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Mazy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 3)

Page 9

by Marnie Cate

  “Her name will be Mazie.” Shaking my head, I rubbed my belly and smiled. “I guess it is decided we will call you Mazie. Auntie Meg and Uncle Miles may not be happy not to call you Neep anymore but I think they will like your new name.”

  “You're wrong to say you are not strong enough,” Bay said. “You have the power of the elements inside you. If there is a way to stop Tannus, Faramond will know how. He has done it before.”

  Then she faded into a blue ball of light and floated away.

  Chapter 21

  Once again, Essie led us through the woods I had spent my childhood exploring. We told her about the telepathic experience and she confirmed Brighid had blessed Cole. His Water magic had been taken from him but he now was Ateissa like her; it couldn't have been more fitting. And under the guidance of Essie, Cole was learning his new gift.

  “I can't believe we will soon be in the home of the Miezitari,” Meg said excitedly as we walked through Starten Forest. “I've missed everyone.”

  My last act as Vizier of Snowstrum was freeing the Vetur and allowing them to reclaim their true identity as the Miezitari. Even while they were held captive by Snowystra, they never gave up hope on returning to their home in Eftir Forest.

  “Everyone or someone in particular,” Miles said with a mischievous grin. “Maybe a certain guard of the Snowstrum court?”

  “No, smarty. I mean… yes, I am excited to see Dunn but Laura and Christina too,” Meg said.

  We crunched through fallen leaves of the trees. Around us, trees were in various shades of transition.

  “Is this the tree?” Cole said. The one he was standing by was nothing special.

  “What do you think?” Essie said.

  “My instinct is telling me this is the portal,” Cole said.

  “Well, lead us through,” Essie smiled.

  * * *

  Dark pine trees filled Eftir Forest, bursting with saffron pinecones. We crunched through the dried fallen needles lying on the forest floor until we arrived at a stone path. Essie stopped us.

  “See over there,” Essie said, pointing ahead of us. “This is where Faramond lives now.”

  The home of the guardian of the Afterlife was a hunting lodge. No, it was so much more than a cabin in the woods. It was stunning. The three-story building, built with golden logs, showcased many stained-glass windows. Each pane was a replica of Livia's tapestries. Faramond's daughter's art gave her glimpses into the possibilities of the future. I gasped when I saw the window on the ground floor; it was me with bright butterfly wings. The child I held was gripping a snowflake in one arm, the other extended with the hand cut out of the picture.

  Standing at the front entrance, we were greeted by Christina. She was a vibrant blonde in colorful clothing now. Her skin was no longer wrinkled. She was no longer the invisible help.

  “Mara,” Christina said. Holding my hands in hers, she kissed them. “I am so glad I stayed to see you. I can't believe how well you look, my dear. How much I have missed you.”

  “You look so wonderful,” I said.

  “The darkness was lifted from us,” she said. “Thanks to you, we are home.”

  “And home is where we will remain,” Faramond powerfully crowed. “Mara, you have come to see the success of your great plan to free my people. You will be surprised at how well my children are doing. All thanks to you.”

  Stepping onto the porch, he motioned to my stomach, he said, “May I?”

  Faramond was no longer the skeleton with burning red eyes. He had become a muscular man with golden skin and locks. His gaze was penetrating. Unable to speak, all I could muster was a nod. When he placed his fingers on my pregnant belly, his magic flowed through me. It was a warm, comforting sensation.

  “She is strong,” he said.

  “Mazie,” I said, finally able to speak. “We have decided her name will be Mazie.”

  “Mae will be pleased. Such a strong name for a strong child,” Faramond praised. “Now that you're all here, I want you to make yourselves at home. Livia has planned an evening of dinner and dance. Christina, will you give them a tour of our home and show them the way to their rooms.”

  “But, I need—”

  He stopped me. “There will be time for serious business later, Mara. I know you're anxious to talk but I promise you we will have time.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked deeply into my eyes. “Now is the time to witness your gift to the Miezitari. You're not the queen here but you are a most celebrated guest. Go to your former subjects and revel in their joy.”

