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Mazy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 3)

Page 12

by Marnie Cate

  “Water,” I said, trying to hold back the laughter. “Come to me.”

  I had called a rainstorm and we were covered with large drops of water. As they splashed on the ground, winged seahorses appeared and rushed to Cole.

  “And finally, I call you Earth.”

  The ground began to shake. More winged creatures appeared. These had child-like faces attached to long wispy bodies.

  “Now call her, Mar,” Cole whispered.

  “Kinema Delli, we request—”

  “It took you long enough to call me.”

  The air around us being to glow an iridescent color. The winged elements left us, swarming to the light. One of the Earth beings sat on her hand.

  “My children only appear for those who are deserving. My little Ledli here would have sent them all away if you were not trusted,” she said. She held her companion up and whispered something inaudible to her. Ledli quickly flew away.

  “We have never seen anything like them before,” Cole said.

  “Your world tells stories of them. Of course, the accounts are never quite accurate. What imaginations mortals have,” she said, approaching Cole.

  “I have heard stories but I thought they were made up,” Cole said. “Do you know why we called you?”

  Laughing, she stroked his cheek. “Of course, I know why I am here. You have called me because of my son. Sadly, my sons and their descendants have been neglectful in educating their gifted. They give you the magic but not the knowledge.”

  “We are ready for the knowledge,” I said. “Please tell us what we need to know.”

  Turning to face me, she said, “Oh there is much more than I can tell you in one day. I cannot give you a lifetime of education now. What you want to know is how to stop Tannus but I won't interfere. There is no need for me to. You can stop him, Mara.”

  “I have no power to stop him.”

  “Oh, but you do,” she said.

  “Tell me how to do it then. Please,” I said.

  Reaching into the air above her, Kinema Delli cupped her hand as if she was holding something fragile. Extending the palms of her hands to us, she held a droplet of water.

  “Your world is so small. You look down on the ants and think that they are a tiny guest in your world. Have you ever wondered who was looking down on you?” she asked. “World inside world. Even the ants can do great things when they work together.”

  “But, I am not a god,” I insisted.

  The gods and goddesses seemed incapable of giving a direct answer.

  “You have been given great gifts. The both of you,” she said.

  Taking Cole's hand, she said, softly, “Sweet boy, even though your gift was taken from you, you will always bear the mark and Water will always respond to you.”

  Putting her hand on his heart, she said, “The empty void you have will one day be filled. The pain you still feel from the loss will be released.”

  Cole choked back a sob. Hanging his head, he whispered, “Thank you.”

  “As for you Mara, the child does bear the Winter. This does not mean she cannot live with you… if you choose wisely. There is always a way to stop a battle. My son is impulsive and scared – understandably. But even he can be reasoned with.”

  “And if I can't find a way to reason with him?”

  Her beautiful face became stern. “Then you're going about it the wrong way.”

  My patience had ended. There was no point in hearing her out if she wasn't going to tell me what I needed to know. “Why can no one just give a straight answer to my questions?”

  “You seek for others to do your work… to tell you how to live your life path. I cannot make the decisions that will control your destiny. You might need to sacrifice something to save what you want. But, the child within you is not your greatest worry right now. While you hide here, the world around did not stop. There are outside forces plotting against you. You should be more cautious. Worries you thought you left behind in Starten are closer than you think.”

  Her radiant glow was fading. “You are strong like Eliza, Mae and her mother before her. If only you would really embrace it.”

  “But I have,” I insisted.

  “You did stand against Snowystra but how long did it take you to get there because of your doubts? You are your own worst enemy, Mara. The force you have inside you should be enough. You should not need to be reminded of this. You have been given the strength. You were raised with it. The only thing you were missing was knowledge, which I have now given you. Go to your family. The time for your child to be born is coming soon but you already know this.”

  With those words, she faded away entirely. The air filled with small specks of light and the tightness in my stomach began again.

