The Climax Montana Complete Collection

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The Climax Montana Complete Collection Page 149

by Reece Butler

“Katie, you’re thinking too hard.”

  He thought for a moment, and then stood. “I know what the problem is.” He lifted her by the waist. Startled, she grabbed for his shoulders. He carried her across the kitchen to the table and set her down.

  “Now you can relax,” he said.

  He put one finger between her breasts and pushed. She went down on her elbows, and then lay flat. The chilly table did nothing to cool the fire raging in her. He grabbed a cushion from the chair, tossed it on the floor, and knelt. He set her feet on the edge of the table, far apart, and held them there with his hands. She understood his stern expression. She was not to move them.

  “Much better. Now close your eyes and let me work.”

  She did as ordered, concentrating on that one part of her anatomy. A part no one but her doctor had looked at.

  “God, Katie, every inch of you is beautiful.” A finger stroked between her lips. “I need more light.” A snap and the lamp over the table clicked on. “Much better,” he said in satisfaction. “This is too pretty to miss.”

  The doctor had been brisk and efficient under bright lights. Katie had touched herself with only her fingers and a vibrator, and that in the dark. Trey lingered, caressing every inch with his fingers.

  “Tell me what you like.”

  His words broke through her concentration. “What?”

  “Every woman likes things different, and that changes from day to day.” He chuckled. “Sometimes from minute to minute. So guide me. Tell me what you want me to do.”

  His calluses skimmed her clit.

  “That!” she replied breathlessly. Instead, he skirted around her clit and massaged just beyond. She moaned a curse.

  “Has no man ever taken the time to pleasure you, Katie?”

  “It was more a case of him pleasuring himself, by using me.”

  He paused. She looked past her breasts and belly to his frown. His intense brilliant blue eyes got her every time.

  “Damn, Katie, you need a real man. Luckily, you’ve got one.”

  “She’s got two,” growled Sam.

  Trey changed his grip, placing his hands under her buttocks. He lifted her easily and moved her an inch toward him. The edge of the table now cut across her bottom. He closed his eyes, dropped his head, and touched her with his tongue. Her hands slammed down. She had nothing to clutch, so spread her fingers wide. One swipe of that tongue and she knew she’d wasted her time with boys.

  This was a man.

  At first she tried to keep track of where his fingers and tongue and chin and nose were. But the sensations overwhelmed her, so she just let it flow. A roaring in her ears almost blocked out the wet sounds he made as he explored her. She leaned her head back, her hair rasping on the wood. Delicious tension coiled. She whimpered. He chuckled and kept up the pressure, tongue on her clit and fingers inside. She was close. Oh so close. Then he lifted his head away.

  “Don’t stop now!”

  “A man’s gotta breathe,” he said by way of explanation, panting.

  “Fine! Keep your fingers working,” she ordered.

  He chuckled. “Yes ma’am. Like this?”

  Watching her intensely, he dragged a knuckle from her pussy down. He rubbed it over her anus, a place that had never been breached. She shivered, clenching her sphincter in delight.

  “I thought you might like that,” said Trey.

  “If you can talk, you’ve caught your breath.”

  She should be concerned about that look of devilry, but was too far gone to care. Whatever he did made her squirm in delight. His right hand moved up to caress her breast and nipple. His head descended, eyes watching. His tongue pressed on her clit, then flicked back and forth.

  “Yes!” She jammed her eyes closed.

  * * * *

  Unlike many of his cousins, Sam had not shared a woman with his brother before, mostly because he spent his time on the ranch while Trey went out partying. He was relieved to feel no jealousy as he watched his brother kiss Katie. Having Trey warm Katie up for him would save time, something they didn’t have much of. Katie would only be here for a couple of weeks and for most of it they’d be working all day and half the night haying.

  That meant if he wanted any fun it better start now. He headed upstairs to check if they still had that box of condoms in the bath he and Trey shared. While he was up there he stripped, carefully easing his cock out of his jeans. He groaned in relief and anticipation. After a quick shower he slipped on a pair of loose track pants. He didn’t want to appear too eager and frighten her. He was big, all over, and she was such a tiny thing.

