The Climax Montana Complete Collection

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The Climax Montana Complete Collection Page 148

by Reece Butler

  “Bachelor brothers? I do hope they’re not a pair of smelly old men.”

  Sam Elliott is five years older than me, and Trey is two years older. Sam is a stubborn, stuck-in-his-ways party pooper. Trey was, until recently, a party boy. When he turned twenty-five he decided to settle down. He’s the third son, therefore the nickname. Ben, the oldest, lives with his wife and children in Bozeman. I’ve been told there are at least fourteen young men my age in town.

  “Fourteen?” Hildy set down her teacup. It rattled, a product of a touch of palsy. “Surely she’ll find one she likes, even if it’s just for a few weeks of fun.” She sighed. “Not that I remember what that word means.”

  In addition to cleaning, cooking, and the like, I have taken on an assignment that will advance my organization, logistics, and management skills. I agreed to be responsible for organizing all the food for eighty or so people for over a week. It’s quite a logistical challenge as the men are working outside, moving from ranch to ranch, cutting and stacking the hay for the entire valley. There is the added demand that I am the one in charge and will be telling experienced ranch women twice and three times my age what I want done. Yes, this is an old-fashioned town where people get together for the good of them all. I’ve only met a few people, but I know you would enjoy it here.

  “I bet I would. Especially if my red-headed granddaughter finds herself a cowboy and gives me a red-headed great-granddaughter.”

  I may return late by a day or two if the weather causes problems getting the haying completed. I’m not exactly sure how it’s done yet, other than they use horses and make haystacks. I’ll be able to fill you in when I get home. I know you will understand if I must stay a few extra days. I shook hands with one of the older women, Marci MacDougal, and a Winterbourne always fulfills her promises.

  “That she does. Good thing Walter’s not in charge.” The cat nudged her shoulder. “You finished already?” Socrates gave her a look cats only bestowed on humans they needed to keep around for food and cuddles. She filled the saucer with the last of the milk.

  The added advantage of this position is that I will be meeting people who are likely to stimulate ideas for a smaller product line to level-load the production facility. Much of their furniture is handmade, used rather than antique, but sturdy. Most of the men here are over six feet tall and are well muscled from ranch work, so the furniture reflects that. It’s a long way from the delicate cabriole legs of your Queen Anne chair, LOL.

  If you want to stick another pin in the map of my travels, I’m staying in a tiny place called Climax, west of Dillon, Montana. It’s absolutely beautiful here. It’s quiet, and we’re surrounded by mountains. I’m sure it will be cold and snowy in the winter, but right now I love it.

  That’s all, Gram. I know you’re busy, but I wanted to let you know I am well and thinking of you. Love and hugs from your lastest and bestest grandchild, Katie.

  “I’m thinking of you, too, dearest.”

  She wiped her eyes and sniffed. Katie was the only one who loved her, rather than wanted what she could provide. The dear girl had no idea how badly her health had deteriorated since January. She’d got a touch of pneumonia which had lingered. When she’d cut back her hours, Walter had taken it as a green light to bulldoze his way over her. She was feeling much better now, though still tired. And why shouldn’t she be tired? She still worked ten-hour days. When she got home she was surrounded by eager eyes anticipating when she would finally step down.

  She needed a change in her life, but didn’t know what to change it to.

  She’d tell Katie to do what was best for herself. Katie was young, talented, and smart. She would wither under Walter’s harsh rule.

  Hildy turned to the keyboard to tell Katie to take her time when the tromp of heavy feet warned her of trouble. She said a very unladylike word and closed the e-mail. She moved it to a hidden file before shutting down the program. When her eldest son knocked and opened the door without waiting for an answer, she faced her desk, reading the day’s production reports.

  “Mother! I told you to keep that filthy beast off Grandfather’s desk!”

  She looked at Walter over her spectacles. She loved him, as she was his mother. But she certainly didn’t like him, especially lately. He behaved as if it was a matter of days before he’d shove her out the door and into a senior’s facility. One with doors that locked on the outside.