  “Mara, are you ok?” Cole asked.

  “Let's go back to the cottages. I think she is right and I should see Laura,” I said.

  “Is the baby coming now?” Cole asked.

  “I'm not sure.” I had an unsettling feeling.

  Soon. Marina, you will give birth to the child of my blood and you will restore the Shah to his power.

  Were the dark forces, Kinema talked about Snowystra? Had she somehow returned? My thoughts were halted by another sharp pain almost sending me to my knees.

  Chapter 31

  Cole and I walked back to the lodge in silence. Another contraction began and the gripping pain in my stomach halted me. Stopping to catch my breath, I closed my eyes and tried to force away the feeling. The baby wasn't supposed to come yet. I was not ready for my child to be born.

  “Mar you can't tell me that you're fine. Talk to me,” Cole said.

  “I think it's time,” I said. Tears filled my eyes, threatening to spill over.

  “Time?” Cole said, turning ghost white. “The baby really is coming?”

  As another cramp struck me, I nodded. “I think soon.”

  It felt like a giant had wrapped his hands around my waist and wouldn't stop squeezing. I called the calming presence of Air. Warm tendrils wrapped around me. The pressure lessened and I could continue walking. Livia's cottage appeared in the distance. I saw my sister standing on the porch.

  She met me at the steps. “When was your last contraction? Has your water broke?”

  I felt another strong contraction. “Right now,” I gasped. “But my water hasn't broken.”

  “They are close together. Minutes maybe. She has been in a lot of pain,” Cole said, wrapping his arm around me to help me walk.

  “Let's get you inside and comfortable,” Laura called from the doorway.

  They led me into the section of the house used for childbirth. The center room had a small kitchen and couches for the family of the mother to wait, with six birthing rooms around it. The cream walls of my room were adorned with Livia's tapestries, depicting women with their babies.

  I was hit again with a strong contraction. Warm liquid ran down my legs. If there was ever I time I needed my grandmother, it was right now.

  “I am not ready for this,” I cried. “We don't even have a plan to stop them from taking her.”

  “We can't worry about that now, Mar,” Cole said, hugging me.

  Stop sniveling. The Vizier would never behave like a weak Vetur.

  “Cole, promise me if you have any feelings of the Shah that you will tell me right away,” I said.

  “Mara, he is gone.”

  “Promise me,” I insisted.

  “I promise, Mar,” he said. “Please stop worrying. I will not become the Shah again and they are not going to take our child.”

  Another pain consumed me. “Air, please stop this. I am not ready,” I whispered.

  “We have to stop this. I can't have her now. Give me something to delay it. Please, I need more time.”

  The pain inside me grew stronger. I could no longer focus. The time had come. Soon I would have to face the truth.

  Chapter 32

  “Here's another kipia stick.”

  The small amou
nt of relief chewing the stick gave was not enough. The pain was so intense I felt like I was going to lose consciousness and drift away.

  Not now, I pleaded. Since my knowledge of the magic had returned, I had slipped into unconsciousness on numerous occasions to awaken in the presence of Gods. I needed to be alert and able to protect my daughter when she was born. I did not need to be off listening to enigmas.

  Cole stopped pacing and sat by me. Taking my hand, he said, “I'm here, Mara. I will not leave you.”

  As another strong contraction eased. I began to cry. “Where is my sister? Meg should be here.”

  I could hear Laura talking to me but the words weren't making sense. I felt myself slipping away. A pungent flower was held under my nose. The strong smell jerked me back.

  Pushing her hand away, I forced myself to focus on Laura. “On your next contraction, you're going to push,” Laura said.

  “I can't. I am not ready.”

  As if my body responded to her directions, I felt a strong pressure. This time it was no longer painful. Cole held my hand and counted with Laura. My body wouldn't obey me. I couldn't keep my child safe inside me. A stinging sensation sent tingles through my body. Don't let go. Don't let go. Then, it was too late and Laura held up my daughter before me.

