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The Climax Montana Complete Collection

Page 151

by Reece Butler

  Tom set both hands on the edge of the counter and leaned forward. His jaw was tight, his eyes hard.

  “So, what are you going to do about it?”

  Sam stood and imitated Tom’s posture. He had a good eight inches on the man. As both of them knew Tom could take him nine times out of ten, Sam kept himself in check.

  “I’ll give Katie what she wants,” he said in a near-growl. “What we all want.”

  “And that is?” asked Tom mildly.

  “A practical application of the town name. And just to make it clear, playing is as far as it goes,” warned Sam.

  “If the three of you get along, and she enjoys caring for your ranch, why wouldn’t you think about marriage?” demanded Tom.

  “The woman is argumentative and stubborn, and—”

  “And you aren’t?”

  Trey broke out in a laugh. “He’s got you there, bro. You could out-stubborn a mule any day of the week.”

  “I’m not stubborn, I’m right.” He dug Trey in the ribs with his elbow, cutting off the disgusting noises his brother was making.

  “If you’re smart you’ll choose an intelligent woman with a touch of fire,” said Tom. “Someone who’ll stand up to you and make you think, then sass you and run, knowing she wants to be caught.”

  An image of Katie’s naked ass and flaming hair had him hard again in an instant. He’d had a few ideas as he’d lain awake last night. He’d even bought a package of soft cotton rope just in case, telling himself it was to repair the clothesline. He picked up his coffee to give himself time to get back in control. It had cooled to lukewarm, but he drank it anyway.

  Katie was so small he could pick her up, flip her around, and pretty much do anything he wanted with her. As long as she wanted it as well, of course. He’d woken from a dream just before dawn where he’d stared down into her flashing eyes ready to slide into her. He’d headed for the barn, stopping along the way to dip his head shoulder-deep into the cold water of the horse trough. He’d even considered stripping down and putting the other end in, since that was where the problem was.

  Deep down he wanted her to stay. And that scared the shit out of him. If he cared for her, she’d die, just like both his fathers. Mom’s near-miss had reminded him how much it hurt when you loved someone and they got hurt. It was easier to push Katie away right from the start.

  Dammit, he wanted something easy! Just a week or so of sharing physical fun without no emotional baggage. Katie affected him too much. He did not want his head or heart involved, just his cock. Unfortunately his body was not listening to his instructions.

  “Katie is not the type of woman who has casual affairs with strangers,” said Tom. “She would not let herself be vulnerable unless she felt safe, and cared for.”

  “I want to care for her,” said Trey. “It’s Sam who’s holding back.”

  “’Katie is a good woman. You’ve got a dozen or more cousins who’ll take one look at her and want what you’re ready to throw away.”

  “They’d better damn well keep their hands off her!”

  Tom gave him a look of contempt. “She’s your employee, Sam. That’s all. If you want more you have to take the whole package.”

  “Yeah, a compact package,” said Trey. He shut his mouth at Tom’s glare.

  “If you want her body,” continued Tom, “you’d better accept her mind, her heart, and her spirit as well. You’ll have to offer the same in return. That might be too great a risk for you.” He waited for Sam’s grumbles to slow. “If the three of you want to scratch an itch, then do it. But be upfront about it, and make sure it’s what the lady wants before you touch that rodeo buckle.”

  “I’ve got lots of itches to scratch,” said Trey to Tom. He stood and put on his hat. “I like Katie as a person. I want her as a friend, and a lover. And maybe more’.” He adjusted his hat’s angle just so with his first two fingers and thumb. “And I have no trouble telling her so. That gives me the right to show the lady a good time at the karaoke tonight, and anything else she’d like to try.’” He walked out, whistling.

  “He’s right,” said Tom into the sudden quiet. “If you want Katie to do more than cook and clean you have to treat her right. And you’d better do it damn fast. If the head below your belt is in charge rather than the one above your collar, you’ll be taking orders from Ross and Brody MacDougal next week instead of giving them.”

  Sam grabbed his hat and walked away, careful not to stomp like a child. He gritted his teeth so hard they ached. He yanked the door open, stepped into the sun, and stopped. He took his time adjusting his hat as an excuse not to move.

