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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 107

by Reece Butler

  “One more thing, Mr. Quartermain.”

  Jet turned, lifted his chin, and stared Eric in the eyes. “If this is a warning about harming Miss Lila, there’s no need.”

  “Nope. It’s about time my little girl found someone smart enough to appreciate her.”

  Jet’s hard eyes returned Eric’s look. He liked that the man gave no quarter.

  “You trust me with your daughter, sir?”

  Eric crossed his arms. He leaned a hip against the counter and nodded. Slowly.

  “If she cries on my shoulder when I get home, your ass is grass. As in buried out there.” He tossed his thumb over his shoulder.

  “I understand.”

  Eric hadn’t shown a hint of Señor Oso, the man who’d been so feared in South America, in years. He hit Jet head-on with a trace of the ferociously protective grizzly bear hibernating inside him.

  “No, son, you don’t,” he said quietly. “In addition to me and Matt, there’s Lila’s Uncle Lance. He comes from a long line of warriors, both Highland Scot and Bannock. They know what to do with men who hurt women. You’re a strong man. You’d last a long, long, time.” He smiled a feral warning. “Got it?”

  Chapter Ten

  Jet’s mind whirled as he climbed the stairs, hands full. Eric had flashed him with a deadly warning. It wasn’t necessary, as he and Houston would protect Lila with their lives, if they survived the welcome-to-town hazing.

  The door to the first room on the right was open, and the second closed. He set everything on the floor and looked longingly at the bed, about three times bigger than what he was used to. He’d wait for tonight to try it out. After a week freezing his ass in his cramped truck, he’d have no problem sleeping. He might have a problem with erotic dreams of Lila, but he could handle that.

  Figuring Houston was asleep in the next bedroom, connected via the shared bathroom, he quietly showered and shaved. He dressed in clean clothes, including his crisp new rodeo shirt. Raised voices had him opening the door an inch.

  “But, Daddy, I wore a dress to Jane’s wedding just the other week.” Lila’s complaint came up the stairs loud and clear. He listened to hear their reaction.

  “You’ll wear one tonight, as well.” Eric had a deeper edge of authority compared to Matt.

  “Your Aunt Marci went to a lot of trouble,” said Matt. “The least you can do is show up looking like a woman. I want you gone in fifteen minutes. Roust Houston while you’re up there.”


  “I’m not so old that I can’t swat your bottom.”


  Jet stepped inside his room and pulled the door shut. Lila stomped up the stairs and slammed her door. Why was she so against wearing a dress? She was beautiful, all nearly six feet of her. Was it because she thought it would make her look less able to run a ranch?

  If she belonged to him, he wouldn’t tolerate complaints. If she wanted to push him and act like a brat, he’d put her over his lap and show her the result. The faint sounds of a shower had him groaning. He needed to get downstairs. He hesitated a moment, thinking he might wake Houston, and decided not to. Lila’s father had told her to do the job, and he’d leave it to her.

  “We should’ve done that a while back.” It was Matt speaking. “When I see Lila I think she’s still six, pigtails sticking out, trailing behind us as she did everything she could to help. She needs a strong man to take her in hand. I hope Quartermain’s up to the job.”

  Jet had every intention of taking Lila into his hands as soon as possible, not that he wanted her fathers to know it. He was already at the top of the stairs. He could either face the men head on, or back up and pretend he hadn’t heard. He was no coward, so he kept on going.

  “Well, here’s the man of the hour,” said Matt. He gave him a once-over. “You get them duds in town? I told Jeb to put a set of working clothes on our tab.”

  “Thank you, sir. I paid for our shirts.”

  “There’s lots of work clothes in the hall. You boys help yourself to coats, boots, whatever.” Matt looked down. “Expect my boots will fit just fine.”

  Borrowing work boots would save him quite a few bucks, though he still wanted his own pair. He knew the difference between want and need, and would wait.

  “Don’t wear those steel toes around horses or cattle,” added Eric. “If they step on you they’ll squash the metal into your bones. You might lose a few toes, instead of getting bruised.”