  “It's a boy,” Laura said. “A beautiful baby boy, Mara”

  “It can't be,” I murmured. “I am carrying the Winter.”

  A boy? They were wrong. My child wasn't the Winter? He would be safe.

  Laura set the baby with a headful of bright red hair into my arms.

  “My son,” I murmured examining the baby in my arms. His skin was so hot against mine.

  The wrinkled child began to cry. “It's ok. Mommy's here,” I laughed through my tears, Gently, I kissed the small child on his cheek. “Tannus was wrong. I was not carrying the Winter?”

  A strong contraction filled me. I gasped in surprise. A wrenching pain silenced me from asking any more questions. “Something's not right,” I rasped.

  Another strong pressure to push built inside me.

  “Cole take the baby,” Laura commanded. She poked and prodded me. As she inspected me, the corners of her mouth went down.

  “What? What is wrong?” Cole asked.

  “Mara, I don't know how we missed this but you are not done. You have another baby coming.”

  * * *

  “Mara, you need to push again,” Laura said.

  “No, you are wrong. There is only one,” I cried. “Please, no. Not a girl.”

  This time I was aware and present for the delivery. I wanted to fight and stop the baby from being born but my body was working against me. I gave in to the pressure building inside me. One great final push and I collapsed back, closing my eyes.

  Please don't let them be right, I prayed.

  I heard the cry and opened my eyes. Laura was holding a baby girl. Her hair was snow white and her pale skin sparkled.

  “She is of the Winter,” I whispered.

  Yes, my power has been returned.

  “No, she can't be,” I sobbed.

  Cole wrapped his arms around me and held me as I cried. The birth of our children should not feel like mourning a loss. Releasing his hold on me, Cole swiped his pointer finger across my forehead. I didn't want to lose another person I loved.

  Laura gently laid the baby boy in my arms. He had was clean, his hair deep red like my mother's.

  “These are our children, Mar,” Cole said, taking the baby girl from Laura and placing her in my other arm. “And, this is our daughter. No matter what, Mara. She is ours and we will fight to not lose her.”

  Chapter 33

  Laura encouraged me to hold both babies against my skin. I wasn't ready to be a mother. They were so tiny as they wriggled against me.

  “I am going to clean up this little one and then she will be back to nurse,” Laura said, taking Mazie from my arms.

  “Cole will go with you,” I said, firmly.

  Kissing my cheek, he whispered, “I will watch over her, Mar.”

  I am not prepared for this, I thought staring down at my son. How am I going to feed one baby, let alone two? If I was still the queen, I would not have to take care of them. I could order Laura to look after them.

  “You're going to have to help me out,” I said to my baby boy.

  Smoothing his fiery locks, I guided him. He immediately understood what I wanted from him and quickly latched onto me. His little body felt so warm. Guilt overcame me for my selfish thoughts of giving my babies to someone else to be cared for. I was relieved when Livia entered the room.

  “Is he ok? He seems like he has a fever,” I said, stroking his hair from his face.

  “Your son has strong Fire magic, Mara,” Livia said. “Can't you feel his magic pulsing through you as he feeds?”

  As I looked down at my child, I felt so much love for him. I ran my fingers gently down his back. I did feel it. His strong magic was pulsing throughout his body. Focusing my mind on his suckling, it felt like threads of magic were being pulled from me.

  “I do feel his magic but it also feels like he is taking mine,” I said, softly.

  “It is not surprising he would have strong Fire magic. He shared a womb with Winter,” Livia said. “He is only taking a small bit of yours. Don't worry, your magic will replenish and his will grow stronger. Just relax.”

  Mazie's wails filled the room announcing Laura's return. She looked even lighter being held against Laura's dark dress. Guilt filled me. The sight of my daughter should not make me feel so wary.

  “He's not done yet,” I said. Shamefully, I hoped Livia would send Laura away.