  I hoped he was right. Would there be time to discuss the future? I had no choice. I had to believe he would help us. There was nothing else I could do. I couldn't fight yet another God.

  Chapter 22

  Christina led us through the lodge. The atmosphere held a strong feeling of family and love. We passed a large room filled with comfortable couches, chairs and an impressive stone fireplace.

  “Most nights, we meet here to tell stories of our day and for Faramond to share happy stories of the past,” Christina explained.

  “Has everyone adjusted to the new world?” Cole asked.

  “Jameson has been hesitant to embrace the return but he is old enough to remember Snowystra killing everyone that stood against her. He will come around. Kai has been wonderful with him,” Christina said.

  The way she said Kai's name gave me a twinge of jealousy I shook off immediately. Kai was a friend. We shared a memorable kiss… well several but nothing would hold a candle to Cole.

  “Did someone mention wonderful?” Kai said.

  Stepping out of one of the rooms, he went to Cole. Shaking hands, they had a pleasant exchange like two old friends. “It is nice to see the Cole I heard about. Being an Ateissa suits you.

  “It really does,” Cole said and I felt he meant it. “I miss my Water magic but there is something peaceful inside me now.”

  “Mara, you look fantastic. I love the pink streak,” Kai said, taking my hand. His eyes blazed gold. His black cherry hair was shorter, giving him a boyish look. He took my hand and a warmth filled me. I instantly felt a strong desire to kiss him.

  You are married, Mara and you are carrying Cole's baby. What are you thinking? You are just feeling his magic. If Cole senses your ridiculous reaction to his touch…

  I checked for telltale signs of Cole tapping into my thoughts.


  “Kai, I am so glad you have been here to help the Miezitari rebuild,” I said, squeezing his hand and releasing it.

  Our eyes locked for the briefest moment and I saw a look of regret and longing. I had seen this once before in his eyes. He quickly recovered to his confident, cocky self.

  “Well, why don't I take over the tour and get you all to your rooms. After, I will take you to the cottages. Everyone has been eager to see you both.” Patting Cole on the back, he said, “It's good to see you looking so well.”

  Wouldn't you rather go with your Fire Boy? Careful Marina, you don't want to bring out the strong champion I know is deep inside of poor, pitiful Cole.

  As we reached our room, I pulled Essie and Cole aside. I wanted to tap into the thoughts of the Miezitari and see if there was anything useful to be learned. I thought about telling them about Snowystra but something inside me warned me not to bring it up. It wasn't real. It had to be my mind playing tricks or an overactive imagination.

  “Here,” Essie said, taking off her necklace and placing it into my hands. “This will help you create a connection.”

  Essie and Cole locked eyes. The air around us felt electric. When their gaze broke, Essie nodded at me and left us.

  “The necklace she gave you can be used to join my empathic channel,” Cole said. “This will allow you to borrow my gift. It can be overwhelming. There will be many voices in your head at one time. Although it will not work on Faramond or Livia.”

  “What can it hurt? I asked.”We should at least try."

  Will it hurt your feeling
s to see how much you are hated by my children? Poor pitiful, Marina.

  I began to tremble. Either she was here within me or I was losing my mind.

  “You seem anxious, Mar,” Cole said, touching my cheek. “What's up?” His eyes penetrated me as if he was trying to figure out why I was so quiet. “You've gone white. Tell me what is going on.”

  “I just got a little dizzy,” I lied.

  “Do you want to rest before we go to the cottages?” Cole frowned.

  “No, I will be ok after a few minutes. Let me splash some water on my face.”

  Once I was locked in the bathroom, I set the necklace down and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked like the girl I had been before the magic was returned, before I knew about the Gods and Goddesses. But, you aren't that girl anymore. Kai's face flashed in my mind. The way he looked at me, as if he could see much more than what was on the surface. What if I had stayed in Danu's realm with him?