  Jet nodded his thanks. He knew about such things but had learned not to argue. He also made sure he said please and thank you, and called men sir and women ma’am. He didn’t have to mean it to say it, but here the words fell easily off his tongue.

  “Where’s your buddy?” asked Eric.

  “Still sleeping.”

  Matt snickered. Eric shot him a dark look.

  “He might have got some sleep, after,” said Matt to Eric, grinning slyly. “That door slam of Lila’s should’ve woke him up.”

  “After what?” demanded Eric, narrowing his eyes at his brother.

  “What do you think? Lila’s lips were bruised from kissing this stud,” said Matt, thumb pointing at Jet, “but she’s a bit leery of him. Nikki told Lila we’d be riding out for a picnic and wouldn’t be back for hours, and that Houston, with his wounds, would be the perfect choice for her first seduction. Good thing TJ gave her that box of condoms.”

  “What?” demanded Eric. His eyebrows disappeared under his hair.

  Jet gave his buddy a mental high five. He may no longer be a pretty boy, but Houston still had a way with women. They’d pulled a fast one on him. He’d told Lila it was double or nothing, though he figured he’d be the first. Food, sleep, work, and lots of sex was what Houston needed to heal. It wouldn’t harm him, or Lila, either.

  “Nikki headed upstairs while I looked after the horses. She says Lila’s door is not as well insulated as ours.” He grinned. “Our little girl’s finally over those college boys.”

  “Don’t tell me that!”

  “It’s true. With that bum leg, Houston needs help climbing stairs. How much you bet he wouldn’t turn down help showering?”

  Eric roared and turned toward the stairs. Matt grabbed him by the neck of his shirt before he could take a second step and slammed him against the wall, his expression dark.

  “We are not going to say one word about this.” Matt twisted his grip, cutting off Eric’s air supply. “Not one! Got it, big brother? You are not going to humiliate Lila for doing something she’s needed to do for years. This is ranch business. Back off.”

  “Ranch business, like hell!”

  “One of our boys is an engineer and the other’s a scientist. Lila’s never shown interest in a guy who’ll stand up to you before. What happens to the Circle C if she doesn’t have children to take over?”

  “Whoa,” said Jet, catching his meaning. Both men turned to him, glaring. He held up his hands but didn’t step back. Eric pulled away from his brother, scowling as he straightened his shirt.

  “You’re safe,” said Matt to Jet. “I figure you boys might smooth Lila’s rough edges. By the time we get home she might be ready to find a husband or two.”

  The brothers shared a look that Jet couldn’t understand. Eric punched Matt in the shoulder, hard. Matt punched him back even harder, rocking him on his heels.

  “You boys will escort Lila to the party,” said Matt to Jet. “Be on your best behavior.”

  Jet didn’t do “social” at the best of times. Houston used to be a whiz at it, but had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with strangers. But they’d deal with it. The brothers might be old, but between them they could pound him into soup.

  “Houston’s scars—”

  “Tough. He’s going,” said Matt bluntly.

  “We’re just hired hands—”

  “Who are sleeping with our daughter.” Eric dropped his head like a grizzly about to attack.

  “You can meet everyone tonight, in public,” said
Matt cheerfully, “or they can drop by and say howdy with their fists, one by one.”

  If Matt and Eric, and Lila, let it be known this was what Lila wanted, there was a chance he and Houston might survive the month. Houston wouldn’t like it, but he’d be showing his face to a whole mess of strangers tonight.

  “Any other orders?” asked Jet.

  The brothers shared a glance.

  “Do whatever Lila tells you,” said Matt. “She’s the boss of the Circle C now.”

  They were giving him permission to follow Lila’s lead, no matter where it went. If he wasn’t facing two big, angry men his cock would’ve swelled with anticipation. He nodded, once.

  “We’re springing our parents from the senior’s home before heading over,” said Eric. He pointed his finger at Jet. “Make sure my little girl acts like a lady.”

  “Can you be more specific?”

  “No cussing and no fighting.”

  “Got it.” Jet wanted the same thing, so it was no issue.

