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Mazy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 3)

Page 6

by Marnie Cate

  “Go to him,” she said.

  Shaking my head, I refused to enter the room. “I can't risk it. I don't want to hurt him.”

  “If you want to save the boy, you must remind him what he is fighting for,” Brighid insisted. Kissing me on the cheek, she said, “When you're done, we will discuss the future of your child. Now you must go to your husband.”

  The door opened and a blue light shined so brightly I was forced to close my eyes. When I opened them, I found Cole in a small room, sitting at a desk focused on sketching a picture of him pushing me on the tree swing. He had given us both big smiles as if we were laughing.

  “We haven't done that in a while,” I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.

  “Mara, you shouldn't be here.” Cole jerked away as if my touch burned. He stood and began to back away from me. “I am sick. Go now before I hurt you.”

  Ignoring his fears, I walked towards him. “You won't hurt me.”

  “No, stay away,” Cole insisted, trying to move farther away from me. “I had not turned into that monster again for almost a month. There is something about you that brings it out. I need to heal completely before I can see you. Please go.”

  “I am not going away. Stop trying to push me,” I said, continuing to move towards him.

  He backed into the wall.

  “Brighid showed me everything, Cole. I know the secrets you have been keeping. The secrets I wouldn't let you share with me. I saw the true monster – Snowystra and how she hurt you. I am sorry that you endured her torture to save me.”

  I had trapped him in a corner. Cole had nowhere else to go. Reaching out, I put my hand on his cheek. Pressing myself close against him, I kissed him. He was holding back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him harder. His resistance melted and he returned my kiss with more fervor. He began to trail his lips down my neck before pressing his mouth against my ear.

  “My queen will always return to me. Now you know my secrets, you will submit. With Snowystra out of the way, I will have all the power I desire,” Cole murmured.

  Jerking away from him, I could see his eyes were frosted blue. His expression was cold and I felt a chill run through me.

  “I will break you, Marina,” he said. I could hear the venom in his words.

  His hands grabbed my throat, pinning me against the wall.

  “What is your plan now, Marina?” he sneered. “Your little tricks won't save you.”

  I struggled to break his hold. He leaned in closer to me. “If you would've just followed her like you promised, it wouldn't have come to this. We could have overtaken her and ruled together. You squandered away our chance. If it wasn't for my child…. her child inside you, I would end your pitiful life. But, I need you to live. You carry my chance to reclaim what you destroyed. You will learn to obey me.”

  His hand tightened around my neck and I realized that I could not out run him this time.

  I hope you're right, Brighid, I thought to myself.

  Focusing my magic on the child inside me, I called the elements. I felt a warmth grow in my stomach and soon the sensation began to build.

  “What are you doing? I feel your magic pulsing through you,” Cole said, glaring at me. “Another of your tricks?”

  He tightened his grip, suffocating me. But I forced myself to focus on the magic, creating a shell around my womb. As my stomach walls tightened, the movement inside me became stronger. A burst of energy flowed from me knocking Cole back.

  “Mara… oh no. What did I do?” Cole said, releasing his hold on me. “I'm sorry. I told you to go. I'm so sorry. Why didn't you listen to me?”

  He caught me as I began to fall and carried me to the bed.

  “I am so sorry, Mara. I did not… that wasn't me. I don't know what is inside me that comes out when I am around you,” Cole said, stroking my hair. “I hurt you. Let me call for help.”

  I shook my head and held his hand. I tried to tell him not to leave, that I was fine but my voice was gone.

  “How did you stop me? Mara, I almost killed you.” Cole's eyes glistened with tears. “Please, let me go get help for you.”

  Still shaking my head, I tugged on his arm. Relenting, Cole climbed into the bed beside me. Resting my head on his chest, I tried to comfort him. I had pushed him too far.

  “How do you know I will stay and not change into that monster? Mara, I need to get help. What if I change again?” he asked.