  They’d still have to be very careful until they knew more about her body and what she liked. She was a redhead with light skin so could mark easily. She sure had the temper of a redhead. Playing with a feisty woman was right up his alley, though he wouldn’t want to marry one. They’d be too much work.

  He found the box, checked the date, and cursed. Expired. It was just as well they were only going to help Katie tonight. Tomorrow he’d get a new box. No, a couple of boxes. He tossed it in the trash and headed back downstairs. Trey had moved Katie to the kitchen table. She lay on her back, writhing and gasping. Trey was on his knees. One hand was on her breast, the other looked like it was working her ass. His mouth was on Katie’s pussy. Sam watched, entranced, as she arched so high only her head and butt touched.

  She inhaled a gasp, held it, and then cried out. “Oh, God! Yes!”

  A dark flush of pink flowed over her chest as she came. Sam’s cock jerked in reaction. He made fists to stop himself from taking it in hand and getting the job done. He wanted to wait for Katie, not use Ms. Palmer and her four friends again. One more gasp and she slumped.

  Trey leaned back. His face glistened with Katie’s juices. He panted, having been starved from oxygen for however long. Not that Trey seemed to mind as he had a shit-eating grin the size of Montana.

  “Damn, I told you she was sweet.”

  Katie hadn’t moved. While her respiration rate was high, she should be breathing a lot deeper. Sam walked closer. She didn’t move.

  “What did you do to her?”

  “Gave her the best damn orgasm of her life, that’s what.” Trey hung his head for a moment then rose to his feet. His zipper was down but his pants were still up.

  “Trey, she’s passed out.” Sam lifted her hand from the table. Limp. He shook it. Her arm waggled like overcooked spaghetti. “She’s out like a light!”

  Trey caught a nipple between two knuckles and squeezed. She didn’t react. He patted her haunch. Still nothing.

  “Wow, that’s never happened before.” Trey’s face lit up in pride. “Damn, I’m good!”

  “Good for nothing!” Sam exhaled heavily. He’d had a hell of a time waking her when she slept in the truck. Even if he did wake her now, she would not be in the mood to continue. “Looks like Katie’s the only one getting off tonight.”

  “She didn’t get off. She went down with the ship.” Trey held his hands up to stop Sam pounding him. “Hey man, chill!”

  Sam pinched the bridge of his nose. This was not how he’d planned to end the evening. However he would have to man up and go without. He wanted Katie to be an enthusiastic participant in anything they did.

  “So be it. I’ll take her up to bed. She obviously needs a good night’s sleep.” He slid his hands under her shoulders and knees and lifted. Her limbs hung down. “Huh! She weighs about as much as a bag of feed.”

  “Just don’t toss her over her shoulder as if she is one,” said Trey, following him up the stairs. “At least, not until you explain how things are done around here.”

  Carrying her felt too damn good. With each step her breasts wobbled and her bare butt rubbed against his groin. His nose was filled with her sweet, enticing scent.

  Tomorrow, he promised himself. He’d waited years, he could wait another night. But tomorrow he’d show her who was the boss. He’d make this orgasm look like an appetizer.

let Trey go first to turn on lights and open doors. Trey pulled down the sheets and Sam laid her down. She immediately rolled to her side, curling up. He had no choice but to cover her. He did allow himself to brush her cheek with a kiss. Her lip twitched up in a smile, then faded.

  “See this?”

  Trey held out a well-thumbed paperback. Some of the corners were turned down. Sam took it. Two bare-chested men in cowboy hats lounged near a barn. All their attention was on a woman in a short dress hanging out clothes. Sam flipped it to read the back. Warning: this novel contains explicit mature sexual content. Ménage, anal sex, threesomes, sex toys, bondage, spanking.

  “Aunt Marci reads this stuff?” He took another look at the cover.

  “Maybe she reads it out loud to our uncles.”

  Sam shuddered. “I don’t want to know.” He held it out to Trey.

  “Don’t you want to know what Katie likes?”

  Sam pulled it back before Trey could get his paws on it. “I won’t be sleeping anyway. I might as well flip through it.”