  “Don’t plan on staying late, Mr. Quartermain,” said Matt. “Chores start early.” He walked to the stairs, looked up, and yelled. “Two minute warning!”

  Pretty much all Jet knew of women was from army buddies, but he was sure fifteen minutes wasn’t long enough for a woman to shower and get all dolled up. But then, Lila wasn’t the type to fuss.

  “Keys are on the board,” said Matt.

  It was a dismissal, so Jet did as he was told. Since Rascal usually sat in the passenger seat and he didn’t want Lila to get her dress dirty, he grabbed a couple towels from a neatly folded pile in the laundry area by the door. He let Rascal hop in the back seat before locking the driver’s door. He was bent over, brushing off the passenger seat, ass toward the house, when he heard the kitchen door slam. He smoothed the towel flat and turned.

  Lila’s blonde hair flowed to her waist. Her long-sleeved green dress swirled just above her knees as she walked. The whole thing buttoned, from neck to hem. It had a deep notch at her neck, showing off her cleavage. He dropped his eyes in self-defense. She wore cowboy boots, but these were fine-tooled tan leather. The dress might have been designed to be modest, but her full chest, relatively narrow waist, and ample hips proved she had everything he wanted in a woman, and more. Her face was pink. From the shower, being caught gaping at him, or from her fathers’ comments about what she’d done with Houston? And where was his buddy?

  He gestured at the passenger door.

  “I’m driving,” she said, striding past him. He stayed where he was. She tried the door. “It’s locked. Where are the keys?”

  “In my pocket.”

  She stomped around the hood of the truck and up to him. “Excuse me, but this is my truck. Therefore, I drive.” She held out her hand. “Keys.”

  She looked so sexy when ticked off. How much more luscious would she be if she was really mad at him? He didn’t think he’d have to wait more than a few days to find out. Pushing her buttons was necessary to help her learn not to react impulsively. If she did, she’d face the consequences.

  “No,” he replied, calm and clear, “I’m your escort. That means you’re my responsibility. You are going to act like a lady. Now, are you going to climb in this door, or do you need some encouragement?”

  He held out his hand, flat. He looked at his palm, at Lila’s magnificent ass, then met her gaze. At first she glared at him, furious. He looked back, calm and sure. After a moment she flicked her eyes away, then back. This second time she looked hesitant. Her eyebrows crunched together in the beginning of a frown. Then she looked away, grumbling under her breath. He held out his arm so she could climb up. Instead of taking it, she reached up, grabbed the handle, and slid in.

  Independent all the way. He hid his smile. She had some learning to do.

  “I’ll get the seatbelt,” she said, her expression daring him to object.

  “You’re in the middle. Houston’s riding shotgun.”

  She made an exasperated noise but shuffled over. She might be telling him “no” in words, but he’d seen the sideways looks she gave him. She’d stood on the porch for at least a minute before she’d slammed the kitchen door. He had a pretty good idea that she’d been checking out his body.

  “You do realize my uncles and cousins will test you?”

  Since she was ignoring what happened between her and Houston, so would he. For now.

  “I’d do the same.”

  He was used to having to prove himself. Usually he kept something in reserve. He never knew when he’d need that moment of surprise. Considering they were strangers, Lila’s relatives had plenty of reasons to make sure she was okay. He didn’t tell her that, though. Her feathers were ruffled enough and they hadn’t even left the ranch.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?” she demanded.

  “About what?”

  “About Houston falling asleep in my bed. Papa said they knew, and told you.”

  “Houston needed sleep. You said you haven’t been sleeping, so I figure you cuddled up and got happy.”

  She frowned. “That’s it?”

  He gave her his full attention. “Congratulations on having an orgasm. Are there a few more things you like about being female now?”

  She stared at him, mouth open. It snapped shut and she turned to the front, knees primly together and hands in her lap. “It wasn’t just one,” she said briskly.

  “Good for Houston. That’ll put a smile on his face. Yours, too, if you’d relax.”