  He wanted simple fun but there was nothing simple about Katie. How close to the line could he walk without going over? He eyed the angle of the sun. Getting late. The left side of his chest ached. He rubbed it idly with his knuckles. He checked both ways and stepped onto the boardwalk. His boot heels clunked as he strode confidently toward his truck. The confidence was a lie. He knew it, and so did Tom and Uncle Lance. The others, including his mother and Trey, believed that what he showed the world was his reality.

  Sam drove to his mother’s in a silent truck. What would he do if Katie saw through him? No, the question should be, what would he do if she didn’t? Did she care enough to look at him rather than through him?

  “You fucked up big time, bro.”

  Sam’s head whipped around. He quickly looked back at the road. “What the hell is that all about?”

  “Don’t do that shit with me.” Trey slumped back in the seat, tilting his hat over his eyes. He clasped his hands over his stomach and sighed. “You’re just as screwed up as me, but in a different way. The thing is, I’m honest about it. Katie’s pissed off about something, and I think it’s you.”

  “That situation’s going to change when we get home,” vowed Sam.

  “It damn well better, or I’ll be sharing Katie’s bed while you’re sitting in the horse trough every night cooling your cock.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Katie gritted her teeth as she scrubbed the door of the last bottom cupboard. A few minutes and she’d be able to start another book. She’d placed them on the kitchen counter beside her, face up. Each time she got up to change the dirty water she took a good look at the covers as inspiration.

  Sam and Trey’s chests were better looking than the cover models. Unfortunately, she’d seen nothing more than their chests. Her eyes had been closed the whole time Trey had done marvelous things for her last night. She’d never have believed an orgasm could feel like that! She was used to her fingers setting off those tiny little ten-cent squibs and had hoped for a twenty-five cent-er. Instead, Trey gave her a Fourth of July explosion. Unfortunately, he’d then dumped her!

  Part of her fury was embarrassment she hadn’t reciprocated. She would have when she woke up if they’d stayed with her. But no, Trey had serviced her, then someone had put her in bed. They’d left her there and walked away. It made her feel like her orgasm was just another ranch chore. She was sure Trey had enjoyed it but maybe Sam had put his foot down. If they’d stayed in bed with her she might have messed up Sam’s all-important schedule.

  The ding! of the cattle grid bell had her grimacing.

  “That better not be Sam coming back,” she muttered to herself. She was finished but wanted them to find her working hard. So hard that she’d need to lie down and rest, alone, before supper. In other words, so she could read Marci’s books.

  “Oh, shoot, the books!”

  Heavy steps clomped across the porch before she could move. There was only one set of feet, so it wasn’t the men. She’d left the screen door open to let the air through and dry the floor. She wiped the sweat from her face and blinked at the dark shape.

  “I was right. You need a girl’s night out.”

  The voice was female, though deep. The woman toed off her boots and set them on the porch. “Mind if I come in?” She didn’t wait, pushing the door open and stepping in. Katie sat back on her he
els. An extremely tall blonde woman with a well-rounded pregnant belly grinned down at her.

  “I’m Lila Frost from the Circle C next door. I am extremely fed up with two fiancés who insist I need to put my feet up. I say to heck with them since it’s karaoke night at the Roadhouse and there’s a new gal in town, as in you.” She patted her belly. “I can’t drink thanks to these two, but there ain’t nothing going to hold me back from dancing. You up for some good, clean fun, Katie?”

  Lila’s smile encouraged and challenged her. Katie decided she could finish the book later. She put her hand on the counter as she climbed stiffly to her feet. She winced and bent over to rub her sore knees.

  “Yep,” continued Lila, “you need some dancing to stretch out those muscles. Aunt Marci says you can sing. I love singing, but Pa says I sound like a bullfrog choking on a mayfly. My fiancés, Jet and Houston, don’t mind because they know it means I’m happy. And when I’m happy…”

  She leered, making Katie smile. Lila looked like she’d be a lot of fun, and of course she’d know everyone. Katie wanted to meet more people before she had to direct them during the haying.