  “Whose name is on the door you just opened without waiting for my word of welcome?”

  “Mother, I—”

  “It’s a simple question, Walter.”

  “Yours.” He almost spit the word.

  “Correct. And until your name is up there, this is my desk.”

  He’d been a good-looking young man, but decades of sneering had left deep grooves on his face. She’d inherited her own grandmother’s skin, and had taken care of it, smiling instead of scowling.

  She might be old but she wasn’t ready to step down yet, mainly because she had a good idea what would happen with Walter in charge.

  He glared at Socrates, who hissed back. “We’ll see what the doctor says on Monday.”

  It was a threat, one she’d been concerned about for some time.

  “Yes, we will. But it’s Friday, and I’m having my tea. Now go away.”

  His lips twitched. She knew he was eager to say more but didn’t have the balls. She’d done a damn fine job hauling the company out of the red and making it successful. Unfortunately, it had been at the cost of her children. Not that they suffered, but they were not close and they focused on the company above all else. Walter barely stopped himself from slamming the door on his way out. She gathered Socrates into her lap. He’d leave long gray hair on her charcoal suit, but so be it. She needed something warm to cuddle. The deep rattle of his purrs soothed her.

  “You have far more redeeming qualities that that CEO wanna-be.” She sighed. “I don’t know how I’m going to be able to watch everything I’ve created go down the drain.”

  Chapter Nine

  Katie vigorously rubbed her head with the towel before folding it over the shower rod. She looked in the mirror. Her hair erupted from her head like flames. Too bad. She was done. No more coloring it brown or straightening it. This was who she was and if anyone didn’t like it they could go hang.

  “You’re stalling. And if you wait too long, they’ll be back in the house and you’ll lose your advantage.”

  Telling herself so didn’t ease the butterflies in her belly, or the things happening below. Though she had just showered, her pussy lips were wet and slippery. After they finished in the kitchen and went out to the barn she’d shut down the computer, gone upstairs, and started one of Marci’s books. She immediately thought of Trey and Sam doing the same wonderful things to her, making her scream in orgasmic delight.

  That’s when she’d made her decision.

  Sam had had the nerve to tell her to find him a wife. She would do it, because she while she was looking she would also get what she wanted, as in multiple-orgasm sex with at least one hot cowboy. She was pretty sure Trey would be eager. If Sam wasn’t interested, so be it. In any case, she was going to get her needs met tonight.

  Sam and Trey were right for her. Not for forever, but for here and now. A week or so of fun and she’d be gone. It was perfect. They wanted her, and she wanted to scratch an itch she hadn’t realized existed. It was a best case business situation, in that everybody would win.

  Before she could talk herself out of it, she grabbed the slinky robe that had been in Marci’s bag of goodies, wrapped it around herself, and strode out the bedroom door. Sam and Trey would be back from the barn any minute and she wanted to be lying in wait for them. She thought of a black widow spider setting a trap for the male, and smiled.

  She floated down the stairs, navy silk rippling around her knees. The tie cord dangled in front, the ends tapping against her mound with each step. She slowed, swinging her hips and pressing her thighs together. They we
re slick with anticipation.

  She left one light on over the stove, just enough illumination to let them know they weren’t alone. Where should she stand? A deep laugh boomed just outside the door. Her mind went blank. Trey opened the door in sock feet. He set his boots on the porch and stepped in, looking behind him at Sam.

  “I bet Katie tastes as sweet as a—” Trey spotted her. He stopped, staring. Sam, head down, banged into him. “Peach.”

  “Get out of the way,” grumbled Sam.

  Trey stumbled forward, having been shoved from behind. Sam stopped dead, staring at her with eyes wide. His Adam’s apple bobbed.

  “Why aren’t you asleep? I thought you were tired.”

  It wasn’t the sexy interest she’d been expecting.

  “Shut up, Sam.” Trey’s expression was far more appreciative. “Maybe Katie’s awake because she’s been reading Aunt Marci’s books and wants the real thing,” said Trey. “I’m up for it.”