  I was unable to speak. Even though it was extremely painful to move, I didn't want it to have all been for nothing. Kissing him, I tried to bring out the Shah. I had to be sure I could control the darkness.

  “No, Mar,” he said.

  Before he had the chance to argue with me, I kissed him again. He gently pressed his lips against mine. Suddenly, there was an urgency to his kiss and he wrapped his arms around me. His response filled me with fear. Was the Shah back?

  “What's wrong, Mara?” Cole let go of me and took my hand. “Did I hurt you?”

  When I knew it was Cole, I shook my head and rested on the pillow.

  Putting his hand on my stomach, he smiled when he felt a sharp kick. “I never wanted to hurt you. I can't bear to think what I could have done if you hadn't found a way to stop me. I really think we should call for Ruby. I won't be able to live with myself if I hurt you again.”

  Touching my finger to my lips, I kissed them and placed them on his before closing my eyes. As I began to drift off to sleep, I felt him move away from me. I wanted to stop him and make him stay but I was unable to fight the fog that I was slipping into.

  Chapter 13

  I awoke on the mossy floor of Starten Forest outside the entrance to Danu's world. A lavender ball of light floated above me and entered the tree. My body was resting and Danu had summoned my spirit. There was no one to guide me this time but I knew my way well. I entered through the heart of the tree and into the Water elementals' room. The blue balls were splashing and playing.

  The light appeared again. Instead of the usual walk through the homes of Fire, Air and Earth, it was leading me directly towards the hallway to the Goddess' chamber.

  The orb led me down a silver hallway ending in the large room of silver framed mirrors. The room smelled of lavender, cinnamon, fresh cut grass and the smell of a summer rainstorm. The familiar scent calmed me. I walked to the center of the room and sat on the seat of Danu. The room filled with multicolored orbs and I felt the presence of the elements. Danu materialized. I was always taken aback by her beauty. She had the most delicate facial features. Smiling serenely, she stood before me with her long lavender hair gently blowing.

  “Why am I here, Goddess?” I asked.

  “I brought you here to warn you Cole will be called to answer for his attack on you. Our attempts to heal him have failed. He will be forced to take responsibility for his part in all of this.”

  “Why? It is not his fault. I was able to stop him,” I cried out. “Who will he answer too?”

  “He will face the Council. The truth will be revealed then. We cannot have Snowystra incarnate in our realm. I'm sad to say, only time will tell the fate of the boy,” she said, shaking her head slightly.

  “You know it is not his fault. She took him. She tortured him and poisoned his mind. You didn't stop her. You are as much to blame. Will you face the Council?”

  “My only mistake was by gifting mortals and I will never apologize for this,” Danu said, calmly.

  Changing my tone, I pleaded. “I need Cole with me now. I can't do this. How can I raise my child alone?”

  “You are far from alone,” she chided. “No matter what is decided, he will need time. Is it not wiser to give him a chance to heal to be the man you love? If you force the recovery to have instant peace, you may end up with what you fear most.”

  “You said she was gone,” I said. “I don't understand. How does her darkness live? What is the Council?”

  A loud gong sounded.

  “It is time. Go to Cole. They
will be taking him soon.” Danu faded away.

  “Where are they taking him? Why can't you ever just answer my questions? Please tell me what I need to do to save him,” I shouted into the empty chamber.

  Following the path through the elemental world, I exited the tree and returned to the spot I knew would return me to my body.

  “Gram, I need you now,” I whispered as I laid on the mossy ground. “I cannot give up on Cole. Please tell me what to do. I can't do this without you.”

  A warm wind gently caressed my hand and the scent of vanilla and lavender surrounded me.

  “Please, Gram,” I whispered. “I don't know what to do.”

  Chapter 14

  I woke to the smell of sweet flowers and the soft feeling of salve being spread onto my chest and neck. My eyes fluttered, trying to open. My need to awaken could not compete with my body's desire to sleep. Through cracked eyelids, I could see Cole being taken away.

  “No,” I struggled to say. My voice was like sandpaper.