  My reflection in the mirror began to change. My curly hair grew long and straight, the white streak disappearing. My hazel eyes frosted and she appeared. The corner of her mouth went up, forming a mocking grin.

  It's not too late to go after your desires, Marina. Always keeping your silly promises and never taking the pleasures you could have. Cole will fail you. You are an incubator for the Gods. The child inside you is not yours.

  “No,” I snarled slamming my hand against the mirror. “You are wrong. Leave us alone.”

  “Mar, are you ok?” Cole said, frantically knocking on the door.

  Snowystra's face turned cold. “Bring him in. See how happy he will be to see me.”

  “I'm ok, Cole. I will just be a minute,” I called.

  “You are not real,” I hissed.

  The door latch unlocked and opened. She threw her head back and faded away. My own image was now reflecting back at me.

  “I said I would be out in a minute,” I snapped.

  Cole's face fell. “I heard yelling. It sounded like you were talking to someone. You sounded like you needed help.”

  What could I tell him? I was arguing with my reflection?

  “I was talking to our baby,” I said.

  I splashed some cold water on my face. “I'm ready to go to the cottages now.”

  Cole picked up the sunburst necklace I had set on the counter. He fastened it around my neck, centering the sun on my chest and then took my hand. When Cole's fingers touched mine, electricity shot through my arm over my heart and back to him. The necklace grew hot as if it was a conduit of his power.

  “I call you, Brighid, Goddess of Balance, gifter of the calming touch. I request a joining of your gift. Our intention is for the knowledge to save our child from a dark life without her parents. Your blessing of love and light will guide us,” Cole prayed.

  The necklace on my chest began to glow and I could feel a pulsing beat traveling through my body, once again connecting me to Cole. As the charm cooled, I felt a twinge of pain in my temple.

  My blessing has been granted. May this hold the key to save your child.

  Mar, can you hear me? Cole said, telepathically.

  I can.

  Good, then you will be able to hear the thoughts of others. Are you ready?

  I am as ready as I will ever be.

  “I am here for you, Mar. No matter what feelings surface from either us. I know you're mine and I am yours,” Cole whispered in my ear.

  I realized at that moment he had noticed my reaction to Kai and he may have a similar reaction to the Vetur women from the tunnels. Suddenly I was aware of what might really happen. Seeing the women might bring up more painful memories and I regretted my request.

  “It will be ok, Mar. Just breathe,” Cole said.

  Chapter 23

  Kai led us through the lodge and out of two giant glass doors to a wonderland in the back of Faramond's home. Two-story cottages had been built around a courtyard of green grass. We walked through the pastel colored houses. The Miezitari were cheerily carrying on with life's responsibilities. Laundry was being hung. Flowers were being planted. Children were playing. Laughter filled the air.

  When they saw us, their voices quieted. They stopped and watched. I forced myself to put on a bright smile even when it was not reciprocated. Although we were no longer the Shah and Vizier, I understood why our appearance might bring back dark memories. They no longer lived under the cruel rule of Snowystra but they had only been free for a few months.

  In the center of the houses, a large fountain sprayed water around a statue of Faramond, beside him a majestic queen. In his stone arms, he held a child. A group of women standing by it watched us as we walked towards them. Bursting out of the group, a small girl with strawberry blonde hair ran to me, dragging an even smaller boy behind her.

  “You're here. Oh, and you're having a baby!” Masha cried. She had been one of the children taken by Snowystra to train in the castle.

  Masha had been the most rebellious of the stolen children, never afraid to tell the Winter Goddess what she really thought.

  “Butterfly,” her little brother, Daniel, screamed and threw himself around my leg.

  “He has been practicing how to say butterfly since we left the snow. Leave her be, Danny. She has lots of people to see,” Masha said, taking my hand. “Come with me.”

  Masha proudly led us to the group of people. I was instantly hit with their internal thoughts.

  He is even more handsome. Pity he isn't free.