  Trey shifted, shaking out his legs. He was directly in the light so the bulge below his belt buckle was obvious. He certainly was “up.”

  “How did you know about the books?”

  “You left one in the sunroom before supper. Cowboy ménage, huh?” He grabbed his shirt front and tugged. His snaps opened like bullets. He spread the shirt open, exposing his chest, abs, and happy trail. “You ready for the real thing?”

  Her mouth went dry. This was what she’d asked for. The reality was…far more impressive.

  “What books?” Sam’s eyebrows almost touched.

  She had to wrestle control back. Of herself, and the situation. She hauled her eyes away from Trey’s beefcake. Pretend that you’re in control and they’ll never know the truth. Tantalize them for a bit then make your move.

  “I came down for a piece of pie.” She let her hips roll as she walked on bare toes to the fridge. She pulled the door open. Light streamed into the dim kitchen, though all they’d see was her outline. She bent over to get the plate. Both men choked.

  “Oh, dear. There’s only one piece left.” She lifted the plate and turned, closing the fridge door with her hip. The silk swished around her as she moved. Neither man said a word. “Do you want some?”

  “Katie,” warned Sam, “what are you playing at?”

  She put the pie on the counter and went on tiptoes to lift down a plate, knowing as she reached that the hem would rise to reveal her butt cheeks. “I’m not playing.”

  “Katie.” Sam’s deep, demanding voice that made her shiver. “Tell us exactly what you want so there’s no misunderstandings.”

  She turned to him and took a deep breath. Her robe gaped. Both men stared, though all they’d see was a deep V of white against the dark silk. Her breasts were still covered, though barely.

  “You’re both men. I’m a woman. Isn’t it obvious?”

  Was that a growl that emerged from Sam’s chest? His hands were curled in tight fists.

  “What. Do. You. Want?”

  “Fine!” She crossed her arms, ticked off she had to say it out loud. “I want the two of you to give me an orgasm.”

  “Yes, ma’am!” Trey stepped forward. Sam grabbed his shirt to hold him back. It slipped off Trey’s shoulders, but he only took the one step.

  “Not so fast,” said Sam. “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right.”

  Perplexed, she looked from one to the other. “I thought there was no right or wrong, as long as everyone enjoys themselves.”

  “We do things a little different here in Tanner’s Ford Valley.”

  Sam’s voice had changed. It was still deep, but there was an added something which sparked shivers.


  He nodded, slow and deliberate. “We have a few ground rules.”

  Katie was rapidly losing patience. If she was with any other men she’d already be naked, or long gone. But then, she didn’t want to be with any other men.

  “What about?”

  “We’ll start out easy,” said Sam, “but we’re in charge and you’ll—”

  “Whoa!” interrupted Trey. He sauntered closer. “Tonight we show Katie about pleasure. Tomorrow, if she wants more, she can learn about rules.”

  “Rules as in this is just for fun, while I’m here, right?” she asked, looking from Sam’s intense stare to Trey’s eager grin.

  “That, too,” said Trey. “Don’t you agree, big brother? All for Katie tonight?”

  Sam’s intense gaze burned through the thin silk to her skin underneath. He jerked his head in an abrupt nod. He obviously wanted her, desperately. His whole body shook as if he was barely holding himself back from reaching for her. Trey bounced on his toes. Though he grinned rather than scowled, he was no less eager.

  A feeling of power surged through her. This was her moment! She set her shoulders back and gently tugged the silk tie. It fluttered to the ground. The robe parted a few inches as she inhaled. She had her back to the light so was in shadow, but they stared as if they could see her taut nipples and flaming bush.

  She had them in the palm of her hand. She shrugged. The silk slipped off her shoulders and rippled to the floor.

