school and never come back. Eric had been in South America again at the time, and might not know about that tidbit. Maybe this time Max would tell them who paid Tank to leave. He’d like to shake the man’s hand. But first…

  “Close your eyes, Lila. I’m going to kiss your mother.”

  Lila groaned and turned her back. She also stuck her fingers in her ears and started singing a very bad song that was going to be stuck in his head for days.

  “I’ll arrange to have the new doctor give them complete workups,” said Nikki quietly. “What are their names again?”

  “Jet Quartermain and Houston. No other name was given for the injured man.”

  “You’ll talk to Eric?”

  “I’ll call him from the barn.”

  “Good.” She kissed his cheek. “I can’t wait to start our honeymoon.” That slow, sensuous smile he loved to see appeared. It still affected him today as it had twenty-five years ago. “The three of us could leave a few days early and spend it in Missoula. Alone. It would give Lila a chance to get settled with her employees.”

  “I like the way you think, woman!”

  * * * *

  A hand patted Lila’s shoulder. She opened her eyes and pulled her fingers out of her ears. Her father winked at her and headed out of the kitchen, whistling. She turned to her mother, who had two fingers pressed to her lips and a dreamy expression on her face.

  It wasn’t right that her mom got kissed and she spent her nights using up batteries. She was going to find out what a real man or two could do to satisfy her. Considering the way Jet kissed…

  “After what you did, you can’t say anything about me,” she blurted.

  “Say anything about what, honey?”

  “Damn. Should’ve thought this out before talking. Again,” she muttered.

  Lila, face heating yet again, went to the sink to get a drink of water. She hadn’t blushed this much since college. Of course, she hadn’t met anyone new since then. She watched Jet and her dad walk to the barn. Still no movement from the truck.


  “Aunt Marci said when you first met Daddy, the two of you got together pretty fast.”

  Her mom knew how to work a silence. To stop herself from blurting something more, Lila filled the glass with water and began drinking.

  “I assume you’ve decided to have sex with Jet and Houston?”

  Water spewed into the sink. Most of it fell from her mouth but some came out her nose. She wiped her face with her forearm.


  “Isn’t that what you meant?”

  “Yes but, you don’t have to be so…” She scrambled for the right word.


  “That wasn’t what I was going to say.”

Her mom put an arm around her waist, joining her at the window. There was movement in the barn, but Lila wasn’t sure if it was her father, or Jet. She wished the girls who’d made fun of her could see her with Jet. They’d be so jealous!

  “Honey, I know your experience so far with men disappointed you. They’re not all like that. I’ve only been intimate with two, and both of them are wonderful.”

  “Mom,” she warned, “you’re talking about my fathers.”

  “As I’ve said every year in my teen lectures, sex is a wonderful part of life. Marriage is not necessarily required, as long as you’re careful. Unfortunately, we are not born with an instinctive knowledge on giving or receiving pleasure. We have to develop it.” Nikki’s lips curled up in a womanly smile. “What makes it worse is that most men don’t like to admit their ignorance. They don’t like using maps, reading manuals, or asking for directions. If there’s something you want sexually, you have to tell them. And to do that, you have to know what you want.”

  Lila couldn’t help rolling her eyes. “I do know.”

  “I could put one of my teaching sheets on his bed, the one that shows where the clitoris and G-spot are.”


  His thumb had found her clit through her jeans with no problem. She was sure he’d find her other special spots as well. She hadn’t believed her face would get hotter, but she was wrong.

  “Well, all right then. It’s best you tell them, anyway.”

  Movement by the barn caught her eye. The two men walked to her dad’s truck, Rascal trailing along. He was giving Jet orders. Jet glanced toward the house, then back to the truck.

  “Looks like Matt is sending Jet to town to get the things we missed,” said Nikki. “We were having a lovely breakfast until Tom told us about the men he’d sent to see you. Matt gobbled down the last of his eggs and we had to race home.” She put her hand on Lila’s arm. Her eyes had that sparkle that meant her mother was feeling frisky. “There’s an injured man in the truck who needs to get clean and into bed. Your father and I are going for a long horseback ride. It’s going to take us, oh, at least two hours. You understand?”


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