  He got in and pulled the pickup closer to the porch. Houston came out, dressed in the clothes Jet had left in the other bedroom. Though he brought his cane, he climbed in beside Lila with more ease than he’d moved earlier.

  “Let’s get out of here before somebody decides to finish me off,” he muttered.

  “Dad wouldn’t do that,” said Lila as Jet headed out.

  “The only reason he didn’t was because your mother’s index finger was jammed in his belly.” Houston shuddered. “I see what you mean about doing what the doctor ordered. I wouldn’t want your mother at the other end of a needle going in my ass.”

  “Matt thinks we’re going to smooth Lila’s rough edges and make a woman out of her, so when we’re gone she’ll be able to find a set of husbands,” said Jet.

  “I don’t need a husband, dammit, and I’m already a woman!”

  “Oh, hell, yeah!” said Houston quietly.

  “And,” she added, fuming, “my edges do not need smoothing!”

  “Best to check.” Houston rested his hand on Lila’s bare knee then slid up, under the fabric, to mid-thigh. “Feels smooth to me.” She gulped and turned red.

  Jet’s tight jeans got even tighter. Soon, he told himself. He pulled onto the highway, which continued past the MacDougal ranch to the town of Wisdom. He could use some of that about now.

  “Your parents want our help in teaching you how to act like a lady,” said Jet. “As far as I’m concerned, that’s part of the work contract.”

  “Ha! I can be a lady whenever I want. I just don’t see the necessity. I’m with family, and they’re used to me being just the way I am.” She jammed her lips together, crossed her arms, and stared out the window.

  “They may be used to you acting like a hoyden,” said Houston, “but it doesn’t mean they like it.”

  “Hoyden!” Lila turned and glared at him.

  “A girl or woman of saucy or boisterous behavior,” he continued, lecturing her. “As in flippant, disrespectful, impertinent, insolent—”

  “I am not—”

  “Yes, you are,” interrupted Jet. “And it makes people want to avoid you.”

  She whipped her head around, crossed her arms again, and jammed her lips together. She had to look forward if she wanted to avoid both of them. Jet kept an eye on her. He heard her little sniffles.

  “Lila,” he said gently, “you’re a smart, very attractive woman. Someday you will be in charge of this ranch. But right now you’re out of control.
I don’t think you want to be like this. You just don’t know another way.”

  “You have no idea who I am,” she replied, her voice trembling and raw. “You only met me this morning.”

  Jet rested his hand on her thigh, letting his weight sink into her.

  “If you want to change,” he said quietly, “now’s the time. We don’t know your past, all the things you’ve done, or not done, that embarrass you. We do know the woman we see right here, and we like her.” He squeezed gently, reassuringly. “I think you’re hurting, Lila. Hurting in your heart. Give yourself a chance to heal.”

  They gave her a while to think. She trembled, clasping her fingers so tightly they turned white.

  “I’m afraid,” she finally whispered.

  “The fear of something is usually worse than it happening,” said Jet.

  “Not always,” said Houston, shuddering. “I’m afraid of riding a bull, and I think that’s smart. I don’t want to be stomped to death.”

  “It’s like anything else,” said Lila. “You have to learn to do it right.”

  “You’ve ridden one?” demanded Jet, his voice rising in shock.

  “Not for very long. And I survived, as you can see.” Her blush proved she wasn’t joking. “It was just another of those crazy, impulsive things I did to prove I could be just as good as my cousins.”

  “What did you accomplish?” asked Houston.

  “Nothing,” she whispered, “other than a few scars.”

  “You know why you did it?” asked Jet.

  “I just told you.”

  “No, the real reason.”

  She frowned, questioning and disagreeing at the same time.

  “You don’t believe in yourself,” he said. “And because of that, you don’t think anyone else will, either. You jump into things without thinking, and then second-guess yourself. You’re unsure, and so you back off, leaving the job half-done. Then you think you’re stupid because you haven’t done as well as someone with experience, who sat down and thought it out first. Some people are easily distracted and need help to concentrate. Am I right?”

  Her chin trembled. She shrugged as if it didn’t matter.


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