  * * * *

  Trey stared at Katie’s dark robe puddled on the floor. He raised his eyes. One look and he damn near swallowed his tongue. Her front was in shadow but his eager brain filled in the blanks. Gorgeous Katie, the woman who’d moaned when he’d kissed her then had rolled him on his back to take more, stood naked in front of him. Naked and eager. The woman had some serious curves. Curves he was ready to explore. She was short, so her mouth might be just right when she knelt in front of him. Oh, yeah!

  Katie was a perfect, tiny bundle of womanhood. Tonight would be all about her. Tomorrow was another story. Seeing the outlines of her tantalizing body he hoped she would submit to them. No matter what, she would hold the power to stop them with one word. A good Dom read his sub’s body and voice. He knew why she trembled, and would stop just before she spoke up. That was the whole point, to push her close to the edge, but not over. Doing that again and again changed her beliefs about herself, and what she thought were limits.

  “Let’s start with a kiss,” said Trey. He slowly approached, giving her time to say no. Behind him Sam fought with the laces of his boots.

  “You’re trembling,” said Trey. “We don’t have to do this. Anytime you want, we’ll stop.” He gently placed his fingers on her waist and drew her to him. Not touching, but enough so he could feel her heat.

  “I’m a bit nervous.”

  “Been a while?” She nodded, and her hair rasped against Trey’s chest. “Then let’s get right to it.”

  His mouth descended toward Katie’s. She rested her palms on his chest. Was she pushing him away? Her fingers slipped over his skin to his back, then pulled him close. He wrapped his arms around her, bent his head, and deepened the kiss. She tasted of apple pie and cinnamon. His tongue tangled with hers until he ran out of breath.

  “God, I love the way you kiss,” he said, panting. “But you’re so short my neck’s getting a crick.”

  Trey took her by the waist and lifted. She gasped at the chill when he set her butt on the counter. While she settled he undid his belt, flipped open the top button and eased the zipper down. He exhaled in relief.

  “That’s a hell of a lot better,” he said. “Now for my dessert.”

  “You want apple pie now?” she asked, incredulous.

  “Nope. My dessert’s right here.”

  Trey kissed her cheek as his hands found her breasts. Magnificent breasts. Perky and sensitive. To confirm it he scraped her nipples with his thumbs. She gasped and arched, tilting her head back. He continued to play with them as he nuzzled under her ear. He kept track of her shivers and gasps as he kissed his way to her breasts. He captured one with his mouth. She groaned, pulling his head tight. He savored her response then continued down to her belly, nipping and kissing. Her scent got stronger with each inch. His cock swelled and stiffened. He dropped
to his knees, grasped her thighs, and spread her legs.

  The stove light to her right made shadows, hiding her pussy lips. Her flame curls matched the ones on her head, only they had more spring. He watched her eyes as his knuckle circled the area which should contain her clit. He wasn’t aiming yet, just checking out the situation. Teasing her, to see what she’d do. Some women would take his hand and put it exactly where they wanted it. They tended to be more experienced. Katie, on the other hand, seemed to be happy with whatever she got. By the time she left the Rocking E she’d be a lot more experienced, and demanding.

  He hauled her butt to the edge of the counter, spread her knees wide, and stepped between them. He looked straight down. Full breasts heaved. Between them, a flash of flaming pussy beckoned. He groaned.

  “Um, Trey?”

  “Hush. I’m in charge of this operation.” He knelt and began nibbling his way up her left thigh.


  “Yep. Operation Orgasm. I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll pass out.”

  “Is that possible?”

  “Don’t know. Never tried before.” He gave her a stern look. “Your job is to relax and think of nothing except what you’re feeling.”

  * * * *

  Relax? How could she relax? She’d just done something so wild and crazy it was like a scene out of a book. No sane person would throw herself, naked, at a pair of men she’d just met. She’d think she was in an erotic dream except for the cold counter beneath her bottom.

  Trey’s strong hands held her thighs apart as he nipped and nibbled his way up her leg. Those intense blue eyes watched her gasp and tremble. She couldn’t help herself. Her body reacted before her mind engaged. He stopped, sighing.


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