  Livia took Mazie from Laura and rested her in my other arm. “I know this was a surprise but you will get used to taking care of two children at the same time, Mara. It is time to feed your daughter.”

  Are you going to let the servants talk to you like that, Marina? How soon they have forgotten your power.

  “Mazie. Remember, her name is Mazie. I will feed my daughter when I think the time is right,” I said, glaring at Livia.

  Livia picked up Mazie and handed her to Laura. Our eyes locked and her focus became so intent as if she was searching my mind.

  “Have you named the boy?” Livia asked. This time, I did not refuse Mazie when she placed her in my arms.

  I shook my head and averted my eyes away from her. There had only been one child to consider during my pregnancy. We had talked about naming him after my grandfather but what would you name a child whose other half would be taken from him? It would be wrong to separate twins. When they took my daughter, would I have to let them take both?

  “Well… then,” Livia said. “We will leave you to bond with your babies. Call if you need me. I will be at my loom.”

  Her sudden departure made me wonder if she was seeing the path my children would travel. Mazie began crying.

  “Now, now, Mazie,” I said, preventing her from slipping out of my arms. “Can't you be sweet like your brother? You know I am new at this. Can't you be patient with me?”

  Where is Cole? He should be back by now. Why did he let Mazie out of his sight? My frustration built and I knew I needed to calm myself. My temper was not helping.

  “Air, I welcome you and ask for your blessings on my children. Please send your calming touch,” I pleaded.

  A wave of warm Air blew over us. The element quieted Mazie's crying. Comforted, I tried to get her to feed. Unlike her brother, Mazie resisted nursing. Not being able to console her was frustrating. As she pulled away from me, I realized what was wrong. She needed to be closer to her twin.

  “I hope this works,” I said, as I crossed their bodies.

  It was only when her twin grasped her hand she truly calmed and I could coax her into feeding. In contrast to his heat, she was ice cold. There was a sharp stinging feeling and again I felt like I was being drained.

  “I need someone's help. She is pulling too much of my magic,” I called out. Gently
, I held her away from my breast. Taking away her food source upset her and she began yowling.

  “Livia, please come back. I need you,” I called again.

  “I am here. I will take her,” Cole said from the doorway.

  Cole gently picked up Mazie. Rocking her, he kissed her cheek. “Don't worry, little one. You will eat.”

  Once she was quieted, Cole tried to put her back in my arms but I moved away.

  “No, Cole,” I said. “I can't feed her like this. She is hurting me. She is stripping me of my magic.”

  Cole paced as he rocked Mazie. “I got it. Remember how you protected your magic when you were in Snowstrum? Why don't you try and see if that helps?”

  Slowly breathing, I called to my elements and asked them to conceal themselves in a shell-like barrier. I felt my power retreating. My son whimpered and I knew he had felt it leave.

  “Ok, I will try again,” I said, not hiding my worry. “Just stay close.”

  Mazie greedily latched onto me and began to feed.

  “You are beautiful, Mar,” Cole said, taking our sleeping son from me. “We need to name this little guy. Do we still want to use Chester's middle name? What do you think if we name him Finn?”

  “No!” I said, harsher than I had planned. “We are not naming anyone without Meg. She already missed the birth. She needs to be a part of this in some way. Wait. Where is Meg?”

  Your sister is insignificant.

  A queasiness overcame me.

  Part Two: Meg

  Chapter 34

  Miles had been so reckless. He has gone to look for Mara and Cole and, despite knowing the forest better than all of us, had got lost. I was going to miss my niece being born, while I am marching through the forest looking for him. We had only been here a little over two months and, even though I missed Starten, I had grown to love Eftir like it was my second home. Although I would have preferred to not be wandering around in the dark while Mara needed me.

  I followed a familiar trail, losing myself in the last time I had walked this way. Back then I was still new to the forest.

  “Why so quiet, Meg?” Dunn had said, peeling back the bark of a tree and giving it to me.


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