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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 147

by Reece Butler

“Wonderful, and frustrating as all get out.” She purposefully looked away, giving Katie space. “Are you aware that I promised to obey when I married?”

  “Obey? Didn’t that go out in the fifties?”

  “It faded for a while, but there’s a good number of women who enjoy having our husbands take us in hand. Most families in the Valley have versions of it, depending on what each of them want.”

  Katie traced out a mark on the tabletop with her index finger.

  “You don’t seem the type to obey,” said Katie. “Pardon me for saying that, but—”

  “But it’s true. The fact I don’t particularly like to obey, yet choose to submit to Lance and Simon anyway, makes our marriage even stronger. We discuss things, but the final decision is not mine. Each time I choose to follow Lance’s direction it strengthens our bond.”

  “So you bow to their wishes, because they’re men?”

  “Oh, gosh, no!” Marci placed her hand over her heart. “A relationship should suit the people involved. As long as no one’s being harmed, and it’s all consensual, it’s nobody else’s business what happens between them.”

  Katie’s finger traced a gouge in the table that was likely over a hundred years old.

  “While everyone here has a male-dominant lifestyle, there are many others who have a woman leading the household. The men are not weak, as many are in positions of great authority and power. The women who submit are not weak, either.”

  “I guess it’s different when you have a business compared to a two salary family where each person goes out to a job and comes home at night,” said Katie slowly, as if thinking it out. “Someone has to be in charge of the business, which is the ranch. And the business aspects extend to the family.”

  “Yes, our lives are all about our ranches and our community. We value honesty and trust, and we rely on lots of communication.”

  Katie took that in for a while. Marci kept quiet, remembering how Lila, who’d grown up surrounded by the same dynamic, had also struggled.

  “Don’t you get frustrated when they don’t agree with you?”

  “All the time!” Marci rolled her eyes, grinning along with Katie. “Yet I do it anyway because I know it’s best for all of us. It’s amazingly freeing to know someone loves and cares for you so much that they will protect you, even from yourself.”

  Marci had wanted to curl up in a ball and forget the world existed after Danny was killed by a roadside bomb. Simon had pushed and prodded and she’d turned her face away. Then Lance had ordered her out of bed. He said she had two husbands and a pair of twin sons who needed her. She’d been furious, yet at the same time had known he was right. Later the family ghost, Beth Elliott, had passed on the news that Danny was guiding other soldiers to the light. It helped, but she still grieved the death of her first baby.

  “No one protected me,” said Katie quietly. “Perhaps that’s why I don’t trust anyone to make decisions for me.” She looked up. “I’m sure my parents loved me as much as they were capable. They just…weren’t very capable. Grammie loved me, and Gran does as well. I rarely see her, but we correspond through e-mail.” She grimaced. “The others would be furious if they knew Gran and I were close.”

  Marci held back from offering sympathy. Katie was her own woman, and she had grown into herself through her own journey. Everyone had a past which they’d hopefully learned from. Having been loved unconditionally, even just as a child, would make it easier for Katie to accept love now. Love was complicated but lust was simple. She leaned forward, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

  “I don’t obey all the time, you know,” she said, as if sharing a secret. “Sometimes I refuse, just to get Lance riled up. I don’t do it when it’s important, or when the timing is wrong. But when we have the time and opportunity to play, I kick up my heels. Or, I do until I’m tied down. And then the fun begins!”

  “Tie you down?”

  “Or up, or over Lance’s knee.” Marci winked at Katie’s shocked expression. “My first husband was a controlling abuser. I would never have expected I’d want this, much less enjoy it. Yet when it’s done with love, affection, and caring, it’s wonderful.”

  “I can’t imagine trusting someone that much.”

  Marci rested her hand on Katie’s arm, all levity gone. “I know, to the bottom of my heart, that Lance and Simon want what’s best for me, and for us. I hold the power. At any time I can stop it all with one word. They don’t like it, and it doesn’t happen very often. But when I say so, they stop. No matter what.”