  “I do love to sing,” she admitted. “Your offer is the best I’ve had in months. After the last couple days there’s no way I’ll turn you down.”

  “I heard about yesterday, but what made today a pain? Oh, wait,” said Lila, pausing dramatically. “Of course! You’re living in the same house as Sam and Trey Elliott.”

  “They’re driving me crazy,” admitted Katie.

  “What’s worse, Trey’s wildness or Sam’s wet blanket grumpiness?”

  She couldn’t say what had happened last night, and what had not, so kept it short. “Sam.”

  “That man is still stuck in the past.” Lila absently rubbed her lower belly as she checked Katie out. “Have you got boots, tight jeans, and a sexy shirt? Or even better, a dress?”

  “My jeans pretty much came apart in the last wash. Your aunt brought me some dresses, though they’re tight in the bust.”

  Lila’s eyes gleamed. “All the better. You are going to have every single man begging you to dance. Maybe some of the married ones as well. Houston will be after you because it’ll bug the hell—I mean heck—out of Trey. They both like the ladies.” She gave an obvious wink. “You should flirt with Jet and Houston. Even though they’re almost married to me, they’ll play along to wind Trey and Sam up.”

  “Almost married?”

  “Our wedding isn’t until after the haying so everyone can relax and have a good time at the community party after.”

  Lila was huge, loud, and made gestures that seemed to take up the room. She also looked like she’d be fun on a ladies night. Especially if a big part of the entertainment was driving Sam and Trey crazy.

  “You don’t mind me flirting with your husbands?”

  “Nope. I know I’m all they want. I dare you to dance with Houston real close and sexy while those Elliott boys watch.” Lila snickered. “Sam needs someone to grab him by the ears and shake that stick out of his ass.”

  “The idea has merit, but Sam must be six foot two, and Trey a couple inches taller. I can barely reach his ears.”

  “How tall are they when you’re all lying down? Don’t answer, I do not need to know.” Lila held up her hands, then relaxed and leaned a hip against the counter. Her bright blue eyes sparkled. “Jet is a very well-muscled six foot six. Houston is Trey’s size, and I’m five foot eleven. That’s all without boots. I think the three of us can take on your two, no problem. We’d best get going before they come home.”

  Katie hesitated. “I should leave a note.”

  “Good idea. Tell them you’re out with me, and will be home before breakfast.”

  “Breakfast? I won’t be able to work tomorrow if I’m up all night.”

  “I’m pregnant,” said Lila with disgust. “With twins. Even if I can stay awake I’ll be hauled home well before ten. If you crash in my guest bedroom Sam and Trey might think a pair of cousins took you home.”

  “And that would be a good thing?” asked Katie, warming to the idea.

  “Oh, hell—” Lila stopped in mid-word and bared her teeth. “Oh. Heck. Yes.” She growled something under her breath.

  “You’ve decided not to swear anymore because of your babies?”

  “It was decided for me,” she replied grumpily. “Jet said he’d go riding with me tomorrow, very, very slowly because of the twins.” She rubbed her belly with one hand. “My ass will be too sore to ride if anyone lets on I’ve been cursing.”

  Katie’s face heated. She glanced at the books. The heroine in the first one got spanked for swearing. Was that what Lila was telling her, that she had a Dom who did the same thing?

  “Oho!” crowed Lila, seeing where Katie’s attention was. “Aunt Marci told me she lent you some books. I guess from the color of your face, you know why my butt would be sore.” Lila’s pale face showed her blush, yet she still grinned.

  “Jet and Houston would spank you? For real?”

  “It’s real, all right. And it can be very…interesting.” Lila winked.

  “I’ll, um, grab a few things and be right back.”

  Katie ran up the stairs. She didn’t know what to think about a strong, confident woman such as Lila changing her ways because a man told her to. The part of Katie which had fought against the oppression of her older male cousins cringed. Another part purred in satisfaction. That was the part that made her panties damp. She stared at the new-to-her clothes. She didn’t know what ranchers wore for a night out. The thump of big feet in the hallway warned her before Lila appeared.