  “Maybe you’ll learn something we can try tomorrow night.”

  Sam took one last look at Sleeping Beauty before shutting the door.

  “There better damn well be a tomorrow night.”

  Chapter Ten

  “You want to come?”

  Katie switched off the heavy old vacuum at the bellowed question. Sam, showered and with clean clothes, stood in the sunroom’s doorway. He still wore the same old belt and buckle, though. Her mind went sideways and grabbed onto Sam’s question. The devil on her right shoulder poked her with its pitchfork. She could answer in so many ways.

  Yes, and I would have, numerous times, if you hadn’t dumped me in bed and left me there like a toy you’d finished with.

  Or, since she had a book to read, maybe Yes, and I will take care of it as soon as you haul your ass out of here and leave me alone.

  “To town,” Sam added. “Come to town. With me.”

  The tips of his ears turned pink. She snickered, which made him shift his weight from one bare foot to the other. He had nice toes and long feet.

  “We usually head for the Roadhouse after work on Saturdays. I’ll get Trey from Mom’s first.”

  His mother had phoned at lunch to say their older brother and his family had arrived. Trey had left shortly after to visit with the kids.

  “We could have coffee and some of Dorothy’s pie,” he added.

  “You like her pie better than mine?” she said, prodding him on purpose.

  His eyes went wide. “Yours was good, Katie. Great. But it’s gone, and…” He screwed up his face. “What the heck is wrong with you today?”

  If he didn’t know, she was damn well not going to tell him. She rolled out her shoulders. Maybe she arched her back as well, just a bit. And since she hadn’t wanted to get a new bra all sweaty…His eyes suddenly went wide as he realized she wasn’t wearing one. She looked down. His zipper now had an outward curve...

  “Nothing is wrong,” she said, speaking like Snow White with a smile just as bright. “I am just peachy!”

  “Yeah, well, I wouldn’t know,” he muttered.


  His cheeks turned pink to match his ears. “Nothing. So, you going with me, or staying?”

  “Staying, thanks. I’ve got work to do. Pass on my best wishes to your mom, please.”

  Katie flicked the switch. A loud whining filled the room. The vacuum needed replacement as much as the rest of the appliances. She kept an eye on him out of the corners of her eyes. He stood there for a moment, growled something she didn’t hear, and then stomped away. The sunroom rug could certainly use another going over, so she kept the vacuum going until she heard the outer door slam. She flicked it off, a faint acrid smell suggesting the motor wouldn’t have lasted much longer. She went to the window, hiding her body. His truck roared out, wheels spinning gravel.

  “Oh, Sammy boy is not a happy camper!”

  She waited in the kitchen to make sure Sam’s truck kept going. A few moments later she heard the bell proving he’d driven over the sensor.


  Kati looked longingly at the book she wanted to read, but smudge marks on the lower counters made her fingers twitch. She had at least a couple of hours before Sam returned with Trey. Twenty minutes to do the cupboards, then she’d head upstairs, run herself a bubble bath, and relax with a good book.

  * * * *

  Sam gripped the steering wheel with a vengeance. What was it about that woman that made him do stupid things? When Katie had brushed him off he’d spun his tires like a sixteen-year-old whose girlfriend had tossed him over. So what if Trey had been the first to taste her, and give her an orgasm? He was the one who’d carried her upstairs and, though he didn’t want to leave, had let her sleep. And yet she acted as if he’d done something monstrous to her!

  He took deep, calming breaths. If Mom saw him this way she’d know something was up. He hadn’t lost his temper in years. One short redhead and his control was blasted out the window. When he did get his hands on Katie, he would show her what for. She’d enjoy it, but damn, so would he. A bare-assed spanking would make them both feel better. And then he’d strip her naked, spread her out and prove he was a better man than Trey!

  He parked his truck behind Trey's in front of his mother’s house. Ben had blocked the end of the driveway so the kids could play. He couldn’t believe his older brother drove a van rather than a pickup. Sam noted Emily’s pink trike and James’s new blue bike in front of the garage. He’d move them out of the way so they wouldn’t be a hazard. That was another thing. His kids would put their toys away as soon as they’d finished with them.