  Katie seemed to be thinking hard. Was it the lifestyle that interested her, or the thought of trusting someone that much? She looked so sad and alone Marci couldn’t take it anymore. She pushed her chair back and rounded the end of the table.

  “Stand up,” she ordered. “I need a hug.”

  She sent mental waves of reassurance, caring, and love as Katie clutched her tightly back. Tears popped into her own eyes at how badly Katie needed this touch. When Katie started to relax, Marci released her. Katie wiped her eyes with the hem of her T-shirt.

  “I’m not used to hugs.” Katie choked out a laugh. “But I’m already addicted.”

  Marci gave her another, just a quick one. “You, my dear, need some good loving. Not just hugs from me, but great big bear hugs from a pair of good men. I bet Sam and Trey give good ones.”

  Katie pulled away, blushing. Had the boys already given her some encouragement?

  “I don’t want pity hugs.”

  “Pity?” Marci broke out in a laugh. “Believe me, sweetie, it’s pleasure Sam and Trey have on their one-track minds.” She tilted her head. “Can you keep a secret?” She waited for Katie’s nod, then leaned forward and dropped her voice. “This town is called Climax for a reason. If a woman doesn’t get at least one orgasm before her man comes, she passes the word to her friends. I understand all our valley boys have a very good reputation for satisfaction.”

  Katie turned pink again. “That’s, um, good to know.”

  “If you want some adult fun, you’ve arrived at the right place. Trey will charm you while Sam will hold back. But if you say yes, that’s it,” she warned.

  “What do you mean?”

  Sam was a foot taller than Katie, with Trey another two inches beyond that. They both had overpowering personalities. Trey was a partially reformed wild playboy while Sam was a determined tiger patiently waiting to pounce. With Katie living here, that patience would be worn thin. Trey needed stability, something that would only come with a loving wife. Sam needed Katie to break through his wall of tight control. Marci wanted them to discover each other. All she could do was encourage it.

  “Sam will make your pleasure his top priority unless you tell him no. Then he’ll stop, no matter what. Same as Trey. Both can be trusted to give you pleasure, or leave you alone. Your choice.”

  Katie swallowed. “Oh,” she said in a near whisper.

  Marci didn’t know how else she could help. Then she remembered the bag of erotic ménage books in her truck. She kept some of her favorites there in case the men took a long time in the hardware store, or stopped to fix something.

  “I’ve got some books in my truck you might enjoy. They’ll give you a few ideas. And one more thing.”

  “There’s more?” It came out as a squeak.

  “We’re both pretty small, and our men are big. If you relax, you’ll be fine with both of them.” She winked. “As in both at the same time.”

  Chapter Eight

  Trey filled his bowl with more stew. He was impressed. Katie had done a hell of a lot of work in a few short hours. She’d even baked home-made biscuits!

  “May I use your computer? I need to let my grandmother know where I am.”

  “Sure,” said Trey. “It’s in the office, off the sunroom. Power bar is on the desk.”

  “You can use the computer on one condition,” said Sam. He leaned back in his chair and set his jaw. He’d been acting like an ass since Trey patted Katie�
��s ass before supper and she’d giggled instead of hitting him with her wooden spoon. Trey tossed a biscuit at his brother’s fat head. Sam caught it then glared.

  “What’s the big problem with Katie telling her granny where she is?” demanded Trey.

  “I won’t pry, if that’s your concern,” she said. “And I’m well experienced with various operating systems.”

  “That’s not it.” Sam gestured with the biscuit. “I have a job I want you to do. If you’re so good on that box, you should be able to do this pretty easy.”

  “Do what?” asked Trey. Sam stared out the window, which Trey took to mean Sam wanted something personal done. The light went on. “You want Katie to search that matchmaking site!”

  “Matchmaking?” asked Katie. Her voice rose with every syllable.

  “I need a wife. We need a wife.” Sam gestured around the kitchen. “Seeing how the place looks after one day of cleaning makes me think Tom is right.”

  “Right about what?” Trey snagged another biscuit. Katie pushed the butter and honey his way, and away from Sam.