  I fought harder against the black abyss I was floating back into.

  “Cole,” I rasped. “Cole.”

  Guilt filled me. I couldn't believe I was going to turn my back on him and hide away in Starten.

  “I am here, Mara,” Essie's tranquil voice soothed. “Please don't speak.”

  “Don't let him go,” I said, my words were barely above a tarnished whisper.

  “Rest.” She slid her fingertip along my brow, but her attempt to use her calming magic on me did not work.

  I tried to push myself up but Essie stopped me. Wobbly, I fought harder against her. I needed to go to Cole. In the mirror across from me, I could see my reflection. My hair was pulled back, exposing a neck and chin covered with blood red bruises. Touching my skin, I flinched in pain.

  “Don't speak. Cole has been removed so you could be treated. We couldn't risk him reverting again and this time killing you. You need to let the salve absorb.” Essie handed me a small vial. “Sip this if you can. You're lucky to be alive, Mara.”

  Putting the vial to my lips, I tried a small sip. The drop of orange liquid burned as it slid down my throat, like thousands of small needles stabbing me. The red marks in the mirror turned to dark purple bruises. I drank the rest of the liquid and my eyes filled with tears from the excruciating pain.

  “Now drink this,” Essie said, this time handing me a purple liquid. It fizzled and popped. The thought of drinking the bubbly concoction reminding me of tavi and the feeling of choking on ice it had given me. I fought back my urge to knock it out of her hands

  “Drink, Mara. This will help the healing,” Essie soothed.

  Taking a hesitant sip this time, I found the smooth drink coated my throat. Greedily, I took another large gulp. Watching the reflection, my neck changed color again. Pins were replaced with the feeling of a thousand earthworms wriggling under my skin. The grotesque greenish yellow replaced the bruising, making it no longer tender to touch.

  Daring to speak, I said, “Essie, please take me to Cole. I don't understand why they are taking him away. He didn't mean to hurt me.”

  Hugging me tightly, she choked back tears. “He has been taken to the Council to answer for his crimes against you and the child.”

  “It was not Cole that did this. Take me to them. I will explain.”

  “I can't, Mara,” she said. I could see the pain in her eyes.

  The door opened behind me and Sarika entered. With a somber look on her face, she began to inspect me. Touching my neck, she let out the smallest sigh that sounded like relief to me.

  “Has the child been checked for injury?” She spoke directly to Essie as though I wasn't even there.

  “I had called the elements to contain my baby's magic,” I said. The quick movements inside me told me there had been no injury. “It was my fault that this happened. But, the baby was not hurt.”

  “Release the magic so that I can assess the child myself,” she demanded.

  With a silent prayer, I said goodbye to the elements. The hardness of my womb softened. Sarika rubbed her hands on my stomach and uncomfortably prodded.

  “Good, all seems in order,” she said. “Come with me. Do not worry. Cole will not be able to hurt you.”

  She led me down a hallway with hundreds of doors. She selected one and opened it. Inside the bare white room, silver robes hung on the wall.

  “Put one of these on and I will take you to answer the questions we have about the attack. Your words regarding what happened will be important on how Cole's punishment will be decided,” Sarika said. “Essie, you will be allowed to attend to support Mara but you must watch in silence. Even your telepathy will not be permitted.”

  “I understand,” Essie said, bowing her head.

  Slipping the flowing silver robe on, I felt ridiculous. The long sleeves were wide and the fabric was heavy. Sarika opened a door that had not been there before and motioned for us to follow.

  Sitting in the middle of the room, Cole was cuffed to a chair. His head hung low and his slumped form made me fear he was injured. My shoes squeaked on the marble floor and he lifted his head. When he saw me, he began to shake. The bruising on my neck had changed but was still visible.

  “Cole Sands,” a booming voice called. “Are you ready to hear our decision?”

  “No,” I cried out. “You have not heard from me.”