  I can't believe they came back to visit us. I thought they would never want to see us again.

  How sad she saved our children but they are taking hers away.

  Isn't she all high and mighty. The Queen has returned to have us grovel at her feet. Someone should put her in her place—preferably a shallow grave.

  Goddess, I said, focusing on the angry man's voice. Please lead me to this man.

  A small chime sounded in my head and as I began to walk, it picked up tempo. When the speed of the sound slowed, I knew I had gone in the wrong direction. My mind was playing a game of Hot and Cold.

  When the sound grew louder, I found myself standing in front of one of Snowystra's loyal guards: Jameson. The last time I saw him I had him drugged and taken to Eftir Forest when the rest of the Vetur where making their escape. I couldn't risk him stopping them.

  “Hello, Jameson,” I said, holding out my hand to him. “I know the last time we saw each other I had not been very kind. I hope you understand the choices I made.”

  “Of course, min Vizier. I understand you were doing what you thought was best to save us,” he said, accepting my hand.

  Your game of being sweet and phony will end soon, Vizier. You will give back what you have stolen.

  “Jameson, I am no longer the Vizier. Please call me, Mara,” I said, trying to push back his dark thoughts. “I really would like to clear the air with you. I feel you may be holding onto anger towards me.”

  “I can promise I have no anger towards you.” He said with a frosty tone.

  Your time will end soon enough. You will know soon enough what it feels to lose again.

  “Good, then I will have the chance to get to know you better in the future,” I said. As I walked away from him, I turned to see him glaring at me.

  Brighid, I request you break my connection. There is nothing more I need to learn, I silently prayed.

  The necklace grew ice cold. A soft feeling ran across my forehead and I knew the connection was gone.

  By the time I reached Cole, I was ready to find a quiet place but I was eager to find out if he heard anything useful.

  “I don't know how you can handle all of this. It is draining hearing so many voices.”

  “You get used to it. I am much better at closing connections than I was at first.” Cole said.

  “Jameson was the only one I have sensed any bad feelings from. How about you?”

  “No one else,” Cole said. “A few of the women were a bit flirty but it was all very innocent

  “Yes, it is a pity you're no longer free,” I said.

  Pulling me into his arms, he kissed me on the cheek. “There is no pity needed. I am with my childhood sweetheart and the future mother of my little girl. Don't be jealous. You have your own fan club.” Cole nodded at Kai who was walking towards us.

  “How sweet,” Kai said. “Everyone is so glad to see you. Livia asked that you come to her cottage when you're free.”

  “Oh, is she not in the lodge with Faramond?” I asked. She had loved her father so much I was surprised she wouldn't want to live near him. When he had been slain by Snowystra, she pleaded for him to be restored. She lived in Snowstrum with him nearby but never being able to acknowledge him as her father.

  “No, she said she is old and set in her ways,” he said. “She also needs more space for her looms and her stained-glass projects. She has been quite busy with the restorations.”

  “Well, I guess we are done here,” I said. “Lead the way.”

  Chapter 24

  Livia's cottage was nestled in the back of the circle of homes. The view from her front porch faced the backside of the Lodge. Like her father's home, her windows were made from the same colorful stained glass designs. Livia's life had been spared by Snowystra. While she was captive, she was forced to silently witness the abuse of her people. Her tapestries recorded their stories and the threads of knowledge flowed through her predicting a Butterfly would be their savior.

  “Come, let me look at you,” Livia called, opening her arms wide to welcome us. She looked half the age she did when I had seen her last, her hair no longer silver but golden blonde. Placing her hands on my stomach, she smiled. “My father was right. Your daughter is strong with the Winter.” She furrowed her brows. “However, I feel something else.”

  She feels me, Marina. I will always be within you.

  “Is she ok?” I asked. A panic rose in me. “What do you feel?”

  Tilting her head, she said, “The child is fine. I just feel more than Winter inside you. Maybe, she is like you with many gifts or maybe I am just feeling your strong magic?”


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