  “A potential wife wouldn’t want to visit a mess. Katie can clean things up in preparation, and find some possibilities at the same time.”

  Trey did not want to think about a possible wife, not with hot-blooded Katie front and center. He almost wished he’d told Sam about the kiss he and Katie had shared. Almost. He wanted to keep it between the two of them, something special.

  Sam was the older brother, the one who’d always known the ranch would come to him. Trey had spent too many hours wishing he was far from the Rocking E. It wasn’t the work, or the life that got to him. It was the heavy blanket of gloom that Sam hauled around everywhere he went. It could darken the sunniest day. Katie had lifted a corner of that blanket. Already Sam had started acting closer to human than robot. What would Sam be like if he was free of it entirely? Trey was sure Katie could do more for them than a woman Sam chose from the Internet.

  “Let me get this straight.” Katie sat taller in her chair. She had to set her feet on the rungs to do so. “You want me to clean your home to suit a potential wife, and you want me to find that wife?”

  Sam jerked his head in agreement.

  “Do you know how many Internet matchmaking companies there are? It could take hours every night to sift through the replies!”

  “There’s only one company I’m interested in, so it shouldn’t be too hard.”

  “Then you do it!”

  She shoved her chair back. One leg caught on a tear in the linoleum. Trey moved fast, catching her before she tumbled. They ended up almost nose to nose. His eyes immediately went to her lips. She licked them nervously. It didn’t matter why it darted out, that tiny pink tongue gave him ideas.

  “You can let me go now,” she said breathlessly.

  “Yeah, I could. Don’t much want to, though.” Her breasts expanded when she inhaled, pressing against him. That led to other things expanding farther south.

  “I’ll pay you a bonus for your time,” said Sam.

  Katie pushed, so Trey released her. She stood up, changing as she moved. From the look of her, at first Trey thought she would throw more than a biscuit at Sam’s head. He checked that the knives were far enough away. She drew herself as tall and straight as possible. He could see this version of Katie in a business suit sitting at the head of a boardroom table.

  “How much?”

  “That’ll depend on how good a job you do finding us a wife.”

  “Not good enough. I want an hourly fee and a set bonus when you invite the first woman here. No matter what she, or you, decides.”

  Yep. She definitely had terrier in her. She’d grab onto something with a grip so tight it would never get away. Maybe if she grabbed onto Sam’s wet blanket attitude and hauled it off…

  Sam went back to looking out the window, refusing to answer.

  “I expect it will take you some time to work out what you both want,” she said.

  “I want an easygoing, quiet woman who was raised on a farm or ranch,” said Sam. “She must know how to work hard, cook, and do all those wifely things, and know that ranching comes first.”

  “So, you’ll accept a hardworking single mom and her five kids, and you don’t care what she looks like, her age, personal habits, or even if she speaks English?”

  Trey stuffed another biscuit in his mouth to hide his grin. Katie found it easy to rile Sam, which was another reason Trey wanted to keep her around. Sam may not like it, but Katie kicked him out of the rut he’d been living in for so long it had become a trench.

  “I’d like us to speak the same language,” said Sam. “I don’t mind kids, if she’s the right person. And personality and moral character is more important than looks.”

  After a moment of silence Katie turned to Trey.

  “I want someone who loves living here on the Rocking E, who cares for both of us, is open-minded in and out of the bedroom, can take orders yet stands up to us when necessary, and gets along tolerably well with the rest of our extended family.”

  “What about love?”

  “What about it?” demanded Sam belligerently. “I want a partnership that will last. Love doesn’t.”

  “What about your parents and your aunts?” she demanded.

  “That’s different. My parents met each other in high school.”

  “Aunt Marci and Doc Nikki came here as strangers,” said Trey. “They both married quick enough, and both triads are still married. Aunt Aggie met Uncle Keith at college. She came to visit, met Uncle Donny, and stayed.”

  “Yeah, but they’re from the last generation,” said Sam as if it was an explanation easily understood. “Things are different now.”