  Chapter 15

  A light flashed. I was standing in front of a wide stone platform. I could make out the silhouette of people, at least I thought they were people, sitting in high back chairs. There was a haze around them and my eyes wouldn't focus to allow me to see who they were.

  “What do you have to share that will change the decision I have made?” a loud voice said.

  The area cleared and I could now see a man with a white, curly beard. Sitting in the center on a massive gilded and jeweled throne, his muscles glistened.

  “You have nothing to share to save this boy?” His golden eyes gleamed with fury shaking me out of the trance I had been in.

  “Cole is being judged for hurting me. As you can see, I am perfectly healthy,” I said, trying to appear confident. “Who are you to decide my husband's future?”

  The light brightened on the people sitting around the man. “Aren't you a brave girl? I am Tannus. The boy has confessed everything. The decision has been made,” he said. “You are in my realm now and in Asceraunia, I make the laws.”

  My heart fell as I realized who he was. Tannus, the father of Arianolwyn. A God so self-righteous he would strike down his pregnant daughter's mate. His actions caused the pain and suffering, creating the darkness in Winter. Now his judgment would determine the fate of my husband?

  The light grew brighter on the woman next to him. “You have met the Goddess Sarika,” he said.

  I looked to the rest of the people and my eyes landed on Arianolwyn. She began to speak but her voice became muffled.

  Why would she be sitting next to the man that had killed her love? He had destroyed their… Wait? Alaunius was killed but he had helped save Cole? Did I misunderstand? He is sitting on the throne helping this… this… monster judge Cole.

  “Mara, did you hear me?” Arianolwyn said, frowning at me. “You seem unwell. Maybe you should be taken back to Galinevo to be examined.”

  Shaking my head, I responded. “I am sorry. I am not sick. I was just surprised to see everyone. Please continue.”

  “As I was saying, you know the rest of us. The Council is composed of Sarika, Alaunius, Danu and Brighid. Oh, and Seppe.” The quirky man tipped his head at me. “We must decide how to deal with this terrible situation,” she said.

  You insisted on speaking… so speak," Tannus boomed.

  His words infuriated me. Who was he to ruin lives and make decisions about my life or my family's?

  “There is nothing for you to decide. We are in this situation because of all of you and your decisions. The Elementals were allowed to trick my great grandmother and her friends
into believing they had magic to save Danu. You knew Snowystra attacked everyone who Danu gifted. You allowed Snowystra to enslave the Miezitari and destroy the lives of humans like my mother,” I said. “Cole is broken but that is not his fault. He was taken by Snowystra to be tortured, brainwashed and used in her game for power. Where was your council then? Where were you when we needed your help? Release him to me and we will return to Starten to finish his healing.”

  “You are bold to speak to us in that way. You are just a mortal. You know nothing. We do not control the decisions of all gods and goddesses. We are not their guardians. Nonetheless, Cole is a danger to the future of the balance. We cannot risk the loss of your child. She is the Winter,” Tannus said.

  “I can protect my child.”

  “I advised against you allowing the mortals to meddle in the world of gods,” Tannus said, not controlling his rage. The room began to shake, filling with sparks of electricity. “Snowystra was dark and corrupted but she was Winter. With the hasty actions of all of you, the balance has been disturbed. A balance that must be restored. You have given the Mrak the opening they needed to rise to power.”

  Arianolwyn glared at him. “Your hasty decision to kill the father of your granddaughters is why we are here today. You are the reason for my daughter's darkness. It is because of you my daughter is gone.”

  Tannus roared. “I brought Alaunius back. What more would you like me to do, Aria? I gave you what you wanted. I let you deal with Snowystra as you saw fit.”

  “Fighting amongst ourselves will not change what was done. The past is the past,” Alaunius said, putting his hand on Arianolwyn's. “Bring the boy.”

  Cole appeared next to me, restrained by two large guards. His eyes blinked and frosted in color. “Pity that my plan to tame you did not work. In time, you will submit to me.”

  “You say such sweet things to me, darling,” I said.


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