  “I don’t think red goes with my hair,” said Katie, pointing to a knee-length dress made of silk. It looked like something she’d wear to an official function, if it was navy, gray, or black. “What about the yellow cotton one?”

  “Red’s too obvious and yellow’s too sweet. We want you to look like you could take any of the guys home, tie them to the bed, and leave in the morning well satisfied while they crawled to the barn to do chores, grinning like a jackass.”

  Katie choked. “Excuse me?”

  Lila nodded knowingly. “I bet Sam and Trey think they’ve put their stamp of ownership on you because you’re working at the Rocking E. I want them to see you all dolled up, dancing close and flirting with other men.”


  Lila grinned wide. “Why not? Let them see you’re more than a hard-working woman down on her luck. I like this one.”

  Lila lifted an exquisite spring green dress that Katie had lusted over, but had shoved to the side because it was so short. It was made of jersey cut on the bias, and would cling to every curve.

  “Do you have shoes to match, or do you need boots? Cowboy boots go with anything,” added Lila.

  Katie thought it over for all of two seconds. “There’s a pair of comfortable, open-toed shoes with spike heels.” She bent over to grab them. “What do you think?”

  She held the dress against her body with the silver shoes in front. Lila’s wide mouth showed lots of pearly teeth.

  “Those Elliott boys won’t know what hit them. Nor will the cousins. Hell, Houston’s going to be all over you like bull ants on honey.” She grimaced. “I mean heck.”

  * * * *

  Simon MacDougal jerked when his office door slammed open. He set down the historical journal he’d been reviewing, carefully marking the page as Marci blew in.

  “Have you seen Beth?”

  “Beth Elliott, the ghost?”

  “Ghost, angel, whatever. Have you seen her since she got Jet to propose to Lila?”

  “Jet’s proposal was his own idea, Marci. And no, I haven’t seen Beth.” It was true, though if Marci was thinking straight she would have asked if Beth had visited. If so, he would have had to say yes since the ghostly figure had stood behind him when she spoke. “Is there a problem?”

  “Dorothy asked me to bring some clothes to Katie, the young woman the Elliott boys hired.�
�� She clasped her hands behind her sweet tush and looked at his desk. “It’s wonderful to be with an adult my height.”

  Twenty-five years together had taught him the signs of Marci wanting something. He set the tips of his fingers together, tapping them as she fidgeted.

  “And?” he prodded, dragging out the word.

  “I was wondering if Beth sent Katie here for Sam and Trey to marry.”

  They were close to the Elliotts as they’d stood in as fathers when Pat, and then Ben, had passed. Both had died in tragic accidents. Lance accepted such things but she did not understand why Stella and her sons had to lose both of them.

  “What makes you think Beth would bring someone to Climax for them, or even that she could?”

  From Marci’s expression, her sharp index finger would have been shoved in his belly if there hadn’t been a desk between them. He hadn’t yet broken her of the habit. He’d never let her know he found it cute.

  “Oh, please!” she scoffed. “A total stranger, a well-educated young woman, shows up in the middle of the night in Tom’s doorway, having lost almost everything. She punches Sam in the face, knocking some sense into him. And then Stella hurts her arm so Katie has to live at the Rocking E with Sam and Trey.”

  “And?” he prodded when she stopped.

  “Sam’s been too serious to have a girlfriend and Trey hasn’t been serious enough. I heard about the way they act around Katie. She told me she loved living on her grandmother’s farm, and how nasty her father’s family is. So I lent her a few of my books.”

  Simon lifted an eyebrow. “Those books?”

  Marci nodded. “Katie’s perfect for Sam and Trey. I think Beth had something to do with her showing up.”

  While Simon wouldn’t put it past Beth, he hadn’t heard anything about Beth using her hat pin. Yet. She might have other resources he didn’t know about, though.

  “Perhaps you’re right,” he admitted. “There’s no such thing as mere coincidence.”

  “You’re almost as bad as Lance,” replied Marci with a scowl. “He won’t tell me anything except it will all work out.” She looked around the room, rubbing her bare arms. “If you see Beth, I expect you to tell me everything she says!”


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