  It was up to him and Trey to provide the ranch’s next generation. He’d be thirty in October. It was definitely time to find a wife. Was it the intrusive pixie who’d descended on them with a cleaning rag who brought on this sense of urgency? Though she’d been there little over twenty-four hours, the place felt totally different. He’d come up to the back door midmorning and found Katie on her hands and knees, scrubbing a stubborn spot on the floor. Telling himself he didn’t want to disturb her, he’d watched her ass wiggle until she finished. She’d been pissed off since she got up that morning. Since he’d forgotten what he’d come to the kitchen for, he’d gone back to work.

  During lunch he’d caught himself smiling when Trey yanked her chain about a woman’s place being in the kitchen and bedroom. She’d exploded, telling Trey off until she realized he’d goaded her on purpose. She’d swatted him on the back of the head, hard, cursed at her hand hurting, and swore she’d use the cast-iron fry pan the next time. Sam had offered to put a hook on the wall so she could hang it nearby. Instead of thanking him she’d glared and told them he was next on her list.

  Katie had been eager when she’d dropped her robe in invitation last night. Too bad she was so tired they’d had to put her to bed instead of continuing the party. Why had she turned into a cranky woman? She was the one who’d been pleasured for God’s sake!

  His mother appeared on the front step. She rubbed her arm and winced. He hurried out of the truck to meet her. “How’re you feeling, Mom?”

  “Just fine,” she replied stubbornly. “We’re having a girls’ weekend. Frankie’s moved home with Louise, and we’re getting rid of anything that reminds them of bad times. I want Louise’s home to look the way it did before Stanley Jefferson bullied her into marriage.” She frowned. “If that man wasn’t dead I’d shoot him myself. He went through her inheritance, destroyed her childhood home, and almost destroyed her and Frankie. He encouraged Stan Junior to be just as bad. Thank God that boy’ll be in jail for a long, long time.” She gave a brisk nod. “We’re going to make things right.”

  His mom had certainly got her dander up, which was better than moaning around the house. Not that any of them were the type to moan and complain.

  “Haven’t seen Frankie since high school,” said Sam. “If we’d known wha
t was happening in that house—”

  “Louise and her daughter were told they were stupid and useless, and believed it,” said his mom, grimacing. “Stanley backhanded them every time they looked sideways, beat them when they tried to stand up for themselves, and taught his son to do the same thing. They were ashamed, so said nothing. We all wish we’d done something, though things were different back then.” She stuck out her chin. “We can, and will, do something now. We’re holding a 50-50 raffle to help replace broken furniture and fix the holes Stan Junior punched in the walls. Quinn and Spencer O’Keefe will look the place over and see what needs doing.”

  “Need any help hauling stuff to the dump?”

  “Luke Chambers, the new deputy, volunteered.” His mom got that look which meant she was plotting. “Luke was the assault support liaison in his previous job. He knows how to behave around people with trauma, and to help them deal with it.”

  He’d much rather she push Luke onto Frankie than send that eager look in his direction.

  “Josh said Luke was a good addition to the Sheriff’s Department,” said Sam.

  “One of Luke’s ancestors was the sheriff who got Trace Elliott to marry Beth in 1870. Your Uncle Simon tracked him down and suggested he apply.”

  Beth was the first woman to arrive on a Bride Train. She was given a choice of marrying the town brute or Trace Elliott, a man she’d never met. Beth had made her decision, ending up with Trace as well as his brothers Simon and Jack. She’d been a smart-mouthed woman when alive and it hadn’t changed when she returned as a ghost. Sam had seen her when she helped Lila Frost save herself from Stan Junior. She gave him the heebie-jeebies. He both wanted to ask her about his fathers, and dreaded finding out what she might say.

  His mother narrowed her eyes. “Too bad Sheriff Gibson doesn’t have the same power today. He might force you to put your past behind you, where it belongs.”

  His mom must be in pain as otherwise she’d never mention his fathers’ death.

  “About time you got here,” said Trey, pushing open the door. “My throat is dry from laughing with those kids. I need a beer.” Since Sam never drank, Trey had him drive.


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