  “Then add that I want a woman who loves me, and who’ll tolerate Sam well enough,” said Trey. He gave Katie a wink. “By that I mean share our bed. As long as she loves me and lusts after Sam now and then, it should work out.”

  Sam grumbled louder, but he’d already shot himself in the foot with the negative love comment. Trey had heard that women wanted love the way men wanted sex. He wanted both love and sex. Trey was already in heavy like with Katie, and even heavier lust. He was glad he was sitting down across the table so Katie couldn’t see his overly tight jeans. Though if he was standing there’d be more room…

  “I’ll print out a questionnaire for you to fill out together,” said Katie. “I won’t put any time into it until you both sign off what you want. I do need to contact my grandmother, tonight if possible.”

  Trey’s belly was full, though he’d been eyeing Katie’s apple pie since he first smelled it hours ago. He believed in using strategy to get what he wanted. Tonight that included half a pie and Katie in his bed. Or hers, because it was bigger.

  “Why don’t you e-mail your gran right now,” he said. “Me and Sam’ll clean up the kitchen.”


  “We can talk about what type of wife we want while you’re in the office.” He stood, moved behind her and, holding her waist, gently guided her out of the room. She went along easily, no doubt eager to check her social media after a quick one-liner to her grandmother.

  “What are you up to?” demanded Sam when he’d returned.

  “I want Katie nice and relaxed before bedtime.”

  “Why? You think she’ll want anything to do with you?”

  Trey shrugged. “If not, at least we’ll have a clean kitchen and apple pie.”

  * * * *

  Hildy waited until the end of the day to read Katie’s e-mail. It would be the highlight of a very long, stressful week. At least, she hoped it would be the highlight. She’d discovered a totally different side of her youngest grandchild in the last six months. At first the e-mails had been stilted reports. She’d encouraged Katie to write her impressions down, as if she was writing letters to a close girlfriend. The family, those who noticed her, thought Katie was a mousy little thing. These last months proved she was anything but.

  The la
st thing her assistant had done was bring in the heavy silver tray with her tea. A Hester Bateman silver teapot, on a stand to protect the antique linen tray cover, contained loose leaf Darjeeling. Today her Minton teacup and saucer were of the Princess pattern with crisp red, blue, and yellow. All day she immersed herself in dry business matters. Her collection of pretty teacups, and her daily quiet time enjoying her tea, was one of the few ways she admitted she was an old woman.

  A matching plate contained two thick lemon shortbread cookies from the marvelous Ullapool bakery. One of the perks of being CEO was ordering cookies from the north coast of Scotland and no one dared say a thing. She’d just gotten a double order, lemon as well as stem ginger, delivered to her home. Her daughters-in-law squawked about the butter harming her heart so she’d hidden the shipment in a suitcase in the back of her closet. Her family’s bickering, and Walter’s arrogance, were far harder on her health than a few sticks of butter!

  She poured her tea into the cup and set it beside her computer screen. She disliked milk in her tea but Socrates, her shadow-gray Burmese, enjoyed a saucer of it. He leaped onto the desk with a purrpt and waved his tail, impatient for her to fill the fine porcelain saucer. While he lapped she sat back, took a restorative sip, and clicked open Katie’s e-mail.

  Memo to: Hildegard Katherine Winterbourne, CEO

  From: Katherine Winterbourne, Intern

  Subject: Assignment status

  Mrs. Winterbourne: Dear Gran,

  I am fine, though I had my pack and all my money stolen while taking the bus home.

  “Dear Lord!” Socrates looked up at the worried tone. Milk dripped from his chin. She schooled her lips not to move. The cat did not like to be laughed at. “Katie’s fine, pusscat. I offered her plane tickets home, but that girl’s stubborn. She reminds me of me,” she added.

  The assignment was to have been structured, keeping Katie safe. Instead, she’d struck out on her own, insisting she wanted freedom and anonymity for once in her life.

  I’ll make enough for my bus ticket home while scrubbing floors and walls, cooking, and the like. I’ve been hired to make up for a pair of bachelor brothers avoiding deep cleaning for the last decade or so.


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